**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    So today I go into our lounge for lunch and one of my lovely co-workers had cleaned out their pantry and brought all of the miscellaneous bags of chips and crackers to work. They were spread out all over the lunch table. OMG There were cheetos and potato chips and pita chips and crackers. Really if you could imagine it, it was probably there. It was torture. I picked up each bag and moved it over to the counter so atleast it wasn't sitting right there in front of me while I was trying to eat my light chicken caesar salad. As I moved each bag I said in my head "I am not eating you today because I care more about my body than I do about how you taste" Really, I said that in my head. Twenty three times, once for each bag I moved. Seriously who has that many opened bags of snack in their house at one time? Anyway, my story isn't really about the chips because i did stay out of them. It is about smoked salmon. One of my other co-workers (no not the chip b**ch--that's how I thought of her today) brought in a smoked salmon that her hubby caught and smoked over the weekend. It smelled so good. I forgot how much I like smoked salmon until I tried a taste. And it is high in protein. Yum. So my NSV for this afternoon is that I didn't eat the chips and I found another high protein food that I "forgot" that I liked.

    Now, fresh smoked salmon sounds yummy!!!!! I love salmon but never had freshly caught. That must have been incredible!!!!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    It is about smoked salmon. One of my other co-workers (no not the chip b**ch--that's how I thought of her today) brought in a smoked salmon that her hubby caught and smoked over the weekend. It smelled so good. I forgot how much I like smoked salmon until I tried a taste. And it is high in protein. Yum. So my NSV for this afternoon is that I didn't eat the chips and I found another high protein food that I "forgot" that I liked.

    Oh mannnnnnnn that sounds good. I miss real smoked salmon. Not that lox stuff, but the chewy, smoky, yummy stuff. We used to smoke it all summer when I was growing up and the there was always some to eat. YUM!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    *******************************OCTOBER CHALLENGE***********************************
    Mt. Everest – Asia

    Everest is the world's highest mountain, with a peak at 29,029 ft (8,848 metres ) above sea level. It is located in the Himalayas on the Nepal side of Nepal-Tibet border. In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society upon a recommendation by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India. Waugh named the mountain after his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest. The mountain has been called Qomolangma by the Tibetans and Sagarmāthā by the Nepali for centuries, but Waugh was unaware of this as both countries were closed to foreigners. The summit of Everest is the point at which the Earth's surface reaches the greatest distance above sea level. Several other mountains are sometimes claimed as alternative "tallest mountains on Earth". By the measure of base to summit, Denali in Alaska, is taller than Everest. By the end of the 2008 climbing season, there had been 4,102 ascents to the summit by about 2,700 individuals. By the end of 2009 Everest had claimed 216 lives, including eight who perished during a 1996 storm high on the mountain. Conditions are so difficult in the death zone—altitudes higher than 26,000 ft (8,000 metres)—that most corpses have been left where they fell, some of them visible from standard climbing routes.

    In 1953, the ninth British expedition to attempt the summit, led by John Hunt, returned to Nepal. Hunt selected two climbing pairs. The first pair (Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans) came within 300 feet (100m) of the summit on 26 May 1953, but turned back after running into oxygen problems. As planned, their work in route finding and breaking trail and their caches of extra oxygen were of great aid to the following pair. Two days later, the expedition made its second and final assault on the summit with its second climbing pair, the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepali sherpa climber. They reached the summit at 11:30 a.m. local time on 29 May 1953 via the South Col Route. At the time, both acknowledged it as a team effort by the whole expedition, but Tenzing revealed a few years later that Hillary had put his foot on the summit first. They paused at the summit to take photographs and buried a few sweets and a small cross in the snow before descending.

