**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • KnottyNCrotchety
    It was my day off and I ran around like a crazy person doing errands all day. But I managed a few stops for me too! I got two new bras today. I actually got fitted at Nordstroms this time because I was unsure what size I was any more. I have gone down two band sizes now, but no cup sizes. I guess that is good in one sense....but it would be nice to not have them in the way when I am running and exercising! :blushing: I also stopped at Old Navy, as their tv commercials this week were for workout clothes. I tried a bunch on (I WAS SO FREAKING EXCITED THAT THEY FIT!!!), and found a hoodie I really liked for running and walking outside this winter. It has a hood, which is great (I wear glasses and when it rains it is annoying. I don't like to wear a hat with a brim as they are too hot, so a hoodie works ok), it has a pocket big enough for my iphone (I hate the arm band thingies) and the sleeves have the thumb holes so they don't ride up all the time. Overall...total win! And they had a coupon dealie at the cashier that if I liked that stores Facebook page I got $5 off and it was only $15 to start with, so it was a $10 running hoodie! Woot! I also went next door to the Nordstrom Rack to try on shoes. Because get this....I have freaking lost weight in my feet and my damn shoes don't fit any more. :huh: Shoes were my one fashion weakness, because they don't make "fat" shoes. I could shop at the regular store, they always fit and they kinda made any outfit look good. And now they don't fit so good any more! So I went and tried on a bunch to see what had changed. All my shoes are 8.5 wides. I used to wear 7.5 regular before I had any kids, but every pregnancy my feet grew a little until I was at a 8.5 wide. Of course at the same time, everything else was growing too.... I think I am now an 8 regular, which is not a huge difference and can be made up for with socks, except for heels. Now the heels are slipping when I walk in them. Sigh. I stopped for a cup of tea at Starbucks and was really hungry this afternoon. So I got a Protein Bistro Box and while it was expensive for what it was, I think it was a pretty good "fast food" option. It was $4.95 and had a hard boiled egg, apple slices, red grapes, a packet of honey peanut butter, a small hunk of cheese and a cookie/biscuit thingie. 390 calories and it all tasted good to me. I was very happy and it kept me full.

    Steph, your body is just making sure you are still paying attention. Keep doing what you are doing and it will come off in a whoosh here shortly. Stay the course sista!

    Bobbie! I love your boots story! I want to be able to wear boots too! There was a lady at Nordstrom Rack that was trying on some damn sexy over the knee gray boots that I was lusting after. I tried a rainboot on just to see if it would go over the calf and its still a no go. I SWEAR I carry all my weight between my ankles and hips and elbows and shoulders. But I have hope that some day.....

    Greg, congrats on needing new suits! That is an awesome NSV and not a fail at all! It is a big investment, so I would be wearing them until they were falling off too!

    Staci, that is so something that I would do. And I would have embarrassed the hell out of my daughter also. I do it on purpose all the time, but on accident is cool with me too. Good job on such a cool donation! I bet you made his day. :bigsmile:

    Cyn, I loved your story. I laughed out loud. Very out loud. Good job on being physically intimidating to your hubby. :wink:

    Bonnie, I am stuck at 216 this month too! How funny! I agree with Cynthia. Pick something that works for you, or at least that you can live with, and just do it. You just have to decide you want it more than anything else. That you want the small wedding dress, and to look at the photos from the wedding for the rest of your life and be happy with them and then go make that happen. You are more than capable of doing it, you just have to decide.

    Lexie, remember to take care of yourself this week too! Going to the gym four times is very reasonable and will be good for you, but remember to be nice to yourself too. A bubble bath, sassy undies under your jeans and tee shirt, a funny movie, or a glass of wine after the kids are in bed all do wonders for your outlook on life, so include some of them in your week....ok?

    Its 2am and I am still up. I gotta get some zzzzz's!

    Love to you all!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I need to catch up on the posts but had to share. My husband gave me my birthday present last night. He's obviously heard me moaning about no having any bras that fit. So he took himself off to marks and Spencer's to buy me some. Bless him he has no idea what size I and is obviously missing 'the girls' having come home with two E cups and two DD cups. Bless I'd be lucky to fill a D nowadays! At least I've discovered I can wear a 38 band! (sorry Greg!)
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Bobbie – Yay for sexy boots & being able to zip them up! Keep up the great work :smile:

    Eileen – I love a good laugh, especially if there is crying and peeing involved! Glad you were able to have such a good time. Wednesday sounds yummy! Please let me know how you cook it…please!

