**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Friendly Friday - Julie, you are such an amazing woman. You have done so good on your weight loss journey, and you are always here for me and many of us. So thank you! Your personal post to me the other, made my day. So thank you!

    Greg – thank you! I am trying, and I am going to try and unload some with you guys. You are right, there are a lot people here that care about me and can help me get through this. Thanks again.

    Staci - yes, it is a new picture. The first one in a long time that I don't see a bunch of chins...so i am pretty happy about it.

    So, with all this going on in my life, I guess I have lost my appetite. I am still eating, but not a lot. If I logged everything, I am probably eating between 1000 - 1200 calories per day, so I am comfortable with that. So far this week I think I have lost close to 7 pounds. And the scale looks good tonight. I am not waiting to record things, I am recording it every morning I see a difference. I need good news and it is helping me feel great.

    Thank you all with the support and hugs. My husband and I are going through a difficult time. It is like a perfect storm of horrible things happening to him. First, he just got home from a year-long deployment to Afghanistan. His mother passed (who he was extremely close with), while he was deployed. He made it home to see her for 2 hours before she died, then he was shipped back over there for the remaining 8 months of his tour. While there he avoided the situation and never dealt with her death, or the death of several friends he lost over there. He is now officially sober (from alchohol and drugs) for the first time in 20 years. He has had periods of not smoking (the green stuff), but during that time he usually was drinking some. So he is dealing with who he is as a sober man. And lastly there is a chance he could get discharged out of the army. This is the only time he has gotten in trouble, but the way things are now, they are trying to kick everyone out. Also, he is working about 15 - 18 hours everyday, 7 days a week. He had to move into a freinds house closer to post (we live 30 minutes away and he wasn't getting anytime to sleep...except for in his truck). So, there is so much going on in his life. I am happy that he is getting sober and working on being happy with himself, but it is hard. He told me the other day that he was not "in love" with me. And that just tore my heart out. He does say that he still loves me and wants to work on our relationship, but he can't do it until he figures himself out first. So, I am hear for him. I am starting to see a counselor so I can work on dealing with my emotions and feelings, and how I can be there for him. I don't know much about his challenges of being sober, so talking with a counselor is helping me figure things out. I know that it is a tough road, but I am not ready to throw in the towel yet. We have been together for almost 10 years (married for over 3) and I love him too much to give up. Thank you in advance for listening to me and supporting me during this trying time.

    I will try and get back in my habit of checking in more regularly...because I know that it will be good for me.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Lexie, I'm so sorry to hear about all of this happening. I remember how excited you were to be getting married, and I pray you will find that happiness in each other again. Many people don't realize how many changes a person can go through being sober just as they went through beginning to drink/smoke/whatever. ((hugs))
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Cynthia....I remember the thyroid scans well.....I had thyroid cancer. I had them all, so I sympathize with you. Hope that you feel better.

    I am behind on reading all the posts but will catch up. Hope that you all are doing well and those that were sick are feeling better. I have to work in the morning so I better get my butt to sleep.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    And my friendly Friday is to Pam, thank you for stopping in to let me know the news and a cheery hello. It's good that you keep in touch with us! :)

    Hello all,
    Well believe it or not, I got my results already. I think I'm kinda freaked out by that. I think I'm more freaked out that they found 3 nodules in the stupid thyroid. And I quote "they do not in general show aggressive features, but I would consider a 12 month followup to see if there are changing areas". really. REALLY? 12 months. I have to sit and wait to see if something is going to grow ****ing bigger in my throat?

    Renae. I think I'm with you. Yank that ****er right out.

    I don't know if I even want to go through the 'fine needle aspiration'. Wait you're going to stick a needle in my throat, under an ultrasound and get a piece of the ****ing thing to test? (And you had that done Renae? And Pam?) OH **** that. Just give me the readioactive Iodine I think kill it and let's be on with the pills the rest of my life.

