lmvrbaby Member


  • Hi Sheri, and welcome. I will add you as a friend. I have logged just past 250 days and love this site. I have slacked off the past month or so but still have been losing. I have tried before just to regain. I am a mom of four boys and two grand daughters. I want to be able to play with them and feel good about myself.…
  • I am 43, 5'6" and hoping for a goal weight of 150....Less if that can happen. That would be 22 yrs ago pre-pregnancy weight....
  • I had them small growing up and then 4 kids in 7 1/2 years plus added medical issues and weight gain....they grew. Which was fine for the hubby, but always seem to be in my way. Now that I am 1/3 down of what I want to be they seem to be the first to lose weight and go small again......
  • Awesome and congrats to you! :happy:
  • I am on 1200 calories. I am not a morning breakfast eater, but I try to either have a little cereal and milk or oj. I work late morning to night so I am usually having my 'breakfast' at 10:30 am, and dinner I get to come home which is about 4. I do have a snack after work which is about 9pm. If we have snacks at work (I…
  • Welcome and you can add me as a friend.
  • hi, I started in February, had foot surgery which limited me to anything for 10 weeks and then got back on track. I too am down under 200, been a few years. Good job to you!
  • It will happen, especially if you were smaller chest or cup size before the weight went on. I am down 25 lbs and have gone from a 38c to a 36c. Nice change, but I think I need to be remeasured as I think the cup maybe going down a size. Before the weight went on for me I was a 34b. Good luck to everyone and to all our…
  • Good job! I have noticed that in my clothes as well. So want to go to the next size smaller but afraid of them being too tight. I keep putting it off.
  • Hi, and welcome, I use zumba dvd's and switch between 4 of them. In the beginning I was told that I would start to lose after my body did toning. No clue what that meant, but my own PCP said that at my last appt. After about 3 or 4 weeks I started dropping weight. I try to keep under the calorie goal and drink water or…
  • Hi, I got this website from a male co-worker. I figured I would start using it and stop after awhile like I do with everything. I have logged on for 145 days now and down 21 pounds since starting. I started out with walking on breaks at work (15 minutes breaks) and then started doing zumba (20 minutes a night). I can now…
  • Hi, I am not over 60 but am a Nana to three adorable little girls, 8yrs, 2 1/2 yrs and 5mo.. I have four grown boys, three are moved out and then my grand daughters- my pride and joy. Add me as I am also trying to shed those nasty pounds build up over the years.
  • I have tried them and they were ok, but I would rather move faster so I went into buying the zumba dvd's and change them every night so I am doing something different. I love it and after you do 20, 45 or 60 minutes and you sweated your butt off, you wonder where the time went.....it doesnt drag on like some exercise…
  • I also have weighed myself in the am and then again in the pm. I have noticed if I weigh myself in the pm and I am at the weight I have been in the am (which is not every day) then I know I will lose a pound or so......Which I like.
  • I didnt like to exercise and especially walk by myself. So I walk at work on break with a girl and at night after I get home I started doing the zumba. I love doing it, its more dance and doesnt feel like exercise. So good luck and add me as a friend.
  • Western New York - USA :bigsmile:
  • yeah in the box where it says the portion like 1.0 and it says a cup make it .5 for only half a cup. I have to do that with fruit cause you never eat just what they have. Good luck and if you have more questions throw them out here, everyone is willing to help each other. Good luck on your journey!
  • I was the same way, after a couple of weeks I would give up. But I started doing zumba at my own home and love it. I try to give my self one day of not doing it but then I miss it. I walk 20 minutes twice a day and then do 20 minutes of zumba, or more depending on how tired I am. Try it, everyone I know that has tried it…
  • I dont pick any certain day to cheat, but I try to stay below the calorie intake everyday, just that one day usually weekend day I don't do my exercises and eat that something special. I am a chocolate lover so it is hard, but have found that eating a bite size candy bar once in awhile (45 calories) is fine. I walk every…
  • Welcome and glad to see ya here. Good luck in your adventure into losing weight and turning into a better you!
    in Intro Comment by lmvrbaby June 2011
  • I have the same problem, I am on medication for migraine control, along with a couple others and gained weight, but persistence in eating right and exercising I am just now starting to lose it little by little. You could always ask your dr if there is another medication for whatever you need that may not have a weight gain…
  • You can add me, I walk a lot at home and work on breaks and started doing zumba at home about 3 weeks ago. It is a lot of fun and I even got my hubby into doing it. I switch off the dvd's I have to change it everyday.....Good luck to us all.
  • I was always thin throughout my childhood....When I was pregnant with my first son I gained a ton of weight to which the dr. that delivered him said you are going to have to buy your new wardrobe at the queen size shop.....Well when I went back for my 6 week check up, I had lost all that weight and an additional 12 pounds.…
  • I have been in the same boat, not being able to lose. Last year April to this past February I had lost 10 pounds, but then again I had foot surgery and wasnt able to do much for three months. Now I am hoping to be on the right track, have lost 10 pounds again since I have been actually trying and being able to exercise.…
  • good luck to you and everyone that is trying to lose weight. You can add me! :)
  • I started about 5 weeks ago and at 10 pounds down. I realized I was eating more than I should and with mfp on my computer at home and work and I also have an app on my droid, I love it! I find it is real easy to use to keep track of the foods I do eat. I have let so many people know about this site and we are working…
    in Hello! Comment by lmvrbaby March 2011
  • I know how you feel. I get to about 2 or 3 pounds lost, then a few days later back to where I started from. Going on for about a month now. But I also have not been able to exercise due to foot surgery....which I hope to get the ok Friday to start exercising again and I know I will have to start slow, but hope to hit some…