    Renae – you ARE skinny! Sounds like you had a great weekend. Just look at the winter and cold time as more cuddling time with the hubby! :wink:

    Bonnie – we all go through this. Just don’t give up, because it is part of the process and you will be able to figure this thing out!

    Staci – What an amazing story! And I am sure he got a kick out of it too! That is just amazing!

    Greg – Love it! Vomit?!? And suits from the back of a van, and sticking it to the van? :laugh: congrats on needed new suits!

    JJ – thank you, all of those things sound amazing! And, I might have to try on some of my nice shoes that I had put away because they were snug. They might actually fit now…which is exciting. I was wondering how that Old Navy stuff was, I’m glad you found the hoodie, it sounds adorable and great for what you need!

    Steph – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veN2gyCEj8s Just for you! When ever we have a birthday, we play this song and dance around the house (even my husband joins in). That is awesome about the bras and the smaller size!

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. It was my first day back at work, and it felt like I hadn't worked in a year. I came home and my legs were killing me! But, I ate healthy, drank a good amount of water, and felt pretty good about the day. That is one good thing about being at work, I don't have time to think or be sad. I am trying to take time for myself, but it is hard. It feels like the only way I can do that is if I go in my bedroom and shut the door. i am able to relax a little, but i do get a little nervous to know what the boys might be doing. Overall they are good, the usually just play or watch TV. But I do feel a sad movie in my future? Any suggestions? I love dramas and have a bunch that make me cry, but I was curious if you guys had any good suggestions?
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Bobbie - I am soo jealous! I haven't tried on a pair of boots in years because they have never fit my calves. Maybe that will be one of my rewards.

    Renae - I found that quote on a magnet a week before my first chemo and I cried right there in the store. It has helped me through a lot of things and I am glad that it inspires you as well. Your weekend sounds fantastic! I am hoping to get back to doing some of those things if I can get my family to cooperate! Lazy Bums!

    Bonnie - I understand your frustration. My advice would be to try cutting one thing out at a time. Say this week cut out pop. Next week coffee. Let your body get used to no longer having it and then move to the next thing on your list. And remember everyone is different and loses different. The secret is to find out how your body loses and sticking to it.

    Staci - My daughter would so do the same thing to me! But then I tell her it is part of my job as a mother to embarass her and she'll get her turn when she has children (when she's forty, lol).

    Greg - Wonderful NSV! By the way does he have a friend named Guido? If so I would watch your back!

    Cynthia - Have Panko in my cupboard. My son made an awesome chicken parm with them last month. If he keeps this up, I might have to send him to culinary school.

    JJ - You have had a day chock full of NSV! I am so happy for you!

    Steph - The real question is does he want you to model them in your high heels? Vaccuuming? I think you have a wonderful husband there and he has been graced with such a beautiful wife. Happy Birthday!

    Lexie - I usually use a Lawry's marinade and only use half of it adding water. Served over rice with some steamed veges. As for movies, Marley and Me always makes me cry and laugh. I know there are more but that is all I can think of.

    As for me, last night was kinda of blah. I curled up with a book and read most of the night away. My hubbie made supper and had it pretty much ready when I got home. I need to get off my rear end and get registered at a gym. I need to figure out when to start my reconstruction surgeries. If I do it now, then I will have to contend with the holidays. If I do it after the new year, I have to repay my deductible. And I am just procrastinating. Ok, I WILL decide by Friday and set up my appointments. I WILL visit the gym and sign up for the free 7 day pass by Saturday. I guess I better go call my insurance company and get the ball rolling!

    Have a Terrific Tuesday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Checking in - nothing exciting to report. Glad to see everyone is still plugging away.

    JJ - nice NSV's - you're doing great!
    Eilleen - God Bless you for keeping such a positive attitude with reconstructive surgery ahead. You're amazing!
    Staci - Love DMB! What a great story and a wonderful cause!
    Lexie - The Notebook, Dear John, Nights in Rodanthe, Pay it Forward (all great tear jerkers!)
    Greg - Enjoy shopping for new suits. That's so great. You're going to look younger in the newer suits too.
    Cyndi - Sounds like a good plan to wait on the biopsy procedure (as long as you do it)
    Steph - Hope your Bday was wonderful!! You deserve it.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Happy Birthday Steph!!