    I have the gastroenterologist appointment next week for the choking thing, err. two weeks. We'll see. Then apparently my endocrinologist is *sure* the heart rate is not my thyroid spiking it, he says see a cardiologist. Really? Really?? jeasus. it never ends.

    ist ist ist... Just put a bullet in me. :P *crankapuss* I warned you ;P

    lexie.... I am sorry to hear that your life is not going the way you had planned, hoped, dreamed. I cannot express enough how much that is an absolute crap load of well... crap. I am sorry for your sorrow and your broken heart. I know that little will help you mend what's broken. You have my love and my wishes for peace and goodwill in your life. *HUGS*

    alrighty nap time.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hey Cynthia, I'm sorry you are having to go through all that ****. Waiting for 12 months sounds like an impossible thing to me. I say, bite the bullet and have that needle thing so they can test whatever it is. Easy for me to say, extremely unpleasant for you to go through, but you are a tough Wolfie and I know you can do it. My advice (and you didn't here this from me), get some weed and get really high right before the procedure and it won't seem so bad. Alternatively, have your Dr prescribe some valium and take it before going in. Valium makes everything better. I had the "Big V" procedure a number of years ago and the Dr gave me one single Valium beforehand and it made what should have been a very scary thing as easy as pie. Good luck girl.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Lexie - my heart goes out to you. I hope both you and your husband get the help that you need.

    Cynthia- hugs to you, I hope you get answers and quickly.

    So far so good today. I'm feeling better today than I did last night which is a relief. I'm trying to super hydrate today as I am dehydrated after the last couple of days (or at least I am hoping that is the reason for the scale creeping northwards!). Zumba this morning was a lot of fun and then I went to do some shopping. My birthday is Tuesday and my parents sent me some dosh for shopping as they were tired of hearing me say I have nothing to wear. I am a bit annoyed to find out that all the lovely sweaters were enormous and shapeless - and they were meant to be that way. I spent a lot of my life living in shapeless items so I struggled to find anything I actually wanted to buy. My favourite purchase though was a pair of grey and white leopard print fuzzy pajamas. I could live in them all day. Finally also got myself so new gym bottoms so I don't have to worry about them dropping off me when I work out. Hope you all have a great day!!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Staci - yay for comfy pjs and new workout pants/shorts! You don't want to be showing anyone your rear :wink: I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!!!! So, how much weight have you lost since your last birthday? I am sure you feel like a different person.

    Today was a pretty good day for me. I went to the gym for the first time since Monday. I spent an hour on the treadmill, then took the boys swimming. I felt great, and plan on going back again tomorrow. Today has been a pretty good day for me, emotionally speaking too. The only thing is, I am starting to realize that I have a lot of soul searching to do within myself. I don't know if I ever figured out who I was or am. Usually when I tell people about myself, I say I am a mother, wife, and teacher. But that is not really me, is it? What is scary is that I have to figure out how to learn more about myself. It has been a long time since I have had the opportunity to do things just for myself. I am on a good track with my health, but now I need to do it with my mind and heart...wish me luck! :wink:

    I hope you are all having a great weekend and have a nice and relaxing Sunday!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I know you're on the right path already. Just don't feel like you're going it alone. You have us, and I am sure you have a ton of friends and family in RL to give you hugs and love and encouragement. (And all those moose burgers!) ;) *HUGS*

    - Glad you're doing well. Birthdays can still be fun even when you start rackin' up the years ;) And jungle jammies? rawr ;) What'd hubby say? :D hee hee! Don't worry too much about the ups, you know you've been there before (*wiggles eyebrows*) and it all went away then too ;) *HUGS* them electric buns of yers won't let it stick around for long ;) And I have faith you'll find a cute sweater yet! :)

    -- Thanks darling. And I won't have to go far. Just break into DHs stash. That is if he has any left by the time I need it, poiapotamus. Sheesh. Since I got the migraines 4 years ago can't usually touch the stuff (not that I had since college anyway till I visited friends in the UK 5 years ago). DAMN you Brits~ *shakes fist* ;) Might have to test run. I can't imagine something worse than freaking right out during the procedure. LMAO. Oooh especially since I habs muscles. :D tee hee.

