lcarls71 Member


  • Only 5'2" here with stubs for legs ;) Starfish too? That sounds like a fun tank. Humidity her is brutal today. trying to keep hydrated at work with electrolyte pops. Hoping i get my steps done her so i can relax later. First on my list is back to strength training. Feeling weak is just poopy
  • Paula and Chris I tend to not stress over things I have no control over too time consuming and mentally taxing for me. Pretty much unless someone loses a limb or life we'll get through it. Kathy glad to hear your sister is OK. Oh Shelley I LOVE SEAHORSES!!!!! very cool idea. Lynnette
  • I could stand to make a list also. This past winter was NOT kind to me at all. Not only did I gain but I feel weak also from the lack of gym time. I have lowered my calorie goal and upped my protein intake hoping it will get me going again. We leave Friday for Ocean City, YAY!!! I am at 8.28 miles Chris with over 20k in…
  • Hello ladies :) I am still here and doing so-so. I tried to catch up on everything I have missed and it seems there has been a lot going on. Still loving the job although I wish they would make up their minds as to which area they would like me to work in :/ Well we made it through DD grad party unscathed. It was a…
  • Finished one set and added the skull crushers with it. Hubby and I got our walk in after the rain so my steps are at 17k for the day. Now to do some legs and rest. Lynnette
  • I am up to try out the kettle bell challenge. Spent the holiday with family. Had a nice cookout and played some bocce. Walking and a 7mile bike ride with hubby today. Still can't seem to get past this eating thing. just doing it outta boredom and i know it. Maybe sys too over the grad party that is coming up this Sat
  • Paula I am doing material handling. Basically I stock, inventory and fill parts orders for the assemblers at work. Pretty physical with the lifting and twisting. It has also upped my steps by 2k a day. I am going to check out that Kathy chics Kettlebell routine, Jillian's is around here somewhere too I think. Kathy we have…
  • Hello ladies ☺. Been keeping up with my steps and still loving my new job. doing some kettle bell but must admit I have been a slacker. Vacation in 30 days so I must lose it necause I refuse to buy new bigger shorts.
  • It's been a pretty lazy, laid back weekend here. Graduation parties yesterday, church today and meeting friends for drinks in a bit. Need the week to start so I get back into a groove and back on track. Also having a wild affair with Hersheys Special Dark these past few days, lol. At least it is full of antioxidants ;)…
  • Made it through DD graduation with no tears at all. Still more super excited for her than sad. It helped too that there was no sappy music or pics from their childhood, that had me bawling at 6th grade graduation, lol. Did ABS class Tuesday and have been getting my steps and over each day. Also getting back into my fruit…
  • Hello ladies. Hope everyone got to enjoy their holiday weekend last weekend. We had a family picnic and just chilled out. Weather is hit or miss here. One day the humidity is just God awful and the next you have long sleeves and a coat on. uGH! Started my new job on Tuesday. I had forgotten how physical material handling…
  • Very muggy weekend here. Off/on heavy quick storms with mega humidity. Hubby and I did manage to squeeze walks In between the downpours though :) . Daughter and I spent Saturday yard saling and book saling. Have to take her up on spending the day together whenever I can now as August will come far too fast I am sure.…
  • Hello ladies. :) It has been cold, rainy and windy here the past few days. Almost felt like the kids should have been trick or treating. Weatherman says mid 70's tomorrow so YAY!!!!! for that. I have been kinda crushing my steps (look out Chris :p ) We had a 5k at work yesterday so I walked that and today hubby and I…
  • PROM PICS are on my profile ladies!!!! I didn't cry, YAY!!!! The kids however were a hot mess. Girls crying everywhere about their friendships, and no more dances, and college. Thank goodness they still had to eat dinner before the dance because the were ALL a puffy red mess. Been a fairly lazy weekend here. Sudden down…
  • ABs class today so I used that in place of the boat pose. Chris the class last week was ALL about boat pose with weighted punches, presses and curls. My poor lats and delts were sorer that my abs lol. CONGRATS!!!! Chris' DD!!!!! What an amazing accomplishment. Shelley I am currently house plant obsessed lol. Anything that…
