Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Internet cafe again. Still in city might go home tonight. Did a jazz class yesterday and a fair bit of walking. This morning Samara got an email to sat she a promo shift at 1pm but needed a black, sleeved, just above the knee (business) dress. Quick shop (very fast walking) and lucky for her my sister sent her $50 aunty money this week. Got a lovely dress, classic style that will last for years. Thank goodness for promo work 4 hours today and 4 hours sunday. Music video has been cancelled.

    Not sure how I will end up this week with the 1234. Not home to ride the bike and my walks are not quite making the 1hr mark. But I am taking 1 day at time and except for tuesdays bad binge, I'm holding in there. Hate the temptations in the city though.

    Love to you all and keep going strong.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Can I just say I have discovered a lb button on my scales. So I weighed myself in lbs for the first time without converting it myself and it turns out I am HEAVIER in lbs than I thought, but my stone / lbs keeping going down if that makes sense? So I am not actually heavier, I am a maths fail.

    I just had to go back and adjust my starting weight etc so it reflects properly. I don't know how I've managed to do it, WHAT A NOOB!!!!

    Even though I know technically I am not heavier than I was when I began, it still stings a bit, WAAAAH!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home :heart:
    Rather proud of myself and resisting most city temptations. Did ballet tonight, fill in teacher who worked us harder. So good calorie burn. If I can just have a good day tomorrow. I am feeling positive about weighing in on sunday.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - I'm so glad you did well in the city. Even if you miss teh 1, 2, 3, 4, we all know you were workign hard. crozssing my fingers for your weigh in

    Becci - I am terrible at math ugh! But don't worry about teh number just worry about the numbers going in teh right direction. You can do this :) What play are you woring on?

    I did my wal, high knees and weights yesterday. Sun burn no longer hurts it just itches. So back to more exercise like push up and sit ups this weekend too. Hubbys band is playing at a bar tomorrow night for teh first tiem since we've been together (a little over 5 years) I'm so excited to watch him do his thing :)

    Have a great weekend ladies :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just stopping in briefly before work.....I am so NOT motivated....eating has been off last couple of days but I have been burning up the calories. Even with that I am still gaining and need to get back on track. I have no desire to work today or exercise or do schoolwork....I think I am just plain burned out and need a vacation. Unfortunately NO vaca til June 11th. And it doesn't help that my 40th b-day is in 2 weeks and I am not at all thrilled about it and now everyone will be gone and I took the day off so will be spending it alone.....fat girl lonely & depressed is not a good thing.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tami, sorry to hear you are feeling so down. A birthday being on your own can be a positive. Make it your own day. So often we (well i know I do) wish i had time just for me. Celebrate that you are an amazing 50lbs lighter. Take the time for yourself and do something that you may have always wanted to do. For me at the moment would be a day lounging around reading. I would not even answer the telephone. Or you might want to get up and dress yourself up and visit a gallery or go to the theatre. The fact it is your 40th, is a great opportunity to really take the time for YOU. Not to worry about others. It could be your mini vacation. You have time to think about it and plan your ME day. A day all your own. Enjoy and celebrate "Tami".:flowerforyou:
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey lovely ladies!

    Just here quickly. I know I've been pretty poor on the updating side of things this week so wanted to pop in and catch up on the thread. I've been doing a lot of revision as I have a three hour exam on Tuesday and then the same again on Thursday! I wouldn't mind so much, but I have to write them and not type them, which is never fun.

    Tami - So sorry to hear that you're feeling down at the moment. Like Jen said though, sometimes being on your own can be a positive thing. Celebrate how well you've been doing and do something you really love to do. :flowerforyou:

    Keep up the good work ladies. :smile:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Happy Monday lovely losers!

    I've had a great weekend, but unfortunately not great on the old calories ... eeeek! I am a little disappointed in myself as I was hoping to manage a whole week of good eating, but we went out to a friends for dinner on Saturday, then a sake fuelled haname picnic. Had a great time ... but ate and drank far too much ... oh well, back down to it ... I forgot to weigh in this morning, so will do that tomorrow. I'm not expecting a loss, be nice if I stayed the same, but most likely will be a gain!