    Finished up the garden. Took the night pics tonight, Will take day pics tomorrow. Then post so you can see all the work :) I went to a movie tonight "Real Steel" it was pretty good. Got to see Hugh Jackman topless for like 2 whole minutes. *shakes fist* DAMN you Disney!!! I caved and had a soft pretzel, still had a ton of calories left for the day, just skipped the salt & butter dip, asked for it plain. Was still yummicus. :D Love you guys...

    Tomorrow I might do some baking (deadly) And then probably get started on house cleaning. Since the garden is done. Well I guess I have to put together the rosemary wreath for the front door first ;) Then clean. & cook ;) Yay.

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    hee hee Cynthia - hubby loved them despite being covered from head to toe - it meant I kept my freezing cold limbs to myself (he affectionately calls me Fridgedair) :huh:

    Got up this morning to get my workout over with. I am not a huge fan of the stationary bike but we need to get up that mountain! Did some circuit training to start with to get me into the zone and then hit the trail (so to speak) for 25km. I want to get in some zumba but its gonna have to wait a bit as I feel shattered after the gym.

    My birthday is coming up on Tuesday and I am just hoping that DH remembers it, let alone actually does something for it! I have spin that night but haven't decided whether or not I will go. We are going out to my favourite pub (The Maple Leaf) and then to La Tasca, my favourite tapas place on Saturday so really not celebrating until the weekend after.

    Well I'm off to do some stitching, I haven't cross stitched since DH came home back in August and I need to get this project done. After all, the Christmas season is approaching and I have to stitch some of my cards!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Where is everyone.....????

    :sad: Frustrated. Finally lost last week, scales this morning show a 4lb gain, its been creeping every day. I've been really good with food and exercising a lot. Am I exercising too much and not eating enough, is my body pretending to be a camel and holding water?? Don't know how to tackle this week now. :sad:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Stephy see what I posted on your wall :) Lubs you :) You can do eeet! :)
    Love that you were all warm and toasty. I buy flannel sheets for just that reason. You'd think weighing 400+lbs that I'd have been plenty warm but oh no, freeeeeezing cold all the time. I used to joke it was because I had more surface area to heat loss.. But I suspect that it's true ;) And now that I"m losing the fat, I suspect it's because I have less insulation ;) TEE HEE

    So I'm still cranky... I'll come clean why..

    Okay that being said.

    October is a bad month. It actually used to be my favorite month in the year. Leaves turning color, my favorite holiday Halloween... and then I got married. :P And Erik is not making it easy on me this year. The stick is so firmly wedged up his *kitten* this year it started it's insertion in the middle of September and it's been oozing **** all around him ever since. Yeah I know not pretty picture is it? His birthday is the 29th of the month, but he's only going to be 44. Every mother ****ing god damn year.. ***** moan mope whine sulk sulk sulk piss moan whinge whinge whinge. Jeasus mary and mother ****ing joseph. Shut the **** up. Are you Bi ****ing polar? Are you a ****ing psychopath? IT's just another god damn day. SHUT THE **** UP. ... 29th...I might kill him before then. I swear to god.

    So friday we went out to eat, fine. He wanted to get water for his plants. Don't ****ing ask. (okay our water here is so hard it leaves calcium deposits EVERYwhere so he buys water that's been filtered at 30 cents a gallon (and softened) to get rid of that) yeah for the plants. and so we go to water, and I said fine lets get the sod we need for the rest of the project too. Okay off we go to Home Depot. At HD he lets the flatbed trolly slam into my car in a very disrespectful manner, then he was flippant about it, then he lied and said there was no scratch. Actually, it's just a matter of when i kill him now I guess...*sharpens her fangs and claws*

