Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I had a wonderful weekend of roller coasters, shopping and american football. It was so nice to just be with my Hubby all weekend long. Still trying to get my calories back under control. I'd really like to see myself under 210lbs.

    Nikki - I hope all goes well with school

    Jenni _ I hoep you havd a wonderufl tiem at your aunts 80th birthday celebration

    Are we doing another points challenge this week? if so what are the exercises?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Sorry guys, busy weekend here! Busy with the All Blacks! Had a great one, which yet again involved eating and drinking far too much ... and now ... I've gained the weight I'd lost and some ... GRRRRRR ... I'm sure some
    *must* be due to TOM, just not sure how much! Ah well, the key is to get back on track and stay there ...

    Anyway .... here's the exercises for this weeks challenge!

    1. 50 Jumping jacks & 20 push ups
    2. 50 jumping twists & 20 tricep dips
    3. 30 Squat kicks & 3 sets of 21s
    4. 40 lunges (20 per leg) & 10 walking push ups
    5. 30 burpees
    6. Crazy day to finish it off in style! 10 Jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 10 jumping twists, 10 tricep dips, 10 squat kicks, 1 set of 21s, 10 lunges, 3 walking push ups and 3 burpees!

    I'm going to do day 1 & 2 now!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hello everyone ~~ Just checking in before I go see my new sweetie. Had an interesting birthday to say the least. Went to a drag queen show (the new pic is with my fave one) and had a blast, but drank WAY too much and don't remember most of the night (never been that drunk before in my life). Was so worried bout turning 40 and here it is no big deal.

    Hope everyone is doing well.....check back in a few days when I get back from my sweetie's.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    My time away. I did lots of walking but even more eating and as the time went on even more. Emotional eating, family get togethers should be just happy but why are they always stressful as well. Wish they would all just get along. Anyway I'm home now. And now my daughter who only a couple of months ago moved out, and then 3 weeks ago her hours were cut in half has now managed to get herself 5 'FIVE ' casual jobs. So has asked me to come in and help her out. I can't say no but I want to, I need to stay in my own home and get myself together. She didn't want to say no to any of the shifts as she wants to make a good first impression. They don't clash, she just has to survive on litle sleep. And needs me to cook and have next uniform ready. I think over 50 hours this week. I guess I should be happy she is employable. I will catch up with you guys when I can. Hold in there everyone, we all need to support each other. I may not get the challenges done this week, but will try and get back into better eating and keep walking.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    rach - thanks for posting. i am ready to kick some serious butt this week. I have been eating way to much crap for way too long.

    Tami - glad you had a great birthday. Have fun with your sweetie

    jenni - wow you are busy. Do they best you can and make good choices in that kitchen.

    I am so tired of hoverign aroung 210-213lbs I want tpo be under 210 then under 200. I am sick of the 200s. wish me luck as i am to kick butt for teh rest of teh year. (except Thanksgiving and Christmas)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member

    I've entered my triathlon series for the summer, which seems to have given me a bit of va va voom. Also I won a prize for entering, I won about $150 worth of triathlon gear, I'm so very very pleased with myself!

    Done the daily exercise challenges, and stayed with my calories for 2 days now ... day 3 is the one that usually gets me, so I'm planning ahead ... so as not to let it happen again! I want to and need to stay on this wagon ...

    I read this link from a post on here and many aspects of it have helped me, like I need to really decide why I'm doing this ... I need to stop seeing exercise as a means to eat more food ... I need to plan some meals out that I love so that dinner time isn't such a pain in the bum ...


    Hope we're all good and all starting to get our heads in the right space, it's a rollercoaster of a ride, but lets stick with it, lets stay on it. LETS DO IT! Fabulous for Christmas, came on team, we can do it!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Wow Rach! That's excellent. Also, thanks for the link. I'm just having a read of it now and it's making for good reading.

    I'm still taking things a bit more slowly at the moment, so if you notice my numbers are a bit all over the place, that's why. The pain is finally easing off but I don't want to be reckless and do too much too fast. The good thing though is that I am doing some things again. I can't believe how badly stomach pain can throw you from your routine.

    Also, has anyone spoken to Claire? Haven't seen her here for ages and was a bit worried.

    Hope you're all having a great week losers. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Courtney told her we're missing her on her profile the other day and Claire said that she needs to get her head in the right space. Hopefully she'll be back with us soon ... I'm sure a loving nudge would be greatly appreciated!

    Right school holidays are over ... back to work for me ... booo hissss!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Urgh!!!!! Not feeling well. Will be back when better think I just need rest.
    Love to you all and be strong.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    rach - you have a great attitude. lets keep kickign this weeks butt. i am definatly interested in looking at teh article you posted. I have been less and less motovated lately. but I knwo I wnat to keep going.

    Nikki - taking is slow is a great idea. But any activity is better than no activity.

    Jenni - feel better soon!

    I'm doing alright, I haev a bit of a cold again. Guess I got it from Hubby and stepson. I am still trying to walk a litte and do my daily challenges so I can stay under my cals. got to be better on teh weekends too. BUt in my house winter menas soup and soup means low calorie but filling food so I hope to see the pounds come off this winter :)
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    Just popped in to let you know that I'm going away over the weekend and probably won't have much internet access. Bit of a last minute thing to be honest. Decided to spend the weekend with a my old flatmate who now lives a couple of hours away.

    I'll be back Sunday night or Monday morning.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Horray!!!! I am under 210lbs this morning!!!!!!!!!! I'm a feelign so motovated. 199 here I come!

    Nikki - have a great weekend!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi all , just touching base. Am only home for a hour then back into the city.

    Coutney fantastic on your weight loss. Look out 199.

    Hope you are all doing great.

    Monday will be 12 months since I joined MFP.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hello All

    Well done Courtney! Lets rock this!

    Oooh! How are we celebrating Jenn's anniversary? (lets plan a surprise party for her!! SSHHH) Well done Jenn, a great opportunity to reassess your goals, basque in how far you've come and generally celebrate the wonderful person that you are! Hope the city is treating you well, and that you're managing to not be too tempted by the delights it has to offer.

    I've had the best week in AGES! I've gone over my Kcals a couple of days, but nothing major, and still well under maintenance. I'm feeling good again, got my head in the right space, eating sensibly, not doing the old "ah well I'm over now, might as well have a bar of chocolate". Woohooo! I've had to downgrade my goals a bit, I'm hoping to get back to where I was in July by Christmas, if I do better than that, all good, but that's my aim atm.

    This is the last week of our part 1 challenge. I've put us together another spreadsheet, if we're keen to do that? Not long until Christmas, 7 weeks takes us to the 19th December! ... What challenges shall we have? I was thinking that the 10 of 10 was good ... I like the burn the most kcals and I like the points challenges and have put them in for the even weeks, and have put in a burn the most calories this week. So we have a couple of weeks to decide what we'll do for weeks 3, 5, and 7 ... any suggestions? Something old? Something new? Something borrowed? (Something Blue?!)

    I really enjoyed the week where we all contributed something to the letters of LOSERS ... that would be a good one too, maybe we should do that this week, get us all back together? ... how did it go Jenn?

    L =
    O = Open up
    S =
    E =
    R = Recipe?
    S = success

    Anyhow, here's the spreadsheet link. Have a lovely weekend everyone xx

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I've been away so much. I am very glad to be home today and hope to get to stay home for awhile. It really throws the lifestyle when away. I gained 1.5kg in the last 2 weeks. Hate to think what it may have been without that big walk yesterday.

    7 bridges, 27 kms (17 miles) (closer to 30km when adding in the get there and back to car)

    I must confess my eating has been poor lately. I seemed to have slipped into the mind frame of oh well there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow just never seemed to arrive there was always another tomorrow.

    I am very tired and sore from yesterdays walk. I still hope to go to Zumba tonight. Although not sure if thats the best thing to do for my body.

    Thanks Rach for keeping the challenges going. Can i add yesterdays calorie burn to this weeks? Just joking.

