Feddyvon Member


  • I'm going to have to add a Protein Shake, maybe two, to my daily diet in order to hit such a high calorie/protein target. I just tried increasing my cals by a couple hundred yesterday and could really tell the difference in fullness, almost uncomfortably so.
  • It was pretty simple for me, I was just stuck in a "YES" Diet for too long. - Would you like a cupcake? YES. Two? YES. - Do you want to drink some beer tonight? YES. - How about a 3500 calorie meal tonight at a restaurant? YES please. - Would you like a non-diet Mountain Dew? YES. - Do you want to eat several spoonfuls of…
  • There are a few lads doing this <this guy>. I needed something to get me started, this was just the ticket. I've got really bad knees, so I had to cut some of the lunge moves to just being a static squat, but I'm still getting a great burn. Just finished Day 8 of Level 1. I didn't take measurements, but the mirror is…
  • I don't raise chickens, don't hunt turkey, and have never fished for tuna. I'm not sure there is a tuna season in Kansas anyways. With that said, I just have to accept that process free foods are almost a myth for my living situation, and take what I can get.
  • Just skip the chips, and stick to grilled foods, with only veggie type toppings/sauces. Skip the cream sauces and heavy cheese dishes and you'll be fine.
  • When people ask me about the weight I lost, and how I did it, one of the first things I tell them is to try and keep their snacking to things that are grown, picked, and mostly farm to plate. If it's processed, has added sugar, preservatives, etc...cut it out. There are millions of options, you won't blow your calories,…
  • I'm 6'7", and currently at 232. I don't know my BF% right now, but would guess it close to 20%. I'd like to see if I can get my weight down closer to 220, with a BF% of 12-14, though that might be a stretch. Lifting and weight training have always been something I struggled to maintain, but I'm in a good groove right now.
  • Many thanks. I'll give this a try. Man, that sounds like an awful lot to eat though, I'll have to get creative with my menus.
  • Excellent information, if not a bit confusing. I plugged in my numbers at the Fitness Frog Site: BMI: 26.13 RMR: 2268 BMR: 2269 TDEE: 3517 If I'm reading correctly, I should never be below the BMR number if I want to continue losing (I'm within 12 pounds of my target). At this point, I'm really more concerned about adding…
  • Bump. Pastries are what I miss most while dieting, so some low cal options would be great.
  • I've jsut discovered the Joseph's brand pitas, and they are perfect for my diet. We've used them as pizza crusts, sandwich breads, and have even baked them into chips. The nutritional numbers are great, and they really are pretty tasty.
  • Finished Week One with just one day off, and that was a night where I played softball, so it wasn't completely stagnant. After a week, I noticed some of my strength getting better, and getting a few more reps in with each cycle. It's not been a huge increase, but an increase none the less. It could all be in my head, but I…
  • Well, it looks like I may have drank my last glass of Silk Lite Vanilla Soy Milk. Maybe it's not conclusive evidence, but it's enough to make me give it up. I appreciate the info. I've been drinking a glass of 1% after my workouts, and will probably just stick to that. I may mix in a little Whole Milk from time to time…
  • Excercise has always been fun to me when it involves sports. When it simply involves working out, that's something I'll have to get back to you on when it finally happens. I still have to talk myself into each and every time.
  • I spend more time working tracking my Protein numbers for the day, rather than the calorie count, though I'm certainly conscious about it throughout the day. That was the biggest thing I learned from WW, then MFP, is how to combo your meals with lean proteins to fit within a reasonable calorie amount for weight…
  • Question: If you get the fresh ground peanut or almond butter from Whole Foods, do you have to refrigerate it? I've been using the Reduced Fat Jif, but this thread has proven that I need to make a change there.
  • Before buying new clothes, I started with a trip to the tailor. I had all of my work pants brought in for about $15 a piece, definitely less than buying new. Eventually, I needed to get right-sized pants, and started piecing it together. I'll tell you what, I'm happy with the weight loss, extremely happy, but I've spent…
  • I didn't believe this would work at first, who really thought you could have a good cake out of the microwave, but it absolutely does. I started with an Angel Food, Spice Cake Mix, and it's great. I pair mine up with a Cinnamon Roll Duncan Hines Frosting Packet, just 10 calories, mixed into some Fat Free Cool Whip, and I'm…
  • Does anyone else feel like they need 3 seperate sets of weights when doing 30DS? It's almost like I need a lighter weight for lots of the shoulder work (my obvious weak point), a medium set for the bicep work, and then a heavier weight for the chest flies. I can breeze through those with the medium weight, but have to drop…
  • It's certainly tough to find the time, that's why 30 Day Shred was a great fit. I did my first workout last night at 9:40 after downloading to the iPad. My 4 year old was deep asleep by then, and my dear wife was cuddled under a blanket watching the DVR. Perfect time for me, and I melted into bed after a quick shower to…
  • Started the Shred last night, and it was a very humbling experience, even for a 6'7" 235 poud man. I thought I'd be able to glide right through it, and just get a nice burn and sweat on, boy was I wrong. It didn't take long with the squat thrusts to let me know that I am not nearly as strong as I thought I was, and may…
  • The number one rule when eating out at a Mexican place while dieting is SKIP THE CHIPS! They will sink your daily intake in a hurry, and you won't even notice it. After that, just trust your instincts and knowledge to select a plate that you know fits the program: High Protein, Moderate Carbs, as little processed food as…
  • I obsess over the scale because it's the most immediate feedback for me, both good and bad. With that, the change in clothing size has been the most rewarding for me. Though it's out of style, I was able to fit into the suit I bought for my college graduation 14 years ago, something I was very proud of. I'm even wearing…
  • The very first thing I do when starting back on a healthy diet is cut Soda out completely. Though there are no calories, I have no doubt that it is the leading cause of my sugar cravings. Within a week of cutting out the soda, my cravings are minimal at worst, and I think it all has to do with the Aspertame. The soda alone…
  • I'm lucky enough to have a bakery close to my office that does mini cupcakes of all of their flavors for just $1. Very tasty, and will usually satisfy my urge, though I'd be lying if I said I haven't had a couple at a time. They ring in about 250 Cals, so they are easy to manage if I eat clean the rest of the day. Indulge…
  • The Clif Builders Bars have been a staple of my diet since I started. I struggled to get enough Protein during the day, and this was a quick fix. They aren't exactly low cal, or low fat, but reasonable in both. I usually eat half in the mid-morning, and then the rest in the mid afternoon.
  • I absolutely love cupcakes, the kind you get at a bakery. Unfortunately, they come in around 800 cals, and a mountain of sugary carbs, so I try to limit myself to one a month. My weekly guilty indulge is PeachWave Frozen Yogurt. My typical mix up comes in around 500 calories, but it replaces my lunch for that day, so I'm…
  • I just didn't care for the taste of Almond Milk, so I've been using the Vanilly Lite Soy for the last year or so. Love it on my cereal, and like the added protein.
  • This one sounds rediculous, but it's really good: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/bbq-tuna-fritters/ While dieting, I find the healthiest BBQ Sauce I can, and skip the oil. We just grill them in a non-stick pan until they firm up. In all honesty though, they are much better when using the oil, if you have the points to spare.
  • You might try the Joseph brand Pita Breads: http://www.josephsbakery.com/SubPages/StaticPages/ProductDetails.aspx?ID=a882465d-659f-4dd7-9850-c8daf449f7d4 I just discovered these at Wal Mart and the Nutritional Info looks very solid for my plan.