    I have nothing to report really. I did get some extra exercise in yesterday by running (yes I said running) the stairs at work. Woot woot. I remember huffing and puffing while walking them not that long ago and it tiik me a half hour to go up and down 5 flights 3 times. Now I can run the same in 10 minutes. Okay, okay I still was huffing and puffing but it was because I was running this time.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Staci – nice job on the stairs! That is too funny about Dave Matthews (not a fan but a great prize and an even better story!)

    Lexie – I’m glad you had a good day. My favourite tear jerkers are ‘Steele Magnolias’ and well its stupid to cry over it but ‘league of their own’ (it makes me miss my sister)

    JJ sounds like you had a fun day shopping – I was shopping for gym gear too and if you read my post from earlier you will see the bra story! That bistro box sounds yummy and very healthy!

    Greg love your ‘NSF’ you had me giggling in the staff room (we are on holidays next weed and I couldn’t be arsed to do any work)

    Bonnie I know how you feel. You will find what works for your body – one thing at a time and no matter what the scale says, the exercise and lifestyle choices will be making you healthier (and I should take my own advice!!)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I've completely overindulged today but I made changes to what i would have used to ordered - we got pizza for dinner and I got thin crust (and i will say it was SUPER thin) and low-fat cheese. Did get Hagen Daaz but only ate half when previously would have eaten the whole thing. And no pop! My trainer is back from holidays so I've got my first session in two weeks with her tomorrow. And she's requested my boxing gloves come with me so that makes me happy!!
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Why is it that we are prepared for the physical changes that come along with this journey but never the emotional roller coaster that tags along?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am still here...

    ... and that's all I have to say about that!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Becky I am glad you are here. I think that is the hardest part of it all, is to be here, on MFP, on the right frame of mind. Because you know when you just don't care, I mean REALLY don't care, that is dangerous, because we lost you. But since you are here, you know what you are doing. Good or bad, you KNOW what you are doing. Hope that makes sense. Have your day of carelessness. But remember it won't help you in the long run, you need to get back on track ASAP!!! Love you!!!

    So my wonderful Sister-in-law invited me to join her and some of her friends to do a walk/run on Thanksgiving (Turkey Trot). I was very touched that she thought to ask me, so of course I said yes. Had to laugh because she texted me saying I set the pace and she will keep up with me. Would love to run some of it, so will have to "train" for it.
    So far everything is going well. Eating is going well and the exercising, is going great. Have my nephew birthday party on Saturday, excited to see family and friends. Thats about it. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good night. :yawn:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Short note... :)
    _ Eat slightly evil > you know you'll have to work it off once the funk disappears. ;) And I love you.

    -- I love the Princess Bride. Wuv, twoo wuv. Probably will make you cry in your current condition. But has lighthearted moments too which will make you not want to commit suicide (always a bonus, as we love you) :) I agree about nights in Rodanthe too. ;) There's a movie I've been seeing previews of in the theaters every time I do, I cry. but not being released till Christmas day of all things. Called, "War Horse" GAH animal movie, *sucker* I will need to take tissues.

    Love you all..

    I'm brutally pissed about the god damn caterpillars that ate my poblano bushes clean in one night. One day they're fine. the next morning they're green sticks. ****ing... aRRRRRRRRRGH. Sons a *****es. Only thing I can guess is the eggs were in one of the bags of dirt I bought. Nice huh? ****ing home depot.

    Okay i'm going to sleep. :P

    EAT YER PROTEIN! (okay it's not Ovaltine, but it'll have to do!)
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Lexie-Some movies that always make me cry are: Up (at least twice every time I see it) and it has the bonus of being something you can watch with the kids and it has a happy ending, Running on Empty (even sadder since we lost River Phoenix), The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and The Green Mile.

    Becky-I am glad you are here.

    I have lost my spark lately. I am going through the motions, but I have lost my inspiration and "fire" the last couple of weeks. I am hoping it reappears soon as the holidays are looming large in my mind.

