Thank you for this visual image! :bigsmile: Flying insects tend to have an ultra low fat content; I'd be logging more like 35 calories for this.
Because as a child foods like pizza or spaghetti Bolognese or stir fries were considered outlandishly exotic and never tried; after leaving home and associating with a more cosmipolitan circle of friends I quickly realised that I was missing out on a whole planet full of incredible flavours and foods. Since then I've grown…
Balding disgusting bodies? If you are prepared to classify male pattern hair loss as disgusting, that makes you just as bad as the people who are taunting the OP. Be ashamed of yourself.
Didn't read past the first page of responses, but you already know they're the scum of the earth. Console yourself with the knowledge that right now you're fat and you run, but sometime soon you'll be slimmer and run, and meanwhile they'll be dead or suffering brutal ill health, AND the inevitable mental crippling that…
Not much, I live in a cool climate, I weigh very little and am not working out a lot right now. Plus I drink a lot of tea and fruit juice and because it's autumn I'm drinking a lot of soups too. However I'm about to head off to the Middle East and will be doing a lot of hiking and other exercise so will be doubling or…
What a horrible attitude. If this how you react to such a minor irritation that you come across on a day to day basis, I dread to think how you'd fall apart if anything genuinely bad happened to you. Be thankful that your life is marred solely by such triviality.
Plus they're really tough on the knees. Incline pushups are definitely the way forward.
Most people who are freaking out that they might "look old" if they lose weight are probably so young they think 40 is positively ancient. Those of us who are nearer 50 are a bit smarter than that by now! :bigsmile:
Grapes last a few days then go mouldy, but raisins last for ages! I rest my case! :bigsmile:
The French have a saying "Après quarante, vous avez le choix, le visage ou les fesses" which basically translates as "Once you're old, you must choose between having a young face or a fat *kitten*" :bigsmile: Given that at 80 the years old the choice will be far starker, being for many people "having looked a bit older for…
What a stupid question. Obviously it's 1) HCG 2) Spot reduce 3) Cleanse
Almonds & sweet apricot kernels are seeds, both contain cyanide, both of which I'll happily munch by the handful, thanks! :bigsmile:
You win teh internet.
Absolutely spot on!
You don't need to know how the biological mechanisms work, and if you do there are plenty of heavy textbooks you could study if you're actually interested in spending a chunk of your life understanding it. While it's interesting to know how an internal combustion engine and gearbox work, most learner drivers don't have a…
Best at home exercise you can do to drop weight is to practice clenching your mouth firmly shut after you've eaten your day's allocation of calories. WORK those jaw muscles! :bigsmile: Which is my way of saying that while exercise is good for your health, most of weight loss comes from controlling what you eat.
If the query is why bother logging it (as opposed to why bother doing it) the answer for me is that is a useful record of weights and reps which I may wish to look back on in the future.
What an odd suggestion, I have not suggested anything of the sort, I do not even know who these hypothetical people are and the figure of half of someone's bodyweight in fluid does not bear scrutiny either as it does not take into account climate, humidity, workload or any of the other variables which determine the amount…
If they don't need it, they're not "getting away" with not drinking it. Obviously nobody should take my word for it or anyone else's word on here, my recommendation is that anyone who wants to know the truth does some independent research on the issue of "eight cups of water" and makes an informed decision about the issue…
A scientifically proven fact is one that can be demonstrated by an experiment that can be replicated by others. Here are some really basic scientifically proven facts: 1. Water = H2O 2. H2O is a major constituent in most foods and is present in massive quantities in soup. What part of that is too complicated for people?…
The level of misunderstanding displayed on this thread is deeply concerning to the point of disbelief. If anyone wants to know whether they are consuming sufficient fluids, they only have to look at the colour of their urine. Google it for a colour chart and details. The figure of eight cups a day was never intended as a…
Of course soup counts as water. Think about it. Your stomach does not have separate compartments for water and solids, everything you swallow gets churned up together before it is released into your intestines. As far as your digestive system is concerned, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever between eating some…
Somehow, somewhere over the last five years, he has learned that it's okay to speak to you like this. How did that happen? I strongly suggest that you take an assertiveness course to help gain some much needed self respect and give you the tools you need to deal with difficult situations, and then tell him quietly but…
The main thing is, don't be discouraged. Weigh your food, never guess, log EVERYTHING including drinks, take "exercise calories burned readings" on cardio machines with a pinch of salt, eat the calories you're told to on here and it's 99.99% certain that you'll lose fat. There are a very small number of people who put…
Ditto - except I'll add that if you are eating far less than usual, and not eating a lot of your calories as vegetables, you could also be constipated. EDIT: It's not possible for a woman to build 4lb of muscle in a week, but I do a LOT of strength training / extended cardio exercise, I'm always heavier the next morning -…
Exactly. Which is why this: "I know he's disappointed in me, he doesn't like heavy women and he makes that very clear to me all the time." means that however much he begs and whines, he is a man who isn't going to be getting his wife into sexy clothes any time soon! :bigsmile:
Well frankly he just needs to make his mind up. Either he is okay with you feeling disgusted with your body, as he is making it clear that he doesn't like heavy women i.e. you. OR he wants you to feel sexy despite the fact that you're a heavy woman. Show him this thread. Slap his face and tell him he's being a prize…
Disregard everything that has been said. Without a definition of "exercise" this question is impossible to answer. Define "exercise" and you might get some answers worth reading.
To be fair, it was "true" once. It's simply that the ongoing process of research has shown that dietary cholesterol has no impact on blood cholesterol, and that the previous research was total bollocks! :bigsmile:
Poppycock, BMI is absolutely not "Garbage Science" and comparing its use to assuming a link between incidence of cancer and hair colour, is entirely ludicrous. Fact. There IS a clear and proven link between high BMI and a massively increased likelihood of dying early and / or having a poor quality of life due to health…