    Then I go into the front 'formal' living room we never go into to get a shipping box for a package to mail Twinkies to my friend in Bristol (UK) (Yes I told you Steph/Jane) ... (45$ btw, ****.) AND.... HOLY **** I find not one but TWO >>... TWOOOOO piles of dried cat puke. YEAH OKAY. So I know what you're thinking. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW that he told me about the cat puke 5 days ago. AND THEN DIDN'T ****ING CLEAN IT UP. *runs around the room screaming and pulling her hair out* Ohsohelpmemother****inggodimgonnawringhismother****ingneck. So I march into his room where he's either stoned, drunk, or both. And said, "GET the **** up and clean the cat puke." And he stops watching UFC for like 15 seconds till I leave the room and go back to doing the laundry. I hear the ****ing TV start again. I'm like OH HELL NO>.< I march back in. NOW MF. That wasn't later. That's NOW> GET UP NOW> NOW NOW. He goes out to the living room. I hear him staring at the carpet, I am reaaally trying not to have an aneurysm now... He says, how am I to clean it. I said figure it the **** out. I suggest effort. The next thing I know I hear him, I swear to god as my witness... kicking at the carpet. He comes back to his room sits down and watches UFC again. He says, "it's ready for you to vacuum up." ...

    It's at this point dear reader.. that if you've ever seen an anime cartoon in recent years... especially my favorite Inuyasha.. that I point out the 'bulging eye, dancing eyebrow animation'. Because standing in front of the washing machine... That's pretty much what happened. My face kind of contorted to the side and one eye squinted and the other bulged out, and then my entire face just twitched.... I tear into the room and almost launch into him. He scoots back from that computer so fast because he knows better now.. I close off the god damn TV window and tell him that if I have to come in here one more time I"m going to delete every mother ****ing file on the hard drive. And he knows I will. I told him if he doesn't get up and finishing cleaning up that god damn mess right now I will make him lick it up off the ****ing floor personally. And that's when he really looked at me and I think he realized just how pissed I was, and 2) how much stronger and able to make him do I am currently.

    He got up, got the vacuum cleaned it up. And then nothing. He says it's done. I said no I doubt that. He says how do you know. I said because you're ****ing lazy. So I finish the laundry run. Go out to check and amazingly I can't find a stain or a mark, and so help me he's ****ing lucky. But tomorrow in bright sunlight I will check again.

    We are goin to the mattresses over this... He's already out manned, out gunned and behind on training...
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    STeph - I was wondering the same thing...where is everyone? hello? Well, I hope that your body gets its self figured out. I know you must be frustrated to be up on the scale, especially since you have been working so hard! You can do this, and you will figure it out. In the meantime, I am sending you some (((Hugs)))

    Cynthia - I love your stories! You know that I am a little in the dumps right now, and you made me smile :smile: I can't wait to see those picture of your garden, and I can't believe your husband wants bottled water for the plants!?! I could never see spending the money on that. But then again, it sounds like you guys (or was it just you) put in a lot of work to get it to the way it is, so maybe it is worth it to maintain it.

    I go back to work today. I didn't get done with half of the things I wanted to during my break. I guess it is understandable with everything going on. One good thing though is that I was able to lose 7 pounds this week. I know I should be more excited, because I am knocking on the 90 pounds lost door. But I just don't have it in me right now. I also went through my closet and found that I can squeeze into some 16's and that my 20's and over are all too big. So I am officially a size 18. I am hoping to be a size 16 by Thanksgiving time.

    I hope you all have a great Monday. I have a meeting after school, so i am not sure if I will make it to the gym. My goal for this week is to make it there 4 times. I know it is not a lot, but that might be a realistic goal for me this week. Ugghhh, I am feeling sad right now :grumble: :cry: I need to get up and get ready for school. :grumble:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    C ---


    Loved that you used it, I used to use it and forgot about it... I LOVE THAT I SAW THAT... so yep - I say it in a yell that you SHOULD hear all the way in AZ...


