**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Welcome back Tami!

    ReNae- I upload my pic to photobucket first and then photobucket gives me an img code for each pic. So I can then just insert that img code where I want the pic to go.
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for being here for me everyone!!!

    I am going great with the not smoking.I have no lit up since last Thursday.I hope changing up my eating plan works the same way it did before.
  • simplysara9
    I went to the doctors this morning. The office isn't super busy so I just walk in when I need to rather than making an appointment. Well, I wish I had made an appointment. The doctor I have been seeing for years wasn't there! It was his new nurse practitioner. I was the only one in the waiting room and waited 30 minutes to get in the office (usually <10 minutes) and then another 20 minutes while I was sitting in the room (usually <5). It turned in to over an hour for something that should have taken 30 min or less! ugh. Well, the nurse practitioner decided to read through my charts and what not and change some things. I now have to start taking fish oil or something along those lines (she gave me a list of like 5 things I could use) and she started a new BP med. I know it is trial and error to get on the right meds but it's annoying to get 30 day prescriptions and only use half the bottle before switching brands. So we will see how the new BP med is in 3 weeks when I go back.

    I also had her look at my foot / ankle. It wasn't swollen / black and blue etc and she is blaming the pain on flat arches. She also commented on the flip flops I had on today which obviously don't help the arches. She suggested a pair of those $50 Dr. Scholls inserts to help the arch or getting fitted for special shoes. I really don't want grandma shoes though and work is very particular with what we wear. I am not sure what I am going to do about it at this point, I need to figure out something soon though!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay, y'all. I am going to attempt to add the pics.
    September 24, 2010 above
    September 21, 2011 below

    Okay, the first pic isn't great but you know really it is what it is, we were walking 60 frickin miles after all.
  • Ziggie13
    Okay, y'all. I am going to attempt to add the pics.

    Okay, the first pic isn't great but you know really it is what it is, we were walking 60 frickin miles after all.

    Wow what a change. Looking good
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Staci- wow what a difference.you look great
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Lookin' good ya'all... Stac & Julie - your pics look fantastic! JJ - where in PDX did you go? I love Multnomah Falls, one of my most favorite places... though Manzanita may top it. Stac - I know a couple people who do/did the Warrior Dash - just promise we get to see your muddy pics, and make sure you take shoes that you are gonna throw in the pile! I'd hate to not know about that and be wearing my most fave pair! C - you crack me up sister! I use water when I do the wonton wrappers and it's still messy as heck... I find the flour from them everywhere for the next 3 weeks. Steph - I get the scale thing... I had a wonderful number on the scale several weeks ago and the next day suddenly there were 7 pounds added and they have not gone away, nothin' is working! UGH!! Nope, not gonna throw out my scale, I don't do so good with that... but I promise you that I get it. Group - And - for my harem outfit, I'd like to have lime green with lots of sequins, sparkles and fringe. Congrats to all on all you've done.

    Yes... I am hesistantly back in the thread. I will just say this... Trust me when I say that I can beat myself up better than anyone -- and I regularly kick my own *kitten*, even when I don't need it. I thought that I had asked for love and support, and while I understand that you all gave me what you thought that I needed -- I just sometimes need to be reminded that I am cared for and supported, that I am not alone in this and that my journey is normal. You can always tell me to get my *kitten* to the gym... but in the interest of speaking up for myself (not always so good at that!) I will just say -- more often than not, what I need is the love and support, not the *kitten* kicking. I kinda (unfortunately) got that covered! So, nope, I ain't mad at anyone and I have nothin' but love for all of you... but I did step away to find some love from me for me. Needed to find my own way... and I am still lookin' for it. But I was ready to come back and be present. I read one page but didn't want to go back further -- just wanting to move forward. So... I'm here and really hoping that no one takes any offense to what I just wrote.........
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Staci - what an amazing transformation, you should be so proud of yourself!!

    Becky - Lubs and hugs as always xxxx
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    - Okay then I want my harem outfit to be Scarlet!! Why? I'm going to convert that Matron of Honor dress next summer into it ;) LMAO. and of course we will be fully sequinin'g that thing. And maybe even sewing the 'scarf' into a 'frilly skirty thing' and heck I'll even dig out the $200 of wedding dress lace I bought to make my dress before hubby FREAKED out and we got hitched at the "little white wedding chapel" on the strip there in 'Vegas. (Yeah I got married in Vegas so WHAT?) Of course it helps that I was living there at the time ;). Anyway. Serious Hoochie momma Harem outfit? Scarlet? oh yes. Yes we will. ;D

