**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening all. Today was a busy one up early for my grandson's first soccer game which turned into practice but I did get in a quick walk while we were there. Then off to Curves for my regular workout. Then off for another walk just for fun ( I was thinking zen Cynthia) an then off to pick up my son from the airport. Now I have to go to the grocery store so I can make breakfast in the morning. Also maybe buy some diet coke or something with some caffeine and my daughter has gone to a concert tonight (the first time when I havent gone with her) and there is no way I am going to bed before she gets home. Not that I don't trust her but well....I am a mom. I can't help it. So, I will take a picture tomorrow of the new more beautiful me. Love you all and goodnight.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    YAY to a fun, fun day of some great pampering! Today was all about relaxing and feeling good, and I do! I have been on the upswing of my nearly one month of a bad *kitten* cranky mood! I'm not sure about the switch. I think that I finally complained enough that I finally felt like I was done, I guess. I don't know what else it is, because I didn't really do much else BUT be cranky... so, credit to it, I guess.

    Anywho... decided to "sleep in" which meant that I was up just before 8:30 AM... slightly annoyed because I felt like I should at least actually SLEEP IN - but since that's 2 hours more than I usually get, I figured I'd take it! :laugh: Spent some time on the couch, playin' on the 'puter and watchin' some shows on the ol' DVR. (I don't watch enough tv anymore to have my dvr below 90% full -- so I tend to erase most things w/o watching them... good in reality but sad to erase them all the same!) Had some breakfast pretty late in the morning and then took a quick shower and we were off! Deluxe pedicures were first up - my BFF and I got them done at the same time, so it meant that they were extra long... oh, they were done by the same person. The whole bit though - leg mask, parafin wrap, nail art, etc. Fun! From that 2-2.5 hour pedicure (I know, right?!?) we went to get our hair done. Since my hair was still looking pretty good from the last time I did the highlights and lowlights (carmel and chocolate last time) I decided to just build on top of that. Ended up doing 2 shades of lowlights - a deeper, richer, darker chocolate and a red toned brown also. Then, added a lighter carmel highlight around my face. The bigger deal was gonna be the cut... so I went for an "A-line" cut or an asymetrical bob... I don't know what to say - just that it's a bit longer in the front. Oh, and I got some long bangs. It can be sleek or choppy - so I am pretty excited. Went to Salad Creations to pick up a salad, came home for Game Night with another friend - I stuck to a Mike's Lite Hard Lemonade and I am hoping that those numbers are OK - because I was trying to make smart choices with the dinner and all. Then, the friend that had joined us let me know she had brought her make-up over and we had a little make-up party... they both think I should wear make-up but I don't usually. Too late tonight to take pics, but maybe tomorrow. I love the cut and color of my hair -- it seems to have made my eyes even more blue!

    Anyway... I am gonna head to bed but just wanted to stop and post and say I had a wonderful, wonderful day! Hope all of you did as well!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Becky - totally hear you about the sleeping in!! I get up at 630 every day so I was estatic to sleep in until 845 this morning! I never understood my parents when I was growing up about being up at what I deemed early! It souns like youhad a great day and made great choices. I can't wait to see a new picture of you :bigsmile:

    Staci - sounds like a busy but good day. Hope you daughter had a good time at her concert and that as 'mom' you were okay :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - you entry made me laugh. I'm quite glad that hallowe'en is not a big deal over here from the candy perspective...that said my parents always made a big deal out of decorating the house and scaring the local kiddies and I miss that. And I totally agree with the hibernation weight!! Even though I don't need it in England:laugh: (somehow 0 is just not cold after spending my university years living in Northern Ontario (I remember a day that was -56!). 2 hours gym opening is retarded./.what the hell is the point!??!? Health club soundslovely though! Oh and I'm familiar with the boot - my dad has had to wear one on andoff for a number of years so I have no desire to go there!

