**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • simplysara9
    Eileen - I have never stayed at the lodge, we saw it on our boat ride to Magic Kingdom and it looks beautiful. I could just imagine how much it is per night. Fort Wilderness Campground also has cabins that are nice -- full bedroom / bath / kitchen / living room. Our family rented one for a weekend and it was nice and convenient. We still haven't made it toe Hoop-De-Doo Revue but I do want to go at some point, the hubs has been in the past. We opted to see Cirque Du Soleil at Downtown Disney this time around and it was amazing!
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    I want a spectacular wedding because the first one was aweful. My mom made my dress it looked bad.My wedding took place in my mom's living room.We ate sandwiches and toasts were made with ginger ale.including the cost of my dress we may have spent $250.I wanted to back out the day of the wedding because I could not imagine spend the rest of my life with him and regret that I didn't say no during the vows.I have never felt so loved as I have the last 13years and we have always said we were going to get a whole pig and do a pig roast somewhere out in the country and go for a short holiday we plan to spend 10 thousand for everything plus the trip so not too bad.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Cynthia: sorry you had such a ****ty day. I hope you at least enjoyed the food that you over indulged on. And, as you said, today is a new day and I hope it is a better one. Nice that your mobility is getting better. Sucky Doctor-jerk and his dumb-*kitten* scuba comments. ****head should just mind his own business and sign the damn form. You know what you're doing and aren't going to do anything stupid.

    @Eileen: I hopy you can convice hubby to go to the nature preserve for a nice fall walk. This time of year doesn't last long, so it's nice to take advantage when you can. Winter will be here soon enough ...blech.

    @Bonnie: I'm sure that this time around you will be better able to enjoy your wedding/celebration. Sounds like you've got some great ideas/plans.

    @Sara: sounds like a great vaca. Sucks that having fun and living life can so easily lead to a 2+ LB gain. It just ain't fair! So easy to put the pounds on and so dang hard to take them off again.

    Not much new to report at my end. I went for a really lovely walk this morning. I almost didn't go b/c I woke up late, but I kicked myself out of bed and went for it. Fall is really starting to take hold here where I live (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) and it was one of those cool, crisp mornings with a lovely blue sky and the trees were just gorgeous. Those that haven't turned yet provide a beautiful green back drop for the crimson red of those that have. I took a different/new route and found an area that is just breathtakingly beautiful (along the Rideau Canal). It was a bit further than my normal morning walk, but totally worth it. The Canada Geese are starting to get into formation for their trip south and I must have seen 300 of them. The mallard ducks were out in force, as well, with the sun glinting off their irridescent (sp?) green heads. And the canal itself was just perfection. I will def be taking that route again (maybe tonight. There was a great spot where the sunset would be amazing. Maybe I can convince the wife to go with me...although, it might be a bit too far for her).

    Anyway, Sunday is Turkey Day here in Canada so we will be having friends over for the full-on feast. I will avoid dessert and appetizers, but I will def be getting in on the turkey, gravy, stuffing, pots and various adult beverages. I'll be good the rest of the weekend and hope to get in another 10K walk. Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Today was cardio freak day for me. I went to the local pool/fitness center and rode the bike over 30 miles, then ran 1.5 on the treadmill, then went to Curves then did my Insanity with a little weights inbetweenn since i was waiting for cardio equipment. So, I have earned my piece of birthday pie tonight for my sons birthday. Oh crap the kids just walked in the door and I am not done cleaning the house. I'll check in again later. Loves ya all.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just stopping by real quick before work.....eating not so good last couple of days, but have been burning a ton of calories. Not so happy with the weight, but will get back on track tomorrow. Not dealing well with my 40th b-day coming up in 2 weeks so I know that is why I am off track. But all I can do is get back to it tomorrow. Until then......
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Ok Hanibal Lecter ; aka Cyndi - put down the cianti and step away from the Dr - poor guy is looking out for your health. We don't want you to scuba before you r ready.
    Heading north but I will check in when I can as long as we have services.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Idaho - love the photo! Remember you are in control and tomorrow is fresh and ready for you to make the most of!