    - I know you can't get off your foot, that's why I suggested the neoprene brace (you can get 'em at CVS) so you give it some support to help heal while you have to work honey. Or at least wrap it with an ace bandage. :( I don't want you to be me either and sidelined for ever :( ..
    So I have good news for you on both fronts. The pills you want are Omega 3 long chain fatty acid. (fish oil) costco kirkland brand sells a good one that's cheap, and vanilla flavored so you don't get fishy oil burps. You want to look for one that is 'molecularly distilled' and uses "deep ocean water fish" and also is enteric coated. Here's why. Molecular distilled gets rid of all the lead, mercury, pcbs, and toxins (like dioxin) that the fish consume in their lives. Deep ocean water fish have a purer concentration of their oils and less toxins. Enteric coated means it passes through your stomach and digests in your intestines so you don't burp fish taste. (way ****ing important trust me) GAACK does it taste bad coming back up ;) Try and get one with at least 600 mg of the long chain fatty acids (EPA, DHA) otherwise you're paying for **** that won't help you. Those are the two that lower your cholesterol, help your heart, your bp, and your brain as they pass the blood brain barrier ;)
    Two, shoes. Birkenstocks. Yes they're $110 a pair. Buy one pair, get 'em resoled ($50 at a good cobbler) and you'll never need to buy another pair of flip flops or sandals again. They're molded to the bottom of your foot. (well not yours specifically) you'll cry they feel so good. They also have a hard sole, that doesn't flex so it takes the pain your ankles and arches do. I originally got them because my podiatrist at the time recommended them when I had a broken metatarsal bone.
    If she also told you to get Slo-niacin. Be careful that **** will give you hotflashes and make you puke if you add it to your system to fast. Add the meds slooowly. I had to take one pill a week, for 3 weeks, then every other day for 2, then add one pill etc. till I could take one a day. Rough stuff. Be careful. :)
    Insoles I've found that ones made by a company called 'Spenco" work great. Make sure you get the ones that have the hard molding in them (they'll have 3 colored 'pads' in the heel area'. and they're like 20 bux... :D amazon baybe ;)

    -- I dunno if they're quacks.. I'm going with, "more patience for test taking than me." But definitely not smarter. :D Keep up the good work my dear. :) *HUGS* if your program works for you and CC doesn't? Do what works! that's the important bits!

    Staci & Renae
    - Thanks for the kayak info. I asked because when I head to HI next month, my cousin Kayaks. And if she has a 'normal one' which I assume she does (she's a rail) it'll then hold 250. So I'd have to find one of the rentals or something to go out with her I guess. Or ask her. :) Just needed to know before I sank, as we'll be in the ocean and waves don't help. :D If I gotta 'roll tide' I don't wanna glubby.
    -- And the pictures... HOLY ****ING BAT****. You don't even look like the same person!!! God damn staci, you realize you have 'indentations' in your waistline now, right? :) You *****, I'm jealous. LOLOLOL Just kidding. (that was the extra biking, I know it was ;)) *HUGGGS* I know you feel great, you should. ;)

    - Hey girl, good to see you. Don't worry about the 're-attatchments' they'll come off soon enough :) Glad to have you back. :)

    - Actually we were lucky, we'd drive to Brooks, and it had a Grocery store/CAFE and a Video Store/POST OFFICE. I know.. Pinch me. Also everyone in town knew more about me than I did, and that was before I set foot into town the first time. I was like wow. Okay, small town! Fantastic. And yeah the town had like maybe.. eh maybe 75. And I'm being generous here... I'm counting the 5 miles around it ;) LOL. PS - You can also use 'pizza dough' a more traditional wrapper for empanadas but it ain't local ;). PPS - See I fit in Maine more than you know. I already stole ME ex bf's best sweater when I left, 1) I liked it, 2) mostly to piss him off. I also punctured his waterbed. :D *kitten*. PPPS - I love tanning lotion too. I am going to try out 'spray tanning' for the wedding. Those Ohio girls won't do it, but I'm gonna. Sculpt me PEEPS! (they won't do it b'cuz you haz to get nekkid in front of them, I'm like SOZ? How special is your fur? Jeebus).

    - So my little militant adipocytes did their job? HAHA! i'll send them earlier next time to talk more of your's out of the pool :) *HUGGGGS* Good job darling. Don't be sad. be happy. :) And glad hubby got a good wake up then ;) Better than peals of tears ;D........ I feel your pain on the ankles... I have had a problem with that left ankle my whole life. It always sneaks up when I'm not thinking about it. Except now with my PTSD I'm always thinking about it. Hope your physio works my dear. I know it seems like it's better then it hurts again. :( My ankle now snaps *hard* at least 2x a day.. I don't think that's going to go away. :(

    -Still love ya *mwah*

    So today I was grinding the rust off of the flume motor on the pool. No didn't get to the damn pool to swim. Tomorrow is PT with Kev & Stephen. *sighs at least I get to look at cute guys ;)* And then Friday is Surgeon. So I guess grinding the pool is what I'll have to settle for this week and my little fitness ball dunebuggying and that's it.

