**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Eileen- the 3-day is a little scary when you think about it but in reality its a whole lot of fun and something that I look forward to. LOL I say that but I get nervous every time I get signed up and then again about a day before it starts.

    Hmmm, about bottling up Cynthia's energy. Is it sugar free? Is it caffeine free? Could I count it as water? Maybe there is something to this. It doesn't taste like sweat does it?

    Today is going to be a good day. I just feel it in my bones.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Staci - I always have my mammograph around my BDay every year (which is coming up!). It is a great way to always remember to have it done. Happy B-Day to us!
    Eileen - You're doing great. I'm so glad your appt went well. Good luck at your 2nd one!!
    Cyndi - Holy workout batman!! You are amazing. That must have felt liberating to RUN!! Loved your Lee Majors comparison - that show was so cool!! na na na na na na na -- na na na na na na!! Tell your DH I'll take the skinny compliment. As for my little sweetheart daughter - she is built just like my brother with a barrel chest and no *kitten* - we're hoping she gets her growth spurt this year! She hasn't hit puberty yet so there's still hope. Thank goodness she's a confident kid!
    Tami - congrats on the big loss!! You are back in the game for sure. Keep it going girl!
    Steph - nice new pix! Glad to see you're being good to yourself.

    I am dragging big time today. I guess the weekend finally caught up to me. I could crawl under my desk for 20 winks right now, but I really need to skip out and get a few groceries for a Taco Party I am throwing for the FH team tomorrow night. That's right - I'll have 20 young, hungry, loud teenagers at the house tomorrow night. I know they are 14-16 years old, but that won't stop me from coming out in my sombrero and hanging a pinata for them to beat up. You know they'll love it!

    I'm doing ok with my food this week, but I'm too tired to be 'on it' so I'm just trying to suppliment with lots of water / fruit & nuts. I am hitting the threadmill for 30 minutes every morning, but it's been raining for 3 days which doesn't help, so I haven't done any extra walking during they day. I'm looking forward to the weekend ahead - we're heading north for one more camping trip. I know bbbbbrrrrr! Yes - last year it was in the 30's over Columbus weekend. We'll pray for sun and pack our woolies for sure!

    ~keep it skinny
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hi All, hope you are having a great Tuesday (to me, the most boring day of the week. It's not Hump day, it;s not payday, it's nowhere near the weekend, it's not as horrific as Monday...just....meh).

    @Renae: Um, not sure how to put this, but.....HUBBA, HUBBA! You are looking great in the new photo!

    @ Cynthia: yet again, your post made me LOL. I find myself actively seeking out your posts. Good for you getting all "Six Million Dollar Man' on that machine! I wish I had your motiviation!

    @Idahogirl: are you kidding me? 3.4LBS is amazing! I would do a back-flip if I had a release of 3.4LBs in one week. Well, not in the literal sense...that would just be foolish...but you get the idea. Good for you!

    Not much new hear at Casa de Rooster. My wife backed an apple pie on the weekend (a Fall tradition in our house) and I broke down and had a small piece. I know that I shouldn't have, but it smelled soooo good and I didn't have the heart to say, "no" after she had gone to all that work. I am generally worried/terrified that I am starting to back-slide. If history has shown me anything, it's that there is a slippery slope and once I start to pick up momentum it's very hard to stop. I'm noticing myself nibbling here and there on things that don't make it into my food diary and I just think to myself, "oh, never mind, you've got the extra calories, you can have a little of this, or that." But, I know myself, and this is not a good sign...not at all. I'm going to try really hard to re-dedicate myself and to be more vigilant.