    Staci you are a beast!!!! I think we can safely say you've earned that piece of pie!! Hoping to geta crazy burn tomorrow as I'm not counting the calories I consume in tomorrow's thanksgiving dinner.

    Greg- your walk sounds absolutely glorious! Happy Turkey weekend to you!!

    Bonnie - you deserve your dream wedding, I'm planning mine for August :bigsmile:

    Its been a good day! I chose to leave work bang on the bell with the kids to make sure I made it to the gym and not the pub. In honour of our challenge I did 3 super circuits instead of 2. Hubby met me and we headed out to do the shopping for Thanksgiving. I am ridiculously excited as I haven't had a proper Thanksgiving dinner in about 5 years. My BFF and her fiance are coming over to our for a dinner with all the trimmings. I am not logging food tomorrow but am going to try to get as much of a burn in as possible starting with zumba.

    So I had a weird thing happen at the gym. I was looking in the mirror, and I was liking what I saw, there is something about the mirrors there I think. I don't see the big belly and the fat thighs. I still think most of the time I am seeing the body of old and I couldn't describe the new body. But I have a question for you all, what is your new favourite part of you? I always said, I like my hair or my eyes (still do) but now I really like my shoulders, chest area (not boobage, above that). It looks toned and skinny....oh and my ridiculously skinny ankles! :laugh:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    OMG, Steph...if I could get my ankles to be a normal size without any swelling, I would walk around in hooker heels 24/7...I might even sleep in them things!! I've been so depressed over the years, as my ankles started this nasty swelling thing that has plagued most of the women in my family, because I have had to give away or throw away all of my swanky shoes...I'm a total shoe *kitten*!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I wish my ankle would slim down. They are getting there though. I think my new favorite body part would be my butt. I have always had a pretty flat one and with all the running and bike riding in the past two months it is starting to getsome shape. I would love to have a nice firm tush in my future.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Greg and Staci...and Renae, and Jane, and Brisa...Thank you! I was just sitting around work and just felt pretty. So, I looked through the pics I had on my phone and quickly realized that 1) I don't take many of myself and 2) None of them, even the last most recent one, demonstrate how I was feeling at that moment. I can't wait until I'm as excited to show full-length pics as I am those from the shoulders up :happy:

    OMG!! THANK YOU!!! Thank you so very, very much for saying that! I keep thinking when I get these compliments on photos, why is it that I can be happy with the pic but at the same time feel like I am getting false compliments and your post helped me realize just that very thing. All of the photos that I post are just my face, neck and shoulders... the very area(s) that I feel like are the ONLY ones changing! Tonight, at the hotel's fitness room, I was forced to look at myself in the mirror and I was just disgusted... in as good of a way as you can use that word. I have all this loose skin and all the fat has dropped with gravity... it's not pretty and it's not what I typically see when I look at myself. However -- what you said is exactly why all of this/these feelings are what they are... No one is seeing the full length photo! So, I am gonna sit with that. i realize that none of this probalby makes any sense whatsoever... but THANK YOU!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Fave part of the new body... the collarbone that is just begging to start showing. If I flex my neck just right, I can feel it... it's there, it's in there and it can't wait to show! :laugh: I also love that I actually HAVE a neck! Not a long one, or a skinny one... but there is a neck there! :wink: And my shoulders... just the tops of them, but the tops of my shoulders. Go much below that and you get to the super bat wings... so stay at the top of them! :laugh: And, in all seriousness, without any conditions on it -- my eyes. So blue. And, most of the time, sparkly and happy. Always understanding and caring... yep, my eyes will always win it out! :blushing:

    So, I am finally in Denver. Couldn't leave for the longest because of the winds. Stuck in a Montana airport with only the gift shop for food to eat. NOT a good sign. Did make it here after many many hours of delay! Got to cuddle and dance with my niece Gabriele! Gabbie... The name has one dot over the e at the end, it's Lithuanian.

