

  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    ok i did the calculation...
    my tdee is 3136...i subtracted 20% ( i have lots to lose) and got 2500
    and my BMR is 2028

    so i am going to make this simple as i can..

    my BMR is 2028.

    (this is mind boggling to me.. considering i am currently eat about 1700 calories a day.. and according to this.. i am way below... )
  • PudgyPostol
    PudgyPostol Posts: 7 Member
    What does bump mean?
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    Hello All i just joined a few minutes ago and havent had a chance to read all of the posts..... here is my stats... BMR 1470, TDEE 2279 and the -15% amount is 1937...... so the question is do i set my calories to the 1937 in MFP?

    I also wanted to add, i lost all of my weight so far over 9 months ago and i have been setting at a plateau since then, i bumped my calories up to 1500 about two months ago and am still at the same weight. i am 5 ft 4 and weigh 160 age 39

    I use a HRM each time i work out..
    Monday Body Pump class at the gym (1 hour ) avg calories 350
    Wednesday Body Combat (1 hour) ave calories 626
    Thursday Body Pump ( 1 hour ) calories 350
    Saturday Personal Trainer ( 1 hour ) ave calories 503

    Sometimes i pick up a zumba class on Tuesdays and Fridays but i am not consistant with those days.
  • jsenecal12
    jsenecal12 Posts: 42
    For my first month and a half of using MFP I stuck to the 1200/day diet religiously, working out hard at least four days every week. During that time I was constantly tired, irritable, and felt like I wasn't doing well if I wasn't constantly hungry. I started the journey to *lose* weight - but I actually ended up gaining two pounds during that time! I was frustrated, naturally... but then I learned the same thing you did, that you MUST eat to lose, and now I'm six pounds lighter than I was at the end of February. It's a slow process but it feels so much nicer to have energy and be able to eat more and still move towards my goal! I love posts like these - it's great to watch people see the light!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Do you have a strict diet or you occasionally eat "not too healthy food"?

    All things in moderation...we suggest sticking to a 40% carb, 30% prot and 30% fat ratio...no way to junk out, but you get to enjoy life. I fit my "loves" in my daily menu. I don't deprive myself of anything that I want to eat, but I keep in line with my macro's 9 times out of 10. And when you do start to eat and have your macros in line, you will notice that you don't crave the things you used to crave. Yes you will enjoy foods, but you don't tend to binge anymore. That was my biggest joy, feeling sated, enjoying things in moderation not feeling the need to eat "all" of it, and no longer feeling guilty for eating....
  • mrscapamerica
    I eat 1300 which is quite a ways off from my TDEE (1700) I don't have a problem eating so little every day. I don't think bumping up would work for me, but I'm happy you all found success!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If This is the best way to do it. Shouldn't/Couldn't MFP automatically Caluculate this for me when I put in my information to create my profile? the whole BMR / TDEE - 15% calculation thingy???.

    Why is MFP giving me a different number then what is Should / Could be eating???

    How does MFP make money?
    Selling advertising.
    How do you sell more?
    More subscribers showing activity on their accounts.
    How do you do that?
    Show great success in first few weeks with weight loss, people are hooked, and if any problems, they ask around and then stick around.

    This method would not give the huge weight loss initially, some water weight as normal.

    But for most folks, who may have been eating even above their TDEE even, and deficit gives great loss for a while.

    So say was eating at 2500 previously.
    Join MFP, get goal of 1200.

    1300 cal deficit - you are losing probably 5lbs, then 3 lbs, then 2.5 lbs, for a little while.
    Then metabolism does indeed go down with less weight, but then it start to drop more than weight loss would indicate.
    Now loss is 1.5 lbs, 1 lb, barely anything, nothing for weeks.

    You are now eating at maintenance level!
    And your body being properly fed could be burning 1600 cal every day perhaps, just by sleeping!

    But you had such great loss, you stick around and see the ads. Reminds me, it appears I could get some raspberry ketones right now!

    MFP also knows from population/gym/other stats that the number of people holding to a workout routine is small, so they leave that out of the equation until you do the workout and log it. So they can't really do true avg TDEE minus anything.

    The do follow the safety suggestion of not going below 1200 though, even though the math would cause that many times.
    But they don't do the perhaps wiser of not suggesting under the BMR.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
  • WorkitoutBev
    WorkitoutBev Posts: 29 Member
    I'm new to all of this and I'm overweight and need help. I don't understand any of this stuff and I attempted to calculate everything and stopped. I need help.... anyone? And everyday its telling me that I'm not eating enough calories and I'm afraid to eat that much (don't want to go back to old ways of overeating). I'm working out and always hungry. And I've only lost 3 lbs last week. HELP...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm new to all of this and I'm overweight and need help. I don't understand any of this stuff and I attempted to calculate everything and stopped. I need help.... anyone? And everyday its telling me that I'm not eating enough calories and I'm afraid to eat that much (don't want to go back to old ways of overeating). I'm working out and always hungry. And I've only lost 3 lbs last week. HELP...

