**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @canToGirl: I'm right here with you girl! Don't know what to say but "**** happens".

    To be fully honest, this is a 100% drunk post. Today is Canuck Thanksgiving and we had friends over. Loads of food and booze. My diary is not fully completed, but it was the best I could do. I've def had more to drink and eat. The only good thing to come out of this day is that I KNOW that tomorrow I wont' have any trouble getting back in line. I feel like that is the most sane, normal, healthy place to be. I mean, skinny folks to indulge on holidays just like fat folks, right? The difference is that skinny folks STOP after one day and don't make it into a life long habit....at least that's what my drunk mind thinks.

    Good *hiccup* night my smexy chicks!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    -- I'm very proud of you. :) Nothing wrong with celebrating with family and friends. One day of indulgence does not a fat toad make. ;) As long as you know it's not an everyday thing, it's all good. Love to you and your family and friends, A happy rooster is a healthy rooster. ;) *HUGS*

    -- **cheers** Congrats my darling on your first long post. Welcome to the sickness ;) Speaking of sickenss. Love and hugs to you that your meds will kick in soon and that you'll feel better soon. *HUGS*. So verry sorry about 2nd TOM in a month, good god, one is definitely more than enough, jeebus. *HUGS*

    -- Like I said on your wall. I'd tell you how I feel, but my mouth is full. *chews* It's all good. :) You'll work it off. :)

    So almost 6 hours and I had to show was a 6 foot x 3 foot weeded, de rooted, aerated, composted, fertilized lovely plot of empty dirt. If only I didn't have 15 feet x 3 feet more to go. *sobs* It's all good. Only have to do this 2x a year :) What reaaaly bugs me is... hubby has been lying to me for YEARS.
    He is the king of lazy.
    There I said it.
    I am serious. He used to ***** at me when we'd (read him) plant the new plants 2x a year. He'd swear that he couldn't dig down more than 6 or 8 inches that it was all rock and blah blah... LAZY. Why do you think it took me 5 hours? ****wad. All I had was that stupid little hand spade too!. Dig dig dig shovel the rock out of bed. Dig down. Down farther, Oh look clay, compressed, almost caliche. Root, root, de root. Mix with the compost. Add in the potting soil, aerate fluff fluff, sprinkle the fertilizer, fluff one more and keep going... I had to actually stop and get a clamp light I ran out of daylight and didn't want to stop ;)
    I pulled out a 3 gal bucket of rocks and roots and ****... And another 4 of them of clay compact soil.

    the good news is Jane... my little worm? He had about 25 friends.. OMG they've been dividing!!! :D I'm so happy I could scream :D And I am sure, they will absolutely love the new loamy soil. ;) And the new plants to nom nom on ;)

    Another 3 days hopefully to go and then it'll be all happy... don't know about my back or hands though.. tee hee! :D

    Have a great day all. :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: Auggggg what is wrong with me?!?!? This weekend was like a weekend from my past. Felt like all I was doing was eating, almost like TOM is here, but isn't. I am even very ashamed to admit that I ate 6 frozen cookie dough cookies(from a fundraiser) I don't know what came over me. I just NEEDED something sweet, don't care what it was. So disappointed in myself. :grumble: :grumble: Well tomorrow is a new day, I know the choices I made and will not be doing that anytime soon. But damn, it pisses me off......
    Have a busy week ahead of me. Which is good, keep me out of the kitchen.
    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

    You know, I think sometimes a day or a weekend like this can actually be a help. It reminds you of how things used to be. It's a very stark reminder of what we don't want to slide back into. Don't be disappointed in yourself, see it as a lesson. Then shake the dust off and walk forward.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Becky - Fight! Fight! I hope your game was smashing!

    Renae - Hope you are feeling better!

    Bobbie - Seriously? You vaccuum? Hee-hee. I thought you were only allowed to dust and wash dishes in your schmexy underwear and high heels. You go girl! Rock it out!

    JJ - What a dilema! Wish I had that problem. I say make yourself a button up sweater at your measurements now and if it gets to big well then that is what makes a jacket comfie. Good job and nice NSV!