    Mt. Everest has two main climbing routes, the southeast ridge from Nepal and the northeast ridge from Tibet, as well as many other less frequently climbed routes. Of the two main routes, the southeast ridge is technically easier and is the more frequently used route. Most attempts are made during May before the summer monsoon season. The ascent via the southeast ridge begins with a trek to Base Camp at 17,700 ft (5,380 m) on the south side of Everest in Nepal. Climbers will spend a couple of weeks in Base Camp, acclimatizing to the altitude. During that time, Sherpas and some expedition climbers will set up ropes and ladders in the treacherous Khumbu Icefall. Above the icefall is Camp I at 19,900 ft (6,065 metres). From Camp I, climbers make their way up the Western Cwm to the base of the Lhotse face, where Camp II or Advanced Base Camp (ABC) is established at 21,300 ft (6,500 m). From ABC, climbers ascend the Lhotse face on fixed ropes up to Camp III, located on a small ledge at 24,500 ft (7,470 m). From there, it is another 750 ft (500 m) to Camp IV on the South Col at 26,000 ft (7,920 m). On the South Col, climbers enter the death zone. Climbers typically only have a maximum of two or three days they can endure at this altitude for making summit bids. From Camp IV, climbers will begin their summit push around midnight with hopes of reaching the summit (still another 1500ft above) within 10 to 12 hours. Climbers will first reach "The Balcony" at 27,600 ft (8,400 m), a small platform where they can rest and gaze at peaks to the south and east in the early light of dawn. Continuing up the ridge, climbers are then faced with a series of imposing rock steps which usually forces them to the east into waist-deep snow, a serious avalanche hazard. At 28,700 ft (8,750 m), a small table-sized dome of ice and snow marks the South Summit. From the South Summit, climbers follow the knife-edge southeast ridge along what is known as the "Cornice traverse", where snow clings to intermittent rock. This is the most exposed section of the climb and a misstep to the left would send one 8,000 ft (2,400 m) down the southwest face, while to the immediate right is the 10,000 ft (3,050 m) Kangshung face. At the end of this traverse is an imposing 40 ft (12 m) rock wall called the "Hillary Step" at 28,740 ft (8,760 m). Once above the step, it is a comparatively easy climb to the top on moderately angled snow slopes–though the exposure on the ridge is extreme, especially while traversing large cornices of snow. Climbers will typically spend less than a half-hour at the summit, to allow time to descend to Camp IV before darkness sets in, afternoon weather becomes a serious problem, or supplemental oxygen tanks run out.

    Our activity that will take us to the top of Mt. Everest, the highest place on planet earth, will be…STRENGTH TRAINING! You may use the machines at the gym, free weights, or kettlebells, but also milk jugs, cans of soup or toddlers you have lying around the house. These must be done with an additional weight, not just your own body weight. For each set of 10 reps you do with a weight that is less than 10 pounds we will move up the mountain 1 ft. For each 5 reps with a 10-19 pound weight we will move 1 ft up the mountain. For each 1 rep with 20-49 pound weights we will move 1 ft up the mountain. And for each 1 rep with a weight over 50+ we will move up the mountain 1.5 feet. Since this is a our Power Summit, it is my hope that we will all learn how very strong we are and work on creating more muscle to burn those calories!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Oh Renae
    -- I feel the guilt of your empanadas... For you I'll do penance of 200 sit-ups for that. Oh I feel bad now :( Bad Icey. Bad bad bad. And here's the thing about Mr. Loki... *I* don't eat that well. I was overjoyed the other day when I "splurged' and picked up a whole dungeness crab to eat. And I thought, that fat *kitten*, he gets this **** 2x a day. Furry ruler. I tell you, we only own the house for him ;)

    -- If you knit that fez. I will make him wear it an entire day. I'll take so many photos ;) Even a really big one that is blown up and framed and send it to you to hang in your shop for display ;) He really is a photogenic little bugger when he wants to be. It's the 'want' that is the hard part ;) That usually involves lots of crab. Btw he actually will cry "aaaah-aaaab" when he wants it. But only for me. Never Erik ;) Little monster.