    You do need to understand it to appreciate it.

    First, I'd suggest getting a context and correct perception on your eating levels.

    Do you really know how much you used to eat before starting this journey? Most don't, and while 2000 cal's compared to 1200 suggested may seem oh so huge, if you used to eat 3000 daily, is it really?

    If you used to have very common eating habits almost every day, you can go find a day in the past on MFP, and fill in a day's worth of previous food. May surprise yourself as to what you used to eat.

    Now the suggestion won't seem so bad.

    Try here, add up your hrs of exercise in a week, select 15% loss goal. Select Mifflin BMR calc, unless you know your bodyfat% in which case select Katch BMR calc.
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
  • messi08
    messi08 Posts: 11 Member
  • itsnevrenough
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    For my first month and a half of using MFP I stuck to the 1200/day diet religiously, working out hard at least four days every week. During that time I was constantly tired, irritable, and felt like I wasn't doing well if I wasn't constantly hungry. I started the journey to *lose* weight - but I actually ended up gaining two pounds during that time! I was frustrated, naturally... but then I learned the same thing you did, that you MUST eat to lose, and now I'm six pounds lighter than I was at the end of February. It's a slow process but it feels so much nicer to have energy and be able to eat more and still move towards my goal! I love posts like these - it's great to watch people see the light!

    REPLY : Congrats...... Yes process is slower but steady....If you lose a lot of weigt really fast as soon as u so much as sniff food
    te weight comes BACK WITH IMMEDIATELY !!! IF you want a sustainable weight loss slow and steady wins the race...
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    I upped my calories on Saturday and I have already lost 2lbs. Definitely was not eating enough and not eating the right things. Sticking to this plan for a while!

    REPLY :
    AWESOME !!!!
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    Hello All i just joined a few minutes ago and havent had a chance to read all of the posts..... here is my stats... BMR 1470, TDEE 2279 and the -15% amount is 1937...... so the question is do i set my calories to the 1937 in MFP?

    I also wanted to add, i lost all of my weight so far over 9 months ago and i have been setting at a plateau since then, i bumped my calories up to 1500 about two months ago and am still at the same weight. i am 5 ft 4 and weigh 160 age 39

    I use a HRM each time i work out..
    Monday Body Pump class at the gym (1 hour ) avg calories 350
    Wednesday Body Combat (1 hour) ave calories 626
    Thursday Body Pump ( 1 hour ) calories 350
    Saturday Personal Trainer ( 1 hour ) ave calories 503

    Sometimes i pick up a zumba class on Tuesdays and Fridays but i am not consistant with those days.

    YES....set your mfp calories to 1937
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    I'm new to all of this and I'm overweight and need help. I don't understand any of this stuff and I attempted to calculate everything and stopped. I need help.... anyone? And everyday its telling me that I'm not eating enough calories and I'm afraid to eat that much (don't want to go back to old ways of overeating). I'm working out and always hungry. And I've only lost 3 lbs last week. HELP...

    These should help you !!!

    Here are some great videos from EM2WL group that are very helpful.......

  • agreaney18
    agreaney18 Posts: 7
  • Feddyvon
    Feddyvon Posts: 47 Member
    Excellent information, if not a bit confusing. I plugged in my numbers at the Fitness Frog Site:

    BMI: 26.13
    RMR: 2268
    BMR: 2269
    TDEE: 3517

    If I'm reading correctly, I should never be below the BMR number if I want to continue losing (I'm within 12 pounds of my target). At this point, I'm really more concerned about adding some of the muscle back that I lost while staying in the 1500-1750 Calorie range. The weight is insignificant if I could lower my Body Fat %.

    What number should I plug into the MFP calculators for food tracking?
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    Excellent information, if not a bit confusing. I plugged in my numbers at the Fitness Frog Site:

    BMI: 26.13
    RMR: 2268
    BMR: 2269
    TDEE: 3517

    If I'm reading correctly, I should never be below the BMR number if I want to continue losing (I'm within 12 pounds of my target). At this point, I'm really more concerned about adding some of the muscle back that I lost while staying in the 1500-1750 Calorie range. The weight is insignificant if I could lower my Body Fat %.

    What number should I plug into the MFP calculators for food tracking?

    REPLY: 3517 - 15% = 2989