    Anyway, today has been a great day (food wise) and I'm going to make sure that it finishes well. End of story.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Greg- the good thing is you are noticing that you are potentially backsliding and can (and will--I have faith in you) do something to stop it. I had some apple crisp this past weekend too. We have to have a little of that stuff once in a while. We can't be happy on our weight loss journey if we constantly feel like we are missing something. So we have a small piece or a taste or whatever and then move on. It sounds like we may have the same problem, the moving on part. LOL For me it is easier to move on if I don't have a big portion of what ever it is and don't keep it in the house where I can smell it. So, I ask my hubby and daughter if they are going to eat the left overs if they say yes, it goes into tupperware so I don't have to smell it. If they say no, it goes to work with me the next day for my co-workers. And I love that you said to ReNae that you didn't know how to put it but I thik HUBBA, HUBBA worked out perfectly :laugh:

    ReNae- it seems that our weekends always catch up to us eventually. Drink lots of water and eat your nuts and berries and you will come back just fine. Don't let the rain get you down. Just put on your galoshes and go for a puddle stomping walk. See how much water you can stomp out of those puddles. Then come home and have a nice hot cup of herbal tea.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Good advice Staci thanks - you're right - I can't let it stop me!

    Greg - "Hubba Hubba" works for me thanks! I have to say say I felt HOT in that dress. It's been a while since I wore anything that showed my shape because it wasn't too nice 6 months ago. Feels good to be able to wear almost anything now. Don't worry about slipping up on occassion. You have the knowledge now and that is POWER. You just get up tomorrow and commit to make it a good day. OK - that pep talk was as much for myself as it was for you.

    keep it skinny!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Greg: I was in the same boat a few weeks back. Thinking to myself " I released over a 100lbs, it'll be ok if I ate a little more of this" But you know, its not helping me in any ways and I had to re-focus and get back to the right frame of mind. You can do this!!!

    So I had heard someone say (don't know where or when) that when you lose weight, its harder to get a good burn.Whether its true or not, I don't know but today I proved it wrong. So in a total of 110 mins I burned 1064 calorie. That is almost 10 calorie a minute. When I saw that number on my HRM, I almost cried. I couldn't believe it. Mainly because Eve was in day care and day care has a limit of 2 hours. So I can burn over a 1000 calorie almost every time I have her. Because otherwise, I would have my in-laws watch her and easily burn that much but I know I can do it now. Yea for me!!!

    Just wanted to say Thank you to all who are involved in the challenge spreadsheet and putting it together. Looks like it took lots of work and time but all of your work is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    sorry double post
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Julie that is an awesome burn!
    Renae - you look awesome!
    Greg - you have acknowledged what you are doing and now you can own it and take control over it!

    Its been a good couple of days. I'm trainer-less for a couple of weeks which will be interesting. Other than life is just kinda ho-hum. Added spinach tonight to my turkey mince.chilli, mushrooms and lime dish which was yummy! Just vegging with the hubby and watching Mike and Molly. Gotta head to bed soon. Avoiding the container of yummy chocolate bites I bought for my year 11's as reward for all their hard work lately.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am getting to the point that I hate my days off from work. Though I work at home I have a set schedule by my boss and I find that when I am off all I want to do is eat. When I am working I stay focused on work and don't think about food. Food is becoming my enemy once again and it sucks!! And I have to force myself to exercise. It is no longer fun and I am no longer wanting to find new exercises to do. I think it is because colder weather is here and I hate the Idaho winters. I so badly wanted to move before snow falls, but that is not working out either so ...... omg I could go on forever on this pitty pot so I think I will stop there.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I am getting to the point that I hate my days off from work. Though I work at home I have a set schedule by my boss and I find that when I am off all I want to do is eat. When I am working I stay focused on work and don't think about food. Food is becoming my enemy once again and it sucks!! And I have to force myself to exercise. It is no longer fun and I am no longer wanting to find new exercises to do. I think it is because colder weather is here and I hate the Idaho winters. I so badly wanted to move before snow falls, but that is not working out either so ...... omg I could go on forever on this pitty pot so I think I will stop there.

    Would it help to pre-plan for those days?

    When I'm working at home, if I find myself getting snackish, I start with a drink. Water. A cup of tea. Then if that doesn't work, I get a platter of veg, finger cut, with a creme fraiche dip. That usually sorts me out, as I can snack for hours on it....