    -- Staci bear.. you live in the land of salmon... how can you forget that? Salmon candy is the only salmon I can eat. I can only eat small bites (about an 1oz or less) at a time. Salmon is the one fish I can't stand. I've tried it everyway you can think too. So sad. so healthy, protein, omega 3, dang. :( Well enjoy. And good for you resisting the chips ;) *hugs n love* ;D I know it was hard, especially when you're feelin' crankapuss. Hope tomorrow goes better babe. Much love.

    -- Awwww *blush* Now you're making me blush! Thank you very much. And I don't know if you've realized it yet, but you're like 25% of the way through your weight loss yourself ;) Which is pretty amazing and I know you haven't realized that yet. :D Tee hee! I know you can do the same. I'll be waiting here at the finish line JJ and I will have made your harem master uniform for you ;) Oh and since we're handing out man tips ;) Replacing the roll of toilet paper *before* it runs out, even if it has 4 sheets left, is very nice thing to do. Even if you're not using it that time ;) And thank you for putting the seat down, and cleaning it. :D:D

    -- I've been doing that for a while now (right click reply) sticky notes were getting expensive ;) Now woman the dang debit cards are a scam. I hate them. completely hate them. I have been carrying cash for just that reason for like the last 4 months. I've tried to stop using the credit card too. Makes me nuts. Just pay the suckers off, and pay in cash for everything. I am glad you have a 'new room' to move in to. You'll have to take pics if you can. Would love to see it when it's done! :)

    -- I'll reward you with a box of air puffed goodness if you go try out the free weights section of your gym for just one week. :)

    -- How did I miss you're renewing your vows in Canada for your family? How awesome is that!!! Hmmm might be a trip required, August will still be warm right? :D
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    *****************OCTOBER CHALLENGE*******************

    Mt. Kilimanjaro-Africa

    Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania and the highest mountain in Africa at 5,895 metres or 19,341 feet above sea level. Kilimanjaro is composed of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo 5,895 m (19,341 ft); Mawenzi 5,149 m (16,893 ft); and Shira 3,962 m (13,000 ft). Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo's crater rim at 5,895 m (19,341 ft). Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and fourth highest of the Seven Summits.

    It is unknown where the name Kilimanjaro originates, but a number of theories exist. European explorers had adopted the name by 1860 and reported that it was its Swahili name,with Kilimanjaro breaking into Kilima (Swahili for "hill, little mountain") and Njaro, whose supposed origin varies according to the theories—according to some it is an ancient Swahili word for white or for shining, or for the non-Swahili origin, a word from the Kichagga language, the word jaro meaning "caravan". The problem with all these is that they cannot explain why the diminutive kilima is used instead of the proper word for mountain, mlima. The name might be a local joke, referring to the "little hill of the Njaro" being the biggest mountain on the African continent, since this is a nearby town, and guides recount that it is the Hill of the Njaro people. A different approach is to assume that it comes from the Kichagga kilmanare or kileajao meaning "which defeats the bird/leopard/caravan". However this theory cannot explain the fact that Kilimanjaro was never used in Kichagga before in Europe in the mid-19th century.

    There are six official trekking routes by which to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, namely: Marangu, Rongai, Lemosho, Shira, Umbwe and Machame. Of all the routes, Machame is by far the most scenic albeit steeper route up the mountain, which can be done in six or seven days. The Rongai is the easiest camping route and the Marangu is also relatively easy, but accommodation is in huts. As a result, this route tends to be very busy, and ascent and descent routes are the same.

    The Kilimanjaro National Park shows that only 30% of trekkers actually reach the Uhuru summit with the majority turning around at Gilman’s Point, 300 metres (980 feet) short of Uhuru, or Stella Point, 200 (660 feet) meters short of Uhuru. Kilimanjaro is often underestimated because it can be walked and is not a technical climb. However, many mountaineers consider Kilimanjaro very physically demanding. Kilimanjaro is unique in that during the ascent you will climb through all climatalogical zones. Starting in tropical rain forest through moss and desert to the snow on the summit.

