

  • I love the spirit of this group! I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as most of you ladies seem to be, but I'd love to join anyway. I've been thinking that I should probably up my calories and start enjoying food instead of making it the enemy, so that's what I've done now. (So I'm on 1860 with a 250-calorie deficit. I'll need…
  • I don't know what you like doing, but maybe try to plan in varied destinations/activities? As in, don't visit five capitals/huge cities and no countryside (unless you really hate everything rural, I guess). I am European and until a few years ago I'd practically only visited the capitals of whatever foreign countries I'd…
  • I'm 5'10" and I think I'm around 198 right now (I don't have any scales). I was down to around 185 in April but then exam season and going back home for the summer happened, plus I moved to France a month ago (so much delicious food! and no exercise routine yet) so now I have to retrain myself to get back into the good…
  • I like to run slowly too! I far prefer running further and slower than shorter and faster, and I don't really have any plans to work much on my speed. Today's run (although mixed with walking - I live around some killer hills!) my speed was about 4.7mph, so nearly 13 minutes per mile. I'm also pretty out of shape after…
  • I'm 20, studying too. (I'm a languages student so I'm currently living in France, which means a lot of different habits and ways of doing things. I haven't yet settled in with good routines, and I hope using MFP might help me with that.) I was going to think of something else to say but I'm a bit shy so I'll run away now...
  • The things in my fridge that I own: milk, eggs, carrots and a forgotten jar of strawberry jam (from before I discovered peanut butter and apple sandwiches!). I usually have more stuff but I'm going away for a month starting next week, so I have to plan a little, plus it's been some time since I went shopping properly (and…
  • This is a hard one, and it involves things that can grow into much bigger issues in the future. I'm still very young so I don't have experience with children myself, but I was there once, and I remember my early teenage years as a horrible time, and still have problems now that stem from the problems I had back then.…
  • I like eating a slice of German rye bread (or half of one). It's quick and not messy and very tasty, and one slice is usually 125-175 calories.
  • Mine comes out at around 350 with Weetabix, semi-skimmed milk and a sliced banana. I'd actually be wary of eating much less than that...
  • Swedish is my first language, so English is a foreign language. I also speak French fairly fluently and German...kind of... Oh, and I'm fluent in Knitting too, haha! :)
  • That's amazing! I'm running my first 5k tomorrow, and I'm really quite excited! I unfortunately seem to be coming down with something yucky (been in denial about my sore throat all day, but I'm finally facing the fact that I'm not just unusually thirsty and dry-throated, haha) but I really hope I'll make it without the…
  • I don't have any fantastic advice, but I wanted to say that I struggle with this a lot too. I approached my university's counselling service recently and had an assessment appointment, which was actually very helpful for starting points and seeing some underlying causes. I will probably not be able to see a counsellor on a…
  • Since I started on MFP (around January 11) I have been doing a short workout every night before I go to bed. I started out really short and simple so that I wouldn't have any excuses (literally did about five minutes to start with!) and now I'm up to 15-20 minutes. And I would say it does work! I do stretches, squats (10…
  • I would say it's the narrowest part, but for me that IS about an inch above my navel. Oh, and as long as you measure at the same place every time, it doesn't matter so much. It's the difference you're most interested in. :)
  • I completely agree that I'd rather read posts completely in lower case. It really bothers me with all caps, yes, and I do frequently skip those posts. I find it really hard to read because I'm not used to seeing all-caps text, and so don't have the "word images" as readily available (plus the squareness of caps renders…
  • Prawns! Almost no calories, but quite a bit of protein. 100g of prawns (pure prawns, obviously, not deep-fried or breaded or anything like that!) is under 100 calories.
  • Freshly baked bread rolls. I used to buy a few at a time and soo many times I just ended up eating them all within a couple of hours. They really triggered my cravings and didn't satisfy me at all! I miss them sometimes now but mostly I don't even think about it. I'm about to give up orange juice. I've had a glass every…
  • At the post-Christmas sales I bought a really cute empire-waist tunic/dress with colourful flowers. That's my highest priority. (I currently look pregnant in it - I love empire waists to death but they do that to you if you're not super skinny, alas. And being just 20, I don't want to look pregnant just yet...) Then I have…
  • I have no diagnosis but I've been struggling periodically for a few years now (turning 20 in April), and on Friday I have my first appointment with a counsellor. I'm super nervous - I have anxiety issues as well as low self-esteem and feeling down and such, and it's over a year since I started considering approaching my…
  • Agreed! After running a few times a week since mid-January, my friends and I now aim to run 12-minute miles and have a chat. We did some intervals and now the breathing is so much easier - it's just our legs that need to get used to running farther. Once I'm able to run 5k at 12min/mile I'm intending to start actually…
  • I'm doing my first 5k ever on March 6. It's the Edinburgh Meadows Marathon event, and I'm running for charity. I've been working on it since mid-January and now, two weeks before the run, I'm finally starting to feel like I might be able to complete the whole thing. I will be soo proud if/when I do!
  • I fry my shrimps in some olive oil, add in a pack of baby spinach (100g), fry/heat (sorry, I don't know all the fancy cooking vocabulary in English!) until the spinach is all dark green and soft, and sprinkle some sunflower seeds on it. I usually have it with wholewheat spaghetti but you could probably eat it just as it is…
  • The first thing that happened to me was that my collarbones started showing again. Then my joints got skinnier - elbows, wrists, ankles, knuckles. My chin became a cute } shape rather than just a ) although I'm still looking forward to losing the double chin. My posture is way better, and standing up for long stretches of…
  • I like eating my peanut butter toast with sliced apple on it. I personally think it's tastier than jam (not so sticky), and it's more filling too! (I obviously eat the rest of the apple too, not just the slices on the peanut butter...) I sometimes have these once a day for five days in a row without problems. :)
  • You're not alone! My mother has issues with it as well (although she never talks about it) and I'm actively trying to prepare myself as best I can to avoid it. I recently came across the following articles, which are slightly radical but very funny and interesting. There are links to more information and just generally a…
  • I'm 5'10" and I guesstimated my starting weight at around 210. For now I am avoiding scales but taking my measurements every couple of weeks, but I will have access to a scale in April so I'll see then. My goal weight is 170-180 something, but I'm a lot more interested in feeling and looking good so that's quite flexible.…
  • I tried some of the yoghurt covered ones a couple of weeks ago and I didn't like them at all! There's a "cheesy" taste that lingers after them, which I really don't like (I don't eat cheese), plus their list of ingredients is obscenely long and full of things I can't pronounce. I didn't notice any particular bloating or…
  • Also remember that you have a calorie deficit. Depending on what your weekly goal is, that deficit is 500-1000 calories per day, so as long as you don't go over that limit too, you should at least not gain weight (theoretically). And don't forget that a lot of people benefit from having the occasional "crazy" day to keep…
  • Look up the term "fat acceptance". The first few hits I get on Google all seem good. It's a movement that goes into the psychological and mental health of weight and body image, and is all about being happy what we have NOW and not constantly be waiting for what we may be at the end of a diet. As others have mentioned,…
  • Edinburgh here. :) But I'm from Sweden, just here studying.