

  • windyweather88
    ok so i realised this morning that i just cant do the shred anymore - its boring for me (i've done it more than once already you see) so i've stuck on ripped in 30 this morning instead.

    noone minds if i carry on posting on this thread do they?

    Doesn't bother me :)
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    Shoo.. I have completed D6L1 on Saturday.. Took Sunday off as my knee was a tad sore.. But completed D7L1 this morning. I don't want to fall behind so will attempt D8L1 this afternoon when I get home.

    Can anyone help me understand why my one knee is sore only. Is it because of the impact on the exercises or could it be the girl pushups on a tiled floor. It's not unbearably sore or anything. In fact it felt okay when I did the shred this morning but it's still sore now a little.

    I'm not sure but just one of my knees hurt also. the left one :)
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    ok so i realised this morning that i just cant do the shred anymore - its boring for me (i've done it more than once already you see) so i've stuck on ripped in 30 this morning instead.

    noone minds if i carry on posting on this thread do they?

    Nope, not at all!!! Can't wait to see your results from Ripped. I want to try that one when I'm done with shred :)
  • windyweather88
    Day 14, Level 2 (Day 8, with you all :)) Definitely getting a little better at Level 2.. will probably have to increase the weights. Oh and screw you plank thrusts!

    And my left knee is giving me some problems. It's not form; I know I'm doing everything correctly (I've always had crappy knees). I have to take it a bit easier on the jumping jacks during the warm-up and I can't do the double jump rope. Rather annoying because I could do both just fine yesterday (although my knee has been bothering me for at least a week). I'll be icing it twice a day and watching myself on the 2 exercises it hurts during.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I went away this weekend and didn't do any shredding. So I have to catch up 3 days with all of you! I'll double up this week until I've caught up. I think I'm moving on the level 2 today. Wish me luck!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I followed Ripped with 40 mins yoga today, what a workout my whole body feels like jelly now lol!!

    and to top it off, i forgotten to take my time sheets into work so just had to cycle the 2 miles uphill (with the toddler on the bike seat) to get them in on time ouch ouch ouch!!

    Still got to get my eating in order! and i'm going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in around 5 years!!
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    YAY finally I figure this out....found the new thread here! Day 5 & 6 done, missed Day 7 will try to do two shots of it today. EIther way I'm back at it today!

    I realize in order for the 30 DS to really work wonders you have to pair it with eating well so I'm wondering, what is a typical day look like (food wise) for you? I'm trying to get back on track with my eating after a much over-indulgent summer. 6 lbs put on over the summer=not good!!!! :blushing:
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    Day 7 Level 1 complete
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    Completed Day 7 of Level 1 last night, so one week in! Going to see if I can double up tonight to get back to 8 days like I started and to start prepping me for level 2.

    I realize in order for the 30 DS to really work wonders you have to pair it with eating well so I'm wondering, what is a typical day look like (food wise) for you? I'm trying to get back on track with my eating after a much over-indulgent summer. 6 lbs put on over the summer=not good!!!! :blushing:

    I have a couple of variations, but this morning for breakfast I had one medium sized egg, scrambled with mushrooms (sometimes I use squash too). I take a piece of 12 grain bread and half it and toasted the half then cut off the crust (hate crust and it cuts down the bread size) and spread peanut butter (super crunchy). I also had a handful of seedless red grapes and a cup of 2% milk. A breakfast like this usually lasts me well into lunch... especially if I have peanut butter that can keep my full for a looong time

    For lunch I have a mixture of red lettuce and spinach with grilled lime chicken to go on top and 2-3 dessert spoons of olive oil for dressing.

    For mid afternoon snack I have a snack bag of red grapes and a baby banana (its so cute!)

