sorrelduncan Member


  • 5'4" and 40 - goal weight 125
  • If you have a regular stroller or a baby backpack or frontpack, I would go ahead and start walking. Then when baby can be okay in jogging stroller, you will be ready to run.
  • Even if you don't pay for it, someone does. Having surgery because your insurance pays for it seems like a misplaced priority. It's like going to the doctor for the sniffles because it only costs you a co-pay. Someone else pays the remaining money. Just a thought.
  • Maybe try a different store. The cuts could be completely different at another place and you could find just the right thing for your current shape. Hang in there!
  • What is HCG? - Hormone the body produces during pregnancy.
  • Based on a quick glance of your food diary, you are not getting enough calories. Your body may be in "starvation mode." You would likely see more progress if you would meet your suggested calories. If eating adequate food makes you feel sick, maybe you would consider seeing a doctor or nutritionist. Good luck! All the best.
  • Can't imagine your body fat is high given the stats you posted. Just sayin...
  • I am 5'4" and currently 135 lb. I have been as high as 150. I have been plateaued at around 135 for a few months now. Would love to get to about 125.
  • You can do it, I promise. Get out for walks or short runs when hubby is home with kids. Google Couch to 5K program. Find a walking buddy. Good luck!
  • Buckle - store with jeans for most body types with knowledgeable staff. Pricey but worth it if you have access to one.
  • Aveda has a really good leave-in detangler called, Damage Remedy. It's great for after swimming if you can't wash your hair right away. Pricey, and usually has to be bought in a salon. But works well.
  • I feed the fam things I don't eat all the time! It's a shame he doesn't always support you, but it's your diet, not his. Maybe someday he'll try it, but I don't feel I need to force a change on my family in order to accomplish it myself. I just make myself a salad.
  • Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant which is supposedly weight-neutral. I gained on Prozac and lost (only about 10 lbs) on Wellbutrin. But talk to your doctor. The most important thing is getting better. The weight loss can wait.
  • Pause (Zumba Mix) by Pitbull, Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake, On the Floor by Jennifer Lopez, Funky Jesus Music by Toby Mac, Life by Beckah Shae, Whip My Hair by Willow, Gettin Jiggy With It by Will Smith
  • If you are losing inches, you are firming up and replacing fat with muscle. This is actually better than losing weight! Keep at it, the weight will eventually come down too, and you will be happier with the end result because it will be firm! The slower it comes off, the more likely it is to stay off! Your food diary looks…
  • I am an OCD wanna be! I think if it were not for my three kids, two dogs, one cat and one MESSY husband, I would have everything in it's place all the time! But having a busy family has pretty much broken my neat freak habits. I tried to hang on to them with child #1, but I almost went CRAZY, so something had to go, and it…
  • And great job not saying what immediately came to mind, but keeping yourself in check. It's tough to do! And it paid off big time for you!
  • I am on day 3 of Ripped in 30, and I am incredibly sore! I skipped yesterday and ran 4 miles, didn't think I could handle both. If my soreness is any indication of results, I expect huge results by the end of 30 days! I haven't done the Shred - I chose Ripped because I heard it has more variety.
  • I just did day 2 of Jillian's Ripped in 30, so I'm with you! Day 2 was hard because I was sore from day 1. Hopefully my muscles will get used to it! Would like to lose pounds or inches by day 30. SW: 150 CW: 135 GW: 120
  • Count the juice but not the coffee. Caffeine is a diuretic and depletes your body of fluid. Some say you should add an extra glass of water fore very cup of coffee or cola you drink. Keep trying to up your water. Our bodies need it - it makes everything work better, makes our skin prettier, helps weight loss, water is life!
  • Track your measurements if you are not already. You may be getting firmer and smaller as you increase muscle, which weighs more than fat. Hang in there. You will see results if you press on. It's worth it.
  • Thanks! Lots of good suggestions to try. I opened my diary & welcome comments.
  • Is there a park you could use with play areas for the kids and a track for the moms? How about getting out with the 10 & 3 year olds with you, and the others at home? My kids like to ride their bikes with me while I walk. I understand about wanting to get out alone - perhaps in coming years you will be able to. I tried…
  • Zumba for the wii is lots of fun - any DVD or Wii workout can be done at home. Lots of people are into the P90X, or Gillian Michaels stuff, all of which can be ordered online. Just pick something up and give it a try - once you get going, you'll figure out what you like. Walk every day with the kids - use a stroller if you…
  • I don't ever have this problem - I am almost always hungry for all my workout calories. Some days I do an extra work out just to have more calories to eat! Ha! SW: 145 - January 2011 CW: 135 GW: 120 Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • If you like belly dancing, you would like zumba! You can buy it for the wii, or order cds online, or find local classes in your community. Lots of gyms, ymcas and even some churches offer classes. Ive seen calorie calculators that say you can burn up to 1000 calories in a 1 hour class! That's pretty intense! More…
  • Many women take the pill without any problems at all for all kinds of reasons. I was on it for several years for treatment of endometriosis, and off of it for several years during which I had 3 children. It did not have any effect on my ability to get pregnant - conceived about 3 months after discontinuing. My weight does…