    It's hard getting moving in the cold, I know. But it will keep you healthier through the winter, help you shake of colds easier, etc. Perhaps just repeating to yourself all the reasons it's worth it - short term and long term?
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Thanks meerkat! I know I just need to get out of this funk and that things will start looking up again. It has not helped that I am back in the dating scene and all I have met so far is losers (and I'm not talking the kind we have here).....maybe that is depressing me that all I seem to attract is guys that think fat girls are desperate. I want a man who can appreciate my sense of humor, my happy spirit (most of the time), and my intelligence. I get so tired of guys who think because I am overweight I am stupid. HELLO, I do have a brain and I do know how to use it!!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    --- See even guys aren't immune to the winter weight tack on. It's okay. It's good that you recognize that it's happening. But you gotta say enough is enough. I can't let you undo all that good work you've done with a bit of pie here and a bit of beer there, after all that's probably how it got there in the first place, y'know?
    So Since I got your mohawk ... for me ... you have to log everything that goes in your mouth for one week. (you should do it everyday but you know...I'll settle for one week) I don't care if it's a Tic Tac, or a sip of Tim Horton coffee black, or a pinch of apple pie. Figure a way to put it in the journal. You've seen mine. Sure I spend hours probably pedantically figuring that **** out. I know it's a pain in the *kitten*. You need it. You need to know just how much all those tid bits are adding up to. It's the only thing going to make you stop it. One week. I'm going to be reading. I expect to see pie, and cookies and everything else bad. No judging. It's what you ate, if you're over, you're over. That's life. Not writing it down, still makes you over. ;) *HUGS*

    -- Stop picking up guys in bars. ;) If they're single at their age, and in a bar. They have no life, no direction, and probably are *kitten*. Go find somewhere else to pick up guys. Hell, sign up for an electronic dating agency. My male bestie met his 2nd wife there, go figure. Second. Go out and do something on your days off. You spend all day working at home. Get the hell out of dodge on your days off. Go to a movie, the mall, anywhere, do anything. Don't sit at home and stare at the fridge calling your name. I know it's cold as **** already probably, Malls make great indoor walking arenas ;) Roller skating? Ice fishing? Knitting? I dunno, painting? Sewing classes? There has to be something you can go and do on your days off to get you away from the food an occupied. :)

    -- Your candy problem sounds like mine. I bought that damn candy from Ikea, and I had to hide it from Erik because he just kept eating it and eating it. Well great, but I know where it is. And it's sitting there calling my name like some siren song. Son's a *****es. Why can't they just sell a 10 piece bag. :P

    -- I am so happy the the health club is working out for you. :) I am happy you made the decision for yourself to join and that even though it probably made things a little rough financially you did what you needed to do for you and are going for it still. I know what a pita it is to ask your inlaws for anything *shudders*. They _always_ want something back. I am so happy for you. Keep those boots a walkin ;)

    -- Congrats on the good news so far :) (and mostly it tastes like Orange zip fizz) :D

    So... Perhaps I should have asked for the bionic parts along with the bionic boot. Everything aches today. That just means that I have yet again upped the standards for which I have requested my body to perform. This is a good thing. Ratchet that **** up a notch. That means I was indeed slacking like a mofo and it's a good return to burn.

    Erik told me today as he was changing out the gas tank on the grill that he was happy that I finally let him do 'mans work'. I said what do you mean by that? he said that I never ask him to do the heavy lifting or moving of things anymore that I just do it myself and it was one of the things he used to love the most that I would say, "I need a man" which meant this is too heavy can you lift it for me. I said, "oh." "sorry." He said, it's okay, I like knowing that if I fail defending you in the dark alley you would break their ****ing necks. Which of course, made me giggle.

