

  • Yes. Well, not as effectively, but absolutely. You should look up the "Twinkie diet." Someone did an experiment just like this and did successfully lose weight!
  • On lowering your goal: What's your daily goal now? How much are you looking to lose? I wouldn't work out less! You could always lessen your goal, but if you find you're not eating enough, adding some healthy fats such as peanut butter and olive oil or even some amount of butter could up your calories at each meal. Fat is…
  • I usually eat them all back because I love eating, and that's motivation to get out there and do some cardio for me. But I think most people only have to eat half of them back and make sure they eat something with protein directly after their workout.
  • Honestly, diet soda is my binge savior. I fill up on the carbonation and it makes me feel like I'm getting my sweets. Having a bite or two works if you feel like you can control it. Sugar-free jello and jello instant pudding make for great low-calorie sweets indulgences. You can also think of the flavors you usually crave…
    in Bingeing Comment by jolteon00 May 2011
  • 45/25/30. I believe in fat! I tend to fall short on protein, though.
  • The chicken and broccolli actually does have a thing if you search for it. I just use that, though it may very well be underestimating. Chinese food is so HARD to find counts for. Also, for added nutritional value, you should ask for brown rice - but if you want to treat yourself or whatever that's fine :) You can just…
  • I'd like to know too, short of Wii fit plus because it's rather expensive.
  • you can count whatever you like! Technically your body does use all liquids as water to some extent, so I count everything but soup. Some people count only 0-calorie drinks, only water, or everything but soda. It's up to you :)
  • You know you need to change your lunch, so that's good :) Lunch is a versatile meal. It can be a second breakfast or an early dinner, so you can consider things like lean meat or fish, a nice big salad, or even protein pancakes or something like that. Perhaps the most classic lunch is a sandwich, quick and easy to prepare.…
  • You can still bake things in the toaster oven! That's definitely a start. What kinds of ingredients do you have that this makes you limited? You can certainly make most things in the microwave, even pasta, eggs, things like that. I steam my vegetables in the microwave at home. I wouldn't make most meats in those things,…
  • I always get low-carb bread. I'm not on a low-carb diet, but my diet is otherwise really high in carbs, plus the low-carb ones have more protein and fiber than other breads. Breads such as rye are usually also whole-grain because rye is a grain... and you can definitely find low-calorie breads you can use. But my boyfriend…
  • Your BMR doesn't count for you getting out of bed in the morning. It's what you'd burn if you were in a coma. Since you wake up, breathe, move around, eat, you burn more calories than that.
  • Though I'm not sure how exactly relevant this is to the OP, I wanted to just say that this is why I also track my fiber, because I can subtract that from my carbs at the end of the day to estimate my net carbs. Yes, fruit has fiber, but it also has a lot of sugar - not just carbs, sugar. The glycemic index is probably the…
  • If you're hungry, eat. If you're not, one day of low net calories won't hurt you, so why eat?
  • Every. Single. Week. Hahaha.
  • If you can, swimming really seems like your best option! It's the lowest impact you can get. I don't know how much you can safely do, but at least go for a brisk/long walk each day. Tone up the unaffected areas of your body. Keep up with healthy eating! To fit into a dress, you may want to also consider dropping as much…
  • You can log your strength training as cardio. Weird, I know, but if you search "strength training" you can log how long you did that as part of your cardio exercise.
  • To relieve bloating, avoid carbonated drinks or spicy food. Eat smaller meals more often. Drink LOTS of water, and if bloating is a problem, consider monitoring your potassium intake as well, as it tends to act against sodium in making your body retain water. I've also heard that swimming forces your body to ultimately…
  • Right now, my short-term goal is to lose 1.5 pounds to get me to 115 by my birthday on the 28th. It's not going to be easy, though, since I'm small already, and I don't know if it's possible. I'll take it in stride and hope just not to gain on cake and deliciousness! More long-term, I just really want to start to like…
  • I'm not in the same boat, but I do have a few ideas for you. Truth is, fat has more calories per gram than protein or carbs, so more fat means more calories. Still, there are plenty of healthy ways to get these fats. Personally, I believe any fat not loaded with sugar is a good fat, but if you still believe saturated…
  • I think that's perfectly healthy if you're overweight when you begin! Just try not to get disappointed when weight loss slows down. And much of that is probably water weight from your body adjusting to a new healthy regime. Congratulations on your loss and good luck keeping it up!
  • I know what you mean about having a range. Then it becomes hard to decide how far you still have to go. I'd say keep your goal weight at 15 lbs away or whathaveyou, and maintain once you get there for a little while. Tone up or whatever, then you can decide if you want to lose weight again.
  • I really have a hard time with this too. Meh. But! Eggs and dairy are loaded with protein. Egg whites, low-fat cheese and skim milk are the least in calories, but that natural fat is good for you. I think different kinds of milk such as soy or almond have more protein, but I haven't tried them. Beans have a good amount of…
  • Not stupid at all! Thing is, chocolate's not even bad for you. Have a small piece of dark chocolate and savor it :) It's full of antioxidants and pretty low in calories as long as you don't eat the whole bar. I bought Lindt Intense Orange dark chocolate with almonds and ate 1 square every night for an extra 45 calories. If…
    in Craving! Comment by jolteon00 May 2011
  • Fat is way too low! Fat is essential for a pretty body (skin, hair, nails), a functioning brain, fighting depression, and it keeps you full even longer than protein does. A calorie-controlled but high-fat diet is really good for lasting weight loss, actually. I like carbs, so my goals are 50/25/25 (c/p/f), but I'm sure you…
  • Hey, while we're here I have a question! Do you guys think a minor in health and wellness would be totally useless if I'm not looking to be any kind of doctor? Thing is, it's only 19 credits and I think it'd interest me, but I can't think of anything I can do with that and business management unless I want to run weight…
  • I love this! Name: Jolteon. Just go with it, lol. Jolt is fine. Age: 18 in two weeks. Probably the youngest here, eep! But I'll be a sophomore next year. Major/minor: Business Management major. Undecided minor, maybe Italian Studies with a focus in language. Why you want to join this group?: I'm going to be a new transfer…
  • Hey, I want in! 18yo business management major :) Gonna be a sophomore next year, but an incoming transfer, and I want to be a total bombshell with a fitness addiction by then ;D I need all the motivation I can get!
  • There are definitely vegetables you'll want to count, like corn. I wish corn had no calories, but it so does. Carrots tend to have a lot of sugar/calories/temptation to overeat too. Those peppers, things like onions, lettuce, celery - that can all be free if you so wish :)
  • Protein powder really is a super easy and occasionally ridiculously delicious way to get it. (re: protein brownies. By the way, chocolate protein powder, instant espresso mix and an egg makes a really healthy, yummy one. Try black bean brownies for protein too!) Honestly, fat is not a culprit - studies have shown that a…