sewedo1 Member


  • I often order vegetarian fajitas and don't eat the shells. If served with rice and beans, I'll eat just a bite or two of each.
  • You'll feel better if you eat healthier most of the time. It is possible to have balance with occasional less heathly choices. You may need to slowly add in more healthful items until your body and taste buds become accustomed to better foods.
  • If you love the exercise, and plan for it to be a part of your lifestyle for years to come, then don't stop. It might help to stop trying to eat all those caloried "back" and start listening to your body for hunger signs and allowing some occsional reasonable splurges. Changing up your exercise/eating routine from…
  • Chobanie Greek Yogurt in black cherry, blueberry, apple are my favorite flavors. I eat it just about every morning with a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. The protien keeps me full.
    in Yogurt Comment by sewedo1 June 2012
  • What about baking your piece of chicken with all those yummy herbs. Maybe your husband will eventually get curious enough to try "your" foods once he sees them being enjoyed. I eat fried from time-to-time, just remove the skin and have a smaller portion. Sounds like better communication is needed in many areas, so when…
  • You're absolutely on the right track....good luck!
  • I reached my goal, but those last 10 pounds did take awhile. I found that I was able to lose the last few pounds more quickly after I ate at maintenance a few weeks, and then cut down to a half-pound loss. I've been at my goal (fluctuate within a 4-pound range) since the beginning of March; however, I'm considering trying…
  • greek yogurt, beans, nuts, fish, eggs.......are some of my favorites
  • 17 calories in a large egg white and 72 in a whole egg. The cholesterol rich center contains lots of E, A, C, D, K, B12, B6 and much more which the white does not have. Sometimes I go for the protien rich white (although yolk has a good amt too) on a sandwich, but I don't completely avoid the yolks by any means. Happy egg…
  • The closer I got to my goal weight, the lower I set my goal for "pounds per week" on MFP. I was set at .5 pounds for a couple of months before reaching my goal. I also ate at maintenance for a few weeks and then backed up to the .5 loss. I now maintain within a 4 pound range. Psychologically, it did take some adjustment to…
  • I personlly love breakfast, but it's the one meal that I like to keep very simple and constant. I have greek yogurt and plain oatmeal. One of my sons does not like breakfast, but he will drink milk or a ready-prepapred smoothie/protien shake. You might try a drink option rather than a solid food.
  • Olive oil, walnuts, almonds, salmon, Smart Balance butter , flaxseeds (I like in oatmeal) are some ways I get the HDL increasing effects in foods. I also take a fish oil suppliment daily. Exercise, weight loss, and not smoking increase HDL. My HDL and LDL and triliglicerides were in great ranges at my MD visit last month…
  • Inviting her to go along with exercise is a great way to get her moving and to get the two of you together. It may help her to open up to you more about her health if you're spending time and we know exercise helps with depression, too. I think it's best not to tell her that she "needs" to diet or exercise, rather, focus…
  • Could be signs of infection, hormonal imbalance, psychosis, or dementia. He should see a doctor as soon as possible and you should arrange to go to the visit with him to explain the behaviors you've seen (the problem is not always easily diagnosed without supporting info from family). Don't be surpised if your Dad denies…
  • 5"10' Medium Frame SW 202 GW 168 (reached yesterday at 167.8:) 47 years old Started MFP 8/11/11 with goal reached 3/5/12
  • I don't think there is any way to spot reduce a specific area. I am built like my mother, with a larger belly, and smaller in the butt and legs. Although my mother has always been in her target weight range, her shape shines through. I can see that my belly has better shape since I've combined my cardio/fat burning…
  • I am 47 years old, in my second marriage for 3 years. I have 19 and 16 year old sons and 2 adult step-sons. I am a medical speech pathologist and my husband is a pastor. I enjoy giving and receiving support from the variety of people on this site. I've lost 32.8 pounds since 8/11 and have 1 pound to goal, but plan to press…
  • There are always ups and downs in our lives. This journey is one that is possible through it all. You may have to make adjustments depending on the crisis, but know that you will come through.
  • It must feel great to be making progress, keep up the good work.
  • It is not normal to have a lot of hari loss when attempting to lose weight using diet and exercise. I would suspect hyperthyroidism; however, other medical causes could be the culprit. We all lose quite a bit of hair daily, but anything more than the "usual" should be checked by your MD>
  • Oatmeal and Chobani fruit-flavored greek yogurt
  • bananas are fine....ignor the sidebars and ads
  • 5'10, 30 lost, anyone add if you want.
  • Praying you'll continue to feel the loving arms of our Lord during this difficult time. So sorry for your great loss.
  • I was thinking something similar this morning. Since I reached 170, I seem to go up a pound and down a pound but always hovering 170. I set my goal at 168 (5"10', medium frame) and I have set a .5 pound loss for about a month now. Was wondering if I need to re-set to 1 pound and change-up my exercise again.
  • My levels have been deficient for about 2 years and am hoping levels will be up this month at my physical. I take prescription D weekly plus a multi-vit with D daily. My levels went down for unknown reasons about 6 months after my low levels were discovered even when taking suppliments so I've been on this higher-dose…
  • You can choose to eat the same foods, if you want, just smaller portions. Sometimes making different choices and having different foods available influences others to enjoys your favorites as well. You can't spot reduce, but your tummy will respond as you lose weight and exercise.
  • Get checked for arthritis. I was checked for rheumatiod arthritis last year, but thus far have not recieved the diagnosis (and hope this auto-immune type doesn't pan out). I do have some mild osteoarthritis (often associated with age or over-use/injury). My joint pain subsided for many months, especially as I began to take…
  • MFP really sets protien too low....hopefully, someone on here can help you determine the best level for you. I use the calories as a better gauge than the categories, espeically for protien.
    in help?? Comment by sewedo1 February 2012