    Lexie -hope you got some sleep! :yawn:

    Woke up this morning and the legs felt pretty good and the cold was only so-so, so I headed to the gym to try to sweat the sucker out. As per Cynthia's advice/threat :laugh: I didn't go as hard as normal and only did 2 instead of 3 super circuits. Am home now and despite the absolutely gorgeous weather out (2nd of October and wearing a sundress and flipflops) TOM has reared his annoying head and the cramps are killer. Bit disappointed as we are trying to conceive but I guess this just means more practice is needed! Going to attempt to make the pumpkin soup this afternoon! Hoping it turns out as some of the soups I've done in this soupmaker thing-y--ma-jig have just been awful :sick: ! I let you know.
    As Renae would say, Keep it skinny!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I know I posted pic's not to long ago but I wanted to show my sexy boots.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
    Will write back later.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    JULIE -- Wooooooot-woooooooh! (wolf whistle) Those there are some sexy boots, yes sir re! You look fabulous! Absolutely beautiful! I love, love, LOVE it! Your hair, the outfit, your smile, you long thin neck... You look fabulous dahrling... just fab-ulous! Oh and look at those collarbones and the skirt above the knee, the jewelry, the makeup... you look so great! I love, love LOVE it!!

    P.S. Please don't ever apologize for posting pics... I love that we get to SEE the actual results and progress!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Those are just amazing boots!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Julie I love those boots!!

    I finally got around to changing my profile pic. Check it out! See those little protrusions right there below my neck?? Those are collar bones. Where in the h*ll did they come from? I wich I was actually wearing a shirt that fit instead of one that hangs of my shoulder like that. But, I am finally starting to see a difference when I look at myself and thats something new for me.

    Today's eating has been well not so great. I have a really hard time on Fri, Sat and Sun eating my minimum calories. I have really got to work on it. I just get up and start going and going and next thing you know its dinner time and I forgot to eat lunch. This isn't so great because when I finally sit down to eat dinner I am starving. So, my plan for this week since I did much better at eating my macros is to actually plan to eat atleast 3 meals each day next weekend. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Julie - Those boots were made for walking! And a little bit more! Super sexy! And keep the pictures coming...we love them! I am sure your hubby is loving those boots too! :wink:

    Staci - I see those collar bones! I have an APB out on mine and I am hoping to see them soon :laugh:

    I have had a pretty good day. I have not done ANY school work, so I might be up late tonight trying to figure everything out...oh well, I guess I will put on a pot of coffee! I did some strength training today, and it felt great! I haven't done it since July, so I know that my arms will be killing me in the morning...oh well. At least I know that I am getting my butt back on the yellow brick road! Oh yah, how could I forgot, but I lost another 1.2 pounds! Not much, but I am pretty happy with it :happy: Now, just to keep going and have 2 good weeks in a row.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday evening and a Monday (if that is at all possible).
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    So, my sweetie, who I have not seen in 6 months, says I am officially noticably smaller. Woot!

    Also, on the airplane, I had to cinch the seatbelt in. CINCH IT IN! Last time, I was nervous enough to be sweaty that I was going to have to ask for a seat belt extender and just barely made it at the end of the seatbelt. I felt so awesome I was grinning. Almost took a picture of it, but decided it was silly to take a picture of my lap. :bigsmile:

    Having a great time, but have really spotty internet during the day here at the hotel. The IT guy is back tomorrow (apparently he only works M-F 9am-5pm, wish I had those days and hours when I worked in hotels! Sheesh!) and he will take a look at it as they have had a lot of complaints.

    I read through everything and wanted to tell Julie that she looks damn sexy in those boots! I am so jealous! I carry my weight in my arms and legs and have always had cankles!

    Becky, I am so glad you had a day to pamper and treat yourself with love. I can't wait to see your photo too!

    More later when it does not take so long to post stuff!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I agree with JJ, Becky. Let's see a picture of you all pampered up too. I had a busy day and am heading to bed. I'll be glad to get to work tomorrow to relax. Ha, ha. I am crossing my fingers to make it to the less than 50 to go mark tomorrow for my weigh in.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I love everyones new photos :)

    *sniffs* :)

    I am glad I'm such a hardass and asked you guys to post them. Because god dammit, you all 3 look ****ing awesome!!!

    Staci you look so happy you could burst out of that photo at any minute ;)

    Becky well ... what can I say Becks... much different photo than the grumpy one at work ;)D I think you actually *gasp* might be a little happy there ;) *mwah* You loook mahvehlous ;)

    And Julie... well my little butterfly. Pop out of that shell a little more and you're going to make us all scream in glee. ;) LOVE the boots. JEALOUS of the boots ;) I will own a pair too some day dammit! And you look happier than a pig in **** to be honest. (Not that pigs actually like that sort of thing, dadisim what can I say). :)

    Lovely ladies of Skinny Chic lane. We're going to have a Hall of fame soon ;)

    -c ;D
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Good morning my friends! I hope that you all have a great Monday and a lot of you weigh-in, so i will pop back in at work to see how you guys did this week :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I love everyone's new pictures. Especially Julie's boots. I cannot wait until I can find some like that. I have always wanted tall boots!