    Cynthia - Urggh! First Potato Mac and now this? You had to remind me that I need to get outside and work on my poor neglected flowerbeds. I noticed that the neighborhood squirrels have been digging up my bulbs to snack on and I am about ready to get a BB gun and target practice. Normally I would sic my dog on them, but he is getting old and slowing down. Maybe I will let him retrieve for me?

    Steph - It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Jane - I hope that your ear infection clears up. They can be quite nasty! Way to be proud of yourself and keep up the hard work!

    Julie - That is the wonderful thing about tomorrow. It can be anything you want to be. I know that a small stumble like that won't make you fall!

    Greg - Sounds like you and my hubbie should get together because you both celebrate Thanksgiving the same way. (Though he normally belches and farts on the couch as well. I think it is so the kids will leave him alone.)

    As for me, Friday my son came home with his driver's permit. Holy ****! And my husband takes him for his first drive in the new Santa Fe behind his mom's house after dinner. So as I sit on the back porch watching, my son almost drives over the edge of the parking lot into the detention basin. I cringe as the brakes squeal. For the next ten minutes he laps the parking lot at maybe 15 mph. As they walk into his mom's house I hear "Be glad it was me with you because your mother would have been screaming at you to brake."

    Saturday we went pumpkin hunting. I didn't realize that my daughter picked a rotting pumpkin until we got to the car after we paid. My car now smells like rotten pumpkin. Eeeww.

    Sunday went window shopping for furniture. Hoping to get the house rearranged and finally buy new furniture. Now I just have to save up the $$$$.

    Have a Magnificent Monday!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Well, well, well I am back. I had a great weekend, I spent it with my son we went to pumpkinbeer fest in Seattle. I will be sad to see my son go back today but I am ready to get back into my regular routine. The scale says I am up a half pound this morning and I have to say I am a little relieved that is all it is up. I didn't log anything yesterday mostly because I couldn't remember what I ate and what I drank at the festival. I have to remember that I am not 22 like him and I had to get up and come to work today where he will be lying around until he leaves for the airport at noon. I didn't even remember to wear my pedometer so while we did tons of walking I have no idea how far I walked. So it is back to preplanning my meals and getting back on track today. Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. I am off to find some aspirin and water.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Ran 2.5 miles outside tonight, at just over 5mph (about 5.3). It was AMAZING! I fell brilliant. I've so missed running, and it's so great to have it back. My partner, who runs with me, is a svelte, athletic type, and he has always found it hard to keep up with me - because I'm so slow! Well, tonight he was running comfortably with me.

    I'm very, very proud of my little self.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jane - that's great, well done!
    Julie - don't beat yourself up over 6 cookies. I agree with what Jane said. I also firmly believe that the dose of extra calories from time to time keeps the metabolism guessing.
    Staci - sounds like it was a fun weekend! Hope the head is okay!
    Cynthia- it certainly sounds like you are keeping busy.

    Not much new here. Overindulged a bit on the weekend courtesy of Thanksgiving but back to normal today. It was perhaps the wrong time to forgo carbs in the evening....but I'll give it a better go in the next week. I'm disappointed that the scale doesn't seem to be moving very much and I don't think its anything I am doing or not doing. Hoping that when I measure next, there is a difference in inches. I personally can't imagine going lower on cals as I struggle to stay between 1500 - 1600 as it is. I wish I was going to meet my goal of being in the 240's for my birthday next week but I suppose it will happen at some point, even if its not when I want it. Sorry for the rather blah tone but blah is pretty much how I'm feeling these days with weight loss.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Stephanie, it's really, really common for the scale to stall for a while around the 100lb lost point. Particularly if that's also the point when you dip under about 100kg / 200(ish) lb. It just seems to be a time when this happens - I've seen lots and lots of people complain about this. I'd just monitor it and see how you go.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    -- You're not the only one on a faffing no drop point.. Just sitting. Siting. Sitting. It's been a fricking month. I mean I'm at 1200, I could go back to 600 calorie days, and eat like a rabbit again, to get it moving. it might work, it might not. it probably would. I don't know if I have the willpower during Halloween to hold off on food-a-palooza and keep up the Return to Burn month I've secretly tasked myself with. So I feel your pain sister. Every day I get on the scale, swear in disgust and go about my day. There's nothing else I can do, there's nothing else I will do. I'm not going to stop, neither will you. You can't even give up workouts when your sick now ;). Tee hee. Love ya darling. It'll move again when it gets ready, I figure even if it's another month it'll go. :)