    Oh and hubby decided to listen to me when I said, "WE should pick the limes so they don't all dry out and juice them." But he didn't hear the WE. He heard the normal royal WE. Which used to mean HIM> . < ... So I got up and I have a sack of like 50 limes to juice. Maybe more. What the **** dude? *blinks* I can't be mad at him. But seriously why now to ****ing listen to me? GAH *sighs*.

    I might have struck a cord in him tho. I came out yesterday and told him I was really happy that the shirt I was wearing was only an XLT (Okay sure it's from Casual Male and it's a dry-fit type stretchy shirt (but still kinda loose)). And he's all like, "no ****ing way, how come you can wear that, that's bull **** I'm wearing a 2x... ) I said fine, give me your shirt.. I took mine off and before he could put mine on, as I am swinging his over my head, I said, it's going to be loose.. he said BULL****, and it dropped and it's baggy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY **** DID HE JUST STARE. Okay I may have lost my cherry holding in that amount of laughter to just stare at him. And not say "i ****ing told you". He sighed and said, "okay, how is that possible, you still weigh 140lbs more than me?" As we're trading shirts. I said dude, my chest is only 45 inches, same as yours if not less with your MOOBS (I had to sneak that in, although he doesn't have any :D) And it's all sinking south honey. It's all in my *kitten*, my gut, and my thighs. I told you I'm only wearing jeans 10 sizes bigger than you. I'm coming for you fat man... HO HO HO... And put my shirt on and walked away.. He was spluttering from the kitchen when I heard a *thunk* which was I think his head on the pantry.

    I told him I'd break his will to eat the cheetos. I told him. I didn't say I'd be nice. He's been telling me for 16 years "cruelty begins with kindness" I told him that the other day. I said you shouldn't have been so kind. He said what was I supposed to do, smack the donut out of your hand? I said yes mother ****er. You should have. He just blinked. He said, but I love you, I couldn't do that. I said I know, and look where that ended up. So it's on now. It's all good, but you're next. I'm not going to be nice.

    I think he's figured out what 'not nice' means. Oh and except for like 5 people on the planet, who never gave me **** for being fat. I will tell everyone I know. Put down the donut you fat pig. Go run. If you can't run. Walk. walk till you puke or pass out. Do it again tomorrow. Eat less, move more. It's the only way. No magic pill. No magic diet.

    I read a study the other day on a medical journal site. It said that people who get the bariatric surgery, over 80% of them gain at least 50% of the weight back. Think about that. Most of those people are losing HUNDREDS of lbs. And I had to think about that. How much could I just sit there and watch the weight slide back on and not do anything about it? And I know right now from the bottom of my last little adipocyte (you hear me in there ****head, i'm serious!) they're all going, and they're not coming back. There is no cheesy poof, no piece of cake, no ice cream, no tater tot, no meat pie, that will ever, ever taste that good to me again that I can't say no, no thank you, too many calories.

    And that's why the people with the surgeries put the weight back on. They don't have to diet. They don't have to work out. They don't have to change their ways, learn discipline, learn to overcome their lack of willpower over food. And so it all comes back. One little pound at a time.

    And so I know that every one of you, every single one of you. Reading this right now. Will never put your weight back on, will continue to lose and meet your goals, (especially you Becky no matter how much you think it's not going to happen it is. I know it. From the bottom of every tissue in my being.) All of us have retrained our minds, our bodies, our souls and set them free.

    Just as I put in the exercise thread. I want you guys to relax this weekend. ZEN BAYBEE! Enjoy yourselves. (Even if that means a good run you endorphin freak Staci!) But the last thing you guys do till monday? Freak about your weight loss. Sit back, relax.

    Enjoy the progress you've made so far. You've all done an amazing job.

    That doesn't mean to snort a bong of weed and eat a bag of cheeze wang doodles and 5 gallons of ice cream.
    (Although Maine does grow some fine bud.)

    Just don't stress over losing the weight. It will come off. Look how much it already has. Take a deep breath. Enjoy your new size. Go see a movie, a play. Go watch your kids play football, Or kayak down the river before it freezes over because it's FUN, not because it'll BURN CALORIES. ;) Remember lots of things burn calories. Forget about all the gym things. Go OUT and enjoy the world, before it snows and we're all stuck inside. Do something fun ladies (and Darling Greg). :)
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Julie – You look great!!!!! I always see “fit into jersey” as a goal, and you made it! :bigsmile:

    Staci – you look AMAZING! Look at what a big change in just a year! Inspiration!!!

    Becky - Love you and I'm glad your back!

    I had a great NSV on Tuesday. It is homecoming week, and Tuesday was super hero day. Well, me and 2 other math teachers dressed up as Pi Girls, with capes, matching t-shirts, and all. Well, we took our picture in the morning together...and I was happy with the picture! They are both size 2's and when I saw my picture, I was happy with how I looked. That was the first time in a long time that I have liked how I looked in a picture...and especially next to 2 skinny minnies! I am still kind of living off of that high today...and its Thursday.

