**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Lane - If I could, I would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I do not think they would appreciate me calling in sick for the rest of the week to get it to you. Go figure! The same thing happens at my house with the DVDs. Someone (usually under the age of 16) takes the DVD out of the player and just sits it on the first available counter space instead of back in its case.

    Steph - You go, you crazy spinning woman, you!

    Staci - Sick and still working out? Ahh, man..now I know I am lazy!

    Renae - I am pretty sure if your daughter had this problem she would be forced to see the doctor. Go on and set a good example!

    Bobbie - Without going into family history, I do not go to "family" holidays anymore. I gave my mom the reasons why and she couldn't argue with them. Let me just say I saw my brother and sister once each last year during everything that I was going through and they live at the most 2 hours away and traveled frequent through the city I live in. Stand up for what you want or you will always be giving in. And Bobbie, I know that you have the cahones to follow through.

    Julie - That sounds perfect. Maybe a little Stepfordish. But still pretty darn nice!

    JJ - Yeah, I am going to be in your shoes in a couple years I fear. Currently my 13 yo is slim and too dang pretty for her own good, but all she eats is mac-n-cheese, bread, cheese, chips, and sweets. She sits in her room on her computer and iPod hardly ever coming out. I hate forcing her to do activity but I am afraid that she is going to gain weight and not know how to lose it. I tried talking her in to doing zumba with me, but no. I just hope that I set a good example for her to follow if she ever finds herself that way. I guess my point is that when she is ready she will look towards you as the example of what to do. If she is happy with herself and active, let her be and cross that road when you come to it.

    Cynthia - I moved my mums around last night, does that count as yardwork? Dang it! Now I have leaves all over my front and back yard. Guess what the children will be doing this weekend? Probably nothing. LOL! Nice NSV. I want to get some boots but I have to be careful with my lingering neuropathy in my feet. If I wear something too restrictive, I do not feel it until I try to sleep and my feet are just agony. Oh, well.

    As for me, nothing new. Hubbie made supper last night. Ham, corn on the cob, boxed mashed potatoes, frozen yeast rolls, and broccoli and cheese from a bag. I didn't have the heart to tell him that none of it looked good to me. The ham was too salty. I didn't touch the potatoes or corn. And now my fridge is full of leftovers. Great! He won't touch leftovers. I thanked him for cooking dinner, cleaned it up and fed the dog a piece of ham. He just does not get the whole concept of healthy.

    Have a Winning Wednesday my fine losers!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Morning guy and gals. I am feeling much better today and will get to go back to work tomorrow.

    JJ- thats a tough one but I say just do your thing honey. Your daughter will have to decide for herself when and if she wants to lose weight. She will see your examle though and that is the best you can do. You need to get healthy for you and if that means you end up smaller than her then so be it. My daughter and I have kind of had the same conversation only she is a thin little thing. She asked me recnetly is I am trying to get down to her size and I told her "No, I am trying to get down to a healthy size. If we end up wearing the same size then who cares." Aparently she does because she mentioned that I always pick out cute jaskets and dresses. I think she may want to borrow them if we end up the same size. LOL

    Okay, I gotta go get something to eat besides the half a cookie I swiped from the kitchen this morning. have a super day.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    JJ - you do what you have to do for you. I know that's hard. I had the opposite issue, my mom got jealous when I shrunk below her/ she passed me (she is continuing to gain and is now what I was when I started or close to it). You are setting a healthy lifestyle example that hopefully your daughter will choose to follow.

    Renae - agree with Cynthia - get self to doctor ASAP.

    Its been a good day. My body is playing with me. I wasn't expecting a loss after what I saw last night on the scale but the fat fairies rewarded me with a 1.7lbs loss. This makes me happy. I am looking foward to having a good week and surprising my trainer when she is back for our regularily scheduled torture session on Wednesday. its my birthday Tuesday but won't be indulging until the weekend. And yes, on my birthday there are no calories. Hope you've all had a good day!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    O.M.Gosh Steph, Love your new photo. Just love it and look at those collarbones!!!! You are gorgeous!! So happy and proud of you.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm feeling better today and hope to be back to myself tomorrow. I really pushed myself today and ran half of my 3 mile power walk today. Felt really good about that. I keep hovering on the scales and it's killing me - I guess I can't expect big changes if I don't increase my workouts.

    Thanks for the not so gentle kick in the head Cyndi **HUGS** I hope I don't have issues down the road like you did. I really was going to go to the DR today if it wasn't better.