    Luv ya always,
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    HOLY ****ING **** Wolfie, I just about pissed myself reading your story! In fact I had to cover my own mouth to not laugh so loud that everyone around me comes running, and I'm in my own office. That sounds like some **** my kids and/or my mom would do. And having a child who loves anime and manga, I SO know the look you were talking about.

    Lexie, 4 days a week is a totally doable goal, and right now, you need something that you know you can control, look forward to, and accomplish for you. You've got this 90lb loss/size 16 thing down pat!!

    Steph, you are a workout monster, lady! Keep doing what you're doing and allow your body to adjust. If you do decide to make some changes, I suggest you only change one thing at a time and give it a couple of weeks to see if it works. I think some people try to change so many things at a time that they really don't know what works and what doesn't, which makes it harder to do it again as needed.

    So, my girls kept me busy this weekend. Saturday was all about them, although i did get a little bit of gym time. We went to lunch, did some shopping (spending all my damn money), and then did a haunted house Saturday night. Yesterday was spent cleaning the laundry room...who knew a little 6x5 space could hold that much ****!! Anyway, the house is finally starting to look like something decent. Maybe I'll be able to rest come Thanksgiving...well, after all the cooking and cleaning from dinner because I really plan to stay home and do it my way!

    And now another week has started, and it's looking to be a hectic one. Quick NSV for me this morning...I only own one pair of boots, and they are dress boots. Ever since I bought them, I've never been able to zip them all the way up because they go about 1/4 of the way up my fat *kitten* calves. Well, this morning I decide that I'm looking cute and want to wear the boots instead of the heels (of course the boots have heels too), and since I'm wearing my super-long (now that I've shrunk) work pants, it won't matter that they don't zip. Guess what, ladies and gentleman, they zipped all the way up and they're comfy...yep, sexy and comfortable...the way to go!!!

    Love ya all!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Renae - Hope you had a wonderful camping weekend!

    Julie - Nice NSV!

    ((Lexie)) - You and your family will be in my thoughts during this time. Remember we are here for you. ((Hugs))
    - Size 16? You go girl!

    Pam - Hope you had a good sleep!

    Cynthia - If I could come and take your place I would. But since I cannot, remember that they should ask you if you want a numbing agent before they began. You can still feel it, but it doesn't hurt. (At least it didn't when I had to get my girls aspirated.) For some reason I keep hearing the theme music from "The Six Million Dollar Man" playing in the background when I read your posts here lately.
    - Cat Puke? Sounds like my husband and yours are related. He never cleans up the cat puke. I can leave it only for so long before I get torqued and clean it up myself. But you know something gets on his new car (which I drive everyday) and holy *kitten*! The world is coming to an end! And I better run and clean it off right now! ahole!

    Greg - (puts fingers in ears) LA-LA-LA-LA I do not hear anything LA-LA-LA-LA

    Steph - Fridedair? My husband call my extremities fingersciles and toesciles. And when I am mad at him I make sure he feels every last one. I Know that you will have a wonderful birthday!

    As for me, I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday my hubby and I went out to eat and then had tickets to see Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from Drew Carey's Whose Line Is It Anyway? I laughed soooo hard I actually got a headache and peed my pants a little bit. Sorry if that is TMI. Sunday I worked on the front lawn playing with my new leaf blower and my daughter did the back yard. Which by the way little miss attitude is grounded again. Two weeks from computer and iPod because she got an F in her lit/comp class for the semester. Not because she didn't study or read or write the papers. Because she didn't turn them in! Argh! I am starting to think that she is going to be the death of me! Then the other one is learning to drive. My hair is going to turn white here soon! I am starting to think that Boarding school is a wonderful idea! I wonder if there is scholarships?

    I made out my shopping list and menus for the week and sticking to it!

