

  • I now know more about peoples morning poop habits then I ever wanted to.
  • My partner is allergic to peanuts but I love peanut butter. not safe to have in the house. we found soynut butter by IM Healthy. VERY good! it is the most like peanut butter (and it's lower in fat) then any of the other nut butters I've tried.
  • my favorite smoothy is the simplest. It is just 3 ingredients: orange juice, frozen pineapple tidbits and 1 scoop of Aria Women's protein powder (which is much much lower in the carb dept then most protein powders). it's filling and I get to feel like I'm having a milkshake! yum.
  • I log it as "Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist" and just track the number of minutes I'm doing it. I think that it comes up a little low in the calorie count because some of the songs kick my tush! but then I'm out of shape right now...I take that back, I'm getting back into shape now. there, that was better. so…
  • motivation is the hardest thing. for me I have to make small changes and then I have to constantly congratulate myself for them. And if you can find someone to partner with...even if for just one small thing like taking a walk at lunchtime a few days a really helps keep you motivated. I do this and the days when…
  • I know what you mean! I also hate it when people harp on the one thing that they ate that they think is so so horrible. like they freak out because they ate a hot dog last night. it's one flippin hot dog and it may not be the best choice but frankly it's not going to kill you and technically you could lose weight eating…
  • Here's a tip to make ALL soups taste better: use homemade stock. Now let me just say I'm no Martha Stewart and I tend to be lazy but once I realized how incredibly easy it is to have stock on hand whenever I make soup I do it. Next time you make a whole turkey or chicken just plop the carcass into a big pot, cover it with…
  • I am SOOOOO having problems fitting working out into my schedule. we have a 5 month old and there's just so little time in the day to spend with him. I know the best thing would be for me to get my lazy tush outa bed earlier but I am finding being a 40 year old mom to an infant is exhausting!
  • Yep it's TOTALLY worth it! thanks and happy mother's day to you all (you too casper!)
  • If you must have them sweet try making your own honey butter - but I'd recommend portioning out the honey butter before you sit down to eat so you don't overdo it. I also add cinnamon - really adds to the flavor and makes you think you're having something sweeter than you actually are. I also make sweet potato baked fries…
  • I hear you & I'm with you! for me it's no alcohol and no sweets for Lent.
  • Hello fellow survivors of the pandasnowdium. I'm in MD too. I did NOT do well these past several days. I started out great - between shoveling, shoveling, shoveling and the wii I stayed pretty active for a few days. but then I was sore from all of the shoveling and I was able to get out and restock the shelves between…
  • I think it's pretty good. I weigh myself at home about once a week on a scale and at work once a week also (we're doing a biggest loser competition) - it's really about right in the middle of those two scales for me.
  • the "betrayal" to your sister would be if you DIDN'T do this for yourself. Good for you for figuring that out!
  • You have my sympathy. Mine would be a little different: Dear Time Police, Please stop looking at the clock every day when I get to work. I know I get here about 15 minutes after you. I also stay about 1/2 hour or more after you leave. I also find the time in the day to get some actual work done. Perhaps you'd like to try…
    in Ranting! Comment by moujie February 2010
  • is not: ...on the couch in front of the tube wasting away hours of a perfectly decent day but could found be: ...on my bike seat ...on the elliptical
  • boy can I relate! I'm just feeling generally pooty lately. I think I need a week somewhere tropical.
  • I don't know about eating these in the car but...I LOVE morningstar farms breakfast patties - it's soy sausage. I put one in the micro for about 40 seconds and hold it in a paper towel and eat it while I'm getting ready for work. gives me a little bit of protein in the morning. I also frequently bring a packet of oatmeal…
  • barley rissotto is SOOOOO good.
  • log it first and decided whether or not it's really worth it. If you have the calories and you still want it then go for it. and keeping snacks at your desk is a great idea - have choices that are better for you but that you still actually like to eat.
  • eveyone has different opinions on this but it comes down to calories...technically you could eat nothing but junk and still lose weight. you'll feel like crap but it can be done. a little "bad" food now and then keeps me honest. I log it and if it's within my calories then I do NOT feel bad about it.
  • losing weight and smaller chest = ability to wear sexy backless dress at next cocktail party. there are all sorts of plusses to ofset the minus. besides if it's about living up to wedding night promises I bet you could show him a whole LIST!
  • good mojo comin' your way!
  • If you love to dance you will love it - you don't even need the board - you just hold the controller thingy in one hand and follow the moves of the dancer on screen.
  • I was basically on restricted activity the whole month of December (had surgery on Dec 2) so I got way out of the habit. It is hard to motivate yourself once again. We got the wii for christmas and at first we were just "playing" with it - which is activity yes but a work out, no. but then I bought the "just dance" game -…
  • I have a reebok. I really like it. got it from costco for around $800. I had a cheapo one that I got for $199 but I ended up not using it after awhile because the motion wasn't smooth enough - it was HORRIBLY squeeky after a few weeks and no matter where I put the wd40 it never stopped sqeeking. That said I have a cheap…
  • start with small changes and goals that you know you can accomplish. sometimes you can't jump into the deep end of the pool right gotta get wet a little bit at a time. Are there things you can give up (like sodas, late night snacking) that wouldn't really be too hard and will make a difference in your weight…
  • sweets for sure. I must have something after dinner for dessert. I keep all sorts of options on hand that aren't as bad - one piece of dark chocolate or something like that. I've tried quitting cold turkey and I can make it for a few days and then I just go crazy so it's better for me to have the options available and…
  • well this may be oversimplification but - if your bmr is say 2000 calories a day then any deficit is positive correct? so if you work out for 10 minutes, 5 days a week and only burn 50 calories doing it...then that's 250 calories that you've burned in the week. Now you may not burn any fat that way but to say it's not…