    Steph - your new picture is beautiful! WOW - you have transformed yourself. You are just amazing. I'm so proud of ya!!

    Frustrating day at work - my computer was down more than half the day so I've been playing catch up. I should have just ditched this place and gone to my daughters FH game. Looks like rain for the next couple of day so I'll need to get up early and hit the treadmill since I won' t be getting outside for my noon time walks. Heading to bed early tonight!!

    ~keep it skinny
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone. I know that I am not checking in that much, but I am going through a lot right now at home. I am doing a good job sticking to my diet, but everything else in my life feels like it is falling apart. I will try and get caught up, but I am not in a good place and I don't want to rub my sadness or funkiness off on any of you. Hopefully I will be doing better soon, and I will be able to get my thoughts and self back.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I am tired. (OMG really with that burn today? who'da thunk it) And I just wanted to say. I love you all.

    I'm going to go pass out now.

    The toad is being a bad toad tonight. I took my HRM off.. a new high it hit tonight. 214. ****ing thyroid. *gacks*


    edit - day = say... **** i am tired
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Hey everyone. I know that I am not checking in that much, but I am going through a lot right now at home. I am doing a good job sticking to my diet, but everything else in my life feels like it is falling apart. I will try and get caught up, but I am not in a good place and I don't want to rub my sadness or funkiness off on any of you. Hopefully I will be doing better soon, and I will be able to get my thoughts and self back.

    Keep your chin up Raz! At least that's what "they" always say. Mind you "they" tend to be a bunch of idiots, so it's best just to do your own thing. We're here for you and this is a safe place to unload, so if you need to please go ahead. I'm sure whatever you are going through is something that others here have also experienced and perhaps can lend a sympathetic and knowing ear. Regardless, good job on staying in control of your eating and please stay strong. Peace.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @JJ: I don't know why, but your post about the conversation with your daughter nearly made me cry. I have no idea why it affected me so deeply. I wish I had some sort of sage advice to offer, but I just don't. What I can say is that you sound like an amazing Mum and I believe you will find the "right" path for both you and your daughter. At a minimum, you are leading by example and probably many of the food choices you are now making will also be adopted by other members of the family (assuming you do some or all of the cooking). That you daughter has such a positive self-image is a testament to her upbringing, and is so incredibly wonderful that I can't put it into words. I have lived my entire life with extremely poor body image and it has negatively impacted my life in so many ways that I can't begin to count them. I am envious of your daughter, and I think she will be just fine.

    @Becky: I loved your post about the plane ride(s). I think someone should start up a new airline and call "Chubby Express", all the seats will be extra wide and the arm rests would go up super easy. The seat belts would be ten feet long and no one would be allowed on the plane who wasn't overweight. All the food served would be healthy and plenty of water. I tell you what, I would happily pay a 20% premium to fly on Chubby Express, and if statistics are anything to go by, so would more than half the population of NA.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Staci - Glad you're feeling better. Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Steph - Beautiful Picture! I agree that birthdays have no calories! Hope you have a fantastic time! And Fat Fairies? LOL! I need to find me some to let me release some weight! Are they attracted by honey or lard? Hereee Fairy Fairy!

    Renae - Ain't it funny how everything revolves around the box? I hate days like that! Hope your computer is up and running! Nothing like a busy day to make time fly!

    ((Lexie)) We here for you! Whenever you are ready. Also, I like the new picture!

    Cynthia - If I did everything you accomplish I would be comatose and in a full body cast! Rest up!

    Greg - Chubby Express? Maybe they should offer that wrist weights and some in seat exercises? Video of Jillian Michaels? Nah, that's probably too much.

    As for me, last night was not my best eating night. Corn salsa and chips and a cookie. I was under my calories but still. Bad Eileen! I need to hunker down and get back in control. Going shopping on Saturday and I will start making menus for next week and I will stick to them. No more of this mundane crapola. More tea, less coffee. More homemade, less processed.

    Have a wonderful Thirsty Thursday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm with you Eilleen - we've been rushing through dinner for the past few weeks with field hockey games or practices every night. Now that it is done I'm making a 'clean' list and will restock. My food hasn't been bad - it's just been limited. I need to stock up on berries and nuts again.

    Becky - are you still traveling? Hope you are back on track after your splurges. Sounds like you have been enjoying yourself and that air travel nightmares are behind you - woot woot!!

    Cyndi - rest my friend! Your body needs it.

