Question about making fruit ice cream
Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone had frozen a pear then blended it like the way you would do with a frozen banana to make an ice cream copy cat?? I'm wanting to make it for tomorrow but not sure how the pear would turn out so just wanting to know if anyone has tried a pear and how did it turn out?? Thanks in advance…
Girlies need some help......the implant
Hey all I'm due to get the implant tomorrow but really nervous and doubting it a little just due to fear. I was wanting to know if any of you have the implant in and what benefits do you find with it or negatives? Please reply
High carbers say HI!!! :D
Hey guys and gals :) I was wondering if anyone else was on a raw food or 80-100%raw food vegan or similar diet? Diet may not be the right word to use more like lifestyle maybe?? Today is officially my second day committing to the lifestyle which is mainly a high carb and low fat diet. I know it's meant to be high carb and…
studying in France and going to france on the 21st dec!
Hey all! I'm vegan and need to know some nice good places to eat.....don'tfancy dragging conor around all the fruit and veg stalls lol he's a mad sweet/ junk food tooth. so maybe somewhere that can cater for us both :) also for when i move there to study, what's/ where's the best running route??
What's the best thing to do?
Hi guys On sunday I went home to make a lovely healthy vegan dinner and I did but then about an hour or so later I went on a full bad binge totally destroying my two weeks eating clean and healthy. I had two bowls of oats, cocoa rice snaps x2 bowls, chocolate biscuits x3 and three slices of toast white bread. I felt so…
oranges, oranges everywhere! recipes please
So oranges etc seem to be in season at the moment but all I can think of for them is o eat them as they are or do what I do every year, stick cloves in them and hang them near a radiator to make the house smell all christmasy :) Does anyone have any good recipes that they do with their oranges? I can't imagine them being…
need help for my mummy
My mum needs to get her gallbladder removed due to gallstones and she suffers from extreme pains the odd time. I need a list of foods which she can eat and ones to ditch all together. she's worried about christmas so any help and information would be fantastic :)
chinese take out!
Already got you drooling over it :P Anyway on Friday I am going down home to stay with my parents for the weekend as it's my birthday on saturday and i haven't been down in quiet some time due to working extra hard in uni but lately it has been a bit on and off with my parents regarding my eating habits as I am vegan. I am…
OATS!!!!!!! :)
Okay guys so i know about 1/2 cup of rolled oats is around 45grams but i would love and need to know how many grams are roughly in a 1/2 of coarse oats??? i know they are different but not sureof the weight in cups and i don't have a set of scales to measure it so i would love one of you lovely people to help me out. the…
progress photos :)
hey all, i'm trying to combine my photos over the past year to see my progress instead of constantly saying that i haven't changed a single bit but i don't know how to do this! someone help me. i want them beside eachother and i'll write down the dates but not the weight because i won't know it :(
high protein red lentil vegan recipes please :)
Pleeeease does anyone have any nice vegan red lentil recipes they would kindly share :)
Giving blood :)
Hey everyone! I just wanted to spread the attention of giving blood :) It's a very important thing and more than likely at some point in life you yourself may need to have blood given to you, if not then great but wouldn't you feel better knowing that just by giving blood saves another persons life. I'm giving blood this…
Going Vegan
Hey all, I'm going Vegan after being vegetarian for 8 years :) I would like to know if you have some tips and advice on becoming vegan and how you keep a good balanced diet. I will not be a complete 100% raw food because I do like to cook some veggies but mainly I would like to keep 80% raw :) wish me luck :)
Constantly cold....need warmth
Hey guys Not too sure where I should of posted this topic but I think it'll be okay here. Anyway the thing is for the past few months I have been constantly cold, I feel the cold more than others and it annoys me. I'm wearing my big jumpers and others are wearing lets say lighter clothing. I asked my mum and dad about it…
Breakfast choices....help, so indecisive :3
For breakfast at 9:30 instead of 8am because I want to munch while watching Jeremy Kyle :P should I have a fruit bowl consisting of.......Two bananas, one apple and an orange accompanied with green tea and vanilla OR shall I have two tomatoes, half cup of onions diced, three large egg whites and two slices of ormue wheaten…
Okay, Now after watching this I am extremely confused and worried! All I drink is water, i have the odd cup of coffee with skimmed milk but I don't drink juice...only water! What do you guys think?? http://www.drberg.com/blogpost/The-Drink-More-Water-Myth
Weighing and amount
Hey, my mum has hidden the scales to weigh the food etc etc and I need to know how else to determine how much I am having per serving of porridge/cereal/nuts/seeds/milk etc etc please help
Am I thinking too much into it?