    Other than that, I have been ok. Trying to figure out some things, so I haven't been on here as much. Hope you all have a great Thursday. I will be shooting for 5 bottles of 20oz water by the end of my school day! Then I need to get my butt to the gym and get on that dang treadmill.

    Hvae a great day everyone
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    That's a great NSV, MrsR! The camera can be so cruel - it's nice to get the upper-hand every now and again.
  • simplysara9
    Cynthia -- Thanks for all of the advice. I was at the store yesterday looking at all of the fish oils and how big the pills are! I absolutely hate taking any sort of pill if I don't have to and the size of these things scare me! LOL. I didn't buy a bottle yet, I am going to check out GNC and some other health food stores. I will definitely look into better sandals and either a new pair of shoes for work (again) or a nice pair of insoles for them.

    My only question this morning is...
    Do we have an October Challenge brewing yet?

    I will be honest and say that I have not checked the 100+ thread since this thread began so if it was posted over there I totally missed it!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone (aka MY Friday!) Thank you everyone for the kind words, I just was in a gloom n' doom mood and am slowly coming out of it. I am my own worst enemy... I guess we all can be. I REALLY want to reach the 50lb mark for tomorrow's weigh in. Because I am a self-professed scale-o-holic, I weigh every morning and this morning I was .8lbs from it. Since I can't exercise (procedure on my foot Tues) I'm not sure if I will be or not. All I know is that I'm drinking all the water that I can stand and my co-workers will just have to put up with me hobbling to the bathroom all day lol

    Julie and Staci- LOVE the pics!!! Congrats to both of you, ya'll are doing so good!

    Lexie- awesome NSV! Are we going to get to see the pic?? I LOVE seeing before/during/after/progress pics... Not that you should feel pressured lol

    Cynthia- I love you almost as much as I love my (latin lover) Cardio... I LOVE seeing what you post next :)

    Sara- I'm up for a challenge too if one is made

    I didn't have a chance to check in the past few days because of whacky work schedules and my trainee comes in at 11, so I thought I would take advantage to say hey to my peeps!! Everyone have a great day!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Lexie: I want to see the photo!

    October Challenge... there is one, JJ has claimed it... I haven't been to the 100+ thread because my time has been limited, but I do know that JJ has an awesome challenge idea coming up that should be let out of the vault soon! ha, ha, ha. Yep, I'll build it up because I know just a teeny tiny bit and I am excited!

    Make it a great day!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Staci - INCREDIBLE TRANSFORMATION!!! 12 months? I have goose bumps. It's amazing what you've accomplished! Congratulations.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Thanks everyone. I thought I felt good back then but how I feel now, well there is no comparison. I don't even feel like the same person anymore. I look at that first picture and think "Holy S**t!".
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Running like crazy, but I just have to concur, Stacie, HOLY *kitten*, you don't even look like the same person anymore, I can't possibly imagine you feeling like that person!!! You look amazing, and you continuously amaze me with all you do!!!

    Wolfie: I am always enthralled and always shaking my head whenever I see your tomes.

    Lexie: Congrats on being happy with the camera! That's a giant leap in the right direction!

    JJ: I think you have left us in suspense about this challenge for long enough now...the month is almost over!

    Becky: *HUGS* There is nothing wrong with taking some time to take care of you, and you are absolutely right that sometimes it is hard to see/hear/feel what someone else really needs from us because we look at it from the perspective of what we usually need!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello Chicks and my favourite Canuck Rooster!
    Not much new here. Feeling very very tired and very very hungry the last few days. Don't know what is going home. Came home tonight instead of going to the gym hoping to abate it. Did some wii zumba instead and had a good old natter with my sister. Sturggling to get my water the last few days, 90 minutes stuck in a class makes it challenging to get it in during the day.

    i have a question: does anyone have a good apple crisp recipe thats not gonna use up all my calories? Its autumn and I love to use apples!

    Hope you are all doing great!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Becky - You know we luv ya! I'm glad you've let us know how hard you are on yourself and that it's HUGS you need when you're down or beating yourself up. We're all here to help each other and give ya whatch need. So it's HUGS HUGS HUGS to you. Glad you're back in full force. We've missed you loads!

    Lexie - Must be great to like yourself in a pix. I envy you.

    Bobbie - are you literally RUNNING like crazy or Running Around like crazy? There is a difference - tee hee.

    Laneybird - good luck at hitting your 50lb mark tomorrow - I have a good feeling about this! Sending you and early "WOOT WOOT"
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Renae...Like a chicken without a head! And I don't think I'm burning any extra calories, although the lack of cranial compartment could equate to lost poundage...anyone know where my scale is???:noway: