ebr250 Member


  • I was wondering this too, thanks for asking. I also just purchased the Polar FT4. I put all my details into the watch, but I have a hard time believing the calories burned figures are accurate since the numbers are so high. I don't expect 100% accuracy, of course, but what degree of accuracy should I expect?
  • The book addresses this. Since you are not wasting time doing an isolated exercise for each individual muscle (bicep curl, calf raises, tricep extension, etc.) and instead doing compound movements that target many different muscle groups at once, one of the benefits is increased efficiency in the gym.
  • I also have problems controlling cholesterol, some of which are linked to my family's history. At the point in my life when my numbers were the best I was eating a low fat, high fiber diet that was primarily plant based. I ate very little meat and dairy, lifted heavy 2-3 times a week and did a moderate amount of cardio -…
  • I also find this movement very challenging, yet when I try to think about what I think it is supposed to primarily target I can't decide. When I up the weight on this I feel it a lot in my chest - anyone else notice it in the chest?
  • Lifesavers or lollipops are the only thing I've found that can keep me awake when I'm at the limit.
  • I have the same issue. Chocolate milk or a cheese stick usually helps me make it home to dinner.
  • I have experienced that as well - it is awful! But use that memory to your advantage the next time you feel tempted to overeat. It is a powerful motivator!!
  • Why not get one of the New Rules books without "women" in the title and do that with him?
    in I think.... Comment by ebr250 July 2013
  • Using new pieces of equipment and varying your exercises can make things more fun. For example, incorporating a swiss ball, bosu or dyna disk into your lifting can make things challenging and fun. Make sure to switch up the exercises so you don't get bored. An interesting trend is to label a deck of cards with exercises…
  • Same haha
  • Have you showed the exercises in the book to the trainer? I don't know how many sessions you purchased in advance (if any), but you could insist on doing the all the exercises in the book over a few sessions and have her critique your form. That way as you progress through the stages on your own you will have a nice idea…
  • New moves will force more change on the body than movements the muscles are already familiar with. Learning new moves is great for the mind, balance and coordination too! It's supposed to be hard and feel awkward/clumsy in the beginning.
  • I dunno, the 2 min planks followed by cable exercises kill me. I don't rest as long as the book says to though, so maybe try that if you haven't already.
  • Try upping your intensity level in workouts or cross training. The body is built to adapt to physical activity and you have to change the intensity and/or activity when it becomes too proficient in order to force change on the body.
  • Many times I offer to bring a dish to share to a friend's house because I will at least have one thing that will be healthy. Also if you are going to be there for an extended visit you could go to the store and get a few things for you or offer to go grocery shopping and cook for your friend as a thank you for letting you…
  • Well put and don't forget the fact that dog parks are perfect breeding grounds for disease and injury. You think the person that can't control the dog is keeping up with its vaccinations? Not likely. And when the dog bites you or your dog, there's another fat paycheck for the vet or ER.
  • Also check to see if there is a Bountiful Baskets program in your area - www.bountifulbaskets.org. It is a food co-op program and you can get a box of conventional fruits & veggies for $15 or organic for $25! :love:
  • This is what I did and it worked out great.
  • I don't know what ACE diet pills are, but why not just try a cup of coffee? If you don't load it down with sugar or cream or syrups it is a low calorie way to get a boost. My routine is to drink one cup of black tea in the morning, but some days it just isn't enough. I am in a similar situation with long days - sometimes…
  • Thank you so much for posting this website!! So great!!
  • Yoga really helps me with aches/pains/soreness, so it may help you stay motivated to keep doing cardio and weights since you may hurt less.
  • I feel the same way. I am not a pleasant person to be around if I don't get regular exercise haha! As for the chores, sometimes they just go undone at my house :ohwell: Gotta have my workouts!!
  • I do this too and it works really well. Or if I really am going to eat out of boredom I make it a snack that I really can't/don't want to eat a lot of. For example, plain, raw stalky veggies. Yes they are good and I do enjoy them, but more than a cup is not appetizing.
  • Some foods can cause bloating of course, but I wonder if maybe if the "fat" feeling is just that - a feeling. Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves, especially if we eat some less than healthy foods. Try taking some measurements weekly instead of using only the scale and mirror to make sure it isn't just in your head.…
  • A piece of toast with a Morningstar veggie sausage patty on it and a serving of fruit is pretty delish :)
  • The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has a correspondence course and it is a well-respected certification. If you search for them online the website will come up. The DVDs that come with the course materials are a great help for the test! A big thing to consider though is the available employment in your area.…
  • I agree. You probably aren't going to be able to be anywhere near accurate. Try to pick items prepared with low calorie techniques (roasting, baking, broiling etc) and leave the logging for another day.
  • Gold's Gym makes an adjustable dumbell that starts at 5 lb goes up in 5 lb increments to 25 lb. If you are just starting out this may be enough weight for you at the moment. They are pretty reasonable and a nice compact shape (as opposed to the heavier adjustables which can get long). Get an exercise ball and/or a step to…
  • In what way do you feel your husband is making you do more than you can? Having someone in person to help you is a great resource!! Maybe give your husband another shot?