  • Kathy that is AWESOME!!!! Your team really progressed from the fall I see. Sorry to hear about the loss but I bet the energy surrounding the play offs was cool. Chris you and I are in the same "up" boat :s We can do it!!!! btw Raspberries are the BEST ever!!!! Shelley yard work is exhausting but such a great burn with…
  • Kathy I hope you and her make it to the finals. Give her hugs from us. Your best is all you can do and you ladies did just that. Arms are fine with me. Our abs trainer worked arms with us today and about killed us all. :'( I believe we will all be feeling class tomorrow. Lighter weights next class for sure. Working On some…
  • Hello ladies. I see everyone has been busy, busy. I have had an interesting week or so. Decided that my happiness and well being are number one so I changed jobs at work. My boss is NOT amused but it is not about her or what makes her happy. The new job is actually an old job I had with another boss. Material handling and…
  • Kathy our weekend actually cleared up nicely. DD had a track meet Saturday and the girls actually got sunburned :o Glad to hear the foot is feeling better. Just stinks when aches and pains keep us from doing what we want. Shelley I used to tell DD all the time we could feed the fishes to the cat, lol. Lol Paula. You crack…
  • Holy Shmokes Shelley!!! Glad your OK. Accidents are soo scary. The Blizzard was acceptable treatment. ;) Kat I remember the support belt and compression stockings. My legs blew up with water retention it was awful. Rainy today so it will be inside walking for me. Off to do our challenge. Lynnette
  • Happy Sunday ladies!! It was a sunny, warm day here. Lots of outside stuff got done along with my walk with hubby. Orientation went well yesterday and DD is so excited now. Rick and I kinda, sorta but not sure. I am super excited for this new chapter of her life but will miss her terribly. Shelley I don't drink a lot of…
  • Rest day today but did conquer the step goal. We have some stormy weather coming through again tonight so let's hope it doesn't wake me too often. The other night I woke to a huge boom and tout something had blown up :# surprised DD didn't come running in to get into my bed. She is a hoot. We are going to her orientation…
  • Hello ladies. Hope everyone had a Blessed Easter and a fabulous weekend. Hubby and I managed to walk on Friday and it was sooooo nice to be outside. Hopefully the weather will allow some more outside time this week. Paula so glad to hear you are finally getting rain/snow out there on the West coast. Hopefully it soaks in…
  • Fish and vodka??? I must Google this, lol. Challenge and steps completed. Off work until Monday so I am planning on some much needed attention being paid to this house ;) No training next week so back to some OT for me and going to put forth some serious effort to keep the gym in the schedule.
  • Clara I am more a jogger also, that is when I do actually run lol. I jogged two 5k's last year and let me tell ya there were more "joggers" there than "runners". Finished up my 12k goal steps today and our challenge. Abs are a bit sore from class yesterday. It warmed up some today so I was finally able to sweep the garage…
  • Challenge rest day here also but did hit up Abs class and have over 13k steps in. Kathy way to up the ante with the 5# weights. I definitely have to go lighter on the flys, 3#-5# depending on the day. Anything heavier and my shoulder clicks like a typewriter, lol. Clara are you training for a particular run? I opted out…
  • Challenge x3 and still working on steps for the day. Lynnette
  • Paula - So happy to hear that your progressing and getting in a rhythm with your rehab. We had a kitty, Bonnie Bon-Bon, that always had to lay between me and the keyboard. Super frustrating sometimes but I do miss it now that she is gone. Shelley how sweet of you to rescue that fishy. Vodka???? Boy did I miss something,…
  • Paula I just need to keep repeating Kathy's motivational phrase for the week. It's not that I can't eat it, it's that I choose not to. I am going to write it down and hang it at my bench. Took the daughter to get her dress fitted for prom. She is such a peanut that it needed some adjustments, lol. I keep telling her to…
  • Challenge complete x3 tonight. Did some bathroom scrubbing also so I am counting that as well. I hadn't realized they needed such a scrub down :# all better now though. I think we are finally finished here with the white stuff. The sun has been coming out and it is warming up so the grass is visible, <3 The roads are nice…