

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,563 Member
    stats for the day:

    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    all apple watch hr-

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.43min, 13.8mph. 2.9mi = 97c
    Plyometrics exercises- 52.40min, 4ets of 10each, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest, squats, single leg toe touches
    ceiling to fl single leg touches, 2sts of 20ea, side l shape leg lift, bk leg lift, inside leg lift, 10 sets of 10 each leg single leg squats = 262c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.07min, 13.7amph, 1.3mi = 44c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.31min, 13.4amph, 3mi = 122c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.06min, 10.03min mi, .5mi = 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.53min, 10.23min mi, .4mi = 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 20.40min, 7.6amph 2.6mi, windy! = 147c

    total cal 776
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,563 Member
    thanks so much Re!!!!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,351 Member
    Happy Tuesday Evening!

    First, it was hot today but not as hot as I thought it would get. We cooled off the house this morning as much as possible with the windows and doors open.... the A/C didn't come on until 3:00 this afternoon. Hoping the temps fall into the mid to low 50's tonight so we can repeat that tomorrow.

    The sheet I put over the tomatoes did blow off, but I fastened some row cover over it which pretty much stayed put on a couple corners...even tho it was flappin' in the breeze, it was flappin' over the tomatoes.

    It was windy today blowing from the NNE - and smoke from the Canadian forest fires is making the air hazy. Katla, is this haze blowing down your way as well?

    We watched the rest of Season 3 of Bosch this afternoon....DH will search Netflix and Amazon for another series to catch up on these next few afternoons.

    Meg and Toni - great hearing from you!

    Joyce - golly, that's a great photo of Mr. Mozart. He looks comfy and content! Glad your DH got his bed sheet! It is hard to find the super deep-pocket sheets.

    Becca - glad the Prudence situation has been resolved. Again, a lesson for me when I get old and alone - and I'm not looking forward to the alone part if DH goes first, even tho there are days I think he needs to take a nice vacation. By himself. For a couple days. Without the credit card. >:)

    OK ladies, the sun is going down behind the trees so I'd better head out and do some watering.

    Keep cool!

    SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,755 Member
    edited August 2017
    I did not meet my July goals. To be honest I didn't even try. I won't make August goals other than trying each day to stay within my calorie goals. And I already blew that today.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,352 Member
    Did an hour on the bosu. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class.

    After exercising, went to WalMart, brought home the refrigerated goods, went to this store in Hickory to see about the placq for Denise. Really, I'm getting a bit annoyed at the people in FL. They promised me I'd have it by July. Last I talked to them it wasn't finished. And it looks, to me, terrible. It looks like they ran out of space for writing his name. Afterwards, went to Ollies, Party City to get some things for the pool party, then Target to get some cat litter on sale. Then went in the pool, now baking the vanilla part of the bottom of the shower cake. I'm thinking that the bottom will be one layer of vanilla, one layer of chocolate, and the upper part (the part that curves in to make the skirt) will be marbled.

    Speaking of making a bed -- has anyone ever heard that the tag on the sheet should be at the bottom right? It makes sense in a way that it be at the bottom

    Didn't completely hit my goal of eating only when hungry for July. I'm going to try again this month. I do seem to sort-of be getting better.

    I'd like to tell that woman in FL who was making the placq for me that I really can't use it any more. She did promise it to me in July. I'm thinking that I may say that I really can't use it any more since the bridal shower is come and gone. That's not really true, but I did tell her that I needed it in July and she said that it wouldn't be a problem. And here it is August and it still isn't finished, much less mailed to me.

    The end of August and the beginning of Sept I'm doing something every weekend. Aug 20 is Denise's fitting. I'm staying the night of the 19th at Jess, then I'll go to PA, back to VA, then drive on the 21st to NC. I want to leave her place early (like 5a.m) because I want to be home before the eclipse. I don't know how other drivers will react to sudden darkness so I'd like to be home before it happens

    Heather - so glad you found your passport! I wouldn't tell dh. He would probably only get upset with you, no harm was done anyway

    KJ - summer went way too fast. Have fun at the festival. Can I be one of your kiddos? I can make myself real small......

    Lisa - congrats on giving up smoking. Yours is truly a story, thank you for sharing with us. Is the Contrave in combination with something else? Sure hope it works for you. Will you have to be on it for the rest of your life if it does help squelch your appetite? You are so strong for admitting to us what's been going on. It makes me wonder if others don't have something hidden that they don't discuss? I know that sometimes I get this urge to just pig out. But usually afterwards I feel "yuk". Sometimes I talk about it, sometimes I don't. But I know deep inside that not owning up to it is lying to myself.

    Am making the bottom layers of the cake. Hope it does turn out the way I want it to. Update: I don't know how I feel about the vanilla layer. It looks like it's caved in in the middle. Yet I used the exact same recipe for the chocolate layer and that didn't happen. Not sure why. When I put a toothpick into the vanilla layer, it came out clean. Maybe I'll make another cake.

    Dana - knew you'd be able to do the baptism. See? You worried for nothing!

    machka - love your outfit!

    Cheri - dancing with you

    ryenday - welcome! Thanks for coming out (that somehow doesn't sound quite right...lol)

    Lenora - so sorry about your car

    Like Lisa - coming clean (sort of). I don't understand it. No matter what I do, it seems that I can't go below 130 without looking and feeling like c***. So I haven't really been trying, just mainly maintaining. Just recently I've noticed that my watch is a little loose. In the summertime in the past, it's usually gotten a little tighter, mainly because in the heat things expand. Wonder what's up with that?

    ginwoo - welcome! just jump right in

    Toni - welcome back!

