Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Great planning Rach. Look out Tuesday. Another successful day ahead.

    Claire, hang in there. It may not be so bad and if it is, well lets use it as a lesson to learn from. We have a lot of old habits that need to be changed and some will take relearning over and over. Lets also see what the blood tests have to tell.

    I had a great day today, personnally, went to another talk by Alexander McCall Smith, on his writings this time, Yesterdays was more politcal/social habits. I have never been to anything like this before and I really enjoyed it. Have never felt very clever, that was left to my siblings I was always the showgirl (no brains needed) but at 51 I am discovering that I like to extend myself. So glad that I did something for myself for once.
    I have also had a great day calorie wise, well slightly over unless i get on the bike and if I have supper will be more than slightly over. I resisted all city temptations and stuck to the snacks in my handbag.
    I did walk for 60min this morning and had sort of planned to pedal away 30min tonight. 8.50pm and have just finished dinner as I was late home from the city. My husband had it prepared which was nice. So didn't have to have a frozen dinner.

    One day at a time. Lets all conquer Tuesday. :smokin:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My 1, 2, 3, 4 for this week:

    1 - try 1 new exercise this week

    2 - no more than 2 days of no exercise

    3 - at least 3 different exercises this week

    4 - sets of 10 sit-ups daily (at least 5 days @ 40 per day)
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    My 1, 2, 3, 4 for this week

    1- Set of Jumping Jacks (minimum 50) per day

    2 - Sessions of Zumba

    3 - Walks (minimum of 3 miles per walk)

    4 - Bike rides
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    TUESDAY - I have the day at home. YAY, oh except for hairdressing appointment.

    Have had a sleep in. Which was sort of nice but now it has put me behind in time plus we have just gone to daylight saving so still adjusting to that.

    Today will plan my food early, and stick to it. Will be harder today as I am home alone.

    Congrats to everyone for their fabulous effort on last weeks challenge. Tami you did amazing. And Rach wins for the longest decimal point. :laugh:

    You have all come up with great 1234 lists.

    Have a fabulous Tuesday everyone.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wooohooo! I won something!!!

    Well done Tami, what about you rocking on up and taking us all out! Well done to Nicki too, pretty tight between you two! What a team!

    Tuesday is going great here, sorted my dinner, just made avocado shakes, sooo yummy. Bill slurped his up, Lucy said it was yucky, so I ended up having two serves, but because of my burn at bootcamp this morning, that's all good! (check the recipe www.weelicious.com). Other than guacamole any bright recipe ideas with avocados?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I swear I do not know what just happened . The biggest binge. Blame TOM. Why did I do it? its only 5.30pm think I will go to bed now. I'm tired, have cramps, and unhappy with myself. :sad:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awwww Jenn, big super hugs coming at you my lovely, wonderful supportive loser! Don't beat yourself up, tomorrow is another day, new start then. sleep tight x
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies of Looserville! I am bach from a fabulous vacation. I am happy as a clam and red as a lobster. Hubby and I got burnt while snorkling. I am scared to step on a scale but I feel so revived and ready to kick some butt this winter. Stragly i lose better in teh einder than the summer. Weird.

    I see that everyone has had some ups and downs, the important thing is that we are all still her and still trying.

    My 1, 2, 3, 4 will be

    1 yoga class

    2 sets of 30 high kneew 5 out of 7 days this week ...I can't do jumping jacks b/c of my sunburn :(

    3 sessions of weight training

    4 walks a mile or longer

    Good luck reaching your goals ladies!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Jenn ~ I too have had major food BINGE but mine has lasted 2 days....and I don't know why because TOM was here last week. All I know is that all I want to do is eat and not stop and I don't want to exercise. I have to force myself to get out of bed in the morning and to even clean house. Last week was great for exercise, got back into it full swing and burned lots of calories, but this week I am literally having to force any activity.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Big super hugs loserville! I'm feeling like I'm back on the wagon, thanks to our mayor's kind words and support. Now if I'm on the wagon, you guys are coming with me, lets get ourselves even more lovely for Christmas ...

    What can we do to stop the binge mode? Any top tips? Lets share some ideas. I hate it when stuff jumps into my mouth like that, and I can't seem to stop or help myself ... I can't think clearly about it now as I'm on the wagon again ... I think next time it hits me I'm going to try really hard to analyse my feelings. I've read talking to yourself aloud helps ... right now I think I'd make myself have a glass of water first, but I know that doesn't happen when the food's just hopping in my mouth ...

    Right Wednesday is usually where it all goes wrong for me ... wednesday night, I usually have a good day! I've done my swim this morning, and will try to fit in 30 Day shred tonight. I'm going to plan my lessons for tomorrow now, as wednesdays usually go wrong because I have work to do in the evening. I get tired and hungry whilst I'm working and ... I eat!

    I'm also going to treat myself ... for losing ... any ideas for my other treats! I'd quite like to learn how to wear makeup! LOL! I've never really worn make-up (I don't need to I'm already absolutely drop dead gorgeous!!LOL!)
    at 77kg I'm having a deluxe facial, already got the voucher!
    at 74kg I'm having a full body massage
    at 72kg I'm ...
    at 70kg I'm ...
    at 68kg I'm going on a shopping spree! New wardrobe here I come! I'm hoping this will coincide with the January sales!!