    Dinner menu tonight is turkey, I got a turkey breast roast and the leftovers should last me a few days for various other things. The turkey is kind of vague at this point, so I will talk about last nights dinner. I had fish tacos last night. I oven baked a swai fillet until it was perfectly white and flakey, used a fork to shred it into a bowl then mixed in lemon juice and fresh cilantro, served it onto two snack sized tortillas and topped with spinach and avacado
  • paul121703lilly
    over the weekend did day 4,5,6 and 7 level 1..
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    yay i found the thread again! I got lost ! hahahah! Im thinking of moving upto L2 today ... its should be L1 D5 for me .. but im not working up much of a sweat anymore with L1 ... I may also start combining levels 1 and 2 .. il see how i go! xxx
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member

    I realize in order for the 30 DS to really work wonders you have to pair it with eating well so I'm wondering, what is a typical day look like (food wise) for you? I'm trying to get back on track with my eating after a much over-indulgent summer. 6 lbs put on over the summer=not good!!!! :blushing:

    Depends on what your calorie allowance is i suppose, I tend to have a homemade smoothie, bananas mango pineapple and oj, for breakfast, i'll eat a yoghurt at some point, normally a slimming world recipe for dinner and whatever for lunch.

    I'm finding the food thing hard right now i've just moved my goals to maintenance so that i dont have to worry about eating back my exercise calories (i have issues with this which normally involves chocolate) so now i'm having to eat more (as i've got a higher calorie goal) so i'd be interested to hear answers too...
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Well the cold and flu season has arrived. It started Saturday and today my sinuses feel like they are going to explode. I don't know that I'll make it through my workout tonight. I'll have to double up when I feel better. Keep trucking along everyone!
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Day 6 for me Level 1. Still sore but getting use to it now and it's getting a little easier for me now. I can't wait to see results because I sure do feel them. :bigsmile:
  • Leobaby
    Leobaby Posts: 97 Member
    Ok, I couldn't do the shred on saturday night or yesterday :(

    I change the flooring in all the lower floor so i had to be moving furniture, cleaning, washing curtains and such, lots of work but still wasn't able to exercise properly... I'll be back tonight and i hope be able to catch up next saturday-sunday with a double session every day....

    Anyway, I'll be back in a few with the spreadsheet updated!

    Let's begin the week with the most fantastic spirit people!
  • Leobaby
    Leobaby Posts: 97 Member
    Whew, just finished Day 6 on Lvl 3 still, my fav of the levels. I also included 6 week 6 pack afterwards and burnt more calories with it than the Shred. I will be incorporating that in so most days I will be doing both dvds. If I feel up to it later today ( I mean it is Saturday for goodness sake) I will also do some Leslie Sansone walking.

    So, jrhstarlight, you have done Level 3 by 6 times???
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Whoooop!! :drinker:

    I'm pleased to report that I have done my shred already today, my son is off school today, half term break, sometimes this can make it difficult to get my workout in so I made a point to get it done nice and early.
    I am still using the 7lbs weights, I have been able to do all the anterior raises with them again but they are still pretty tough the last few really are a struggle but I'm sticking with it as I'm feeling results, I caught myself in the mirror and was nicely surprised to find myself looking a bit more toned in the shoulder and chest area, and only one week in!!! I will keep going with this for now, might move up to level 2 later in the month if I feel I'm not progressing but I think I will actually benefit from doing 30 days of this.

    I still have a cold or something, am really struggling with energy, feel like going back to bed, I slept well last night but still feel washed out, hope it passes soon.

    I'm doing better with food today but still not perfect, the trouble with me is I have stomach issues so so much is out of bounds at the moment, my stomach has been really bad this last week so I am eating a lot of bread which seems to calm it down.

    Well done to everyone who is working their tails off in this challenge, it's great to read all your reports and see how your all doing, lets keep up the good work xxxx :flowerforyou:
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    Wow, day 8, level 1 done. I never thought I could do this twice in one day even with TOM. Thumbs up. Gonna have a warm bath and an early night.
    Happy Shredding everyone.
  • fitjunk
    fitjunk Posts: 160 Member
    D7L1 done
  • fitjunk
    fitjunk Posts: 160 Member
    OOppss..D8L1..almost lost a hard days work there!^^^^^