    So my big day out ;) I went to the salon to get my hair cut. Leslie had dyed it (high & low lights) and I'm under the dryer doing my 'time' and so I whip out my phone and pull up MFP because I have to enter my banana for breakfast and so I'm reading my profile page and I see that Joe and Greg have dared me to get my hair dyed PURPLE and cut into a MoHAWK! And I'm thinking they're ****in crazy... and then I think well. that would be cool... the 'hawk, not the purple. I like the color... Okay I'll tell Leslie. Poor girl, she spent all that time dying the sides for nothing. **** she's going to kill me. nope not a word, just zotz off with the hair. she did ask me "FOR REALZ?" Like 4 times just to make sure and I"m like yes, yes, and Yes. Yes it'll grow back. **** woman, take it off. LOL. Everyone was like I love it and omg you're crazy, and it's so cute! I was like that's all Leslie ;) She's so awesome! :D

    So if you wanna see the big pics they're up on my blog: http://www.icewolf.us/?p=990

    :) I will dye it purple for halloween this year. I guess darth will have a purple 'hawk. ;)D

    And it's raining tonight ... time to find the HRM ;)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Dating sites suck....and I haven't been picking men up in bars....lol. Have gone to the bar with a few of them, but not "meeting" them there. Though I think maybe I'd have better luck if I did...lol.

    I am going out of town tomorrow when I get off work (ugh I am working 5am-1pm and I am so NOT a morning person, usually work evenings), but it gives me an opportunity to get away for a day/night before back at work. And I'm going out of town for the weekend to hang with friends.

    So off to bed now as I need to be up in 5 hrs for work.....goodnight all
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Tami- I hope you have a wonderful time. You deserve it!

    Meerkat - Wonderful advice! Pre-planning has always helped me make the right choices.

    Greg - You know if Cynthia got a mohawk for you, you should at least accept her challenge. I think that it might be hard but I know you can do it! You'll have your harem cheering you on!

    Cynthia - Love the hair! When I finally caved in and had to have my hubbie shave my head, my daughter had him do a mohawk before he did the rest. They loved it. And orange fizz? My hubbie bought Pumpkin Orange pop rocks last night. I wonder what would happen if I mixed the two?

    As for me, I am in the clear. The doc said everything looked good even complimented me on the weight loss which I said "Thank you. I have been working hard on it." No more PT scans for a year though I still will need to see him and get blood work done every three months. My issue is that doctor's office's scale and my scale is different (7 lbs) so I did an experiment last night. Got in my birthday suit and weighed myself (like I usually do) and then weighed myself holding my shoes and my prostheses. OMG! They weigh 5 lbs. No wonder there is a difference. I knew there was weight in my soobies (yes, I actually call them that to my husband's grief - silicone prosthesis + boobies = soobies. I also have foam ones - foobies.), but I didn't think there would be that much.

    Hope all my wonderful losers a Wacky Wednesday!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feeling rather defeated, I've been eating right (around 1600) a day and exercising as per my usual. Officially I'm suppose to weigh in at the gym tonight bur it's a fancy scale and my trainer is on holidays. I know what the scale said at home this morning and I am not happy. I don't know what to do. It could be water weight from these tablets I'm taking I suppose but no way of telling. I'm finding it so hard to lose the weight lately. Exercising is simple now and to be honest I think I've got the eating thing down. But if this was true the scale would be moving. I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS!!!!!! I couldn't even accept two compliments today, just Made a point of saying well I haven't lost anything lately. So not making my goal of the 240's for my birthday in two weeks. Still sitting in the high 250's. Heading to the gym to try and lift the heavy ****ty weights that screwed me up last week. Hopefully it makes me feel better.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    As for me, I am in the clear. The doc said everything looked good even complimented me on the weight loss which I said "Thank you. I have been working hard on it." No more PT scans for a year though I still will need to see him and get blood work done every three months. My issue is that doctor's office's scale and my scale is different (7 lbs) so I did an experiment last night. Got in my birthday suit and weighed myself (like I usually do) and then weighed myself holding my shoes and my prostheses. OMG! They weigh 5 lbs. No wonder there is a difference. I knew there was weight in my soobies (yes, I actually call them that to my husband's grief - silicone prosthesis + boobies = soobies. I also have foam ones - foobies.), but I didn't think there would be that much.

    WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! Eileen that is awesome news and I am so happy for you! Congrats on your healthy news!