    I mean 100 lbs is one human size if you think about it. There are a lot of systems inside the body that need to be re-calibrated and that doesn't happen overnight. Fluid levels, hormone levels, blood cell production levels.. god the list goes on and on. I figure the body is working it all out as I sit here typing to you ;) your little cells are doing the same thing while yer nappin. ;) Have a good day today Stephy. Love ya.

    -- Omg. Am I the debil or what? ;D So funny and sad story. BF's parents spent last spring planting by hand like 200+ tulip bulbs only to have the rabbits and unknown marmots ravage them just as they were pushing up through the permafrost. So sad.. And I hear you on the aging pet. MY cat is 11 yoa now, and he used to jump from the top of the 6 foot wall strike birds mid-air and decapitate them on the way down. Brutal. God I love him. Buut. as you can imagine, being the octagenarian that he is now ;) Not so speedy, or viscious as he used to be. I've been thinking of getting one of those monster slingshots that rest on your forearm to ahem, assist his majesty in his senior years. I could wing 'em with a rock when they drop they're all his. ;) Cruel? Oh yeah, but there is this one mother ****ing black bird (not a blackbird) that just SCREAMS when it sits in the tree. and he's so first. The rest are safe, unless they crap on my furniture or pool or whatever ;) And he knows not to hurt the cute birds like the cactus wrens, and hummingbirds *snorts* like he'll ever catch one of those ;) So there you go ;) I'm with ya!
    --Rotten punkin' ? Ewww *HUGS* And the furniture, look around and see if you have one of those hotel liquidation warehouses like we have out here, Ours is http://www.ircahotelservices.com/Showrooms.html Crazy cheap. ;) I wouldn't buy their mattresses *ewww* But mirrors, desks, chairs... I've had all that... my favorite was the 20 office chair from 1960... lasted 2 years. That's 18 months longer than any Office store chair ;)

    -- I am so happy I have been able to return to gardening. My back, knees, hips, neck, hands... not so much. 15 years not so gentle on the moving bits. NSAIDS in place I can move and it still hurts but I can move at least.. Oooh owch. So I hear ya. *HUGS*

    --- Look at you Roadrunner *beep*beep* ;) 5mph? ****, I am so happy for you. I know it's rough running (or walking) with someone who's faster than you and always having to apologize for being a turtle. You feel bad you're slowing them down. You want to go faster, but you know you're going to die if you go any faster. So very happy for you. I just noticed your ticker btw. Halfway point is so very close. I am over the moon for you. Just Brilliant Jane! Are you feeling like the dogs bollocks yet? ;)

    Garden is halfway done, well little more I guess with the soil prep. Planting will actually be a snooze after the soil prep gets done. Then I have to rip up the bad sod patch that hubby is too lazy to do (it's turned into muddy goo) under the lime tree that we planted for her kitty cat. (No we don't spoil that son of a ***** at all). Replant the roll of sod I bought. I did the one square patch today. Trimmed out the Rosemary bush, the Mexican Oregano (like italian just more heat tolerant), re-caged the bell pepper plant which has 1 growing and 4-8 flowers in progress. Tied up the mexican sage, trimmed off the curry plant (smells like curry, not edible, has beautiful silver blue slim feathery leaves), de thatched the garlic chives, trimmed up the cat mint, and trimmed up and de thatched the day lilly. :)

    I love the flowers on the day lilly btw. I get 2 maybe 3 in the spring. But they're worth it :)

    Tomorrow is prep around the chili pepper plants and rip out the dead verbenas and lavender *sniffs* and then prep the soil.. Anyway I've whinged enough.. I'm going off to Home Depot now (hardware) I destroyed the gloves and my spade today. And Erik has requested knee pads. LOL ;) Tada... Laters! :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello All...