    Our activity that will take us to the summit of Kilimanjaro will be….COMPLIMENTS! This is a different idea from what we usually do, so bear with me while I explain. For this activity, you will move us up the mountain 10 feet for every genuine, honest compliment you post about another participant. This cannot be “Becky is great!” but should be something like “Becky is amazing because she keeps doing an entire Sprint Triathalon at the gym every Saturday!” If Becky then acknowledges that your compliment is true and she agrees with it “Yep! It is pretty awesome I have worked hard enough to be able to do that every Saturday!” then we move up the mountain an additional 15 feet. If you post a a spontaneous and unsolicted compliment you received in real life and acknowledge that it is true and you agree with it we will move up the mountain 20 feet. You cannot ask your husband if you look cute in your new dress and then post his response, not matter how sweet it was. It has to be something someone says without being asked or prompted. And if you post a compliment about yourself we will move up the mountain 30 feet! Again, it has to be something specific. "My butt looks damn cute in these new jeans that are two sizes smaller than the ones I started out in! This makes all those lunges and squats at the gym totally worth it!" In order to not make this an “easy A” you are limited to 1 compliment to each participant per week. Acknowledging compliments is unlimited. Posting compliments you have received or give to yourself is limited to 2 each per week. It is my hope that this will all help us to really SEE ourselves in a new light. I know I personally am guilty of still seeing fat, lazy JJ when I look in the mirror, and I would like to start seeing what others see when they look at me. If we change the inside…the outside will follow. In that light I would encourage you to try to post at least one compliment in the course of the challenge about every participant. Everyone here is amazing and we can all find at least one thing to admire in each of us. This is not the place for jokes or sarcasm only genuine and respectful commentsl. Much thanks to the lovely and talented Becky for this idea! I love it!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    The thread for the October Challenge is located here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/354195--closed-skinny-chics-a-rooster-climb-the-seven-summits-ch

    Please come on over and introduce yourself!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    All right I went and introduced myself on the peaks thread. And I have today that today ended up to be a pretty good day after all. I didn't really exercise much but I did do my commercial calisthenics during Biggest Loser. One of my co-workers who transferred out of the department about a year ago stopped by to say hi and was totally floor at my transformation. It was a real confidence boost for me. I got all my macros in today and was only 30 calories over my goal. Oh wait no I wasnt because of the calisthenics. Today was an awesome day then!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    -- If you knit that fez. I will make him wear it an entire day. I'll take so many photos ;) Even a really big one that is blown up and framed and send it to you to hang in your shop for display ;) He really is a photogenic little bugger when he wants to be. It's the 'want' that is the hard part ;) That usually involves lots of crab. Btw he actually will cry "aaaah-aaaab" when he wants it. But only for me. Never Erik ;) Little monster.

    Casting on now. :wink:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    TOM has not been nice and hit with a bang!! Major migraines and cramps today caused me to not want to exercise at all and most of my day was spent in bed sleeping. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

    Hope everyone is doing well.....I am off to read and then go to sleep. Goodnight my sister chicks and rooster friend
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Bobbie – you are right away about thinking that our families will fall apart if we take an hour or two for ourselves! I would say that that is the teacher in us to care for other before ourselves, but I think that most of us on this thread got where we are because we put others and family in front of us. And thanks, I felt great that day! (even dressed as a crazy super hero). And love your idea for using a new window to write your reply…I usually open up a word document and type. Also, I’m glad you spent some $$$ on yourself! (sorry you had to go through the hassle…which I hate that), but you did it!

    Stac – you need to breathe! Try not to tear into someone…you are too strong right now and you would really do some damage! :wink: And “chip bit**”, love it! And great job avoiding 32 bags (that is way too many) and falling back in love with smoked salmon. That is one thing I miss about being in the NW. But, on a side note, my dad is sending me down a bunch of moose meat through fed ex that he got a couple of weeks ago on a big moose hunting trip. I am super excited because I LOVE moose burgers!

    JJ – Haa! You made up a measurement! I love it! That is exactly how I would run when I was running outside…just to the next mailbox. This challenge is going to be amazing! And yay for strength training! I wanted to start up again, and this will really push me to do it!