    Greg - you are such a sensitive guy - I just love it. I often wonder what my DH would post if he were on a thread like this. But then again the only thing my husband does on the compute is look up motorcycle or bicycle parts / sales. He could find a website without my help. LOL

    Lexie - I hope things work out for you on the home front. We'll be right here if you need us. Great job not turning to food. You're a changed person.

    JJ - I went back to find your post about your daughter since I was playing catch up. I love that she is confident about her self image. I also have a cute chubby little 11yr old. (see profile pix). Thank goodness she doesn't let it ruin her day when mean kids call her fat. I'm sure it hurts her feelings but it doesn't let it stop her from joining all the sports and other school activities. She just has a round shape and has my brothers barrel chest, no *kitten* and a round belly. All adorable if you ask me. She is a character too - she can keep us in stitches for hours on end. As she hits puberty I'm hoping that she will grow about 4 inches and thin out a bit. But for now I just gently remind her to make healthy choices. ps - she would love to wear a bikini too but I haven't bought her one the past couple of years. Kids can be so mean - I try to protect her from that as much as I can.

    Well - I've gotta run. I have a meeting this afternoon outside the office so I have to get tons done before I head out. I slept in this morning (my body needed it!) and it's raining so I may not get any exercise today. My legs are feeling my run from yesterday so it might be a good thing to take the day off anyway.

    Drinking my water for thirsty thursday.
    ~keep it skinny
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Going shopping on Saturday and I will start making menus for next week and I will stick to them. More homemade, less processed.

    Two great pieces of advice right here: [1] plan ahead; [2] ditch the over processed, salt ridden stuff and go for homemade goodness!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Happy thirsty Thursday my friends! Fill you glass and drink up. With water that is.

    Lexie- I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days so I am looking at your profile pic and thinking it is new but I am not 100% sure. You look fabulous though.

    Heading out to lunch so I will check in later.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello all!
    a pretty good day here. Hubby here passed his construction safety exam so we went out to enjoy Thai food. Way over on sodium (thank goodness its thirsty thursday) but I think I worked out all right on calories. They don't have nutritional information.
    Thank you for your compliments on my new photo. My best friend brought it over and I couldn't actually believe the way my face looked....like a different person, and I like this person!
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    HUgs to everyone.
    I am officially a crankapotamus tonight... but I have a pretty good reason.

    The stupid thyroid scan tonight. (Jeasus Renae did you have to have one of those an Ultrasound?) I swear to god. Like I posted on my wall... I'd rather have two old fashioned boobie squish mammograms and two vagina probes than have that done again. EVER.

    Dude (who is not an idiot, did my vagina ultrasound and was very good), takes the probe and just I swear, felt like he was crushing my neck. For about 40 minutes. At one point he pushed down and I just retched and gagged. He's like sorry. I'm like, So am I. Feck what the hell else am I supposed to say. No please, continue to choke the life out of me, I'm enjoying it. Thank you sir, may I have another?

    In fact my neck is killing me. And my thyroid as a result has been shooting extra hormone all day. I had my HRM on while out and about. Hit a new record 234? 235? I can't remember now.. anyway HRM didn't even 'keep' the number it was too high. Also hit 214, 225, 206,... I was all over those 200's most of the afternoon about every 10-15 minutes it'd spike.. I finally got home and took one of my last remaining beta blockers and the ache in my chest has gone away at least. Christ almighty.

    Sorry foxes, didn't get much of a workout today. Took the afternoon off and went to a movie and dinner with Hubster.

    Stephy congrats on your hubster passing his exam :) very good news! New jobs on the horizon I hope?

    Staci and Renae feel better my darlings

    Eileen look at my blog, has easy salsa recipe, it's 10 cal for like 1/4 cup. And if you leave out the agave sweetner, it's even less. (like 8 I think). The best chips I've found are ones called. "Food should taste good". They sell them at whole foods (of course) I don't know where else, black and white bag. You get 12 chips for 140? 150 calories? Which is almost double your average chip count off the shelf for about 99% of chips. Means more snacky, less guilt. (Average restaurant tortilla chip is 5 chips for 150 calories) And my favorite are the lime ones. Jalapeno is good also. But they have cheddar and blue corn and all kinds of flavors. :)

    Okay off to nappy land. I hope I don't wake up at 5 am again. Too damn early. :D

    God natt mina älsklingar
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hi everyone.....my computer got majorly infected with viruses and crashed so had to have it completly refurbished back to its original factory settings which really sucks because I lost everything on it....thankfully I had most of my pics saved on a backup disc.

