idahogirl71 Member


  • Cucumber and alfalfa sprout sandwich on 12 grain bread with 1.5 tbsp cream cheese and a sliced apple.
  • I'd like to join if you still have spots open :)
  • Happy New Year everyone!!
  • I was at the gym (where I worked out regularly and was in a weight loss competition) and this cocky jock type of idiot walked up to me while I was lifting weights and said, "why do you even bother, it's obviously not doing you any good -why do you waste your money coming in here?" I looked at him and laughed and said,…
  • When in my late teens/early twenties I was bulimic. Prior to and since then I deal with binge eating and just plain overeating, yet all my life lived in denial about all of it. I no longer purge, but have to force myself not too because the thought is ALWAYS there. Funny I read this post today because I just last night…
  • I was never allowed to go trick or treating either or allowed to dress up as my family was religious and very much against Halloween. I took my daughter one time when she was 4 and have never participated any other time. I do not give out candy or answer my door on Halloween. In fact, I work swing shift every year so I…
  • Hello everyone ~~ Just checking in before I go see my new sweetie. Had an interesting birthday to say the least. Went to a drag queen show (the new pic is with my fave one) and had a blast, but drank WAY too much and don't remember most of the night (never been that drunk before in my life). Was so worried bout turning 40…
  • Hello everyone ~~ Just checking in before I go see my new sweetie. Had an interesting birthday to say the least. Went to a drag queen show (the new pic is with my fave one) and had a blast, but drank WAY too much and don't remember most of the night (never been that drunk before in my life). Was so worried bout turning 40…
  • Hi computer got majorly infected with viruses and crashed so had to have it completly refurbished back to its original factory settings which really sucks because I lost everything on it....thankfully I had most of my pics saved on a backup disc. And I recieved the BEST birthday gift ever! My 40th birthday is…
  • Hi computer got majorly infected with viruses and crashed so had to have it completly refurbished back to its original factory settings which really sucks because I lost everything on it....thankfully I had most of my pics saved on a backup disc. And I recieved the BEST birthday gift ever! My 40th birthday…
  • Just stopping in briefly before work.....I am so NOT motivated....eating has been off last couple of days but I have been burning up the calories. Even with that I am still gaining and need to get back on track. I have no desire to work today or exercise or do schoolwork....I think I am just plain burned out and need a…
  • Just stopping by real quick before work.....eating not so good last couple of days, but have been burning a ton of calories. Not so happy with the weight, but will get back on track tomorrow. Not dealing well with my 40th b-day coming up in 2 weeks so I know that is why I am off track. But all I can do is get back to it…
  • Headed to bed - have to be up in 5 hrs for an early morning shift that I'm not used to working. Have to work at 5am and I usually work evenings, but traded with a coworker so I can have the weekend off to go out of town and hang out with some friends. I really need a vacation, but used up all my vacation a few weeks ago…
  • Dating sites suck....and I haven't been picking men up in Have gone to the bar with a few of them, but not "meeting" them there. Though I think maybe I'd have better luck if I I am going out of town tomorrow when I get off work (ugh I am working 5am-1pm and I am so NOT a morning person, usually work…
  • Thanks meerkat! I know I just need to get out of this funk and that things will start looking up again. It has not helped that I am back in the dating scene and all I have met so far is losers (and I'm not talking the kind we have here).....maybe that is depressing me that all I seem to attract is guys that think fat girls…
  • Jenn ~ I too have had major food BINGE but mine has lasted 2 days....and I don't know why because TOM was here last week. All I know is that all I want to do is eat and not stop and I don't want to exercise. I have to force myself to get out of bed in the morning and to even clean house. Last week was great for exercise,…
  • I am getting to the point that I hate my days off from work. Though I work at home I have a set schedule by my boss and I find that when I am off all I want to do is eat. When I am working I stay focused on work and don't think about food. Food is becoming my enemy once again and it sucks!! And I have to force myself to…
  • UPDATE ~~ down 3.4 pounds since last Monday -- not at all happy with that, but will take it! After all, a loss is a loss. And I am now down 50 lbs since I started so on to the next 50!! Hope everyone is having a great Monday.....
  • My 1, 2, 3, 4 for this week: 1 - try 1 new exercise this week 2 - no more than 2 days of no exercise 3 - at least 3 different exercises this week 4 - sets of 10 sit-ups daily (at least 5 days @ 40 per day)
  • On October 1st starting weight: 322.4 hips: 69"
  • Everybody is different....eating calories back works for some and not for is kind of a trial by error thing to see what your body needs and what works for it. I started out not eating mine back and lost weight. Then I started eating them back and the weight loss stopped so I went back to not eating them.
  • I want to join!! And I will be working on my hips as well :blushing:
  • There is NO easy way to get through it!! My husband left me in July for another woman and I went through all the motions....anger, depression, tears, using my anger to work out more, and then I fell. I gained back 16 of the pounds I worked so hard to lose over the previous 6 months. Then the day came ( 2 wks ago) that I…
  • Headed to bed to read and then dose off to dreamland..... Spent most of the day in bed today with cramps and a migraine (OH how I HATE TOM)!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • TOM has not been nice and hit with a bang!! Major migraines and cramps today caused me to not want to exercise at all and most of my day was spent in bed sleeping. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! Hope everyone is doing well.....I am off to read and then go to sleep. Goodnight my sister chicks and rooster friend
  • THANK YOU for sharing your story....stories like yours and so many others on MFP have helped to motivate and encourage me on my journey. I am almost 25% of the way to my goal and at times it seems unreachable and in those moments I will see a story like this that gives me what I need to keep fighting and to keep going. It…
  • Nicki I am so sorry -- didn't see the exercise challenge so I messed that one up for Monday! I will do better the rest of the week :flowerforyou: TOM hit hard today after being 9 days late....I think it is making up for lost time, cramps are horrible. Hoping exercise tomorrow will help with it. Guess we'll see. Other than…
  • Just dropping in for a finals finished and new class starts tomorrow.....and headed to work but had to share ~~ I lost 10.4 pounds since last Monday and totally ecstatic!! Want to keep this going.....I really want to lose another 28 by Oct 21 for my 40th b-day!! Hoping to do it, we shall see!! Love to all…
  • I am so ready to kick some *kitten*!! And I lost 10.4 pounds since last I am ready to keep that going!!!!
  • I am up for the October challenge!! sounds great to me. Waiting to hear what the 7 activities will be!