    I didn't do well on my 1, 2, 3, 4 either ...

    anyway, points week again. I can't believe we're up to week 5. Time is just flying by ... and the weight is just clinging on!!!

    Here's this weeks exercise challenges ... I'm hoping for a good week, but we're going away for the weekend, so fingers crossed! I'll be happy as long as I can stay on track until then!

    Teams are ... Nicki, Jenn and Claire are the 3 way team
    Courtney and Tami
    Me and Becky

    1. 3 x 10 ab twists with small weight & 50 Jumping Jacks

    2. 20 windscreen wipers & 2 sets of 21s

    3. 50 jumping twists & 30 tricep dips

    4. 40 push ups & 40 high knees

    5. 40 ab crunches & 40 mountain climbers

    6. 40 squat kicks & 20 burpees
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYfNA_lmkHM - you can step your legs back, go onto your knees for the push up then step your legs back in for a lower impact burpee.

    Come on lovely losers lets do it!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thanks Rach. You put in a lot of work working out our challenges. They look tough but I shall give it my best go.
    Our village is awfully quiet lately.
    Hannah, did respond to my letter, but said she couldn't find us so I have sent her a link. Hurry back Hannah.
    Claire, I know you feel you have hit a hard patch. We all hit those, but you will get through and the scale will start moving.
    Tami, chin up you are a wonderful person and deserve the best.
    Beccy, (I hope I have it right) is busy with play rehearsals. What is the play?
    Courtney, hope the sunburn is amost healed and you can get back into the exercise you enjoy.
    Nicki, good luck with your exams. What are you studying?

    Ok Losers as Rach said its WEEK 5. That has come quickly. Lets give it our best and really get this challenge moving.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yoohooo where is everyone????

    Rach I have entered todays numbers on our chart but the partner ones didn't go inot Claire's row. Just so you know.
    4 weeks since I have done Zumba surprised myself with how well I went.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I did not finish my 1, 2, 3, 4, last week and I slacked on cals over the weekend. So busy getting back to the norm after vacation and my family arrives on Thursdy and Fruiday for my dad's wedding.

    Tami - I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Talke time for you. You are fabulous and we love you. We are goin gto totally kick butt on the points challenge this week. I am so excited to be your parter :)

    Jenni - i don' tknow what we would do with out your motovation. My sunburn is healing well adn i should be able to do any exercise I want.

    Rach - thanks fr keeping up going with these challenges they really help me out.

    Nikki - best of luck on your exams!!!

    I am super jazzed to kick some tail this week. let's hope I can keep it up.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Woooohooooo! I've lost weight! Feels like the first time in AGES!!! Down to 80.4kg a loss of 0.9kg, YES!

    Hoping for another loss this week too!

    Jenn I've linked you, NIcki and Claire in a sort of loop, so you give points to NIcki, Nicki gives points to Claire and Claire gives points to you ...

    Right, here's to another great week!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Rach. It feels and tastes good seeing the scales go down doesn't it. That's what I keep trying to tell myself when I am tempted to eat what I shouldn't or more than I should.
    I am now down to 92.5kg well i was on Sunday. I think I can finally say I'm out of the 95's which i seemed to hover in for about 3 months. So I have earnt myself a manicure this week. (Although that seems pointless when the weather is good for me to get back digging in the garden). This weeks goal is to stay in the 92's or i guess I could go into 91kg's. I do weigh myself daily, when at home, bad I know, can't help myself it's an addiction. After the club on Sunday I have been up in the high 92's. Working on bringing it down.
    Have an appointment at a hyperhidrosis clinic tomorrow. After 51 years of excessive sweating i'm fed up with it. I carry a towel with me at all times, as I can suddenly start to drip in sweat. Nice hair styles become plastered to my head. My head is the worst, no mascara for me. So I am being brave and going for botox treatment. Remember I am into the more natural lifestyle and cures so this is a big scary step for me. But I decided I just did not want to deal with this anymore. I hope it helps like they proclaim. Added bonus may have a wrinkle free forehead. :blushing:
    Well Rach has already been to bootcamp. All I have done is put a load of washing on and sat here with laptop and cat sharing my lap. Samara is at an audition. (fingers crossed). Has 2 auditions and 2 interviews this week. So proud of my daughter. She certainly doesn't sit about.
    Have a great day everyone. Move it and Lose it.