    Tomorrow is the HOCKEY GAME!! Woot! Woot! Detroit Red Wings playing Colorado Avalanche - for Colorado's season opener. I am a huge, HUGE Red Wings fan and am so psyched about going! We are in Section 106, Row 6! That section starts at Row 4!! Can't wait for some great body checks hard into the glass! We are on the corner, where the best body checks happen! Will be at the end that Detroit shoots twice on the same side as the players... I'll be the crazy fan you see on tv shouting and screaming for the visiting team... hope the Colorado fans are nice! Decided NOT to chance wearing the shirt... (it's a pic of a guy flipping you off and says 'if you ain't a red wings fan, this is for you!') My brother was happy with that decision!

    I am so tired and plan to get some zzzzz's! Hope all of you are doing well!

    Cyndi... (insert music from mighty mouse) here I come to save the day!! Will message you... and thanks for stepping in!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    --- Wear the ****in shirt... :) Screw yer family. *lmao* Okay you knew i'd say that... seriously. I have worn some pretty bad things in my day in the Ohio State vs Michigan games... my favorite of course... MUCK FICHIGAN! ;) Or the generic SCREW the BLUE shirts with a giant screw and such on them... Oh it's on... it's on like Donkey Kong... ;) I will actually look for the game on TV to see if I can see you ;) You're not that far away :)

    -- thanks darling :) Have a great weekend! Catch up on your homework & plans! Those kids will drag the life out of you! ;)D

    -- Welcome back. Glad you had a good vacation. Glad you're back with us and ready to hit the trail again. :)

    -- There is a cheater way to make the potato mac. Just make macaroni or potato salad. FOr me it's potato salad I make, then boil the macaroni and add it in. Voila. It sounds gross right? It's not. It's so squishy and tatoey and ... gah. I hate them. And then you serve that of course with Kalua pork and some lomi lomi tuna.. and... Ah jeasus I haven't even mentioned the manapua or the the shave ice... That island is gonna kill me. Luckily there's ocean to swim and scuba in, 360 degrees ;) Mountains to hike and bike, and lots of hunting of wild pigs. :) Thank god. ;D
    -- Safeway here has the cheapest pumpkins I've seen. $4.99 any size. And they had some MONSTERS. I want to get one. But I am waiting for William (My white pumpkin plant) to produce my pumpkin. I don't think he's going to make it. But I'm giving him every opportunity. :) Have a great weekend :)

    -- Stale sandwiches and soda aside. ;) I am happy you're having a pig roast ;) I can't say nothin' bad about roastin' a pig. Save the tail for me ;) *oink* :D

    -- Thanks. *HUGS* He's like the ultimate Jewish Grandmother. It's nice, but dude. He could have just said "no don't want to sign" and I could have lived with that too. Ya know? Sheesh. I love your fall walk description. It's the only thing I miss about living back east. The fall trees. :) I can picture the morning too. Seeing your breath and then taking off so you warm up with the walk. Love the geese too. There are a ton of them in Ohio where mom lives. Everyone there is always complaining about the 'loud geese' I'm like stfu, if I could pack them up and take them home with me I would. I miss their honking and gonking all the time. It's rather comforting. Have a fantastic Turkey day!! Don't forget to brine your Turkey!! Makes it juicy!!! :) (I'll send a recipe if you want it but you can look one up on the 'net) :D

    -- Have a good weekend!

