Day 25, Level 3 done. Heading up north for my sister's wedding this weekend. Hopefully I can con my mom into doing a few workouts with me!
Day 24, Level 3 done. Haven't been feeling well, so I took off yesterday.
WOOOOO! Whirl wind past week!. After my huge presentation, I am now 4 or 5 days behind with Jillian (I can't remember if I did it last Tuesday or not... so I'll just pretend I didn't, just in case)!! I've completed 23 days. 10 Days at Level 1, 10 Days at Level 2 and now 3 Days on Level 3. I'll be doing doubles to start…
Day 20, Level 2 done! Moving on to level 3 tomorrow!!
Day 19, Level 2 done! Almost did all of the plank thrusts. 1 more day of level 2... and then level 3. Oh dear.
Didn't have a chance to post yesterday... but Day 18, Level 2 done yesterday evening. I only got 2 hours of sleep on Thursday night because of a big presentation I have coming up, so I didn't get up and shred first thing. To all of you evening shredders, how do you do it!!?? Knowing I had to be accountable on this thread…
Day 17, Level 2. Wow... is level 3 really that close!?! Slightly terrified. Bum knee still can't handle the double jump rope, grrrr. But I definitely see improvements over the first couple days of level 2. I'm so close to being able to do all of the plank thrusts (name?) Natalie's way. I don't eat anything for 30 DS, but…
Windy, not WENDY, Windy... Yes, I know it's windy outside... yes, I've been to the Windy, my middle name is not gusty or stormy... ugh, so many more! It's a terrible song by the Association. My mom was crazy.
For the whole shred, I've been going in the morning... I find it's easier than having it looming over my head all day. My husband gets up at the same time, so it's not too difficult to get up. In college, I used to put my alarm (my very annoying alarm) across the room. That way, I had to get up to shut it off. It also…
Hey Shredders! Day 16, Level 2 done. Wasn't so bad today and even bumped up the weights a couple pounds (on a select few exercises, haha). I also despise the squat thrusts!!
How about putting a huge note on your desk (or your forehead for emphasis ;)) that says "I DON'T WANT A DAMN BAGEL!"
Congrats!! You look amazing!
Go for it. You'll more than likely feel better after working out the second time since it will help you loosen the muscles again.
Day 15, Level 2 done (Day 9 with the group). It happened, but I don't know when.. haha, but I lost the soreness in my butt - it was killer when I first started L2. Definitely getting easier - might make my husband give it a shot this weekend! But right now I would like some help and advice!!!!! I opened up my food diary…
My husband is 5'10'' and 135 lbs... he takes after his father and is skinny
On the boredom conversation... I've done the music while turning the tv down. That definitely helps. But I really try to push myself a little harder each time and really focus on doing the exercises exactly right and making them difficult. Their jumping jacks are large and explosive. Even having your legs in the right…
Taper :). Cut your normal runs in half... since I don't know what distance you've been running. 1.5 miles every day would be fine. You can even take a day off; however, the day before the race make sure to do a short run just to loosen up the muscles! Also, new studies have shown that you should carbo-load 2 days before…
Day 14, Level 2 (Day 8, with you all :)) Definitely getting a little better at Level 2.. will probably have to increase the weights. Oh and screw you plank thrusts! And my left knee is giving me some problems. It's not form; I know I'm doing everything correctly (I've always had crappy knees). I have to take it a bit…
Doesn't bother me :)
It's just a fake sugar. Real sugar does the same thing. I wouldn't worry about it.
Missed a day of updating the thread, but I did Day 12, Level 2 yesterday...and Day 13, Level 2 this morning. Level 2 lunges and squats are killing my backside! haha. Good job everyone!
Hi shredders! Day 11, Level 2 done! (Day 5 with you all :)). Let me tell you, Level 2 was a struggle for me! I only had to modify the push-ups in Level 1...but I had to do A LOT of the modified versions in Level 2. So, I'm a little disappointed with myself. But it can only get better right? Maybe it was because I added on…
Haha, I would never allow that. My husband is banned from the room for the entire 25 minutes!
My dog Riley does this!! It's especially frustrating during push-ups, haha. They are hard enough already without a dog trying to lick your face :)
Tall Brett Favre or Aaron Rogers?
ice cream with milk and chocolate powder in a huge bowl every single night for at least a year... so delicious
Basic shin help: do ABCs with your feet to strengthen the muscle. (There's a ton more exercises if you just google them, but the ABCs are the easiest and can be done while sitting at a desk :) ). Also make sure your calves are stretched out/warmed-up well. Lots of people get shin injuries because their calves are stronger…
rich is right. Definitely burn more calories in the cold.
Hi shredders! Day 4, Level 1 complete (Day 10, Level 1 solo). Moving onto level 2 tomorrow... slightly nervous! I also did all of my push-ups the non-girly way! :) Does anyone else get annoyed when Jillian says "a couple more" -- to me that means 2 not 10! haha. Keep it up everyone!