    I feel a bit like a slacker in the challenges, but don't even feel a single bit bad about it! I have been having a blast. I will absolutely NOT let another month go by without reaching my 100 mark, but right now - I am just enjoying living life! That's right ya'all... the happy, carefree, kum-by-ya Becky is back! And better than ever!

    So, I absolutely freaking LOVED the hockey game! I will say that I thought I would fit into the seats better than I actually did... but it's OK. Ate some crap at the game but that's OK too. And, enjoyed a brew... and loved every last drop of it. The views were amazing, I mean... I was lower than the glass in the corner! Thought I'd post a pic of me from the game but can't seem to get that to work... so will post one of the goalie for now! That's right - talk about flexibility. And yeah, no picture/photo altering here... I was really THAT close! ... err, maybe I'll post the fight. I don't know what I will post, but you will be able to tell... for the next day or so! May be headed back to watch the Wings win again on December 4!

    Today, I am in North Carolina. Yeah, yeah... I was nervous and anxious about the plane. Ended up that the first plane I was supposed to be in the middle seat, got it switched (thank goodness!) to a window seat... I guess there is some way to lift the arm -- if anyone knows that trick, please let me know for my trip back! Anyway -- I had to have the 2 guys get up to let me through and was praying please God, please God, PUH-LEASE GOD... and truth is that I think I actually "fit" -- I about got a leg cramp... OK, I did get a leg cramp because I held my leg so tight so that it wouldn't go on "his" side. Needed the seat belt extender. BUT he was so nice, and asked if I would prefer the arm up or down, didn't seem smooshed (not in the Jersey shore sense, in the cramped, out of space sense) and was very polite and nice. Then... the small plane. From Detroit to NC -- only 50 people on the plane and I was in the aisle seat, back of the plane. So, I get the extender as I get on the plane - the attendant tells me to put the arm up by the wall for the other person "to give you both some extra room" and I walk back... I see the looks, everyone hoping that I won't be sharing their seat and I don't blame them. *kitten*, I'd feel the same - DID feel the same. I had been praying that God give me a skinny little person, a half person, a child, something... just make them little so that I am not confronted on the need to purchase an extra ticket or something. So, I go and there sits my seat partner. She was sooooo nice, and once again, I am surprised because I feel like - hey, maybe I am "fitting" ... I mean as much as you can in a seat, and now it's the other leg that is cramping because I have the muscles held so tightly. I put on the seat belt extender, just assuming that I'd need it. I offer to the lady that there is a way to put up the arm so that she has more room and she says... get this... "I'm fine, it's OK." WTF?? STFU!! And, I actually believed her. The attendant comes back and says - you didn't even need the extender did you? And I say - oh, I have it on... and she says - whatever makes you comfortable... SO I think, WTH? And, I realize... I didn't need it for that one, I didn't. That seat belt would have fit! In the small plane! NO WAY!! So... I know that I am already sore and bruised. The amount of stress I put on my muscles in my arms and legs to hold my body as not to fall" or "plop" or "overflow" into the seat next to me... was, well, a lot. BUT it wasn't sooooo bad. I don't think that i need an extra seat... now THAT'S an achievement!

    I did absolutely LOVE Denver... my newest little niece is so wonderful! Will have to post one of those pics after the hockey ones. None of the pics were great. I swear that people take photos that they KNOW are unflattering... I mean, come on people, really?!? And/or they can't hold a camera steady. So, I was the one taking the photos, per usual... and am not in many. Did go shopping while I was there - bought a pair of 2X pants, that fit! woo-hooo! For Baptism - was in those very 2X pants, a form fitting (purposely) 2X fancy top and a 1X sweater -- sweater is a little too tight for my comfort, but... there you have it! A-MAZ-ING! And my little Gabbie... loved, loved, LOVED cudding and snuggling into her Teta Becky! LOVE HER!! Sis-in-laws parents (from Lithuania) asking why I didn't have my own, saying I needed my own... because it seemed so natural. And it does... of all the things I hate about having let my weight affect... my dream of being a mom -- was absolutely one of the top, top, top things. I love children and loved cuddling my niece and loving her up! MMMMmmmmm contentment at it's greatest!

