Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    what is everyone using for the weight in the 21's?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm using a 2kg weight.

    Thank you Courtney! I've been for a swim and feel like today will be another god day! Have a lovely cruise, hope the sun shines wherever you go!

    I'm putting swim down as my 'new exercise' today as I haven't been for a swim since the 6th of July (I just looked that up!) ... about the same time I stopped losing weight! Man, it was hard this morning, but I swam 1km. I'm happy with that, and plan to swim every wed morning from now on.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Headed to bed to read and then dose off to dreamland.....

    Spent most of the day in bed today with cramps and a migraine (OH how I HATE TOM)!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Claire - iIperfer a weighted bar fro my 21's Mine Is 8 pounds I think. I use a 10 pound one when i gdo them at the gym.

    Rach - glad your swim went so well. i would liek to get back to swimming as well.

    Tami - i hope you feel much better today!!!

    Today is my lsat day loggin beofre teh cruise. I have kicked butt at teh beginning of the week so the end won't be so bad. But I plan to be active on the boat, swimming, hopefully snorkling, walking around Nassau, dancing in the club and maybe even hoping on a treadmill. We will see. I plan to have tons of fun and relax.

    Have a great rest of the week ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Kettleworx and a bike ride today - the weather has been glorious!

    I've also done the windscreen wipers and jumping jacks.... and my bike ride was just over a mile...

    Super day!

    Feeling much better now TOM is on his way out though still coughing a bit but never mind!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    ****, I've been crap! I've been good with regular exercise and stuff cos we have the Wii, but I've been so busy this week running around helping my sister out and rehearsing for this play.

    Jenni I promise I will try to play catch up and will duly fill out the spreadsheet by Monday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well I started the week with good intentions. Gone down hill rapidly. Had planned to walk early this mornIng and then do a jazz class. Slept in. Amazing considering the traffic noise. I now just dont feel like doing anything. Samara working on another job application and then down to Internet cafe to write it up and send. Think I will read my book and try to relax my stress level is high at the moment. Sorry for letting down my team.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Don't worry Jen, we all have days like that. :flowerforyou:

    I have so much to do today, I can't even tell you. It's kind of my own fault though as I should have started doing what I needed to at the start of the week rather than yesterday. I have a guy coming out tomorrow to update my fuse box and also check all my plug points. This means that I have to move everything away from the plug points for him to be able to get to them. This includes, the fridge, the oven, my wardrobes and a million other things. At least I'm going to log some good calories in my exercise log today. I guess there's always a silver lining. :wink:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi girls. Urgh I want my life back. Things aren't so bleak and she can pick up a bit of promo work. Just need to slow down and breathe. Staying in the city again tonight can't wait to go home. I had actually bought a recumbent exercise bike last Monday before all this drama. It is still sitting in the boot of the car.

    Whizzy I hate having to prepare for tradesman. Probably why there are so many jobs waiting to be done at home.

    Again no walk this morning. But might go to ballet class tonight.

    Love to you all and keep up the good work.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    There is just no way I'm ever going to eat my calories today. I've spent 6 1/2 hours today cleaning and going through stuff in the flat. I am shattered to be honest. Time for bed I think.

    Hope you girls are all okay. Keep up the good work :)

    Jen - Keep your chin up. I hope things get easier for you soon. *hugs*
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Weight up 2.4lbs this week since last Friday... But TOM was here and really kicked my *kitten* - along with the cold and cough I had...

    Went for weight reduction hypnotherapy yesterday! She's hoping to change my attitude to food and also does a stomach shrinking technique... Have to say I didn't eat much yesterday and felt REALLY uncomfortable after eating one of the cupcakes I made in class last night...

    I have 3 more sessions to go to and have to listen to a reaffirming CD before I go to bed... Last night I fell asleep listening to it!! Had a great night's sleep!

    Anyhoo - onwards and upwards... Boxercise this morning...
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi ladies ... my good intentions went off track ... I had 3 good days, and then 2 bad days, not terrible though I don't think, though I didn't log my food yesterday. I think a bit of hynotherapy would do me good! I'm off to rethink and reset some goals .... I'm thinking of having a star chart like the kids, like I get a star for every 4 consecutive days on track, as 3 seems to be my limit, once I get 10 stars I'm going to have a treat ... maybe a fancy spa massage or something!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm home, its saturday. Hypnotherapy sounds interesting. Star chart as well. Didn't do so well eating wise the last 24 hours. Did go to ballet last night. Will try and fill in the chart later. Samara, has put out lots of feelers for jobs. Agent has her on stand by for 2 jobs in this next week, can't believe it. haven't heard from the agent in over a year, then she gets the movie and a possible 2 jobs this week. Good timing. One is a tv ad and one is a music video but we dont count on it as these things often fall through at the last minute. I took advantage of the stress and ate junk. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Will now try and get back on track.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Have put together our recumbent bike and had a ride. Seat is certainly more comfortable, getting use to new position for pedalling. Wore HRM which recorded a much lower calorie burn then bike said. Did program 8 (fat burning) was darn hard so thats good. I guess.

    Tomorrow going to listen to writer Alexander McCall Smith on the break down of values in society. I have only read a couple of his No 1 Ladies detective series and really enjoyed them. Saw he was speaking, never been to this sort of thing before so why not. Had to settle for a seat with limited viewing which i figure doesn't matter since I'm going to "listen" to him.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    HELP!!! I need help!!! I just can't stay on this damn wagon, and I'm gaining at a similar rate to which I was was losing a few months ago, and I could just CRY!

    After todays weigh in (gained 0.5kg) I'll have gained 7kg since the middle of July. AAAARRRGGGGHHHH! At this rate I'll be back where I started by Christmas, and that is NOT what I want. I seriously haven't picked up my consistency again since I had the day off on my birthday, and every day I say right this is it ... and sometimes I make the whole day, then I make the next day, but RARELY am I making more than 3 days .... HELP!!!!

    I'm thinking I'm going to put my calorie goal back down again to 2lb a week or 1.5lb, because I reckon I shoot for goal, and often go over, but because I'm set to lose 1lb a week, when I go over too much I'm gaining ... maybe if I I shoot a bit lower, and go over I might still lose!

    I am still doing my exercise, so that is something ... sigh ....
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, I'm here for you. I know how you feel it seems I have good days and very very bad days. I start the week well. Guess i should call monday, motivated monday. Today is a public holiday, husband having a sleep in, its cold and overcast, would have been very easy to stay in bed. BUT yesterday my weight loss was 0. ok its not a gain but we are all here to lose.Having gotten up to let the cat out I went back to bed attempting to go back to sleep, but then I thought no bugger it. I got up pulled on my exercise clothes and went down to the treadmill. I went to set it for 30min and then decided that I can walk for 60min so did it. I don't think exercise is my problem, I walk everywhere I can, now using the exercise bike as well.

    So its what we put into our mouth that we need help with. I solve everything with food, I reward everything with food, I heal everything with food, I comfort everything with food.

    I/we need to change these habits. I know that you are like me and try to tend to eat as healthy as we can. I know I have to get back into planning better. Yesterday on the way home from being in the city, we had Hungry Jacks. Why, my reasoning, was we could get vegetarian and it was cheap. Ok a treat now and then shouldn't matter, but I know my now and then is more often then it should be. Today I am going back into the city, (again to listen to Alexander McCall Smith), so i am going prepared will pack snacks and i can wait till I get home to eat a meal. If I am too tired to cook when i get home we will just have to have one of those vegie hotpots I have frozen. And then I hope to have another 30min on the bike, being new it is a novelty I am going to work my way through all the programs. So that is my plan for today and now that I have told you, I have to stick to it. What is your plan for today?

    This is our 1234 week. Not sure yet what I will do.
    Maybe 1. is take 1 day at a time and plan my day at the start of each day. Plus try to get to 1 class.
    2. double up my intentions. double last weeks calorie burn, that would be 6,234 so may need to think of something else
    3. 3 x 1hour walks
    4. 4 x 30min on bike.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Thank you Jenn

    You're right, I need to plan ahead. I have dinner sorted for today, but like you say, it's Monday, my Mondays are always good! But tonight I will sit down and plan my week, organise what I can cook up ahead. I liked your snack bag idea, as my worst days are the ones I work, (and the weekend). I always get home from work hungry, and I munch ...

    Today I've been tidying the house, I find a tidy house helps my brain to be tidy too. Part of me thinks that seeing my ticker saying I've lost 15kg every time I post will help!! It used to say 22kg grrrrr! Part of me also thinks this is all part of the process, I need to see that I have to carry on eating well. I need to see that exercise alone isn't the key. I've learnt a lot, but I need those lessons reinforcing a bit! I am actually quite proud of myself I'm still here, I realised things were going wrong and and I am going to do something about it. I really do mean business. I want to be slim. I want enjoy summer without feeling I have to hide behind my sarongs!

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    why am I doing so badly?! Haven't weighed this morning as it's my OH's birthday and it was manic this morning but I would imagine I've put on... Again...

    Looking forward to getting my blood test results back next week - maybe that will hold some answers....
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Yay! I've had a good day, but one puddle doesn't make a lake or whatever the saying is, but it's a start!

    I've increased my loss per week, so it's 1.5lb per week, so even though I'm 40 cals over today, that would have been 200 under on my old goals ... so I did good.

    House is looking tidier, though still got the "playroom" to get through ... sometimes I wish I could just throw all the toys away! They drive me crazy, so much mess .... anyway, that will be tomorrow's joy!

    Right Tuesday, here I come ... I'm gonna take you out too! This week I will lose weight, this week is the start of the new slimmer me.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ahh yes and my 1, 2, 3, 4

    1. 1 x 1km swim (wed)
    2. 2 x 10km bike rides (sun)
    3. 3 x 30 day shreds
    4. 4 x planned lovely dinners (tue, wed, thur, Fri)