    -- Have a good weekend. Like the new pic! :)

    -- Thanks mom. I promise I won't drown. I just wanted to photograph the fishies about 20 feet down and swim with the honu. :( *sighs* Have a good weekend. Don't freeze to death out there in Mooseville. :)

    -- Have a good weekend darling. Same goes for you as Greggy. Don't forget to brine your turkey! Makes it juicy! :) (you can look it up on the internets) Requires soaking overnight so you have to plan in morning on sat! :) (Hope you read in time! :) Love you darling... I'm Thankful you are here with me on this journey. Don't gobble gobble too much ;) Well then again, go ahead, it's only one day :)D *HUGGGGGGS* :D

    I feel bad, I think my ankles are fat, but I know saying that Bobbie is going to yell at me that they're not. So I can't say that ;). The batwings are getting smaller thanks to my COMPRESSION SHIRTS (hint*hint) ;) So I don't even hate them so much anymore. My big fat gut is shrinking, and my *kitten* is smaller. In fact since we got the new mattress I noticed that I can sleep on my side and I don't need the body pillow to prop up one leg, it can just lay on the bed with the other one, it doesn't hurt. In fact. I kind of have hips a waist and boobies when I lay on my side in bed now. And I think that's my favorite thing. That from the waist up or at least at certain times of the day or in certain clothes. I seem to have a shape. I'm not just blobby the whale. When I go to the movie theatre I can sit in the seats comfortably. When I go to doctors offices and other waiting rooms. I don't have to look around for couches or double chairs or chairs without arms, I just sit. So my favorite thing about me, is well. There's less of me everywhere. And the very most awesome thing is. I really do fit in a 2x tshirt... Oh yeah. ZING! :)D
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    It's 3am and I will never eat pizza again. I've been up most of the night. My stomach hates me. Today will be a liquid cleanse for this chic. I have enjoyed all of your post here as I read them laying in our camper in the Maine fall wilderness. It's supposed to be our Indian summer this weekend in the 70's! We saw Canadian geese fly overhead last night and the were squawking very loudly! Love them! The foliage is not as colorful this year but its still my favorite time of year.

    8am field hockey game in the morning and then an all day FH round robin on Sunday. But they have a track there so I'll be wearing my sneaks.

    Ps- I don't care how much weight I lose - this camper mattress doesn't get any more comfortable.

    Keep the weekend skinny - says the girl who ate pizza.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I have to share this with you all, and I will ONLY share it with you all...watch out Greg, might be TMI.

    So, this morning, I'm getting dressed and trying to find some panties. I dig down in the drawer and pull out a pair that I have only ever worn once, since I bought them maybe 3 years ago. They were so tight, I thought they would cut the circulation off, as if fat had circulation. Well, I said **** it, I'm just going to be around the house cleaning anyway, so if they bother me, I'll just take them off. I put them on and HOLY ****, they fit...not only do they fit, but they're comfortable (as comfortable as nylon strings can be)...and not only are they comfortable and fit, but they fit better than the ****ing granny panties that I've been wearing here recently!!!

    But wait, there's more...RIP to the oxyclean guy...have I mentioned that I can actually SEE my bellybutton??? He's been MIA for a while now, and I see him peeking pack out there. He's a cute little guy, and I think the fat bullies were just crowding around him.

    So, yeah, just a little too thrilled with myself this morning! This may be a long *kitten* road, but ladies and gent, I have plenty of gas in the tank, and I sure as hell love to drive! Anyone want to hop on in???
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Bobbie: congrats on the underwear NSV! And it wasn't TMI. Heck, who'd have thought I would get a front row seat to hear hot chicks discussing their underwear! To be honest, I'm starting to feel like a bit of perv. LOL Actually, I'm having similar problems in that my XXXL Eddie Bauer boxers are literally falling off of me. Last weekend I went to Walmart and bought a pair of workout-type underwear that are the super stretchy nylon material. I wore them this morning for my epic walk (over 11KM) and they are insanely good! No chaffing (I know you all know what I mean) and they feel great.

    Seriously, these are just great stories of success. I can't think of anything else I do in my daily life that involves so many examples of triumph and courage. What an awesome thing!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Ok, I have to share this with you all, and I will ONLY share it with you all...watch out Greg, might be TMI.

