

  • 44years old and about 20 pounds over weight still..Resting heart rate is around 50..
  • I think what they are saying is that cardio at some point will stop building muscle. So if a person has a hard time losing those extra pounds. Then turning to a weight exercise will build more muscle. More muscle equals more calories burned..
  • Week 13 Monday.....Nada Tuesday....Nada Wednesday........1000....High incline walking for 54 minutes.. Thursday.......Nada Friday.......600......High incline walking mixed in with jogging and about 2 minutes of 8-10 mph sprints.. Saturday......Lazy Day Sunday....1500......Set some personal records today......22 minutes/548…
  • Week 13 Monday.....Nada Tuesday....Nada Wednesday........1000....High incline walking for 54 minutes.. Thursday.......Nada Friday.......600......High incline walking mixed in with jogging and about 2 minutes of 8-10 mph sprints.. Total 1600 Goal 3500
  • Week 12 Monday.....Nada Tuesday.........1000 calories.........RECORD>>>>22 minutes/563.9 calories burned...This was first 5 minutes at 40% incline at 2.8 mph...Next 5 minutes was at 30% incline at 3 to 3.3 mph...Next 12 minutes was 24-27% incline at 3.2-3.5 mph.....The rest was much lower incline walking and no incline…
  • Week 12 Monday.....Nada Tuesday.........1000 calories.........RECORD>>>>22 minutes/563.9 calories burned...This was first 5 minutes at 40% incline at 2.8 mph...Next 5 minutes was at 30% incline at 3 to 3.3 mph...Next 12 minutes was 24-27% incline at 3.2-3.5 mph.....The rest was much lower incline walking and no incline…
  • Week 12 Monday.....Nada Tuesday.........1000 calories.........RECORD>>>>22 minutes/563.9 calories burned...This was first 5 minutes at 40% incline at 2.8 mph...Next 5 minutes was at 30% incline at 3 to 3.3 mph...Next 12 minutes was 24-27% incline at 3.2-3.5 mph.....The rest was much lower incline walking and no incline…
  • Week 11 Monday.............Rest Tuesday...........and Wednesday.....a little bit of Thursday.........Laziness Friday.............1500..........22 minutes/548 calories burned, Personal record............30 minutes/696.6 calories burned, Personal record..............At the 45 minute mark I was running out of gas; had to slow…
  • Week 11 Monday.............Rest Tuesday...........and Wednesday.....a little bit of Thursday.........Laziness Friday.............1500..........22 minutes/548 calories burned, Personal record............30 minutes/696.6 calories burned, Personal record..............At the 45 minute mark I was running out of gas; had to slow…
  • My weight fluctuates as much as 5 pounds..It used to bother me, but now I'm used to it. Just keep on doing your workouts. The weight will come up. Hell, I'm only losing 3 pounds a month..Six months equals an 18 pound weight loss..I'll be happy with that..
  • Week 10 Monday.......1 Hour....1078 Calories burned...Need to make up for last week...Feeling much better after my allergies hit me hard yesterday..Need to take medicine everyday from here on out.. Tuesday......Rest Wednesday.....Rest Thursday........1500.............22…
  • Your maximum heart rate was 199 waitressing. Are you sure that's right? It's not like you just did a full out sprint down the street.
  • Week 10 Monday.......1 Hour....1078 Calories burned...Need to make up for last week...Feeling much better after my allergies hit me hard yesterday..Need to take medicine everyday from here on out.. Tuesday......Rest Wednesday.....Rest Thursday........1500.............22 minutes/465,,,,,,,,,,30/660.............1…
  • Week 10 Monday.......1 Hour....1078 Calories burned...Need to make up for last week...Feeling much better after my allergies hit me hard yesterday..Need to take medicine everyday from here on out.. Total 1078 Goal...Just gonna wing it this week.. Posted in last weeks thread by accident...
  • Week 10 Monday.......1 Hour....1078 Calories burned...Need to make up for last week...Feeling much better after my allergies hit me hard yesterday..Need to take medicine everyday from here on out.. Total 1078 Goal...Just gonna wing it this week.. I posted this in last weeks thread...oops
  • Week 10 Monday.......1 Hour....1078 Calories burned...Need to make up for last week...Feeling much better after my allergies hit me hard yesterday..Need to take medicine everyday from here on out.. Total 1078 Goal...Just gonna wing it this week..