    OK - welp, now starts my work week and not sure what time I will have... hope everyone has a fantastic week! I know that I will! Just better be careful about all this yummy southern food... oh lord could I just indulge! Seriously -- Fatz... what the heck?!? The cinnamon honey butter on the poppy seed bread... TO -- DIE -- FOR!! Sinfully addictive! Decided F-it tonight and had the Hard Cider Combo with the sirloin marinated in hard cider and the something or another chicken dealies with ... of course stone ground cheese grits. Top it all off with a salad... with the vidalia onion dressing and some hot bacon vinagrette dressing -- just to sample both kinds. Oh, and of course too many of the little bread dealies and of course a free dessert, compliments of my hotel... so yeah, I don't EVER do that but tonight I had Peanut Butter Milkshake Pie... and ate and enjoyed every last morsel. Thank you waitress for giving me the small piece which honestly was 1/2 the size of my coworkers! Feel it already... sick, full, gluttony... Lots of water, lots of water! Only other indulgence will be tomorrow -- going to Steak Street for a nice steak and salad. Both good choices. But WILL have fried greeen tomatoes with the chipotle remoulade. Sorry, don't know how to spell that... but I had them over 2 years ago and remember them... so those will be ordered - as an appetizer and shared. Then - back to protein and veggies and detoxing off the booze and carbs! (don't ask... also went to 3 Margaritas in Denver... if anyone has been there and had the chili relanos crispy... they WILL understand)

    OK, gotta get to bed. Protein breakfast isn't served at the hotel so am headed to Carolina BBQ, am told that they have great breakfast. Will promise to all of you (so that I hold myself to it) that I will NOT have grits in the AM... I will not, I will not, I will not! Dang the southern food - we don't have good stuff like this up north!

    Night ya'all!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Staci - Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your son!

    Jane - Look at you go! Speedy McSpeedspeed! Just wait and you will be challenging him soon!

    Steph - I am in the same boat. Hovering at 251 and not being able to get past it. Thought about calorie zagging but just do not know enough about it yet.

    Cynthia - I am thinking that you and Loki are in cahoots! My puppy (yes I still call him that) is ten years old which for a mastiff mix is quite old. Though we did take him to the dog park last night and he was running around like he was two. I am sure that my hubbie will have to give him some aspirin today. I did get some mums that are flowering quite nicely but I still haven't touched the flowerbeds. I will have to do that this weekend.

    Becky - Wow! I can hear the energy. This trip seems to have revitalized you!

    As for me, I made Hot Spiced Apple Cider last night for work today. Took puppy to the park. Yelled at my daughter who did not get her room cleaned and took away her iPod and Computer (Columbus Day = no school). Filled the dishwasher to find out I am missing 8 steak knives. Registered to go to Anime-Zap Con in January because the kids are always watching anime. Played computer, yada-yada. Not too interesting.

    Have a Tremendous Tuesday!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Becky- Welcome to my state :) Our food is AWESOME!! Glad the plane ride went well :)

    Eileen- The Apple Cider sounds so good.. it's cool and rainy here... would be perfect. Could you deliver some to work? ;)

    Cynthia- You're a gardening fool! I don't have much of anything to landscape in front of my apartment but I need to work on it BIG time. The crazy lady who thinks she's the gardener of the aprtment complex planted some awful somethings (Idk what they are) and so now they've died and look like crap lol

    Stephanie- I am sure you're going to meet that goal!

    I've been slammed with home life, work and cleaning houses (I'm a single mom, so this is all Christmas money thank goodness.) I planned on starting 30DS last night after work and Logan's tball game but I couldn't find the stupid dvd. Found the case, but where the dvd is... who knows. Made me mad. Searched over an hour, but that time it was going on 10:00... and after 12 hours of work and a ballgame, all of 4 hours of sleep, I called it a night.
    I've hit a stall on weight loss, so I'm working my butt off (lliterally) to lose this week.... so we will see. Hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Becky - sounds like you are having a great time. So jealous of the hockey game. I know how you feel about the plane but that is so great about not needing the extension on the little plane!

    Lane - keep up the positive attitude, and I hope your 30DS shows up. I've asked for it for my bday so I'll be able to join in on the craze.

    Ehr - hot spiced apple cider sounds yummy!!!!!