    Monday - Tacos (chicken and beef)
    Tuesday - Oven Crunchy breaded Porkchops - My son volunteered to make.
    Wednesday - Oven baked Ginger Sesame Chicken
    Thursday - Grandma's Surprise (like Shepard's Pie)
    Friday - Leftovers

    Hope everyone has a magnificent Monday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Eilleen - I owe you a friendly friday. So sorry I didn't include it in my post on Friday. I'll blame it on my recent memory loss - I really can't seem to remember a darned thing lately. Anyway . . .
    You my friend have come such a long way. I really love to hear about your family and I want to say that you have inspired me when I think about all you've endured and have added a weightloss program to your challenges dispite it all. I also love your quote about 'trying again tomorrow'. I read it every time you post and it reminds me that if I slipped up a bit today that I will be given a chance to do better tomorrow. Thanks for that!!

    Cyndi - have the needle aspiration done - it's not as bad as living with the unknown. And I take a little pill everyday that keeps me from killing my family in their sleep. Worth it girl! As for the gastroenterologist appointment next week for the choking thing - my husband just went through this. Do it - have them stretch your esophogus. He was choking at nearly every meal and freaking our kids out. Now he eats like a normal person and feels so much better. I hope that all of these bothersome health issues you've encountered lately will be a thing of the past one day. You deserve to feel great!! HUGS
    ps - I know you love your husband. I just love the way you put your stories out there! We've all done pretty much the same thing with our pathetic husbands. This morning my husband (God Love Him) came in to fill a bucket with warm water so he could WASH THE MUD OFF HIS TRUCK TIRES. Can you say ANAL?

    Steph - loved your post about new clothes! Such a great problem to have. I'm in the same boat and need to go shopping desparetely. I just can't seem to get past the mindset of 'if I wait a few more weeks I can buy a smaller size'. I agree about the shapeless styles. That's also held me back from purchasing. We have a big 50th party to go to this Saturday and I really need to go find something new to wear! Maybe no one would mind if I wore some leopard print fuzzy pajamas!!?? Love it!! Happy Birthday my friend!! Enjoy every moment - you deserve it!!
    ... and about that 4lbs - no worries - it will be gone in 2 days. Our bodies are so strange!

    Lexie - My heart goes out to you and your DH. I'm so glad you are thinking about yourself and who you are as a person while he is doing the same. I hope it all works out and I'm glad you are sharing with us. We'll be here for you through thick and THIN!!! tee hee - keep smiling - life is too short for anything else! Congrats on that 7lbs - AMAZING! Keep positive thoughts going my friend.

    Bobbie - ya for sexy boots! Sounds like a productive weekend. An organized house brings me such peace of mind. I have lost sleep lately about this one little corner in my basement that needs attention. I plan on making it a priority tonight.

    We had such a great weekend.. Hopefull more good weather to follow. I'm going to miss my outdoor walks this winter. I ate a few junkie bites on Saturday - had a sweet tooth - but didn't over indulge. Yesterday was perfection! I was up at 5 and got an hour on the treadmill just because I could. We were up on the mountain with a bonfire going by 10am. I made one nicely toasted marshmellow as a treat and the rest of my intake was healthy and yummy for the day. I enjoyed a glass of merlot which was very yummy - I never really enjoyed red wine before but it was so smooth. My DH and I took a walk up 'Fish Hill' which is primarily an old logging trail that goes straight up for about 1mile. It was a great workout and a perfect way to end our day. I also jumped on the back of the 4-wheeler and let me 14yr old daughter drive me all around the dirt roads on the mountain. She was loving it.

    NSV - my neice hadn't seen me in a while and she came up to me yesterday and hugged me and said "OMG you're skinny!" **warm fuzzy feeling**