Hey all, I just wanted someone to clear up this for me and to rest my mind so here it goes... I'm 20 and have been going out with my first boyfriend for 6 1/2months now...(yes I was 20 before my first boyfriend....freaking proud and happy about that too :P) We haven't argued at all, there has been one time we thought we…
Fruitarians and Vegans and Vegetarians
Hey all! Feel free to add me please :) I'm a vegetarian but want to explore both vegan and a fruitarain diet. :) I need more friends like you guys with open food dairies to help inspire me :) I have a lot of research and really dig the fruitarain diet at the moment but like I said i will only know from the people who live…
Open them food logs :)
Hey everyone! I'm Jackie, 20year young sculpture, video and photography student from Northern Ireland :) I want to improve my diet and get tips and advice on my foods etc etc I would love to lose another 16-18lbs and tone up a lot :) I think I eat relatively clean, I'm a vegetarian but I am costumed to the odd treat bowl…
My boyfriend wants to take me out for a Boojum tomorrow because he loves it and I've never had one before. I am really really worried about what to order and I know I'm going to panic ordering the food and telling them what I would like. Its a Mexican burrito bar :( I don't know what to do. Help!
Check my food diary please :)
Like I said I need to lower my sugar levels as I double+ them in a day and I think that this is where I am going wrong in my diet
mmmm chocolate
I have said many a times before that I am unfortunately a chocolate fan :( it really annoys me that I can cut out and turn of other foods so easy but when it comes to chocolate and the amount of times I shout at myself for eating even just a square I can't seem to leave it behind! :( So does anyone have a good chocolate…
Open food diaries please!
Heya all :) I would like more friends with open food diaries and a critical no mess attitude just to help give me a good kick up the bum :P
Love handles...love or loath?
I loath them on me....personally I get urges to just chop them off>:) hehehe Often I find myself staring into the mirror pointing out the things I want to change then, like repetition, I find myself pushing back my love handles to show are smaller person :( I loath loath loath them and can't seem to budge them, I know over…
I am only after having a yogurt and my breakfast was at 10am, a lot later than what I'm used to and I've drank plenty of water. It's 14:25 and my tummy is having a mini concert somehow! I'm not hungry, nor am I craving any foods so why is she making so much noise by grumbling??
Ever since I lost some weight anytime it's a little cold or I'm out in it for 10 mins my toes goes numb :( I never get numb toes so I'm kinda guessing and assuming there's a link :S I could be totally wrong, but please if anyone has any thoughts, do share :) A little cold numb toed Jackie X
Hey all :) I'm a cereal freak, honestly I could munch on it all day :) I need to know a good crunchy (granola type, bran etc just something crunchy) that is low in cals, carbs, sugar, fat but high in fiber :) oh and iron :) please help this cereal addict :) jackie x
how do you log 30 day shred???
Doing the 30 day shred but I don't know how to log it:/ halp! :3
Morning exercise...better for you?
I'm a total morning freak, I'm up every morning at 6am but these past few days it hasn't been until 9am...wee sleep in :( I often workout in the morning but I was wondering should I do it before breakfast or after?? Sometime I do find it hard to exercise without breakfast firstly but then when I eat breakfast before I…