    Cynthia - its always so nice when someone totally gets it. Likewise, I'm sure the weight will shift. I don't know how you keep your calories so low, I'm afraid I love food a bit too much for that.

    So today has been a good day. There were yummy chocolate treats out in the staff room at break (and believe me after marking the most diabolical year 7 work I have seen in a long time, it was tempting!) but I managed to avoid them - literally walked the container across the room so they weren't near me. To continue my day, I was on my way to the gym when I got a text saying my spin class was cancelled. My spin buddy and I agree though that we would take over the spin room and do our own session. We stayed for 35 instead of 45 but I was waaaaaayyyyyyy sweatier than I would be in the class. It felt great knowing I don't let things that that rule my life anymore and that exercise is a priority.

    Not looking like a loss this week but who knows maybe the pound freeing fairy will show up over night and cause some magic to happen in my fat cells!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Hi all, I am home from work today and tomorrow with strep throat. Yuck! I woke up feeling really crappy but started to feel better as the morning progressed and the antibiotics and tylenol kicked in so I started doing some Insanity. I am now dripping in sweat and huffing and puffing which is making my throat hurt some more. I think I will go flop on the couch and watch a movie instead. I just wanted to check in with you all and I'll be back later or tomorrow when I am feeling better.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Quick post to say hey! I have some catching up to do with all of your post. Staci - bummer about the strep - ugh - that can be miserable. You're smart to go get meds early. I still have a UTI and really need to go to the dr. I keep hoping it will get better and it's still persisting after a week. Such a drag. Just not myself and the over the counter stuff I was taking made me so irritable I wanted to kill someone - so I'm just chugging cranberry juice (which has 140 cal/cup!)

    Glad to see so much activity here. I'll be back to myself soon. Missed you all over the weekend!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, so life has been totally, unnecessarily busy, and I am so far begin the times in multiple threads. Even if I haven't posted or commented on anything, know that I have read everything. I just wanted to drop in and say that I love you guys (well, guy and gals ;-)) and I have never been so jealous hearing about others exercise as I've been in the past couple of days.

    So, question for the group. Is it wrong that I don't want to go home (NJ) for Thanksgiving? We used to go every year, out of tradition for holidays always being held in my grandmother's house, even though she's no longer with us. Well, now the majority of us are in other states, so it's not the same anyway, but we kept going. Last year, I got my uncle to agree to come here for Thanksgiving with the caveat that we would once again go there this year. However, neither of my sisters are going to go (one has a baby and the other has to work that weekend) and my daughter may have to work that weekend and my boyfriend has to work every other day that weekend. Mom is trying to force the issue that we still go out of obligation, although the people that matter, to ME, will be here in NC. Ok, I guess really my question is, when do you let go of holiday family traditions once they really no longer apply to your immediate family??? I have no problem being a total ***** or rather listening to my uncle *****, but mom lives with me, and I don't feel like hearing her whine.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey everyone,
    All is going well. Nothing new. Its almost rinse and repeat. But I'm ok with that. Took a nice walk with Eve today and enjoyed the Fall colors and warm temps, since its going to get colder in the next few days. But thats ok because I'm ready for Winter. Ready for the cozy pants and the fireplace roaring with snow falling outside. My mom is coming up to visit tomorrow and plan to do some shopping and lunch. Excited to have her up here. Got the family picture proofs today and we look like a normal family. Not a dysfunctional like we are sometimes. :laugh: Will post a pic once I get the book back from my in-laws.

    Staci: Sorry to hear about the strep. Never had it myself but I heard it sucks. So hope you recover soon.
    ReNae: Same with you, hope you get better soon.
    Steph: So proud of you, for taking action when it would have been easy to throw in the towel. I hope when I am faced with a challenge like that, that I am strong enough to make the right decision.
    Bobbie: That is a tough decision to make. I personally am always for family gathering, but I am lucky to have my family no more the 2 hours away. Sending good thoughts your way.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member

  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I'm sorry so many are sick, I am finally recovering from my cold and it has been miserable. And that's just with a cold, not Strep or a UTI!

