

  • Yes everyone should read #2. Looks like you've learned a lot in 3 weeks, and it sounds like you've really embraced the lifestyle change! Good luck to you
  • I'm 5'7", 125 lbs and I burn about 215 level 1, 235 level 2, and haven't tried level 3 yet
  • That's so cool you can customize your own! Sounds cheaper than buying already-mixed ones too
  • Ha that would bug me too! I would try to finish the whole thing. Is it horrible to do your last two workouts in one day? I don't know much about Insanity. You could do two in one day since you'll be at Bonnaroo and not working out for a few days. Jealous! Have fun
  • Yes I have a really old Garmin 101 or something they don't even make anymore and I love it but would totally buy a 305 if I could find one for a good price! Get it
  • Yum I make the same thing! I love it too, but I do get sick of it after a while. Its nice to make a ton and have it for a week though!
  • Lots of good things about caffeine... it speeds muscle recovery, boosts your metabolism, etc. I think that its viewed negatively most of the time because its addictive, but I'll take one little addiction for less soreness and more calorie burn!
  • I hope you can go on with your day having read the lame ones :) cheer up it's a sunny day, where I am anyway
  • Maybe a little high? Mine is around 2.5 calories/minute which seems high also, so I'm probably not the best person to comment... If you're active and have a high metabolism it could be right though. I thought when I got my HRM it would solve all these mysteries but I still don't know what's accurate haha
    in Question Comment by nab22 May 2011
  • It's hard with just a fridge and microwave! When I had that, I had to buy packaged stuff since I didn't have a stove, blender, cutting board (?), etc. So I got things like frozen black bean burgers, soy milk, Slim Fasts for those times when I was tired of black bean burgers, eggs (you can hard boil in the microwave.…
  • bump thanks!
  • Yes this is incorrect
  • Beans, baby carrots, almonds, brown rice, cheese
  • I'd like to hear responses too! I recently ditched my cardio (for the most part), am lifting 3-4 times a week, and eating a lot more protein. Its too early for results but this is my plan to mix things up and hopefully get me over this last hump! Gotta try something right?! I WILL look good in my new bikini ;)
  • Can't wait!! Yes more Eric
  • *somewhere online, not someone online
  • HRM's use formulas to calculate your approximate oxygen consumption given your heart rate, age, gender, and weight (the less accurate ones may not ask for all these inputs). Then, that estimate of how much oxygen you used lets the HRM compute how many kcals worth of energy were combusted with this oxygen. So, there are…
  • Thanks!
  • I had the Knot wedding 911 app on my iphone, and deleted because of how rude and annoying everyone was! And then it turned into like iphone therapy for people with real issues. I feel bad that that may be their only outlet but I deleted the app because I like positive people! Oh and I'm a bride to be also by the way! Next…
  • Thanks! Always looking for new workout apps
  • Papa John's has whole wheat crust. Just get thin crust, light cheese, lots of veggies. Or canadian bacon and pineapple is supposed to be one of the least bad ones
  • Yes a stress fracture or tendinitis maybe
  • The MFP way of doing things is to have you eat back your exercise calories. Your net at the end of the day should be as close to 0 as possible. Other programs/people may tell you different things, but this is how MFP does it. Some people may net 0 every day and not lose weight, but its hard to know where the problem is…
  • Get a slow cooker!
  • Build muscle!
  • Diet is more of a struggle for me than exercise, so I think about how I'm just fueling my body and my body doesn't care if I like how it tastes.
  • It is harder because the ground is uneven so you use different muscles than the treadmill, but I would say your experience sounds about right. If you've only been running 20 minutes inside, and ran about the same outside, it should be harder! It could also be your food yesterday, if you were tired, etc., that all combined…
  • I forgot my breakfast at home so I had to eat my lunch on the way to the gym. Then I came home because I wasn't feeling well, and my (now second) lunch wasn't very healthy. It was Trader Joe's Wisconsin Cheddar Mac & Cheese with tuna and peas in it. At least the mac & cheese was from Trader Joe's so all natural... right?…
  • Try this one! You can sub ground turkey for the beef
  • I think most programs will have you wait a few weeks to make sure you're not going to hurt yourself if you're just starting working out, but I agree with amberaz about lifting from the beginning.