    Renae – I am wanting to get my core stronger too, so this challenge should really help us out!

    I must be doing something right at the gym, because my legs are KILLING me! I have made it to the gym 2 days in a row (during a school week), which is the best I have done yet. I am going again today, but I think I will come home with my boys, eat, and then go back in the evening so I can get some of that dang swimming in too. I have a lot to do in 3 days...but I am going to finish this thing! Everything else is good, but I am running late, so I have to run! Have a great day everyone :smile:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie – How did your room come out? It must be nice to have everything fresh and new?!! Nice reward for all your hard work!

    I still have to wipe down and arrange the furniture, but I really like the colors (although I will admit to having been worried), especially with the curtains and bedspread I bought. I will try to take and post a picture when I get it all done. Other than my profile pic, I haven't tried to mess with posting pics here in the forum, so we will see how that turns out.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Lexie- Moose burgers sounds intriguing. Hmm, I dont think I have ever tried moose although I did spend 5 weeks in Alaska one summer back in 86 so I might have and just don't remember. I do remember the elk jerkey though and whenever my dad happens to get one he always makes some. My whole family just loves it. And bison burgers, yummm. A restaurant near where I work started selling them just this summer. It makes a nice walk to go down and get one for lunch. No fries and no shake though just a diet coke.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Moose and Bison ....hmmm interesting. Must say despite growing up in Northern Ontario I've never tried either.
    Bobbie - I think the room sounds great!
    Lexie - I'm proud you are getting back into it, we are in this together. This having to go to school thing really screws up the schedule!
    Tami - hope you are feeling better!

    Was very pleasantly surprised on the scale tonight - a 1.4lbs release. I wasn't expecting. I wonder if the hunger last week was my bodies legitimate way of saying it did actually need more calories. The big downside to tonight was that my body basically seized up. It started about 4 reps into my chest press (new weight 18kg each hand). Chest muscle just seized and cramped. Worst pain I have ever had gym related!!! Then did some running - I'll tell ya, the girls bouncing all over the place did not help the chest muscle but I did run for a whole minute on 12km/hr. Unfortunately it was downhill from there as my leg muscles proceeded to seize up and cramp. My then very stern faced trainer said we were the done and that I was to take tomorrow off and perhaps another day. This is my bodies way of saying it needs a break. She is trying to remind me that every session in the gym doesn't need to be super intense. Its a concept I have a very hard time with.
    Today has been good eating wise so I'm hoping to make tomorrow the same. I'm off for a soak in a hot bath. Check in with you losers before bed!!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Well won't you know it, TOM is has left the building and everything is fine. Hate that he does that to me. Had to have another dress altered. Have 2 wedding in the next month and didn't want to buy a new outfit ( I know...weird?!?!) But I do love the dress I am having altered, so its all good. That is all I have for now.

    Lexie: Meant to tell you, I LOVE your picture. Just love it. You look great and happy and just wonderful. Yea for you!!!
    JJ: Thanks for putting this challenge together. Sounds like this will be one challenge we won't soon forget and that is great!!
    Cynthia: Love your profile picture. And your cat looks.....sweet. :huh:
    Staci: Smoked salmon, yum-o!!!
    Steph: Great job on your release this week. Sorry about the cramping though. But just take a few days off and give that body of yours a rest.
    Tami: Great job on your release too. Amazing job. Keep it up dear.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Lexie- Moose burgers sounds intriguing. Hmm, I dont think I have ever tried moose although I did spend 5 weeks in Alaska one summer back in 86 so I might have and just don't remember. I do remember the elk jerkey though and whenever my dad happens to get one he always makes some. My whole family just loves it. And bison burgers, yummm. A restaurant near where I work started selling them just this summer. It makes a nice walk to go down and get one for lunch. No fries and no shake though just a diet coke.

