Mandi1968 Member


  • I do, because on my phone ap I can track daily allowances of vitamins too...without my supplemental vitamins I am always short on calcium, at age 45 I feel compelled to make sure I am not loosing this....
  • Sad but true, this is much like the peer pressure teen girls are exposed to in our High Schools today... My daughter has told me about some of the unbelievably cruel opinions shared amongst the in crowd about girls who are even just slightly over weight.... We have to enocurage being healthy in our society as the ultimate…
  • I wish I had some great advice, I can't kick my mocha habit either...and what is worse I justify it by my exercise! I do drink Snapple Diet Rasberry Tea when water doesn't appeal to me....try that? sometimes it just takes forcing yourself for a week or so and then wehn you try the MD again it might not even taste good…
  • My daughter used to get annoyed with me for always looking up calories before we would go out to eat....counting them etc....even before I was on MFP....but I kept reminding myself I was setting a good example for her...she is almost 18 now, and it has finally rubbed off, she makes better choices from menues when we are…
  • Mid- 80's!!!! LOL, my hands would swell up too! I am lucky to see the sun and get to 55 degrees here! I wake up with my hands feeling swollen sometimes, I just assumed I had not drank enough water.....but I agree with above, maybe circulation?
  • Sometimes I find it confusing determining exactly how many caloires I have burned. I swim and it relates to speed, weight etc...are you sure you are burning what you think you are? Also, try changing your settings and monitoring your sugar....sometimes even when all the other catagories are in line we can still take in too…
  • Hi, I didn't join MFP becuase I had a lot to loose, but instead because I was gaining a little bit every year as I got older...My children are 17 and 21 and I cherish the memories I have with them hiking, riding quads, swimming and in other ways being active. I think it is great that you are motivated to make this your…
  • That is truly inspirational! Thank you for sharing and congrats on your success!!!!!
  • Lower your calorie intake and try swimming...Use a pull boy to keep your legs still, you will get a great upper body workout along with cardio.
  • I am 5'6", my goal is 131.5.
  • I had to remove anything tempting from my house...but I replaced the bad things with fruit. I keep it sliced in a container so I have a fruit salad available for any craving....
  • Oh, thank you so much for sharing...I am a swimmer and just recently started the couch to 5K...last week to be first time out I ran too fast and I was pathetically sore the rest of the weekend....but I went Monday night again..and I slowed my pace and did much better....I swim Master's every morning and was…
  • I am on week 2!
  • SWIM! vigourous swimming is a great workout but gives your knees a break!
  • I am 20 days into this site and love really makes me more accountable for what I am eating.. and I have met some great people! Good Luck!
  • Awesome comments, thank you all so much!
  • tell other people you are going to do it....people you would be embarrassed to know that you lied! For me it was my boss, she's a super athlete... Seriously, once you get started it is a lot easier...I don't even think twice about it now....I just come home from work and grab the bag and head to the's second…
  • Yeah! So happy to see so many swimmers:smile: ! I swim Masters and am training for an open water swim this is my main form of exercise and I find that nothing else gives me the same level of a workout satisfaction with total relaxation!
  • The other day someone walked through our office and mentioned that the vending machine had peanut butter M&M's in it. They are my favorite!! I have thought about them at least once every afternoon now when I get the munchies, but I just remember, I have a goal and I must stick to it for myself! Most of my friends are…
  • Thei first cup brewed is always the best, I let it drip right into my cup and hten put the pot in to catch the rest. I use fat free coffee mate and one little capsule of equal sweetner...does the trick....
  • I am 5'6'' and my goal is 133 to 135. Most charts say 131 but looking back at pictures in my past, 131 or less is not really very attractive on face gets too bony...and no body shape at all....and Connie, if you are reading this, I know I have no shape!!! LOL!!!! Mostly, my goal is to just be younger looking and…
  • Don't be discourgaed you are heading in the right direction. Weight loss is different for all of us. I know for me, I was already eating within my calorie range so I know it is going to take longer to see those pounds mellt away. However, I am on my 15th day and while the scale has barely moved, my jeans do feel better!…
  • I resorted to swimming, but I think I will look up this couch to 5K program, sounds intersting!
  • Yesterday I was up 2, today I am down 2.5. I weigh myself everyday because I feel it makes me more accountable....but you have to accept that there will be fluctuations, its the overall trend that counts! I have a hard time eating lunch at the perfectly scheduled time too, so leave some snakcs in your drawer like luna or…
  • Try your local Organic foods market, read the labels, I can find brands that offer low sodium choices to serve in a pinch. Good Luck!
  • Thank you so much! I have swam Masters, but right now it is not at a convenient time with my work schedule, so I hav been training on my own at night.... I definately think I will relax from just swimming the mile now that I know I can do it, and work on the sprint styled drills!
    in Swimming Comment by Mandi1968 April 2011
  • I joined two weeks ago, but my two friends who joined with me have stopped posting...I would love to have the mutual support!