christadoud Member


  • I have been doing some Jillian Michaels DVD's, and they are very good (but some of her moves are insanely hard), and walking. I will start running again outside when the weather gets better. I am lucky to have an inexpensive health club close by so that I can use the track there to walk. Does the Y have a tiered membership…
  • I am in the same boat! I lost 20 and then gained it all back and then some. Remind yourself that it is a journey- we are both back on the right track !
  • I read somewhere that weight loss is really 80% about your food intake and only 20% about your exercise. So my advice would be to really watch your food intake and diary everything you eat. BTW - 5 lbs is a great start so don't get too discouraged :)!
  • cardio cardio cardio. And then some more cardio. Seriously, that is the only way- you can do situps forever but won't change a thing until the fat layer is gone..
  • You look awesome! Whatever you are doing it is working- keep it up :)
  • I really like P90X- I alternate it with my running days and have really noticed a difference in my body. I will say get a heart rate monitor. Some people really do burn quite a few calories in P90X but I never really do unless it is Plyometrics. The most I burn is around 250-300. I know this makes me the exception. I do…
  • The heart rate monitor is the most accurate. MFP is basically just an estimate. I have found the HRM is pretty close to MFP on cardio but MFP is way too high for strength training.
  • congrats on giving up smoking! You will experience many health benefits from that choice alone !! I have been on this site since April and it has helped me so much! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wow I could have wrote this exact same post 6 mos ago when I joined. I have lost weight since then by using this great site... it helps me stay motivated. Please feel free to friend me :)
  • wow you should be very proud of yourself!! Great work!
  • I don't know anything about this particular diet, but 500 calories a day sounds dangerous, and not sustainable. She will definetly lose weight, and then I would be willing to bet, gain it all back when she is off the diet. She is not learning anything about healthy eating and exercise. I would stick to MFP if I were you,…
  • Suprisingly my back fat went first, which I am thrilled about. My face looks a little hollow though, not thrilled about that !
  • after having 3 kids i am thinking i will do the same when i reach my goal weight! sending you a friend request because I would like to hear about it when you have it done!
  • I think the standard answer to this question is the lighter the weight, the more repitions you do and you acheive a leaner look. If you are going for bulk, you go for a higher weight and less repitions. That being said, I disagree with the convention that women can't bulk up- I have seen bulked up women and have looked…
  • Try
  • Great post! I feel the same way:) I have been on the site 50 days now and I finally feel like I have some control over my eating habits. Thanks for sharing!
  • when my mother , who recently lost some weight, gave me some of her old clothes.
  • I read your profile and see that you training for a marathon. That's awesome! I will definetly send you a friend request, I am a runner as well , only my goal now is to do a 10k. You sound really motivated, you should take the weight off in no time :)
  • I am sorry for the loss of your baby. I agree with lucky- it is always better to be in the best physical shape you can be in, pregnancy can be very hard on a womans body.
  • Try not to use Slim Fast, it is full of sugar. Up your exercise a little bit , and do some strength training types of exercises. Thanks to your family for your service to our country :)
    in Plateau! Comment by christadoud May 2011
  • Thank you for your service to our country. Sending positive thoughts your way- it looks like you have been trying hard to prepare- hopefully you pass easily :)
  • You can do it - I'm sending you a friend request- I am 40ish also. You will find great support/motivation/ and information on this site :) Glad you are here!
  • I am 5'4 small boned also. My goal is 110, but I am a lot further away from it than you are :). Hopefully YOU can motivate me! Sending a friend request your way.
  • I am a social/emotional eater. Hunger has very little to do with what/when/why I eat. It is a constant challange. Lately I have been scheduling cheat days ( I allow 6 a year plus major holidays). we will see how that works ! Sorry I can't offer any real advice, but I feel your pain.
  • Just stick with the bent knee push ups for a while- they work really well. eventually you will be able to do a traditional push up. Good for you for trying :)
  • request sent :)! Congratulations on your weight loss so far!
  • I have always had veins even when I was thin! Spider veins and varicose veins. I think it is hereditary and when you gain weight , or get pregnant, they get worse. I think losing weight does not really help, you do need surgery to get rid of them. If the varicose veins hurt or cause you problems (they may as you get older)…
  • I was in a car accident yesterday and afterwards came home and had two cookies. I felt horrible afterwards- don't recommend it!! Its hard not to stress eat!!!
  • Thats funny ! Good luck ignoring it all day. It is funny how your sweet tooth diminishes after a few torture ridden weeks of dieting.
  • I'm having a problem with the sugar intake also. Most of it is from fruit. Does the body process the sugar from fruit differently than say, the sugar from a candy bar? I hope so !! If the body does track it differently, then I wish MFP would divide the categories into good / bad sugar. I go over the sugar limit almost…
    in SUGAR Comment by christadoud April 2011