    I would like to take a minute (or two) on my soap box. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Yes, you should be doing self-exams monthly and mammograms when 40 or older (unless there is family history). Here is what most women do not know about breast cancer. Breast Cancer does not always mean lumps. You need to be aware of changes in your body and what is or is not right. I was originally diagnosised with a bad infection that needed fluid to be drained. I was lucky enough to have gone to a surgeon that had encountered this type before. He biopsied it and I was diagnosised with Inflammatory Breast Cancer in Feb 2010. Here's the kicker. Susan G Komen along with the majority of cancer related sites, groups, etc. have only recognosised this type of cancer in the last ten years. It is so aggressive that if it is not properly diagnosised within the first couple weeks, it will metastasize throughout the body. Mammograms will not detect this type of cancer. Currently the survival rate for this type of breast cancer is 50%. Now the good news. It only occurs within 3% of all breast cancers. The moral of this story is be aware of your body and the changes in it. Sorry for being a downer......

    Saying all that, I have been MIA this past week due to vacation but also because I have my six month check up with my oncologist tomorrow and I have had to get blood tests and a PT scan done this week in preparation. That and my children took my computer by hostile force and I hadn't been able to get it back. Teenagers! Today is my female doctor appointment and tomorrow oncologist to see how the tests come back. I will say that it always makes me anxious waiting on test results.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Happy Monday to everyone!! Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend!!

    Becky- I'm so glad you enjoyed your pampering!! Your new pic is so cute :)

    Staci- Loving your new pic and those gorgeous collar bones ;) Hope your weigh-in went your way! I'm sure it did

    Julie- Wowzers! You're one hott mama!! Love that outfit and especially those boots!

    Steph- TOM paid be a visit last week... I know it can be miserable. Honestly, as bad as those first couple of days are... working out usually eases the discomfort for me (Sorry Greg for the TMI lol)

    JJ- Awesome NSV!

    Eileen- Thanks for the reminder!! I try to support everything Breast Cancer related. I just have the strong urge to, even though my only family member that had it (well, so far) was my great-grandmother.

    Cynthia- I always look forward to reading your posts... you make me smile even when I'm a grumpy butt :)
    Everyone have a great day! I am enjoying the day off with my little man :heart:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Loving all the updated pix here this morning - it inspired me to switch mine up and share my beautiful family with you. We had a fabulous time at the wedding this weekend.

    Staci - you look wonderful. Love the new hairstyle and collar bones! You're a new person!!
    Julie - your hair is adorable and the boots are very sexy. You've got me thinking about buying boots now.
    Becky - it's nice to see your updated pix (with a smile on your face!) You are looking so great. Love the haircut!!
    Laney- love the comparison pix. You are looking great!!!

    Catch up with you all later today!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Eileen- I got my mammogram last month on my birthday. I know its kind of weird that I do it every year on my birthday but that way I don't ever forget. And I am hoping that everything is clear at your appointment tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow. I will also think of you every time I do the 3-Day walk.

    ReNae- You have a very beautiful family and you look stunning in your dress.

    Becky- I love your smiling face in your new pic!

    Lane- you are looking hot!

    Well, I can't stay long. I gotta finish the timecards so my staff get paid or they will push me down the linen chute now that they think I will fit. LOL Have a great day everyone.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Look at all you beautiful people and your great new photos! This is one fab looking group :bigsmile:
    For a Monday, today was alright. I struggled with the gym today but not in the normal sense. No problem going, wanted to be there. Problem: not pushing too hard. I am very aware that the muscle spasming that took place last week is not good and is a result of overtraining. I was itching to pick up the weights but as I did them yesterday I know I couldn't do them today even though I'm not doing them tomorrow either. So today was hill walking, elliptical, spinning and callestenitics (sorry I know thats spelt wrong!). Eating today has been easy. I wish everyday were like today!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    UPDATE ~~ down 3.4 pounds since last Monday -- not at all happy with that, but will take it! After all, a loss is a loss. And I am now down 50 lbs since I started so on to the next 50!!

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday.....
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Go Chick-lets!!!