    Happy Monday Friends - let' make this week something to celebrate!
    ~keep it skinny
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    I have been completely off the wagon this past week.The only exception has been getting in a great deal of exercise. I have been exploring different eating plans and just can't seem to stick to anything.It seems like everytime I lose weight it seems to find me again.I have lost and gain the same 10lbs over and over for the last 5 months.I don't want to keep changing my weight tracker because it is embarassing.It just feels like I am on a bungee cord and it keeps bringing me right back to 216lbs. Am I the only one this has happened to.I am so frustrated.Sorry to everyone I have not read your posts.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning everyone! I had a rough weekend. Last Thrusday the scale said I was down almost 2 pounds and over the weekend I ate a bunch of crap and the scale says I am up 2 today. I couldn't stay away from the peanuts yesterday and I didn't do anything exercise wise at all. I was busy but it was mostly sit down work organizing stuff for the big costume gala for Children's Hopsital in 2 weeks. I will be so glad when it is over. I did get an awesome prize for the auction though (totally by accident I must say). I got a "jam session" here in Seattle with Dave Mathews. On Friday my daughter and I were waiting at the car dealer as we had the oil changed and tires rotated on her car (Don't ask hubby said he would do it 2 weeks ago) and there was this guy sitting there waiting for his car and he looked familiar but I couldn't place him for the longest time. Then I realized that I had seen him in years past at the Children's hospital party. So, this is how it went:

    "Hi you look really familiar! Do I know you from somewhere?" He says, "I'm not sure, I'm Dave." I say, "Hi Dave, this is my daughter Sam." Now I have to say at this point she is looking mortified but doesn't say anything. I continue" I may have seen you at some of the Children's Hospital events??" He says "Oh, sure we support them all the time". I say. "That's awesome. Are you planning on going to the Halloween gala this year? I am co hosting it this year." He says" I am not going but my family is." I say oh that's great. We are still looking for auction items. If you know of any good leads let me know." At this point I still didn't put two and two together. He says, "Do you think you would get a decent donation for a catered jam session with the Dave Mathews band?" I said, "Are you kidding? Can you arrange that?" He started laughing, my daughter smacked me in the forehead and all of a sudden I realized who I was talking to. What a total idiot!!! :blushing:

    Cynthia- The thyroid ultrasound sounds awful but I would not want to wait a year. I would opt for the needle biopsy. I had to laugh at the cat pule story because there is an orange stain on my off white carpet because my hubby left the cat puke there too.

    Tami- sounds like you are enjoying this new man.

    ReNae- ATV and pies sound wonderful. Congrats on zipping your boots up this morning.

    Julie- Yay! Congrats on the size 16:smile:

    Lexie- So sorry to hear you are having some struggles in your marriage. Be strong. Take care of you and your boys. I'll be thinking of you.

    Steph- I too am frustrated with the scale. Unfortunately once I sat back and took a look at my weekend there was a very obvious reason for my gain on the scale.:sad: I need to find a way to keep myself motivated when i get really busy.

    So, today is a new day. I have got to put the weekend behind me and get back with the program here. I am thinking that I really need to up my protein and fiber to stay satisfied on the weekends especially. I will have to find sometime today or tomorrow and plan a little better for next weekend as I will again be spening it organizing for the gala. I don't even have my costume figured out yet. Ugh!!!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @Staci: I don't think you had a "rough weekend" at all. You came out even-steven! That's pretty good, in my books. We will always be gaining and losing a couple of pounds. That's normal for everyone (thin and fat). The trouble is when the gaining is not followed by any corresponding loss.

    BTW, your "brush with fame" story was very funny. Don't feel too badly, I wouldn't know Dave Mathews if I vomited on him in a bar.

    Had a small NSV this morning...actually could also be interpreted as a NSF (Non-Scale Fail). My boss and I were talking about something and he says, "Man, you're gonna have to get some new suits. That thing is looking pretty baggy. It's actually making you look fat!" I hadn't worn this particular suit in quite a while and he wasn't wrong. When I put it on this morning I was thinking, this just isn't going to look right. I'm so accustomed to having my clothes be too tight that it's hard to get used to the idea that it's possible to have stuff that's simply too BIG! Time to call up my buddy "Jimmy-the-suit", who basically operates out of the back of a van. Sells designer suits for a fraction of the cost, and you always come away feeling like you have "stuck it to the man!"
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hey everyone.
    So far no deaths in the family. Not for lack of opportunity I assure you.