    Oh Ps, thanks for explaining the points loop thing to me Rach. I knew you would be on top of it.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Had the worst day ever yesterday. Will try not to let you down this week Rach! :(
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Rach - so happy to hear about your loss.

    Jenni - good luck with your botox. I sweat a lot too. espically on my head. Maybe not like you but It suck when it ruins your nive hair or makeup. Good luck to your daughter as well.

    Becci - I hope today is much better :)

    I went for 2 short walks yesterday did 2 of our exercise challenges and went to sculpt class. My bum is so sore today. Busy gettign ready fro house guest so probaly just a wlk with hubby and some more of our exercises today. I hope everyone has a winderful day!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Getting ready to go into the city this morning and to my Hyperhidrosis appointment. Will stay in for a day for two. So back friday.
    Love to you all, work hard and Smile. :happy:
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    Just a quick update from my end. I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to do on this week's challenge. I'm still under my calories but doing exercise this week is going to be a bit of a nightmare. As I'd said in my earlier post, I've been revising for two exams this week. I had the first one yesterday, but I ended up having to leave the exam 40 minutes in.

    The night before the exam I started to get stabbing pains in my the lower right hand side of my stomach. I saw a doctor who thought it might be the start of appendicitis or a burst ovarian cyst. He wanted to admit me to the hospital but I begged him not to as I really needed to get to my exam. He made me promise that if he let me go, I would go straight back if the pain got any worse at all.

    I saw another doctor again yesterday and he's now ruled out appendicitis, but thinks it may well be a burst cyst. I've been told to rest up and am now waiting to go back to the hospital for a scan. He's put it through as urgent so should be soon. Unfortunately this has meant that I've missed most of my first exam and will probably have to miss the whole of the second one. I'm just hoping that they'll accept the letter from my doctor and give me a mark from the average of my coursework scores.

    Sorry to my team for this week's challenge as I won't be racking up any good scores for you. :frown:

    Fingers crossed, this will be sorted out soon as I'm missing my exercise routine already.

    Big love and hugs to you all. :flowerforyou:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Nikki.. No nee dto apologize. You need to concentrate on taking care of your medical issues and gettign better. I hoep you are able to recover quickly and work somthing out concerning your exams. Best wishes to you.

    I'm doing well in teh challenge so far. I was 35cals over yesterday but not too bad considerign how busy I'v ebeen gettign ready for my family to visit. Got soem bad news today. Can't share it just yet but I will say that ti will change my world as I know it and cause me to take a long hard look at my finances. FYI I did not lose my job.

    I hope everyone ids havign a better day than Nikki and I. I think you all for all of your support in good times and bad :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    where is everyone. No one is in here or on the spreadsheet :(

    Well, wide screen wipers kill my back so I am going to do 40 bicycle crunches instead if no one minds.

    My family arrives from Georgia this evening and Dad is getting married Saturday so I won't be avaliable that much coming up. I hope everyone is doing well :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hi ladies.....my computer got majorly infected with viruses and crashed so had to have it completly refurbished back to its original factory settings which really sucks because I lost everything on it....thankfully I had most of my pics saved on a backup disc.

    And I recieved the BEST birthday gift ever! My 40th birthday is on the 21st. I have not been looking forward to turning 40, but no longer care about it. I have a new man in my life.......and he is A-MAZE-ING!! Only bad thing is that he lives 283 miles from me. But I spent the last 3 days with him and may move there in the spring. I am definitely going to be spending my birthday with him. And he shocked me by having a candle light dinner (and a healthy one at that) for me when I walked in the door. I have NEVER had anything like that done for me. I cried when I walked in and saw it!!