    Cynthia-Sorry about the poblanos. I bet they are sorry though! Those things are hot.

    Bonnie-Isn't that the truth!?! I had no idea this would be so emotionally exhausting.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    What is it with everyone losing their MOJO on here. My eating has been good and I am plugging away everyday with my exercise, but my post are probably boring the heck out of everyone.

    We have a 50th BD to go to on Saturday night and I need need need to go buy something to wear. So that is how I am spending my lunch hour today. I am also feeling pretty proud today about the size pants I am wearing. Since my closet was empty - and I mean literally EMPTY of dress pants I had to resort to this pair of sz 16s that were given to me by a friend who can shop at the LL BEAN employee store. She paid $1 for 4 pair! They fit me pretty good. I don't think I've put a 16 on my butt since I was 16!!

    So this goes to show that we are making progress here. Keep plugging away. It's not always exciting or glamorous, but we're slowing moving towards our targets. And on a happy note - we get to move our clocks back one hour here in the N.E. at the end of this month so we won't be in the dark until 8am any longer!!

    Sorry about your plants Cyndi.
    Julie - that Turkey Trot sounds fun! We'll be up on the mt for Thanksgiving so I should be able to get a good power walk in while wearing our blaze orange so the hunters won't mistake us for an eight point buck!

    ~keep it skinny!!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Sooooo...most of the posts here lately have most of us in a funk. Sometimes we have to stop and re-evaluate what we are doing, why we are doing it, and whether it is still the right thing to do. For me, I make lists. I challenge all of you to list 5 things you like about yourself, 5 things you don't like about yourself, 5 things that you want to change about yourself, and 5 things that is beyond your control.


    1. That I can find humor in almost any situation
    2. That I am a strong woman
    3. That I know that I deserve to be loved
    4. That I can make a difference
    5. That I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it

    Don't Like

    1. That I am shy and interverted.
    2. That it is hard for me to open up to people
    3. That I procrastinate
    4. That I am scared of the cancer returning
    5. That I no longer feel like a sister to my siblings


    1. Showing people the real me
    2. Even though I am scared, I will not live in fear
    3. Be the first to introduce myself and say Hi!
    4. Do the most unsavory activities first and then move on to what I really want to do.
    5. Realize that today is a new day and that no matter what happens today, tomorrow will be another brand new day.

    Beyond my Control

    1. The way my siblings treat me.
    2. If the cancer returns
    3. If I have passed the BRCA gene to my children
    4. Weather
    5. Time

    Yeah, I cry a little, sometimes laugh a little, when I am writing my lists but in the end it helps me get perspective on the now. My challenge does not mean you have to post them like I did.

    One last thing that I have learned is that inspiration does not just come from those doing extraordinary things. Sometimes inspiration comes from the most mundane and ordinary sources. My co-workers never believed that they were inspirational because all they did was their ordinary routines. Work, home, church, and family. But to me, that ordinary routine was something I could not do and I strived to able to do again. Today the same situation is happening. You all inspire me to work harder, to smile more, and to have the confidence that I can do this - because you do.

    ((HUGS)) & Love,

  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Oh Eileen your list made me laugh a little and cry a little too!

    Here is mine:

    1. That I am caring.
    2. That I am persistant.
    3. That I can make a difference
    4. That I am competitive.
    5. That I am positive.

    Don't Like
    1. That I am not very forgiving.
    2. That my feelings get hurt easily.
    3. That I am a worrier.
    4 That I use humor to cover my real feelings.
    5. That I care too much about what others think of me.

    1. To truly forgive more easily.
    2. To put me first more often.
    3. To load my dishwasher after dinner instead of leaving it until the next morning .
    4. To actively listen when people talk to me.
    5. To be have more fun at work.

    Beyond My Control
    1.Other people's behavior
    2 Other drivers on the road.
    3. Whether people like me.
    4. If my son gets to stay home this time after his deployment.
    5. How much people are going to bid for the auction at the gala this month.(I mean part of it is under my control because I got some really great things donated, I want it to be successful but the economy sucks and well these people already paid $1000 per couple just to come so I have to just hope that they will want some of the things at the auction right......I need to just not worry about that part and concentrate on what I can control.