    Come on lets take Wednesday out, lets try to lose this week. If you've had a a bad few days, weigh now, and see if you can knock something off that? Don't give up on the week. We can do this. TOGETHER we can!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    :drinker: :wink:

    Hi Courtney, sounds like a fab holiday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Great Rach, I'm dragging my fat *kitten* up onto the wagon beside you. Cleaning out my kitchen. Out goes the bad, so far only found some old easter egg chocolate, threw it in the bin. Making a list of ingredients I need, to make wiser choices.

    Like your rewards, how about a pedicure and manicure. And I agree next time I feel a binge coming on will try talking aloud to myself. Maybe take a walk, or long bath.

    My rewards (I'm going for 1kg loss rewards, might help me stay on wagon)
    93kg Manicure
    90kg Theatre Night
    89kg Overweight Party (will be out of the obese range)

    Welcome back Courtney, so happy you had a wonderful holiday.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Great Rach, I'm dragging my fat *kitten* up onto the wagon beside you. Cleaning out my kitchen. Out goes the bad, so far only found some old easter egg chocolate, threw it in the bin. Making a list of ingredients I need, to make wiser choices.

    Like your rewards, how about a pedicure and manicure. And I agree next time I feel a binge coming on will try talking aloud to myself. Maybe take a walk, or long bath.

    My rewards (I'm going for 1kg loss rewards, might help me stay on wagon)
    93kg Manicure
    90kg Theatre Night
    89kg Overweight Party (will be out of the obese range)

    Welcome back Courtney, so happy you had a wonderful holiday.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Headed to bed - have to be up in 5 hrs for an early morning shift that I'm not used to working. Have to work at 5am and I usually work evenings, but traded with a coworker so I can have the weekend off to go out of town and hang out with some friends. I really need a vacation, but used up all my vacation a few weeks ago when my daughter had to have surgery. So no vacation til June, but want to work and lose as much as possible before then so I have got to quit this binging stuff.

    Thanks so much Rach for the boost!! We CAN do this and I love ya'll so much for being here and for being such an awesome group!

    So my rewards are:

    315 - new shoes
    300 - hair colored at salon (hoping for 40th birthday)
    298 - new pants/blouse & jacket
    280 - manicure
    275 - new dress (hoping for Christmas)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ooooh! I want to come to your overweight party! That's such a fabulous idea! I might have a 'normal weight' BBQ next summer!!

    Yeah, I like the pedicure/ manicure idea, but sometimes feel my nails are in such a bad state I'd hate for anyone to have to sort them out! LOL! But then maybe that's the idea!

    at 77kg I'm having a deluxe facial, already got the voucher!
    at 74kg I'm having a full body massage
    at 72kg I'm having a make-up lesson!
    at 70kg I'm having a manicure and a pedicure
    at 68kg I'm going on a shopping spree! New wardrobe here I come! I'm hoping this will coincide with the January sales!!
    After maintaining 68kg for 4 weeks I'm having a normal weight party!!!
    And then for every 4 weeks that I stay within ..... kg of goal I'm going to .....
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Not too bad today. But cleaning kitchen did not feel like a workout so I got on the dreadmill and got myself puffing. City tomorrow, leaving early, as my husband is away this week, neighbour has offered to drive me to station on his way to work, 6.45am. Urgh. But then I thought I will then be in early enough to go to jazz class. Then will have a nap before starting work tomorrow night. Samara shot a TV commerical today. And is waiting still to hear about doing a music video. All good, but can take weeks or even months for payment. Thinks she will try and pick up some casual promo work for a while, this way she can call her own hours. I very quietly agreed with her that this sounded like a good idea. Its only what I kept telling her last week. :grumble:
    A mother is always right. :laugh:
    Be back to chat when I can.
    Rach keep driving that wagon, and we will all get on.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning Ladies1 i am also back on the wagon after eating al that yummy cruise food and late night pizza. I did very well yesterday and even though most exercises hurt the sun burn i did my high knees and a walk yesterday.

    I find that i don't binge very often. I think I avoid them by having healthy snacks on hand. I eat almonds all the time. I also drink water as someone above suggested and I don't cut things out I count them out...like my potato chips or candy corn.

    as for rewards, we aer on a tight budget so no massages or manicures for me. I ruin them too fast

    weight before cruise 210.4

    205 new eyeshadow or other make up
    199 new pants! I reallty need new work pants.
    185 pedicure
    174 celebreate moving to the overweight catagory..maybe with a wine tasting with Hubby

    Have a great day ladies. keep kicking butt!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well that's Thursday taken out! Wooohoooo! I'm going to make it all they way this week! I need to do some exercise tomorrow morning though ... I had a rest day on Monday ... maybe a bike ride ...

    Good night ... and Friday here we come!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Just beginning Thursday here. I need to do my high knees every day for teh rest of teh week. I need to walk 3 of 4 days and I need to weight train 3 of 4 days and do yoga. Man I feel behind. but I know I can do it! i know everyone else can reach their 1, 2, 3, 4, goals this week as well. have a wonderful day ladies!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I've been so slack keeping in touch ladies, but a) my laptop is pretty much dead and have to borrow the boy's MAC, which I can't get my head around and b) rehearsing lots for this play I am in.

    Still trying to keep under my cals and do my exercise but it is hard, deffo lost my mojo!