    So, this morning, I'm getting dressed and trying to find some panties. I dig down in the drawer and pull out a pair that I have only ever worn once, since I bought them maybe 3 years ago. They were so tight, I thought they would cut the circulation off, as if fat had circulation. Well, I said **** it, I'm just going to be around the house cleaning anyway, so if they bother me, I'll just take them off. I put them on and HOLY ****, they fit...not only do they fit, but they're comfortable (as comfortable as nylon strings can be)...and not only are they comfortable and fit, but they fit better than the ****ing granny panties that I've been wearing here recently!!!

    But wait, there's more...RIP to the oxyclean guy...have I mentioned that I can actually SEE my bellybutton??? He's been MIA for a while now, and I see him peeking pack out there. He's a cute little guy, and I think the fat bullies were just crowding around him.

    So, yeah, just a little too thrilled with myself this morning! This may be a long *kitten* road, but ladies and gent, I have plenty of gas in the tank, and I sure as hell love to drive! Anyone want to hop on in???

    Sooooo Bobbie...you were vacuuming in just your undies, high heels and pearls today weren't you? How Donna Reed of you. :wink:

    Steph, I have never ever had skinny ankles. Cankles run in the family, and even when I weighed 120 pounds I had chubby ankles. I have always joked that if I ever went for plastic surgery, I would want to have the fat sucked out of my ankles! Then I could wear some red patented leather ****-me pumps with the straps around the ankles. Every. Day. On the plus side, I realized this week that I have lost weight in my feet! Shoes that didn't used to fit across the top of my feet now do! Including my Danskos!!!!!! Woot!!!

    Renae, uncomfortable mattress or not, have a great time camping. It sounds lovely.

    Becky- Have a great time with the family and at the hockey game! I hope you get some great body checks right in front of you! Woot!

    I also had another awesome NSV today. I was going through my Ravelry queue looking at all the knitting patterns I had for sweaters. I have not made one yet this year, because I don't want to invest the time and money in making a sweater only to have it be too big. I was thinking that I would start on a size Large sweater and by the time I finish it off it would probably fit. I went to see what the chest measurement was for a large, so I would know how many inches off I was....and it is EXACTLY the size I am right now. 42.5 inches. EXACTLY. It has been over a decade since I was a size Large in anything but an Extra Value Meal. SO EXCITED!!! But now I think I should knit the Medium instead. Its a cardigan, so it would be fine kinda big....but I still have 75 pounds to go, so will it be TOO big? I am gonna have to ponder this a little......
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Omg.. Between Bobbies Thongies and JJ's McDongies ;) I was almost snorting my diet soda. Shiiiiit...

    I am going to have to put the beverages down when I read this stuff seriously..

    And I can picture Renae sleeping tonight in Maine, lump, turn, lump, turn. lump. turn. Oh damn. I remember camping too. But I'd give it all up for waking up smelling like burnt wood and raunchy stinky mammal. The woods, what better place there is to make an excuse to not shave and shower for a week. And not give a damn you're wearing flannel and combat boots and your hair is sticking straight up and out (even if you don't have a mohawk). Streeeeetch *crack of bones and tendons* Oh yeah... lets go catch us some breakfast...

    So have at it Renae.. I don't blame you one bit. ;)

    And Bobbie go you with the tiny girl panties, the next thing you know, I'm going to be hearing about the come **** me heels you've purchased on sale at Famous Footwear that you're vacuuming in. JJ I don't think Donna Reed is what we're going for here. I think more Pamela Anderson ;)

    JJ speaking of knitting. I have a wild Idea. I know. now.. I know that those damn sweaters have patterns and it's always across. But what if. lets just say. What if. Instead of knitting left to right you knit the sucker from bottom hem to neck starting in the middle back and then go OUT. Now I know... you'll have to tie a knot and add yarn to go the other way, but you'd have to do that anyway when you add in a new skein so no biggie. Because then you could make it bigger, or smaller on the 'wings' near the arms as you get nearer to the 'finish line' and size it as needed to your current size. Whatchoo think? :) (See this is why I don't knit or crochet anymore, I just do stuff, I can't follow one of those patterns to save my *kitten*.) :D