    -- Fingers and toes crossed for you for your results. :) I was lucky mine came back squeaky clean. I am looking forward to the next one that I won't have to do the dance side to side and have them take 3 photos of one boob because it's so enormous. (Much to hubbies chagrin I am sure). ;)D

    -- I have been told they're more amusing when *I* am the grumpy butt. I don't know why that is ;) You'll all have to suffer today. I feel great ;) LOL Keep up the good work. You are looking fabulous too my darling.

    -- Hey smexy momma... So I showed hubby your photo with your family. I don't know how you're going to take this. I said this is Renae the one from Maine I give **** to all the time. he said, which one, the one in the middle? (youngest daughter) I said no, the one in black next to her. He said, oh she's skinny. So I guess you can feel happy for you, but I have to apologize for your daughter now. *groans* I gave him a smack. Don't worry. :D I love the photo :) I am guessing the wedding was a huge success :) You look like you had a really great time ;)

    -- Go you! ;) Little miss... I'm almost to the bottom of the banner ... ;) Glad you're doing so well darling. I can't wait till your little ticker says 0 then -5 ;) (because I know you. You won't stop ;))

    -- You look great darling. I love the photo :) I am glad you're listening to your body most of all. *HUGS* trust me. With my injury it was the thing I had to learn to do the most. It hurts, it kills, it feels more debilitating than putting all that weight back on. Because you just want to MOVE IT, and you can't. I know sister how you feel, trust me. *HUGGGGS* Hang in there, things will change trust me. :)

    -- Look at you go! ;) Congrats on the renewed effort and energy!!! :) And the big monster loss!! :) Very happy for you! :)

    So I finally got to go to the gym. *muhahahahahaahaha* I hopped on the elliptical like a jealous hawk waiting to strike down the juiciest mouse. Enter, manual, weight (363, muhahahah), crossramp 6, resistance 7... go go go GO!!!! zoooom off like jetliner at La Guardia... And go and past the resting points all of them.. right up to minute 12, when full of energy and with my heart rate in the 130s (unheard of, usually 154 by now) I decide **** IT I'm going to RUN. BAM I run, full out, as fast as I can possibly move the pedals and the arm poles. 80, 90, 100, 120, 130, 150, 156 steps per min... HOLY **** it's like Steve Austin and the 6 mil dollar man ad.... I'm already 30 seconds in... My HR is up, 148, but not dying.. 45 seconds it's now 155... oooh not good... 1 min BAM HR 165 Oooh ****. **** **** **** ****... Bad Cyndi Bad...75% of my max HR. Not the best thing to do... Back it off. back it off.. so another 8 mins or so HR never really drops below 153. But that's okay, because I keep it pretty much at 80 steps/min the whole time. Which I have to tell you. Is like. DA BOMB. Because last time I was on it in July. I had to rest every 6 mins taking it to around 40 steps per min for 30-60 seconds. The only reason I stopped at 20 mins was because my left shin was givin up a pain, or starting to, and I assumed it was due to the weird flexation (Or lack there of) of the CAM walker boot on my ankle. So GIGGIDY.
    Bammed out 100 sit ups on the core ball, 30 pushups, 55 incline flys, and then another 6 mins on the treadmill to get another .25 mile and more cardio in.

    And then food. And now I am about to go suit up again and go hit my 2nd fitness club that I have the free membership to, do a nautilus run through, maybe some more cardio on their elliptical/stairmaster machine they have to try it out, and then we'll see how it goes. :)D

    Return to burn... WOOOOO HAAAAAAAA!!!!

    *GIGGIDY* :D
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Cynthia - Way to go! I wish that I could bottle that energy and take a sip now and again! My colleagues would not know what hit them!

    Tami - Great loss! Each loss brings you closer to your goal whether it is the amount you hoped for or not. Think positive!

    Steph - What can I say that I haven't said before? Nothing! I am delighted that you recognize your limits and keep to it even though you "itch" to do the wrong thing (at the moment).

    Staci - Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts and am proud that I have friends that believe in such a good cause! I am hoping to one day do the 3-day but it scares me a little. Hope you didn't get the linen chute!

    Renae - Awesome pic!

    Lane - Thank you! That little "Dirt Angel" of yours is awful precious. Watch out they grow up to fast!

    Yesterday was the first of my two appointments. My female doctor says everything looks good from her point of view. Yeah! One down, One to go! I have restarted my food and exercise journal. Walked at work but need to start walking afterwards too. Dog sitting for my MIL again and am hoping to talk someone into walking with me so I can take the dogs with because I can not handle them both any more by myself.

    Here's to a Terrific Tuesday with all of my favorite losers!