    Bobbie, I grew up in Alaska, where we didn't get to spend many holidays with anyone other than our immediate family because it was just too expensive. Thanksgiving was always my favorite, as you would almost never choose to go Outside for that holiday when Christmas was just around the corner. So you would spend Thanksgiving with your adopted family of friends, friends of friends, coworkers, and people you had just met that had nowhere else to go. I still think of Thanksgiving as an "orphan" holiday and we always invite someone to spend it with us that has no one to share it with. So, I guess my advice is to start a new tradition. I know it will be hard for your mom, but it will grow on her. Its a lot less stress, trouble, and work to stay home and cook than to travel at that time anyways. She will come to enjoy the relaxation of sleeping in, dozing on the couch after watching the parade and then napping after eating. (Or is that just me that sleeps the whole day away in 20 minute bits?)

    Steph, I am so proud of you for going to spin "class". Rock on.

    I had a hard conversation with my 17 year old daughter tonight. She was saying how great I was looking and asked how much more I wanted to lose. I said I did not know exactly, but wanted to be down to a healthy weight and would decide when I got there. She asked if I was trying to get down to her weight and I didn't quite know what to say. She has always had a very healthy body image, something I NEVER had, but is very, very curvy and a chubby (not really fat, but chubby in that teenage girl way that will turn to fat eventually) size 14. I am currently in a size 18. She is shaped very differently from me, I am an hourglass and hold most of my weight in my arms and legs while she has no waist at all but lovely arms and legs. My goal is to be quite a bit smaller than she is currently, but I hesitated to say that and I don't know if that is wrong. I love that she thinks nothing of wearing a bikini, wanders around the house in her undies and is very comfortable with her body. I have never been that way and don't want to ruin that for her. But the conversation really made me question how this is going to affect her. My goal has been to try to get to my goal weight by my birthday in June, which I realized tonight was also going to be her high school graduation. It all really has me thinking a bit about my goals and when I should be trying to achieve them.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Oh my little chicks... First things first.

    --- GOD DAMMIT WOMAN. Do not make me fly up to Maine to kick your *kitten*, drag you to the doctor to get you on antibiotics for a UTI at your age. Seriously. WTF is wrong with you. I say this, because my darling. I almost destroyed my kidneys with a UTI that I did & didn't know I had. I went on a cruise, the cruise doc gave me a zpac, it kinda didn't kill all the UTI I got from swimming in their ****ty pool (yes literally **** from the old people who go in the pool with diapers on I learned. ****.) Anyway, So I went another 2 weeks and when I DID GO to the doctor. I had to get put on CIPRO and this was when the pill was brand new. I ended up paying almost $300 for 2 weeks of that **** because the infection had already spread to my kidneys and I was headed for dialysis for life at age 31. I still think they are partially damaged because when I get UTI's now I no longer feel any pain/burning/etc. SO GO. TOMORROW. DAMMIT. *pounds head on desk*

    -- Put Mom on a plane to spend Thanksgiving with your Uncle. Hasta Luego... Because as good as your advice is JJ. I can tell, her mom, is like my Mother in Law. She will NEVER shut up, EVER for the rest of her life because it's "not what we do'' ya-ta ya-ta ya-ta. Holy jeasus. And Bobbie, your traditions don't have to be su madres... So you give her the choice. And then that way, she has to live with HER decision. You can fly to Tio's solamente... o.. su vivo aqui con tu familia... Suck it.. LOL :D And Lo siento chica... pobrecita... *HUGS*

    -- *sniffs* I am sorry you're feeling sick. At least you went to get Antibiotics UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE I could point out. Oh wait I did. (Yes Julie I know. I'm a ****. But I'm a **** that cares. :)..) So I hope you feel better Staci. May I recommend Lemon water with a smidge of honey in it. (warm of course) We used to drink it before vocal choir performances in college when we had taxed our throats. *HUGS* Oh and zinc tablets. I don't know why they make your throat not hurt, but they do. Bug one of the docs maybe they'll tell you :D

    --I love food more than you can possibly know. I feel like a pig eating 1200. I think I should be back down at 800. *sighs* I just haven't been able to ratchet it back down lately. Honestly it's all willpower at this point. There are days I break, there are evil things I eat, I just give up eating other things later in the day to avoid going over calories. It's not good, but Not much else I can do at this point. Just bidin my time. :) I vote we have a rousting party for our adipocytes ... We'll send them on a snipe hunt ;)

    --- I"m glad that happy Becks is back... Now back away from the pig fat and grits. Before someone gets hurt. ;) Who am I kidding. I'd be right there next to you asking for seconds.