    And I recieved the BEST birthday gift ever! My 40th birthday is on the 21st. I have not been looking forward to turning 40, but no longer care about it. I have a new man in my life.......and he is A-MAZE-ING!! Only bad thing is that he lives 283 miles from me in Butte, Montana. But I spent the last 3 days with him and may move there in the spring. I am definitely going to be spending my birthday with him. And he shocked me by having a candle light dinner (and a healthy one at that) for me when I walked in the door. I have NEVER had anything like that done for me. I cried when I walked in and saw it!!

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Tami, that's great! I'm glad that you're happy and boo about the comp!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Renae - Hope you meeting went well! It has been raining off and on here in IL as well. Good thing that where I work there is a underground concourse to all the buildings in the complex and we are allowed to exercise walk there otherwise I wouldn't get any walking done.

    Greg- Now I just have to work on the follow through!

    Staci - Hope you are feeling back up to par!

    Steph - Congrats to your hubbie! He will be back to work in no time. I have my fingers crossed for him! And you should be happy about your pic! It is beautiful!

    Cynthia - Though I can say the thryoid scan is one of the few tests that I have not had in the past year and a half, I understand and feel your pain. The worst one so far has been the breast MRI in which I almost did not fit in the machine, was claustrophobic (which normally I am not) because I couldn't get a regular breath it was so tight, and I was in it for almost an hour. Errrgh! Hope that you are feeling better and am proud that you didn't go postal on the technician! I will have to check out your blog and see what I can steal...ah..make.

    Tami - Sounds like you been have one wonderful week - other than the computer. I thinks you might have got yourself a keeper!

    As for me, I had a crummy night. Body aches and the medicine did not kick in til sometime after 3:15am and of course I am at work usually at 7am. Get to work and the primary bit of software I use needs to be reconfigured which I can't do and the guy that can fix it doesn't work on Fridays! So I had to cancel my meetings and get to twiddle my fingers and try not to fall asleep today! I am almost tempted to go home and sleep the day away but I am already in the red for the days I took off for vacation and want to save the rest of my time off for the holidays. Dang it! Maybe I can hole up in a conference room and nap this afternoon.

    Have a fantastic friday!

    Oh, wait. I want to start Friendly fridays again!

    Bobbie - I would like to tell you what a wonderfully strong and confident woman you are! You always make me smile when I read your posts!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Cyndi – sorry you had to endure that thyroid scan. I remember it being a real ‘pain in the neck’ **heckle heckle** But what I remember being worse than that was the needle aspiration. That freaked me out. Then when the results came back they said it was benign and we could just leave it alone. I said “there is a lump in my neck the size of a softball and you are taking it OUT!” As if I wanted to live the rest of my life wearing scarves.

    Tammy – Nice to hear that things are going well for you. You deserve it! Bummer about the computer. We rely on them way to much these days.

    Eilleen – what is it with computer issues this week? Full moon? Mine is still not behaving and IT will need to come back and ruin the rest of my day. I hope you have a great weekend and your body aches go away.

    Can I just say TGIF!!! Holy long week. I managed to get some miles in everyday but one, but between not feeling great earlier in the week and rain at the end of the week it’s been a struggle. I’m feeling much better now so it’s onward and upward. Doesn’t look like I’ll reach my original goal of being at 200 for my physical on Nov 2nd, but I’m hoping to be under 210 by then. If I could just get these next 5lbs to move along. Stubborn pains in the *kitten*.

    Heading up on the mountain this Sunday for a day of fall foliage, ATV riding and pie baking with the family. It’s one of my favorite traditions and I’m looking forward to putting on my *kitten* kickers and relaxing for the day. I'm bringing the salad so we will have something light on the table.

    Enjoy your weekend! ~ keep it skinny
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Friendly Friday~~Renae~~ I love reading your posts about what you and your family will be doing. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, almost like wearing a cozy sweater in the winter time with a cup of hot cocoa watching Ever After. Thank you for putting real life experiences in a world of taking better care of ourselves and know it can be done.

    NSV for me today. Went to Old Navy to put my coupon to use. Found some good workout shirts and yoga pants. Then I knew I needed jeans because I have one pair. So grabbed a 18 and to big. Yippie!!! So I bought a size 16 jeans. Though the scale is not my friend lately, I can tell I'm slimming down. Yea for me!!