

  • I have started having Fiber One 90 calorie brownies. They are really tasty and will satisfy a chocolate craving. Sometimes I need to have something crunchy and I'll eat Wheat Thins. I especially like the Garden Variety ones, that are full of fiber
  • I eat Ghiradella Twilight Delight chocolate squares. I buy a bag of them and trained myself to only have one at a time. Some days I'll have more than one, but usually it does the trick, and there's only around 70 calories in a single square. The darker the chocolate, the better it is for you and this stuff is like 76% dark…
  • Sounds like you've got the right attitude. When I first started trying to lose weight, I got really disheartened when a week would go by and I hadn't lost anything. I've now been using MFP for almost 10 months and have lost 30+ pounds! I think the website really helped, both with being able to see everything I eat in a day…
  • I think if you take birth control and keep taking it, through your off week, you won't have a period. I don't know how healthy it is to *never* have a period. I think there's also something like Yaz or some such thing where you only have 4 periods a year.
  • Shape Ups. I don't really believe that they help you lose weight or anything, but they are very comfortable and stopped my feet going numb on the elliptical.
  • Wow. You look amazing! And in just 6 months?! Thank you for sharing your pictures, they truly are an inspiration
  • Don't give up! Keep going! You'll end up mad at yourself if you quit now, you're so close to your goal. Maybe you are stuck in a plateau? They always say the last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose (I wouldn't know, as I'm no where near close to my last 10 pounds!), so just keep trying. Sounds like you might need some new…
  • That sounds like a good idea. I have started doing push ups this month - trying to keep my body guessing by changing up my routine every month. I've got some weights, so I might try that. Thanks!
  • It's hard in the beginning, just keep going. You'll probably have slow and fast periods of weightloss, you just have to push through the show times. Keep up the good work!
  • I think it's good to have a scale if you can not be obsessive about it. I didn't have one for a long time, and had no idea how much I weighed. When I finally got one, I was shocked at how much I weighed. It really helped to spur me on to lose weight. I weigh myself every couple of days, before a shower, but I only log it…
  • In my face. I have a picture from July and one from November, and you can really see it. That double chin is gone! ha. I have also had to put two new holes in my belt (after having to *buy* a belt!). And I'm more confident in wearing tighter clothes. I don't like the way I look, swallowed up by my clothes.
  • I wear Shape Ups when I do it. I was having the same problem wearing just normal tennis shoes, but as soon as I wore my Shape Ups it was alright. You wouldn't think it, since you are even *more* on your toes, but it definately worked for me.
  • I know how you feel. It's really hard to get the motivation and even harder to keep it! I've gotten now to where my breakfast and exercise routine are just that - a routine. It helps that I don't have to think about it, I just do it. I make a cup of coffee with a tbsp of creamer and half a cup of oatmeal with a little milk…
  • Maybe you are gaining muscle? Especially if you have joined a gym and used a trainer. Try not to feel too down about it. Take a look in the mirror. Do you look different? Are you happy with the changes? That's what you really need to focus on, not what the scale says. It could also be a fluke weigh in. Is it getting close…
  • I've got the rest of February to lose 2 more pounds and then I'll have lost 30lbs in 6 months. So it is definately doable! I might have even lost more than that, but I have a few setbacks and took a month off counting calories and exercising (I was travelling, so it was kind of hard to keep track of! lol) I didn't do a…
  • I found it really hard to drink all the water that's recommended at first. It takes real dedication at first, and you really have to push yourself. I started by having a glass first thing in the morning, before breakfast, before anything, with my vitamins. I have this water bottle that holds 4 cups and try and make sure I…
  • I'm 24, graduated university last year and have been spending the time since trying to get in better shape. Feel free to add me :)
  • I was going to the bathroom regularly (if not a lot! lol), and I was exercising throughout the day - 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there, so I think that's where it came from. I had 2 cups of coffee yesterday, (I usually only have 1), so maybe that was making me more dehydrated. We'll see how today goes and if I drink as…
  • Okay, thanks. I didn't think it was too much. I mean, I know you can get water intoxication, but I think that's from drinking a ton all at once, and I've been exercising all day and what have you. Guess I was just extra thirsty today!
  • It's a new year, it's a clean slate. The holidays are over and there's not really a big indulgence time for a while (Easter for my family), so we can all work hard and not be sabotaged by temptation!
  • As I am currently unemployed after graduating college, the day is my oyster and I can exercise whenever I want. I used to split my routine into two, or really just do 2 routines a day, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon. Now I just do a morning workout. I try to make sure I'm on either our elliptical or our…
  • I read that you only need to drink 1 glass of water before breakfast, and wait 30 minutes before eating, otherwise you might get too full. I try to drink a glass of water before breakfast, with my vitamins, but I usually only manage about half a glass.
  • Thanks for all the advice everyone. I eat oatmeal because I like it. Sometimes I add maple syrup to it, probably not the best choice, but I need it to be sweet sometimes! I like routine and it's nice to not have to wonder what to make every day. Breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day, I don't really like breakfast…
  • You don't have to limit yourself to a 1200 calorie diet. Give yourself a 1300 limit, and that might help. I think that people pick 1200 sort of arbitrarily, when it might not be realistic or even needed for them. I've been doing this for a few months now, and even before I joined MFP, I started writing down everything I…
  • Way to go! I've been holding on to a pair of jeans from when I was in high school, in the hopes that one day I'll fit in them again. They cost £50 (bought in the UK), so I didn't want to throw them away. I'm still a ways away, but I'm looking forward to the day I can put them on again!
  • The first thing I did was give up French fries. This was something the doctor suggested, something he had done - and he was slim and healthy looking, so I took his advice! Next, I cut down the soda. All of us in the house did, so that was helpful, getting rid of the temptation. We drink Sprite now, if any soda, and I try…
  • I'll have to see if there's an Indian store around. There's not one that I've ever seen. But of course, I only moved back a year ago, so I might not have found it yet. I'm pretty sure there's not a Whole Foods Store in my town, but I might have to try going to a few other towns. Where I live isn't really big on "foreign"…
  • I agree with what someone posted, that people will log it in as one exercise when really they are doing it throughout the day. I'm guilty of that. I'll ride the bike for 10 minutes, go off and watch TV, come back and ride again, on and off through the day, but log it as one amount of time. And the elliptical is great for…
  • I was bad today and had a Wendy's chicken sandwich. But I substituted the fries for a side salad and I'll make up for it by having a healthy dinner. Probably whole wheat pasta with V8 and oregano. It's one of my all time favorite meals, I've been eating it since I was a kid!