    Moose burgers are good, but what I miss is moose stew. On the positive side moose meat is very low fat, which is why you always have to cook it in wet heat like a roast, so its very healthy. Yum, yum, yum! When I was a little girl, we only ever ate meat that came from the freezer, so salmon, halibut, moose, elk, etc. never store bought meat. We went to visit my Grandmother when I was about 4 and she made a big Sunday dinner. She was carrying the roast into the dining room and I said "Oh goodie! Moose meat!" And she said "No dear, its beef, it comes from a cow." I looked at her pityingly and said "Oh Grandma, milk comes from a cow, meat comes from a moose." No one has ever let me forget about it, but I think that was the first time I really had beef. McDonalds and Burger King and the like didn't come to Alaska until I was a little older, so no happy meals.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Was very pleasantly surprised on the scale tonight - a 1.4lbs release. I wasn't expecting. I wonder if the hunger last week was my bodies legitimate way of saying it did actually need more calories. The big downside to tonight was that my body basically seized up. It started about 4 reps into my chest press (new weight 18kg each hand). Chest muscle just seized and cramped. Worst pain I have ever had gym related!!! Then did some running - I'll tell ya, the girls bouncing all over the place did not help the chest muscle but I did run for a whole minute on 12km/hr. Unfortunately it was downhill from there as my leg muscles proceeded to seize up and cramp. My then very stern faced trainer said we were the done and that I was to take tomorrow off and perhaps another day. This is my bodies way of saying it needs a break. She is trying to remind me that every session in the gym doesn't need to be super intense. Its a concept I have a very hard time with.
    Today has been good eating wise so I'm hoping to make tomorrow the same. I'm off for a soak in a hot bath. Check in with you losers before bed!!

    I think you are onto something there Steph. You were hungrier than normal last week, made some bad food choices to feed that hunger which upped your calorie intake and then your body protested when you went to work out but you still lost over a pound of weight. This might be your bodies way of saying "FEEEEEEED MEEEEEEE!" I LOVE when we can learn these kinds of things about our bodies!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Hello all! I am trying to get caught up after spending Monday and Tuesday out of town, then home in time to sleep. Tonight was our Employee Banquet, it has a nice salad bar so I did well.... until I went to the "normal" foods. I got some broiled chicken (which was good.) But, I also got some mashed potatoes with a little gravy (I am from the south where this is a staple at most every dinner table lol.) I shouldn't have gave in but I did... and it was good. But, as usual I paid for it all dearly... my stomach only like "good for you" foods now. Lesson learned... oh well...

    I am looking forward our challenge!! I am going to try to get caught up in the morning if I can. It's amazing how my days off seem so much busier than my work days.

    Btw, I am SO excited for my little man's first t-ball game tomorrow night!! I am fully expecting for him to not pay any attention, look like the Tazmanian Devil in the dirst and to probably drop his pants and pee in front of everyone (he's 3, he has NO shame lol) Anyways, off topic... just wanted to share :)
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    OMG All I can imagine is a "little shop of horrors" episode... Feeeed me Seymour...
    But seriously I have not been about to put down the chow chow myself either. Perhaps this is why I've been in the 360's now for over a ****ing month. Dude this has got to stop. :mad: I am so gleeful about Saturday. My return to burn is all I can rejoice about right now. I mean the scale said down .4 lbs. but really jeasus wept. I'm used to losing like 6lbs a week, this is bull****.:grumble:

    -- Darling... bubbie.. listen to your jewish grandma, drink the water, eat the soup, rest for 2 days. What's with the tryin to kill yourself already? There's plenty of time for that in the future... We love you. Come sit next to me and watch some tv okay? ;)

    -- MOOOOOOOOSE!! I'm jealous ;) See you're getting your own version of Bison ;) Mm mmm Mmmm ;) And same goes for you... JG says, rest those legs... work on upper body exercises for a day or two. You don't want to be all upside down now do you? Looking like one of those meatheads that shoot up 'roids ;) *HUGS* Swimming is good idea, upper body. (no kicking just flop your knees a little) ;) *HUGS*