    You know the ones that I thought would be easy were not and the ones I thought would be hard, well honestly they weren't so easy either. Thanks Eileen for making me think.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Eileen I love this idea and want to join in :bigsmile:

    1. That I am smart
    2. That I have fallen in love with exercising
    3. That I am dependable
    4. That I have a husband who loves me no matter what I do or how I look
    5. That I am a good teacher

    Don't Like
    1. I am a perfectionist
    2. That my family (mainly my mother) makes me feel guilty about the choices I make in life
    3. That too often I can be uncompromising
    4. I am pessimistic
    5. I worry what other people think of my appearance

    1. To not take it out on my husband when I am unhappy
    2. To try to be more positive, especially about things beyond my control
    3. Too not worry about what people think of me
    4. To be more adventurous and not assume I can't do something because of my size
    5. To compromise

    Beyond My Control
    1. My mothers reaction to my decisions
    2. Time
    3. My fertility
    4. What others think
    5. London busses (big issue of mine!)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Its been an okay day. My trainer is back so I got my *kitten* kicked. I ran at a12.5km/hour which is a new record for me. I'm quite proud of that. My weigh in reveals that my weight is up by about 3 pounds but that my body fat % is the same. My trainer agrees that I am playing camel and retaining water. Its time for me to drink up!

    Ooohhh forgot to add - my brother and sister in law got me Just Dance 3 for the wii (just had some fun trying that out!) and my sister got me 30DS. I have a question for those of you who have tried it - what weights do I need? I use quite heavy weights for everything at the gym but I just need some hand weights right??
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Eilleen - I love your list idea - I will ponder it tonight and post one tomorrow.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone! :)

    I will have to ponder over 'the list' as well ;)

    Stephy I love that you're doing so well :) Keep up the good work. and what you don't like the big red busses? ;) I'm excited because when I go back to England I'll be able to fit up the stairs and ride on the top deck and take lots of photos :D I did manage once to squeeze up to the top of the Oxford route but it wasn't pretty. in fact I'm sure everyone below was enjoying the spectacle of me dragging myself up the stairs sqooozed and popped out like a zit. *sighs* Never again. ;)

    Renae I'm with you chiquita ;) I'm going shopping today too. They have a sale on jeans and pants at Catherines for 50% off today and I am in neeeeed badly. I can't say no. I know they'll have stuff that fits. But jeans... the bane of my existance.. too long, too tight, too gappy in the waist, too too too.. it's always too... I'm hoping today there are fewer too's.

    -- I know that you are shy and it's hard to open up. But you do very well with us here. :) I hope that we are good 'practice' for you in the real world. ;) Just imagine everyone that you meet is just like us, you just have to talk to them face to face, instead of on a keyboard. You are a wonderful person who is friendly and caring and has so much to share and give. Do not let that hold you back, be happy, and share yourself with others. ;) The world will be a better place! :)

    -- Active listening isn't as hard as you think. It's that I know in that big brain of yours you're doing 10 other things when people are talking to you. You must stop. and listen. Now I KNOW this is hard, perhaps the hardest thing you ever will have to do. Because inside the white rabbit is screaming about the watch going tick tick tick... But just exhale and let it happen, let them go, and then return to doing. Now that's not to say you have to listen to Gertrude go on about her tomatoes for 3 hours. You can say, you know I'm happy your gardening is doing well, I really have to ..... ;) and move on. Hope that helps. I used to have the same problem. I sometimes still do. I had to train myself the same way. Mr Rabbit and I have a continuing battle... ;)

    So shopping, riding my bike. I think that's todays activities. ;) ZING... off I go

    Oh btw, the caterpillars... Manduca Rustica. Or the Rustic Sphinx Moth. Their caterpillars are 4-5 inches in length and 3/4 inch diameter (10-14 cm length, 2cm diameter) and after they GORGE themselves (my poor poblanos) they mill about for a bit then burrow underground and turn into pupal stage where they remain till spring... Where they emerge as either brown and white or black and white moths. 4-5 inches in wing span, or larger, with a proboscis nose like a hummingbird they use to pollenate flowers and eat the nectar with.. *kitten*

    some photos for you to see
    Size photo caterpillar

    Size photo moth
    http://www.faunaparaguay.com/Manduca rustica san raf.jpg