    Today is My MFP 1 year birthday. Don't feel like celebrating just so tired from yesterday. But when refreshed i will look back over the year and see what I have achieved.

    I think LOSERS WAS
    L for Loss
    O for Openness
    S for Share a health tip
    E for Exercise
    R for Recipes or Reflect
    S for Success

    So I will start this weeks as its already Monday for Rach and I. I may not have loss any weight this last week but I have lost 20kgs in the past 12 months. MFP says 21. I think I have confused it with losing and gaining so often. But I started at 115kg and today i weighed in at 94.3kg Ok so nearly 21kg. 20kg = 44lbs. So even though I am a bit disappointed not to be out of the obese range yet, but I am still way better off then I was 12 months ago.

    So tired that I wonder was yesterdays walk worth it. Not achieving much today at all.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Had to take a nap this afternoon, just could not keep going. I'm lucky that i could. Very stiff and sore but still going to zumba. Feeling motivated and ready to turn my wagon around.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well done Jenn, 20kg is a huge loss, and you should be very proud of yourself! You're here and you care and want to be here! Congratulations on your massive walk! That sounds tremendous! Hope you get to stay at home long enough to get your head in a good space and get firmly back on the wagon.

    L for loss. I've lost 1kg this week, oddly I don't feel so fussed about that. It's all good, but I've lost that particular kg so many times now, it feels like an old friend! I'm much more happy that my head is in the right space, that I'm not giving in when things go wrong. I'm trying to stay sensible and in control in difficult situations (e.g. when eating out!), and that I'm committing myself to 6 days per week of challenging exercise. I'm feeling positive and like I can do this, watch out Christmas here I come! But then the crazy thing is that Christmas and the holidays will be very challenging. I'm sure I will gain some weight over that time, so my goal is to be here again at about 80kg when I get back from holiday! If I can stay lower all good, but I want to enjoy Christmas, I want to have a good holiday and I just don't think I can do that without some weight gain ... we'll see anyway.

    My exercise plan for every week until we go away camping!

    mon: swim & gentle run to drop/collect Bill from school
    tues: bike to and from bootcamp!?
    wed: swim & gentle run to drop/collect Bill from School
    thur: Bootcamp
    fri: rest
    Sat: bootcamp + big run

    Sun: big Bike ride
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Great exercise plan Rach. I went to zumba tonight thought I would be too sore but it felt good to work it out. Wonder how I will feel in the morning. I am going to take it one day at a time till I feel in a good space again. Aiming to make each day a success.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello ladies. I am up for waht ever challenges you throw out Rach. i love, love , love the spreadsheets.

    Jenni - that sound sliek a great walk. Congrats on your anniversary. 44lbs in a year is awesome! Just keep a tit you will be out of the obese range before you know it.

    I had a big loss last week. Only 0.6 lbs from my lowest recorded weight but it took me under 210lbs. It seems like ot too me forever to get there but I am super motovated now! I really think all teh strength training in the little daily exercise challenges has helped a lot. I have almost becoem a master jumping jacker LOL. I plan to stick with walking and daily challenges with some sculpt, yoga and 30DS.

    We are looking forward to our Halloween trick or treaters in in the US today. Do you guys celebrate Halloween? Not sure if it's a univeral holiday or not. Never really thought of it till just now. Reguardless, have a great day!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning All.

    Tuesday 1st November. Melbourne Cup Day here in Australia. Its a horse race and the nation stops for it. Ladies will be dressed in their best and wear fancy hats to work, there will be luncheons and fashion shows and of couse betting on the races.

    I am not going to settle this month for any old weight loss. I'm going for the big one. I weighed in this morning at 94.4kg (100 grams heavier then yesterday). I want to be 90kg on the 30th November. I am not going to be Mrs Nice and accept small scraps of weight loss. I'm going to be tough and greedy and go for the most. I am not going to put my needs last but first. And I'm going to get a handle on emotional eating.

    But before I can start on me, my husband needs his suits put into the drycleaners. And my mother just rang and I need to go and place a bet for her.

    Tomorrow I will put myself first. :ohwell: