I'm stuck in a certain size, but it's because I now have a butt.
People have no idea! I've heard the comments and now just roll my eyes or point out how small I am from lifting. If we are suppose to get big and bulky, I'm doing something wrong, lol.
I went from spilling out of a DD to a b/c. I was upset, but, now that I do chest exercises, it's helped fill everything out and I'm good.
You don't get over loss. You learn to live with it and the new normal that is your life. My daughter, Mary, would of been turning 5 this June.
You can totally do this!! I've had 7 children. Started out at 120 and ended at 164. I'm 2lbs away from my original pre-pregnancy weight. I got to the gym 5/6 days a week, and mainly focus on lifting. I eat clean with one cheat day or three meals over the week.
Something to add that I have noticed is that certain exercises increase bloodflow. <3 Leg days!
I'm 5'2, began this journey at 164. I'm currently 124. I don't really have a goal weight because it's just a number and doesn't tell me anything. I track my BF% and the goal is to hit 18%. I want to be ripped, not skinny. We'll see where I end up worthless number wise *shrug*.
Can I ask why you don't just eat them??
Been busted checking myself out in the mirrors (and they are not shy about pointing out my doing this nor do I care anymore) I've had my behind saved while benching thinking I can do it alone! Yesterday, took a 30lbs dumbbell to the jaw while trying to do decline presses. My arms were DONE. Once knocked the bar off the…
I drink about 120oz a day. No issues here.
I just go to the cardiovascular area, click strength training, and enter in my minutes.
I'm dealing with issues here too and it sucks. He really isn't supportive anymore. He doesn't care for my goals. I really don't get compliments from him very often. He has said he's scared of losing me, but he was recently prowling around looking for other women and talking to them.
Tons of water!
I lost like 9 inches and 5lbs doing it
High protein foods, usually lots of fruit/veggies, this week two shakes a day. Calories are set at my BMR. I do cheat sometimes. Usually around 10 minutes cardio either running or elliptical, an hour lifting, then 10/15 minutes more cardio, and then stretching. I did the 30DS program from april to may.
I love you too!! So glad to have you, chick!!
I'm smaller now (need a new picture), but I've had 7 kids and don't think I look too too bad.
I am in no way not advocating c-sec in a medical necessity, but that is not how the Drs operate these days. They train for c-sec. They train for induction. They will use buttering up, scare tactics anything necessary to convince uneducated pregnant women that that is what they need. And you have proof other than??? I guess…
A. In 1930 65/1000 babies were dying. Now, it is 5.98. In Italy, where the c-section rate is over 40%, their mortality rate is 3.36. B. Are you willing to let babies die just to drop that dreaded c-section rate down?? Would you rather see a c-section when something goes amiss or one when baby has died due to putting off a…
Perhaps women don't THINK they have choices because of people who constantly tell them they don't have choices and propaganda tells them the same??? No, that couldn't make sense, could it?? On Macrosmia- Now, it's not a doCRAPumentary, but a real medical website
And please tell me how much more money doctors make off of c-sections vs vaginal deliveries. It couldn't possibly be that, I don't know, c-sections take more time and resources than vaginal deliveries. Things like the OR, the supplies, the extra doctors, extra care for mom, more pain meds/anesthesia, possible extra care…
1. Do you have any proof of the amount of doctors offering "elective" c-sections?? Do you know exactly what an elective c-section is?? It is a c-section in a non-emergent situation. This could mean that mom is one of the rare ones (and yes, it's incredibly rare) who is asking for one or mom has a health issue warranting…
Just keep going! It will work itself out. I still have some, but it is getting smaller, so I'm fine with it.
I'm a size 7 with a baby pooch and stretch marks. But you know what?? I feel that I look darn good for having had 7 kids and will wear that bikini regardless.
When I tracked it, around 6/7lbs.
This upcoming weekend, I'm buying one of those fake cigarettes.
You look great. So sorry for your loss (been there too).
<<<< I've had 7 kids (between 14 and 2.5) and am still a work in progress.
You know what?? Go get a few new outfits that look great on you. Get another friends opinion. Plaster on a smile. Talk. If you drink, have one, and just enjoy yourself.