Ifican Member


  • Please remember everything is a guideline, you may only need the equivalent of 4 glasses a day when some else needs 12. Now before we get super technical as to why there is a fairly easy way to monitor. Pay close attention to the color or your urine. Very light yellow to clear is ideal. Any darker then very light yellow…
  • I will say that i completely disagree with not weighing yourself everyday ideally morning and night would be best. For the simply fact of trending and understanding what your body is doing. The more you understand that the less concerned you become with the number on the scale. Our weights fluctuate several times a day…
  • So probably not what you want to hear but its the only way i know to be. Our skin is very resilient and elastic in our younger years and becomes less and less so the older we get. Depending on your age and the amount of stress from the weight (think stretch marks here) you will definitely have some excess skin to what…
    in Excess Skin Comment by Ifican July 2012
  • lots of ways to accomplish the same thing. If you are taking in enough fluids and you are not starving yourself if you were a caffeine or sugar junky and you all of a sudden stopped, sure that could be the culprit. Any weight loss program or process should never be about starving yourself. They should all be about better…
  • I am sending you a PM right now so please read. But the jist of it for everyone else is, figure out what your average activity level is and go from there. You may have to adjust calories up or down slightly, you know what your goal is, as long as you are moving in the right direction all is well.
  • cheer up its not as bad as you think. I will try not to get to technical but you didnt "gain" 8 pounds overnight. I know the scales says so but its lying to you right now. During your weight loss journey if you are being really good your colon cleans out quite a bit, most adults have excess of 20 pounds of crap (no pun…
  • Common sense will dictate all. The 4 month stay is a tougher one the short trip is no biggie. Let yourself indulge and enjoy. You know what you need to do to fix anything that "breaks" while away. i like to keep things simple. Calorie dense is a term that works well for everything. If something is calorie dense it can be…
  • Dont over think it to many do. At this juncture dont worry about % this and range that. Use your scale as a trend identifier, is your weight stable, trending up or trending down. Outside of that you know how you feel at your current weight, go with that. If you feel you want to be leaner, go for it. At some point (many…
  • Chances are your HRM is going to be more accurate assuming you input all of your data, resting HR, weight etc. But are either going to be exact? No. All calculations are nothing more then generalized algorithms that make many assumptions. Since you have an HRM use its numbers since you always have it with you. What you…
  • [/quote] well, thanks for the correction........ I feel my bmr @ 1490 is a bit high (since on my worst pre mfp day's i'd easily hit 2000) so I try to always stay under 1400 on days i do not work out (which is usually just sunday) Just makes me feel better to know that i'm burning the most i can on the day i only get off…
  • Alot of good replies on not enough real info. I will venture my hypothesis here: If you dont feel like your going to die and have burning sensation in your chest / lungs that your entire chest and not localized to one side or the other then its probably because your cardio system is way behind where your mind wants to be.…
  • short answer is yes, personally i work out whenever i get the chance. Sometimes 3 times a day sometimes 1/2 a time. As long as you feel great dont have any injuries (minor muscle soreness is fine) then go for it. Just remember to eat as you will be hungrier than normal.
  • Of course this will depend on duration of activity. Meaning actively involved and since this is so unique to each person the numbers are going to be all over the place. To complicate this even more, especially for women, you heart rate will increase as a biological response to stimulation. So yes you will burn a couple…
  • take it slow and stay positive, ever 5 or so years i end up taking 12-18 months off. Getting back to it quicker then i thought but surely not as fast as i would have liked. Keep at it and before long youll be great.
  • as stated if its a short race no need, and i wish you the best if you decide to use something new. I have known many that say the same thing about strong stomachs only to find out sports drinks bother them when there body is under stress because they trained on nothing but water. As stated if its short no need do to…
  • One of my mailing list just sent this and i thought about this post. http://www.active.com/cycling/Articles/What-is-Causing-the-Pain-in-Your-Patella.htm?cmp=306&memberid=43751281&lyrisid=22913993
  • Stretching prior to exercise is not necessary but if done properly does not harm. However warming up before activity is absolutely necessary or you will eventually hurt yourself. I always recommend stretching after exercise because your muscles have tightened and shortened due to physical exertion. Once you have…
  • So using your soccer as an example you need to think about it as active participation. If you play soccer for an hour but are only actively playing for 10 minutes and lightly strolling around the field for 50 you will burn some but no where near 700. However if you are running around, chasing, passing, kicking for an hour…
  • Actually both are correct depending on your need. However in most cases you will want to eat your calories though its not imperative to stuff yourself to do it. Now for just a moment, i have only ever met and i am not saying there arnt any out there, but i have only ever met a single personal trainer that could adapt to…
  • I think your looking at this the wrong way and depends where you are in your maintenance program. If you are at your ideal weight now and are just incorporating weight training then yes over time you will see a slight weight gain. However if you are still moving toward a goal weight i would not concern myself with any…
  • You should be able to find a band for under 15, just did a quick search and there were several and some as cheap as 12. Find something else you need and get the price to as close as you can get to 25 and get the free shipping. They work but as a tool to assist with recovery not a long term fix. Also they really only work…
  • As i eluded too it could be just about anything but is most cases is lower leg. But yes hips could also be the culprit too. Chi running is an excellent technique its hard for some to grasp but is very effective for running efficiency. Though will do nothing to help with referred or indirect muscle pain. Stretching and…
  • It depends on how much pressure you put on them and how you use them. They dont take pressure off so much as you use them for balance and forward momentum. Though i could see you being able to alleviate 10-15 lbs, however if you have never used them your lats are going to be screaming at you before long until you get used…
  • Are the shoes so you dont hurt your palms while running on all four's? :tongue:
  • If you truly want to put in the effort to burn 5000 calories a week you need to try and determine to the best of your ability how many calories you burn. Stair steppers at a light effort but less calories than running, at a medium to hard effort approach the calories in running and at a hard+ effort burn more. The efforts…
  • Outside of injury and not taking into account any other damage you might do because of overuse. If your body and mind are conditioned there is not limit for the average person. You can go and go and go and what will happen is mentally you will give up. It takes alot to be able to mentally press through none injury leg pain…
  • I completely agree, however i do have an offseason. Every 4 or 5 years i just dont feel like exercising anymore. With that lack of movement comes weigh gain generally in the 20-30 pound range because i love to eat. I then hit a point where i feel fat and my belly gets in the way of everything i do so i get back to it. Once…
  • If you honestly took a break after doing something that makes you sore and its exercise related, you would hardly ever do anything. The issue if understanding the degree and kind of soreness/pain and what it means. Your standard muscle fiber mirco tear soreness is a good thing and does not require a break. An injury of any…
  • Learn to love running outdoors, no matter what the conditions are. Well there are only a very few that would keep me indoors, Rain, snow or 115 degrees out i run outdoors. Took a little getting used to but i hate running indoor and or on a treadmill. Once you learn to appreciate mother nature, some rain and wind proof gear…
  • Theres 2 ways to go about this, make your profile sedentary and then add exercise to account for the calories burned or change your profile to very active and the system will account for your active daily life for you. Just know that on days that you are not very active you are probably being given to many calories. If you…