    -- How the hell do you live in that state and not weigh 800 lbs? Seriously. Too much access to good pork. *cries*

    -- Wow hot spiced apple cider... did the spice happen to be rum? :D *cackles* Okay So for the steak knives... I don't know if they're part of your dinner ware set (silver) or not. But if they are, visit my favorite site in the universe. http://www.replacements.com
    Mom (who has the worst taste in china) has these awful apple plates (Franciscan ware) that she keeps breaking and I keep having to reorder them piece at a time. Of course it's all discontinued. At any rate. They also have silver (and sterling) crystal, and collectables for sale and you can buy things by the piece. ;) And good for you on child punishment ;)

    -- Are you still mad at me? :) *bats eyelashes cutely* I still lubs you :)

    -- I dunno what to say about the daughter convo. I don't know what to tell mom either when I drop below her weight. Erik actually said, "do you mind if I wear one of your tshirts?" to me tonight when we went out to dinner, and I said, "why would I mind" It actually seemed like the most normal thing in the world. I know, weird isn't it? So your daughter is happy with who she is, I think that's fantastic. Don't sweat it, just keep doing your thing. When you get down to her size be happy, share a shirt ;) or pants ;) and then just quietly slip by in the dark of the night and keep losing weight till you get to where you're happy at the weight you want to be. I don't think she'll be upset. She might even join you. :)

    So speaking of Hubs... I should have probably put this in the other thread but I'll post it here. I finished up weeding/aerating/recomposting all the beds today 3 days 15 hours, booyah. Very happy with myself. And I was sitting in the chair on the patio taking a break at the end of it all. (finished up in the dark again today). And he came outside to check on me and see how I was doing and he said, "I really want to say thank you for doing all the gardening, it means a lot to me." And I said, of course. "you're welcome, I'm just happy I am able to do it again. I'm sorry I wasn't for the last few years." He said well that's okay. Btw, can I ask you do something for me? I"m like sure, what do you need.
    I shoulda known...
    He's like well the grass under the lime tree has gone muddy in the back half and I was wondering if we could rip it up and re-sod it. *blinks* Um.. yeah but if we're going to do that, we should really aerate and compost underneath it and fix the drainage issue in the corner of the wall to force the water out into the rest of the bed. And I'm out of compost. Singh farms not open till Saturday. Oh he says. I said, but I'd be happy to do it, can I get your help? So he actually scraped off most of the dead grass that was still there and now I just have to start digging down underneath to rotate the soil. Trouble is, it's underneath the tree. So you have two options, Hunchback, or kneel. Ooooh that's gonna suck. Have I mentioned that lime trees are covered with thorns?. oooh double suck.

    So I'll take my RL compliment for the week ;) and I also added in two new lights one in each of the long planting beds on the low voltage lighting wires. So more glow :) We replaced two burnt out bulbs and trimmed up the lime and part of the lemon tree. It's hard to trim the lemon right now, she's full of fruit, so I just used the rake to pull down the bits I could get Erik to top out for me. Still have bits in the center I can't reach with rake or loppers. I remember planting the tree at 15'. Now it's over 25 feet. Whee. I just worry the wind will catch the top like a parasail and rip her out of the ground. With monsoons you can never tell.

    When I trimmed the rosemary bush I got so many trimmings I decided to make a wreath out of them for the front door. I'll still have enough to give away and I don't dry or save any. Afterall if I need some, I just cut it ;) Same with the oregano I trimmed. But I will dry it out, One can never tell when you need oregano. :)

    Night all! :) Early day tomorrow!

    OH and my NSV for the day, was that I wore my new 80's black slouchy suede boots (only about 10" tall below calf) to sushi dinner tonight (both of them right and LEFT) and I didn't have any foot pain. *crosses fingers* :D
