CLCinNOLA Member


  • Congratulations on losing 33 lbs. For me it was the last on, first off, but I think that's just due to luck. One thing's for sure: if you keep losing like that, eventually it's just got to vanish!
  • Taso42 said, This is what I am doing. I like weight lifting and have been doing it 3x/week for years. Now I am adding cardio on some of the other days... Stationary bike, walking, exercise DVDs, whatever floats my boat in order to eventually figure out a cardio routine that I might like and could stick with.
  • He needs to check with the gym staff and find out which machines can support his weight. At my gym we have seated stair steppers that are great for the heavier folks who are looking for some cardio.
  • Check out Amazon! I don't know much about ellipticals, but I just went there and this is the first one I clicked on. It can support 400 pounds, although it is expensive. But if you look through the descriptions you can probably find one that costs less and also supports enough weight.…
  • I go with my friend, but my workout is solo because his is different. We meet up in the waiting area after we are done. This is the best of all possible arrangements for me.
  • Get an exercise buddy. Each of you will go exercise because you know the other is expecting it. At least, that has worked for me.
  • We are opposites! I love, love, love weight lifting but I am having a terribly hard time even liking cardio. A couple of weeks ago I decided that I simply have to do cardio, for health and weight loss, so I am riding my exercycle on the days when I don't lift. It hasn't been easy. For me, the reason I don't like cardio is…
  • I thought it would be, but for me it isn't. It's very stretchy and comfortable, much more comfortable than my bra (and it goes around my chest in about the same place), so I don't even notice it personally.
  • I have been lifting weights for some time, and like you, every now and then I get to a point where I am not ready to iincrease the weights for a long time. My recommendation is to just listen to what your body is telling you, and realize that you are getting some benefit if the weights you are lifting are challenging to…
  • I go to the gym and use the weightlifting machines there on MWF, which I love and which is by far my preferred form of exercise. I have been doing this for years by now. BUT.... I know that I should do at least some cardio too whether I like it or not. So, lately I have been riding my stationary bike at home on the other…
  • Sometimes I have an "off day" when I just cannot seem to lift what I normally lift. On those days, I give it a genuine try and lift what I can. I might also add some light, restful cardio like the exercycle with very low resistance. Then I promise to myself that I will go back to the usual weights the next time. Often I…
  • No gloves. My skin and grip are fine.
  • I, too, am a happy owner of the Polar FT7. It is terrific, reliable, and easy to use. You might also want to check out the FT4 which a lot of people like. Either one is a good choice in my opinion.
  • 1/4 fresh apple. For some reason, this seems to be a great bedtime snack for me.
  • How many calories are used in weightlifting is an enigma, a question that may never be answered to my complete satisfaction. I also wear an HRM, just to add more to my confusion. All in all, I deal with this dilemma by paying more attention to my level of hunger (not appetite, true hunger). I eat somewhere between zero…
  • Oops, did not see that this was for running.
  • Yes, I know what you mean. That sounds high. Maybe if you get a heart rate monitor it would give you a more reliable number? I don't know enough about the fitbit to know if it would work when you are not walking.
  • I think it helps to find some sort of exercise that you like. That is what I like about my gym. They have a huge variety of equipment and things to do. I definitely like using the weight machines. Every now and then I seem to want some variety, though, so I try the Concept 2 (rowing machine), the seated elliptical, just…
  • I have been doing searches in this forum last night and this morning, trying to figure out exactly the same thing. Some people say moderate is 12-14 mph but the answers seem to vary all over the place. Some people says it depends on how much exertion it is for you as an individual. A very helpful article, to me, was quoted…
  • I agree with Mirthfuldrago who said, "Mix it up and do what works for you". Try different things! Remember, what will work best for you is what you really like and will keep doing in the long term. For me, that is using the weight lifting machines and I work out on them consistently, three times a week. But I also do other…
  • Weight lifting leaves me a little sore, but it is a "good sore", KWIM? It goes away almost completely in a couple of days, just in time for my next workout. If you are feeling intense pain, maybe you need to pay closer attention to your form, or maybe you are lifting too much. There is an old saying that "light and right…
  • I am 64 and weigh considerably more than 230 (but can remember being young and slender!). I thought I wanted to try walking, but when I tried to walk a mile I only made it to 0.8 miles. My knees were painful, but really I think the limiting factor was too much huffing and puffing and exhaustion due to not being used to so…
  • I love my Wii for exercise! For me it simply supplements the gym and my exercycle, for variety, but it is fun and there are lots of exercise games. One I am exploring now is Walk It Out, a walking in place game where you get to explore lots of interesting terrain and so on. Any exercise that I like has got to be a good…
  • My workout is usually 40-45 minutes, but with changing clothes and so on, I am probably there for close to an hour.
  • As long as you are eating wisely you could weigh yourself every day, but then just count it when your weight goes down. I agree, it is discouraging to see the scale jump up several pounds when one is doing everything right. :(
  • This idea probably won't be much help but I am (timidly) putting it forth anyway. Instead of working out with free weights, I work out on the weight lifting machines. Most of them don't require much gripping ability at all. I know, I know, most people who lift free weights are pretty dedicated to that and don't like the…
  • I live in a single story house with a slab foundation, so maybe I am not the best person to answer this. However, I'm not sure all houses CAN support a treadmill on the second floor. Is there some way that you could find room for it on the first floor, instead?
  • I have the FT7 and love it. I probably should have bought the FT 4, because they are both great and the differences (that others have listed above, such as number of workouts stored) do not matter to me much. On the day I bought it, there was only about $5 difference on Amazon so it probably did not really matter much…
  • Never had any problems at all. Like the person I quoted, I run my chest strap under running water from the faucet just before putting it on. Try that and maybe it will help.