    I love soobies and foobies. That is funny! I have seen where some women knit them as they don't weigh near as much and are softer. I am going to have to go see if I can find a link to that pattern....Found it!
    Knitted Knockers: http://theknittingexperience.com/knitted_knockers_program/

    Let me know if you want some! That would be a funny project to knit! Koobies!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Feeling rather defeated, I've been eating right (around 1600) a day and exercising as per my usual. Officially I'm suppose to weigh in at the gym tonight bur it's a fancy scale and my trainer is on holidays. I know what the scale said at home this morning and I am not happy. I don't know what to do. It could be water weight from these tablets I'm taking I suppose but no way of telling. I'm finding it so hard to lose the weight lately. Exercising is simple now and to be honest I think I've got the eating thing down. But if this was true the scale would be moving. I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS!!!!!! I couldn't even accept two compliments today, just Made a point of saying well I haven't lost anything lately. So not making my goal of the 240's for my birthday in two weeks. Still sitting in the high 250's. Heading to the gym to try and lift the heavy ****ty weights that screwed me up last week. Hopefully it makes me feel better.

    Get your head in the game Steph! You have lost 111 freaking pounds sweetheart! Your body is still learning how to be skinnier. But you have to get out of that defeatist attitude and right quick. You have come so amazingly far. You have changed your body and your mind. You have gotten yourself in shape and have a totally ripped and strong body underneath those last pounds. The more you lose, the harder it is to get more to come off. Don't worry about the scale....we all know it lies. Just keep doing what you know you need to do and you will get smaller. But I will not let you feel defeated and blow off compliments. No. Just no. Not after what you have done. Go stand in front of the mirror and remind yourself of how far you have come, and where you want to go from here. Remind yourself that you are loved, by your husband, your family, your friends and yourself and those people all want you to be healthy and happy and with us for a long, long time. Remind yourself that you are a strong, capable woman who is worth this. And remind yourself that you have lost 111 pounds through determination and hard work! Admire yourself. Appreciate yourself. Be amazed by yourself. We all are.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Eileen- Soobies, foobies and maybe some koobies. I love that you have such a great sense of humor about them. And wow 5 pounds. Congratulations of being clear. I am so happy for you.

    Steph- it sounds like you need to have a conversation with your inner skinny chic. I struggle with accepting compliments and I am working on that this month with the challenge and all so I say even if you can't out right own the compliment at least just say thank you. No, no thats all just thank you and nothing else. Here is my example:

    friend- "Steph, you are looking very schmexy these days."
    you- " Thank you." (thats all just shut up now)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    JJ and STaci, thank you, I needed to hear that. It made me cry. And you are right I am being hard on myself. I still feel like the fat girl most of the time, even when I lift the heavy weights and run fast. Also turns out the scales are retarded. At home this morning I was up 2lbs on last week. When I got to the gym tonight and got one of my favourite (and might I add dam sexy and newly single (yes I know I'm married, I can look Ijust can't touch)) trainers to weigh me in the result was 0.8lbs down from last week and more body fat lost.
    So, thank you for bring there and you are so right, I need to find my skinny chick and start loving her and finally bid farewell to the fat, sad, self-conscious girl of old.

    On a side note, feeling the way I did, I am proud that despite arriving at the gym and realising I had forgotten my leggings and therefore had no bottoms to workout in. I called hubby and sat around in the lobby reading (The Help - fantastic book) for 1 HOUR(!!!) waiting for hubby to deliver them soI could get my workout in.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Steph- you go girl!

    So, I have a question. What is your guilty pleasure treat? Do you have one? Where did it originate? Mine is a hot fudge, peanut butter, marshmallow fluff sundae with crunched up pretzels on top. Yes it originated back in my college days when we were ummmm....experimenting with herbs shall I say. I can't seem to completely give it up and I don't think I want to ( the sundaes I mean, it has been years since I had any of that kind of herb) . I probably have one sundae maybe every other month or so. Last night was one of those nights. I have cut down on the size of them over the months and last night honestly used only 1/2 c of low fat icecream even. But give them up for good. I don't think so. It grosses my hubby out to add all of that stuff on my ice cream, what is your weird guilty pleasure food?