    So me... today was a good day. Got up at the crack of noon and got dressed and then conned err... convinced...er... asked hubby to join me on a trip to the garden center(s) to get plants for the yard. Actually we had discussed it earlier in the week that we were going today, but of course when it arrived he wanted to sit in the chair and scratch himself for the day and I was of course adamant that no no, we were going out. Momma gotta get exercise ;) And spend yo money. Heee. So we picked up lots of herbs and veggies. Chevril, celery, 3 kinds of sage, peppers, spinach, spearmint. Some grass.. the big acquisition was a brand new bay leaf bush. WOOT! I'll never have to buy fresh bay again just *pluck* and it's done. Trying to remember what else we got. It's hard to remember. It's always a frenzy this time of year to beat the **** out of people to get the best plants. Oh ! Erik did get the best looking dill in the batch *sniffs* My man! ;) And we got a package of ladybugs...
    So the ladybugs...
    Erik put them in the fridge hydrator as we got them at the first nursery and we had to go out for the 2nd run to the further one. Which takes at least 2 hours. Plus you have to let 'the girls' go at dusk or dawn after freshly watering down the yard (because they're thirsty when you release them). So as he's pulling them out tonight to release them... YEP you ****ing guessed it. POP open the container goes, alllll over my hydrator and veggies. Well the girls are like FOOOD! (and yes I know there are male ladybugs in there too ;))...

    So we are like *scramble* and I run outside with the container and most of the 1000 ladybugs and start releasing them into the wet yard, all over the plants and in the lemon & lime trees and everywhere!! and I come back in the house and erik has pulled the veg & I'm like DUDE just take it all OUTSIDE!! ****! And so he's like oh... he was shaking the veg off into the bin and putting the veg on the stove... bless his stupid male heart... (sorry Greg).... So he goes outside and I'm running around inside running the veg under the water sprayer in the sink to get any freeloaders off ;) and OMG they are crawling all over the counter probably a dozen.. .So carefully scoop scoop scoop I go collecting all of them and then outdoors they go... Well...

    I start making the clam chowder for dinner and needless to say I ended up collecting another half dozen while making it over the next 3 hours and taking 'em outside. There are probably a few still inside. But it's nice weather so the door will be open in the next weeks so they can get in/out :)

    Still... ARGH!...I bet I find more of them all week. Jeeeez :)

    Tomorrow I get to dig up the dead plants from the summer, till out the dirt, add more good compost, a couple handfuls of the good worm POO dirt we bought LOL God I love the crap you can get these days. But we have like 1 worm per 100 sqft of dirt here in Arizona. And we only have that worm because we had topsoil trucked in when we remodeled the backyard for the planting beds and have also brought in fresh compost and dirt over the years. Otherwise, we'd be planting in **** sandy clay soil. Caliche is it's official name, which you can look up in wikipedia to see the true nature of our natural soil ;) And if that wasn't bad enough, below that, my house is built on an old granite mine. Some of the ledge is still in place. (I had to listen to my neighbors hammer for 3 days with the biggest backhoe I've ever seen to get their pool in the ground) Massive migraine. Up at the top of the mountain that my house is built on, well actually at the top and other backside is a gypsum mine that used to be active up until the housing recession a year ago. :) Now they are apparently using it to mine aggregate or otherwise known as rocks ;) Hee hee. But I haven't heard them blast in I Think over a year. Who knows. :)

    So tomorrow I'll be diggin and plantin' and hopefully figuring out where everything goes. *crosses fingers* Maybe I'll even get some help ;) I probably will. Actually Erik has had to do it all himself in the past, he'll be happy to get help this time. ;) Happy weekend everyone! :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy Sunday all!
    I'm feeling a bit rundown today. Feels lke my cold is making a rebound and my head hurts :sick: I did however make it to the gym and do 15.5miles on the dam stationary bike. I hate the burn that thing gives. MFP gives it a great burn but the machine for 65minutes of work (and I mean sweat was running down my arms and puddling on the floor), I burned all of 499 calories. GRRRRRR!! I wanted a much bigger burn to compensate for last nights meal.

    That said, last night was lovely!! I made stuffing from scratch which was a first for me (so yummy), chicken, veggies, savory biscuits and roast potatoes (courtesy of my BFF) and pumpkin pie. We enjoyed great food, great company and great conversation. I loved it. I knew I ate too much though,my tummy hurt until I went to sleep. I'm glad meals like that come along only twice a year! Lots of water today to flush the system and rehydrate aftera few glasses of wine. I see a nap in my future though.

    Cynthia - sounds like an eventful day. My mom loves the garden center (she does have lovely flower beds) but she always has to drag the rest of kicking and screaming when she goes!!

    JJ -nice NSV, I'm sure whatever you decide, it will be great!

    Bobbie - your story had me laughing. You go in your schmeexy undies!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Stephanie - the machines give horribly inaccurate readings. If your reading there is low, and the MFP estimate is higher, I'd aim half way between.

    Bobbie, nice to hear that you're starting to practice for your audition to reprise the role of Melanie Griffiths in Working Girl.

    JJ - good choice on knitting something slightly small. I have a gorgeous half knitted aran that I started just before I started losing weight. I keep thinking I should unpick it and start again, because I'd swim in it if I finished it now! Congratulations on your new measurement!

    Cynthia - I feel sorry for your solitary worm. That invertebrate needs company!

    mrsduck - I'm a long term not quite divorcee too (not quite as long term as you) so I know the kind of feeling you're talking about. My ex and I are really close, he's friends with my new partner, but for various reasons, formalising our divorce has proven tricky. And while at one level it's just a bit of paper and it doesn't really matter, it would still be kind of nice to have that bit of paper *closed*.

    Greg, that's an amazing NSV - I know what you mean about testing yourself by not going back, but to be honest it sounds like you've changed the way you feel about and relate to rich, creamy, sweet things. That's brilliant - testimony to your hard work, and a really good sign for the future.

    Sara good luck with the new Insanity plan. I'm sure you'll be brilliant.

    stacio - thirty miles on the bike? Could you walk after that? Amazingly good work, well done!

    Becky your new(ish) picture is so pretty. You look relaxed and confident and happy, and your skin is so radiant. That colour really does suit you. (I know I've said this before, but it stands to be repeated!)

    As for me, it's been a bit of a hectic week. Busy at work, lots of stuff going on with my mum. But I'm keeping my head above the water, and that's a good thing. I'm proud of myself for getting down to the free weights section of the gym a few times this week, and also because my running is really starting to pick up. I don't think it will be much longer before I'm running 5k outdoors.

    Feeling a little grim today. Been on antibiotics all week for my ear infection - which *still* hasn't cleared. This has messed with my contraceptive pill (sorry if that's TMI) and I now have my second period in less than a month. My body is most displeased! And of course I've got that lovely waterweight gain to wrestle with too. Sigh.

    Ah well, upwards and onwards!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: Auggggg what is wrong with me?!?!? This weekend was like a weekend from my past. Felt like all I was doing was eating, almost like TOM is here, but isn't. I am even very ashamed to admit that I ate 6 frozen cookie dough cookies(from a fundraiser) I don't know what came over me. I just NEEDED something sweet, don't care what it was. So disappointed in myself. :grumble: :grumble: Well tomorrow is a new day, I know the choices I made and will not be doing that anytime soon. But damn, it pisses me off......
    Have a busy week ahead of me. Which is good, keep me out of the kitchen.
    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.