    DJ - happy early anniversary! How scary for your daughter. I can't believe that her boss wasn't crazy about her going home, did he really think that she could work well after that incident??? Glad she is OK

    Toni - I had to laugh at Leigh's "1200 pounds" too. I know she meant "calories" but it was just funny.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,931 Member
    :) I am riding my recumbent exercise bike and sort of watching the Mariners game. No dance class tomorrow because they are using the room for the blood bank so I can stay up later. I walked with my friend this morning (the one who's husband died ). It was good to be with her. She had lots to share with me. She has various family members coming the next few days.

    :) Today we liberated a lot of money from our savings to pay for the deck, painting, gutters, and fence. After all the years of saving, it feels strange to be planning to spend the money

    :) It has been warm today but not as bad as we expected ---lots of dog walking and some projects in the yard and garage

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Barbie: Thank you for steadfastly getting us started on another inspiring month of sharing our journeys.

    Thank you ALL for the encouraging words and expressions of support. :heart: :heart: :heart: It’s lifted my heart and spirits tremendously. Although I will miss the Girlfriend Trip to Europe, I’m positive I’ll get there one day.

    Michele: Bravo to you for making space for more dvds. No one could ever accuse you of being in an exercise rut.

    Lisa: ((hugs)) Count me among the masses that has never not been hungry. I now buy washed and trimmed celery at Costco, and devour a package a week by myself. And, I’m a pack a day sugarless gum chewer.

    Meg: Good to see you. Keep coming back. Missya when you’re away too long. Oh, I can just imagine how tempted you were to adopt Roscoe.

    Lenora: Sorry about your car...or should I say 'car-ma'?

    DJ: Hope your DD is okay, physically and mentally. How scary.

    Pip: What’s up with your non-functioning wahoo hrm? Time for a new one?

    Becca: We have strong shoulders to support you as you transition towards life as an empty nester. I bet youngest son misses you just as much.

    Were is Janetr?

    July had mixed results. I lost about a pound, which is great for me. But, I didn’t keep to other commitments. These will be carried over into August Resolutions. Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    July Resolutions and Results
    Prelog breakfast and 2 snacks every day = B+
    Walk an extra six miles per week = C+
    Duolingo daily (Italian) = Fail
    Call one distant friend per week = D
    Practice Reiki daily = D
    Word for 2017: Attune

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    With some of those trailers being silver fabric of course!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Machka: I'm a hat person myself. I have around 35 hats! Maybe once my hot flashes come under control I'll wear them again!

    Rori: Chiarmarsi Rye, Sto imparando l'italiano.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,905 Member
    edited August 2017
    ryenday wrote: »
    Hello, been lurking for a while and decided to come out this month.
    The quick and dirty: 53yo, menopausal 5'4 195# and sedentary for decades in chronic pain and frequent intense hot flashes ( hobbling around like I was at least 80 years) but with Dr. clearing me (except telling me to LOSE weight) started eating healthy, eating less, and ramping up exercise since late April.
    Slow going for sure, only a small bit of weight down, and the chronic pain has been largely replaced with DOMS pain from exercise ( so often I still hobble around) and the hot flashes have diminished some in length but not frequency or intensity.

    TLDR: In other words, Hi and I am a hot mess, getting better, but a mess nonetheless.
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka: I'm a hat person myself. I have around 35 hats! Maybe once my hot flashes come under control I'll wear them again!

    I hear you about the hot flashes.

    Apparently, I've been perimenopausal since about 2011 ... when I was about 44. Over the next several years, I started ticking off the symptoms ... the occasional hot flash and/or night sweat, the bushy eyebrows, the acne along the jaw, and the dizziness in the 2 or 3 days leading up to my periods. Then I moved into the wild mood swings which went on for a couple years ... I hardly knew myself, and I think my husband toyed with the idea of sneaking out the back door an never coming back. Thankfully those settled in about mid-2014. Next up was the nausea to accompany the dizziness in the 2 or 3 days leading up to my periods ... like morning sickness. And then hot flashes joined the team so that for 2 or 3 days each month I lived on ginger tablets.

    My periods decided that every 28 days wasn't nearly enough, and started appearing every 2-3 weeks with spotting in between. That was partly perimenopause, but also partly a very large polyp complete with precancer. Got that cleared up in January 2015 and hit my highest weight at the same time.

    So, I joined MFP in February 2015 ... and lost the weight! :) The periods eased up a little, and the hot flashes and nausea disappeared (but still a bit of dizziness). Whew! That bliss lasted about 8 months. And then it all returned with a vengeance! In the week leading up to each period (which were still coming every 3 weeks or so), I was swamped with dizziness, nausea, hot flashes and intense painful itching all over. I couldn't wear half my wardrobe because it was either too hot or too scratchy.

    They discovered a second polyp and more precancer in May ... I went for another surgery and fortunately everything is all clear in that regard now. And then I was hit with about a month of intense hot flashes combined with waves of nausea ... 20 or 30 a day. It's winter here and I started coming to work in my summer clothes!

    That drove me to start taking evening primrose oil 3 times a day and black cohosh once a day.

    I don't know if my body has just decided to cool it for a moment, or if the evening primrose oil and black cohosh are actually helping, but I've had about 2 weeks of relief. Thank goodness!

    However, I just don't know what to expect next. I feel like I'm just along for the ride now! :lol:

    Machka in Oz
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, wil PM my address so,you can send me your bandana. I have another lady at church that if I can track her down will try to get her to sign it.

    I remember one time when I was out bike riding with my girls and they just went through stop signs, didn't use hand signals or anything, I'm not really sure why I was so upset at them. It was my job to make sure they learned.