hiker583 Member


  • Starting intermittent fasting, 16-8, fasting for 16 hours. Last meal at 8:00pm and eat lunch around 12:00.
  • Yup, tried that, it drove me crazy like possessed till I went out middle of night and bought my "fix". I guess my situation is quite hopeless. I will just have to live and learn to control it.
  • Thanks for the response. I understand that it is not a long term solution, and I am working on it. But while I am working on it, it is a constant struggle. There is no phycological reasoning or childhood trauma. It is an addiction like "lock-up hand sanitisers". I have tried all sort of substitutes, fruits, fruit juices,…
  • I have been vegetarian all my life, and do not find it hard at all, could be partly because I like to cook and am not really fond of eating out. Though I am not vegan, but in last couple of years I have also reduced consumption of dairy products, honey etc. I slowly started cutting down, e.g. first replaced daily milk with…
  • I have talked directly a few times before explaining why weight loss is important for me and how I find it hard to resist sweets especially when they are in large quantity in house. But it did not work, sometimes his solution is to bring it and hide at places (which obviously does not work) and there is no place to hide 2…
  • Same here, was doing great last year, but gained back about 8lbs since October. Need to get back in track.
  • Do things that you enjoy, even if you have to force yourself to do it. I have found working out helps, even just going for a walk.
  • I have faced the same problem for many years. If you are like me, the binge has nothing to do with calorie deficit, or deprivation or anything logical that can be explained. It just happens as an uncontrollable feeling. Some days no matter what I eat, or how I rationalise I just want to eat. On those days, I mostly let…
  • It is a very common feeling. Weight loss is hard. When we don't see results expect, it feels like a failure and mind wants to give up. Key is to take it as temporary set back and just keep eyes on the goal.
  • Same story here. I was overweight all my life, then in college lost all the extra weight and was in perfect shape for about couple of years. Then things changed and I gained all the weight plus some more over next 5 years. After that I was really embarrassed to meet anyone who knew me back in college, and mostly avoided…
  • Don't worry about people, they will always find something to complain about. All that matters is if you feel healthy, and happy where you are.
  • Big5BigChange - thanks that was a beautiful post, very true. It has become a horrible grind. It was fun for a while when I could see weight coming off and dresses fitting better. But now it's a every day struggle. I do enjoy cooking, and cook all my meals to make sure they are balanced. I will try to focus on something…
  • Crunches, pushups, squats. You can also try yoga and pilates, there are many videos on youtube. I like Jillian's Yoga Meltdown level 1 very much.
  • I often end my long runs with a hearty meal of rice and bean/lentil soup. Lot of carbs and protein. You can skip rice if you want to make it low carb.
  • Thanks that is a great reply. I have been dealing with my binges too and found similar solutions - distract yourself. Lately I have been coming to the forum and reading other people's motivational threads too. Otherwise usually I start a good book, or try to busy myself with other hobbies.
  • Try natural sources of proteins like beans, lentils, tofu etc. They will give you the nutrition without any danger is side effects.
  • Look back at last 6 months and think what you could have done differently, which food you could have avoided. Write that down and try to avoid them in future. Keep track of what you eat in your diary. Most importantly, don't despair, this happens to everyone. You have done it once, you can do it again.
  • Beans and lentils are your best friend. I have been vegetarian all my life, never taken any artificial supplement. 2 cups of lentil and bean soup will give you enough protein.
  • When you feel like binging, its really a battle of will. Try focusing on other things - even watching TV or reading a book, cleaning - anything to take mind off food. And keep score - if you are able to defeat the binge, give yourself a little reward (non-food related of course).
    in Binging Comment by hiker583 March 2016
  • I had the same problem - are you eating too fast and too much fiber or high protein diet. These things are hard on stomach. Try eating slowly, and in small portions at a time.
  • In my experience weight loss is 80% eating right and 20% exercise. So I would suggest start by filling your profile, and then your diary to keep track of what you are eating. If you make it public, others can also look at it and give you suggestions.
  • Start logging what you eat. Use MFP's calorie suggestion for your goal as a guideline. Once you see how many calories you are eating in black and white, you will find ways to cut. Also fill your profile - adding your goals and why you want to do it helps. Add some friends to keep you motivated, read some threads here for…
  • So very true. I am trying to apply the same - cut down on snacking between meals, it very quickly adds calories.
  • Walking is great form of exercise - low impact. You can give more kick to calories by also including some uphill walking. As you will read in most of the threads, its all about calorie in - calorie out. In my opinion, it does not matter how calories are burnt, running 10 min or walking 30 min, its all calories burnt in the…
  • I do the same, I indulge on Saturdays, but I am also working out double, or going for a hike burning out calories over the weekend. My thread "One cheat day per week" has similar replies on indulging one day (or meal) a week.
  • I have lost about 17lbs over 8 months (I know its very slow), and I feel or look no different. I have not gone down multiple dress sizes. My same clothes just fit a bit better. I took before and after photo, they look no different. Its very discouraging. But I telling myself - keep doing what you are doing and results will…
  • First kudos on 60lb lost! The rest will also go away soon. What BMI are you at? I read somewhere that everyone's body has an ideal weight and once you reach that you get into the yo-yo pattern that you described. Other explanation could be if you change your workout routine? If you added strength training, or even a…