  • Week 9 Monday..........Rest Tuesday.........Rest Wednesday...Rest Thursday........1500 calories in 1 hour 24 minutes and 39 seconds....I added much more jogging to my workout...So a mix of high incline walking and probably 20 minutes of jogging...Average heart rate was 131...Max heart rate 151... Friday........Rest…
  • Week 9 Monday..........Rest Tuesday.........Rest Wednesday...Rest Thursday........1500 calories in 1 hour 24 minutes and 39 seconds....I added much more jogging to my workout...So a mix of high incline walking and probably 20 minutes of jogging...Average heart rate was 131...Max heart rate 151... Friday........Rest…
  • Eat more...No reason to be hungry all day..
  • Never did like diet drinks..But I love my coke..That's one thing I haven't given up..Still losing weight though....
  • Week 9 Monday..........Rest Tuesday.........Rest Wednesday...Rest Thursday........1500 calories in 1 hour 24 minutes and 39 seconds....I added much more jogging to my workout...So a mix of high incline walking and probably 20 minutes of jogging...Average heart rate was 131...Max heart rate 151... Total....1500 Goal....4500
  • That's way off...I've only had a few instances where my Polar Ft4 HM stopped working in the middle of a workout. I tightened the strap and it has worked every since..I still think the calories burned on these HRM are low even when working right. How low. Not sure. But they are called Heart Rate Monitors for a reason..
  • Week 8............I took a 4 day rest from last week.....A little burned out... Monday.........Rest Tuesday.......Rest Wednesday..........1500 calories in 1 hour 12 minutes and 30 seconds....Broke a personal record...1,312 calories in one hour. Average heart rate for that hour was 131..It was mostly 22% or higher incline…
  • Week 8............I took a 4 day rest from last week.....A little burned out... Monday.........Rest Tuesday.......Rest Wednesday..........1500 calories in 1 hour 12 minutes and 30 seconds....Broke a personal record...1,312 calories in one hour. Average heart rate for that hour was 131..It was mostly 22% or higher incline…
  • Week 8............I took a 4 day rest from last week.....A little burned out... Monday.........Rest Tuesday.......Rest Wednesday..........1500 calories in 1 hour 12 minutes and 30 seconds....Broke a personal record...1,312 calories in one hour. Average heart rate for that hour was 131..It was mostly 22% or higher incline…
  • Nothing wrong with a cheat day...Body for Life program has a cheat day once a week. There are thousands who have been successful implementing that lifestyle...I did that program about 10+ years ago for two months..It works and one day a week I ate anything I wanted..I took full advantage of it also.
  • I bought a treadmill that goes up to a 40% incline...I hold onto the rails all the time..Anything over 15% I pretty much hold on..One day last week my average heart rate was 141 in the last 20 minutes of an hour workout. That was walking at a 22-28% incline at 3.2 - 3.6 mph holding onto the rails..So you can get a great…
  • I'll be 45 this year...It's been 12 weeks and I've lost 9 pounds. I've cut back on sweets and fast food..But I still drink coke. I'd probably be down another 5 pounds or so if I gave up my 2-3 cans of coke a day..I need to add some weight training into my workouts also. Muscle mass decreases as you get older..If I can get…
  • Week 7 Monday..........Rest Day Tuesday......1309......1 hour.....First 22 minutes....529 calories burned walking at a 25% incline or higher at 2.8 to 3.4 mph...I jogged for few minutes in the first 22 also......780 calories burned in 38 minutes...About 10 minutes of jogging at 0 to 2.5% incline at 5.5 to 10 mph....The…
  • Week 7 Monday..........Rest Day Tuesday......1309......1 hour.....First 22 minutes....529 calories burned walking at a 25% incline or higher at 2.8 to 3.4 mph...I jogged for few minutes in the first 22 also......780 calories burned in 38 minutes...About 10 minutes of jogging at 0 to 2.5% incline at 5.5 to 10 mph....The…