    -- Just got over mine. I feel yer pain. Started with a bang. Exited with a bang. WTF? Don't know what the hell is going on. Seriously. this is TMI but, used to slide in and slide out... y'all know what I mean. now it BAMM! you're bleeding like a stuck pig and then BAMMM! Nothing, not even a drop like someone shut the faucet off. What. the hell. is that. about.:huh:

    --- WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) I cannot wait to see the new room :) I know you are happy with it, even if your head is all swimmy ;)D

    Staci & Julie
    -- My little wombats *sniffs* :) Been TONS of fun being teamed up with you two this month. Thank you :) You've made it so much easier to be me ;) Can't imagine having better teammates :) *HUGGGGGGGGS* You guys just rock. :)

    -- Working the spreadsheet, you should have gotten an email to the link, if you didn't get it, let me know. I'll send. I've added everyone on the list, Plus Brisa, I'll add anyone else also if they come along. I asked a friend who's a good exerciser but he's planning for a marathon later this month so he's thinking about it. There's one or two I was thinking of that might be good from the 100+ thread, but I'll message you. :) Otherwise. Rock on momma! ;)

    -- If he does that.. I expect you to get proper pictures of shame. So that when he's older you can embarass him for the rest of his life about his little 'moment' in the sun. ;D

    Nothing else new brewing in stew at the moment... Gotta get Becky's graphic done. Worksheet almost done. Hubby says can't figure out the formula for me. (I think he's just avoiding the work, *cracks whip* I fed you Lillikoi shave ice work!) I might go out for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. We'll see how it goes. It's still so damn hot. :P Bleah 92 at 7:30 at night jeebus.

    Have a good night my darlings :D Woot woot!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Evenin' folks. Today just as I was getting ready to leave work an emergency open hip fracture came in came in(which means the bone is coming through the skin. ouch. Sorry if TMI). So, like the nice Staci that I am most of the time, I said I would stay a little overtime to call the call crew in since my late crew was already busy with and appendix. Okay got the crew in, got the case scheduled, got the patient up from the ER and I am really ready to head out and then boom stat c-section. So, baby comes first as well you know you can't really tell a baby not to come yet. So what should have been a half hour overtime turned into 2 hours. I did still go to curves on my way home and workout. Hubby had grown tired of waiting and went to the outback and had dinner. He brought me home a loaded potato because he figured it was a potato and healthy. So, I did eat it as it did fit in my calories and what not. I love him and appreciate the thought but I think I am going to have to teach him a little about what constitutes healthy. LOL

    JJ and Cynthia- I too thought of little shop of horrors when I read JJ's comment to steph. I love that musical!!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Evenin' folks. Today just as I was getting ready to leave work an emergency open hip fracture came in came in(which means the bone is coming through the skin. ouch. Sorry if TMI). So, like the nice Staci that I am most of the time, I said I would stay a little overtime to call the call crew in since my late crew was already busy with and appendix. Okay got the crew in, got the case scheduled, got the patient up from the ER and I am really ready to head out and then boom stat c-section. So, baby comes first as well you know you can't really tell a baby not to come yet. So what should have been a half hour overtime turned into 2 hours.

    JJ and Cynthia- I too thought of little shop of horrors when I read JJ's comment to steph. I love that musical!!

    Heeheee! Thats what I was thinking of when I wrote that!

    Staci, thanks for staying for that c-section. 12 years ago that was me, at a different hospital of course, that had a prolapsed cord and a baby that needed to get out right now. No doctor at the hospital (it was after midnight), so we had to wait for someone to come in. They called in every single ob/gyn and surgeon as well as all the anesthesiologists, to see who could get there in time and ordered in the Life Flight helicopter to take the baby to the closest children's hospital. He was fine, other than gulping in a little fluid and having wet lungs and so was I in the end, but it was a really close one and a minute or two difference and it would have been a totally different outcome. I still send flowers on my son's birthday to the nurse that was with me. You did good there.