    -- I love the JTS story. ;) That's too funny. If you have a "Men's Warehouse" up there they have pretty good stuff too. Erik got his suits in there a couple times, they even hemmed and altered it to fit and one of the times they did the pants in an hour. :) Speaking of puke and Dave Matthews ;)
    -- DMB is one of the artists that we host. A few years ago they were on tour and their bus got busted and ticketed for dumping their pooper into an open river when they passed over a bridge grate. Nice huh? ;)

    -- Love your story. Tell your daughter to chill. ;) You got a great donation and it was all honestly given. :) Sometimes it's good to be a 'stupid parent'. :) I say congrats on your finagling, the hospital will be VERY excited. As for the poundage, meh. As for the protein, yes and yes yes and yes. ;) *HUGS* Protein takes 6x longer to digest than carbs. :) neber be hongry again.

    -- Too much switcharoo. You have to pick something. It doesnt matter what. Whatever you pick, you have to stick to it. At least for a month or two, hopefully longer. And I mean STICK. No snackies, no sneakies, no cheaties. Yeah I know it'll suck. Yeah, I know it'll be hard. Yeah I know you have kids and a (soon to be) husband to appease. But if you don't do it for you, and stick to it, it's not going to work. You can't cheat and go, "oh well tomorrow is another day" EVERY DAMN DAY. I'm sorry to be so harsh. But you know I'm right. Suck it up kiddo. Pick a plan, get on it, we'll help you with the goals. :)

    -- Okay I'll do it. (FNA) I think I'm going to sit on it, perhaps till after my birthday. I have another appointment and blood draw with Endo then. Maybe I'll just have them knock my *kitten* out. I like that plan too. :) ... And stretch? wow that sounds awesome ;) I didn't know it could shrink like the rest of me? *blinks* Wicked! Thanks! ... Lastly... WARM water? really? wow. and I thought I was bad. ;) I have an idea about your walks this winter :) Snow shoes!!! No stop laughing. I'm serious. Do you know how many ****ing calories you'll burn having to lift those sons a *****es up and plop them down again dragging your *kitten* through the snow banks? And there's TONS of wildlife to see in the winter. You and I both know that. Snow hares, deer, etc... You could also take up cross country skiing. It's like free range elliptical. I used to CCS when I was in my teens. LOVED it. You can go for miles and miles and miles and all you get is peace and quiet and the whoosh of snow. Just something to think about. Now I know you can't do either at lunch break ;) But for those! CRAMPONS! ;D Get you around town through the ice and slush, and kicking the stray construction worker that's rude :D Keep walking skinny chick ;)

    -- I think all husbands are related to a point. They'll do 'just enough' to get out of our radar till the next time. (sorry Greg) ;) I like the idea of numbing agent. thanks. Have son use Panko flakes if he doesn't already. They are lighter and flakier then regular bread crumbs. Can find them at most supermarkets. Sometimes in the asian food section. :) (they come from japan originally) He'll use less of the panko flakes than bread crumbs and it will give a better/lighter/fluffier texture. :) *mwah* :D

    -- I'm going to have to start putting "NOT SAFE FOR WORK" messages on my postings ;) So I don't get you fired ;) *HUGS* I am so proud of you and that house cleaning. You are so ahead of me there. I am so mired in **** myself and I already did half the house a year ago when we were 'moving' so half the house is packed in boxes. Which I have to unpack (the clothes) and donate and sort and... ugh. What a disaster. It's like work on work on work.So I Know how you feel. YARGH.
    And the boots ? :) Can the pearls and underwear pumps be far behind ? :D No, I say no they can not ;) *HUGS*HUGS*HUGS* :D

    -- I'm serious too... and I did hear you ;) *HUGS*

    -- Will get off my *kitten* and photo today the day shots :) *HUGS* 7lbs? Holy **** ?!?!?! That's amazing! I know you're not feeling 'the love' so to speak from it. But god damn, god damn... ;) Kick some *kitten* woman! :) Good luck with your goals, I will be cheering for you from here my darling! *HUGS*HUGS*HUGS*