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TDEE vs Eat Back



  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    So I tried TDEE for awhile and found I prefer NEAT + eat back -- just because my physical activity seems to be varied enough that TDEE just felt less accurate for me.

    But here's something I'm struck by: you've lost 8 pounds since July. Even assuming July 1, that's better than a pound a week. And you're lean and strong to begin with so it's not like you're schluffing off bits of what is plentiful fat stores. If you don't mind slow and steady, seems you could easily add 250 calories a day and *still* lose more than a half pound a week, which I don't imagine would be all that bad. Or add 375 which puts you closer to 2000 and you're still dropping a quarter-pound a week.

    Whether NEAT or TDEE the numbers should be exactly the same -- there is nothing magical about which method you choose, provided you're bringing the same diligence and accuracy to either approach. If you really are hangry and tired all the time, consider bumping up the cals for the sake of sanity and quality of life!
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I recently switch from eating back my exercise calories to TDEE. I found that I should eat 1900 calories, which is what I was averaging when I was eating back my exercise calories anyways.

    So far, I like it. It's better than zig zagging, and I'm still losing weight

    I was worried about not using food as a reward for exercise, but I still feel just as motivated :) Now I know I can have a delicious desert everyday and not just on workout days haha

    Another worry of mine was what if my exercise routine changes.. so far no change! I even thought I didn't work out quite as much during my first TDEE week, and I still lost a pound and a half

    So far so good!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I find most calculators hard for me to figure out. According to my fit bit I am burning around 2500 calories a day. I use it for all walking activity and am estimating around 100 cals per ten minutes when lifting. This is a wild wild guess lol. I have being eating around 3000 plus a day. Last week I decided I was starving and managed 4000 :blushing: . I am maintaing roughly with this. High weeks 70kg, low weeks 68kg. I like weighing 68kg lol . Also I lift at home, so I am slowly increasing my weights and I am getting stronger and fitter.

    Anyway , I am 5'7.5 , 150 pounds. I average 1300 thousand steps. Some days with work and taking the kids to school I get 1600 steps on a high day. My work is a factory . Lots of standing at a machine, and walking carrying boxes. Somedays light, somedays quite heavy. I am trying to get consistent with lifting three days a week. I usually aikido once a week. One or two hours teaching, so walking around making sure kids stay safe, and two hours training. According to every calculator , I am eating too much lol. I also don't have a lot of muscles. Legs okay. Arms puny looking (thanks dad :noway: )

    Jo , I would expect with my work that I need to eat more than you, but you do a lot outside of work. I can be a little bit lazy. I know when I got to my low weight of 63 or 64 kilos 140 pounds ish, I felt terrible. It wasn't a good weight for me. My profile picture is at my low weight. I did have some health issues as well . My boss actually dreamt I was a drug addict. My iron and b12 were low. Fixed that. My d is up and down. I have a low heart rate . My thyroid is in the 'normal' range, but my GP thinks I am a little hyper. I know I feel better if I eat regularly. If I don't, I am a *****. Well my co-workers probably think that anyway :wink:

    But yeah we are all different, but I can help thinking you could eat a little more. But my other thought is to get a blood test, just to see if iron or anything is out of wack ?
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    With 7k + posts you seem to know what to do for everyone else but not yourself...

    Or you do know the answer but don't want to accept it. So look are you the other women you talk to? You are you, so dont worry about how much other people can eat. The scale doesn't care that you should be able to eat more or if you are hungry. If you think you have a real problem ask a real MD not some random internet meatheads.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    With 7k + posts you seem to know what to do for everyone else but not yourself...

    Or you do know the answer but don't want to accept it. So look are you the other women you talk to? You are you, so dont worry about how much other people can eat. The scale doesn't care that you should be able to eat more or if you are hungry.

    I don't think you read the post very well. It had nothing to do with "I don't know what to do for myself"
    Like I said- I've successfully put on and lost 20 pounds this year- and what I'm doing is working just fine. Just more annoying that I feel like I might could possible be eating more.

    I know very well how this works- I'm more curious as to the fact I have real time data results- and that most people prefer TDEE because it gives them more foods to eat- but my numbers are fairly low to everyone else's AND my TDEE +deficit numbers wind up about the same place as my NEAT + eat back.
    If you think you have a real problem ask a real MD not some random internet meatheads.
    wow rude much- technically by those standards you ARE one of the random internet meatheads... besides I like most of my random internet meatheads- most of them are really on point, secondly I'm not an idiot- I know when I need to see a doctor and when I just want to have a discussion about things.
    There is not a real problem- I was thinking- and wanting to get some feed back.

    and moving on
    But yeah we are all different, but I can help thinking you could eat a little more. But my other thought is to get a blood test, just to see if iron or anything is out of wack ?
    I definitely sit all day- and while I run long days- they aren't excessively physically active long days- sometimes they are- sometimes they aren't. But I can promise you there is no way I cold put down 4K without putting on weight LOL- my bulking numbers were up there around 3-3500 LOL.
    I recently switch from eating back my exercise calories to TDEE. I found that I should eat 1900 calories, which is what I was averaging when I was eating back my exercise calories anyways.

    So far, I like it. It's better than zig zagging, and I'm still losing weight

    I was worried about not using food as a reward for exercise, but I still feel just as motivated :) Now I know I can have a delicious desert everyday and not just on workout days haha

    Another worry of mine was what if my exercise routine changes.. so far no change! I even thought I didn't work out quite as much during my first TDEE week, and I still lost a pound and a half

    So far so goo

    NICE!!! that's kind of my hope was to give myself some buffer room-but technically- I'd be eating even less with TDEE- which just kind of made me sad. But I'm leaning towards giving it a shot next month and seeing how it goes- not the end of the world if I give it a shot and don't like it!!!
    But here's something I'm struck by: you've lost 8 pounds since July. Even assuming July 1, that's better than a pound a week. And you're lean and strong to begin with so it's not like you're schluffing off bits of what is plentiful fat stores. If you don't mind slow and steady, seems you could easily add 250 calories a day and *still* lose more than a half pound a week, which I don't imagine would be all that bad. Or add 375 which puts you closer to 2000 and you're still dropping a quarter-pound a week.

    I'll have to go check my weight chart- at best it's 8 pounds- at worst is only 5 (depending on the "range" of numbers you pull from) but if the trend is solid then maybe I'll toss another 200 or so on there- not that it would make a huge difference but every little bit counts right!!

    it's a good point- thank you. :)

    Definitely not in any rush- I have no where to be- my lifting and dance training isn't going anywhere- and I have no competitions or meets or anything- so really my only goal is to just be down to a lower weight by winter- that's ideal- then I don't have to worry so much about being so anal through the winter- maybe do a 3 month mini bulk again LOL- I'm starting to watch the year in terms of bulk/cut cycles.

    #lifterproblems LOL

    thanks everyone- I appreciate your thoughts on it!!! been good to kind of mull it around!
  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    If you already know what you are averaging when eating back your calories, and since your average is over a pretty good chunk of time, why not just use that average as your TDEE. Instead of relying on a calculation that is just a good guess.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So that's my question- why would my cutting numbers be so low still when everyone else is rolling deep in the 2000's plus for cutting on TDEE.

    Am I missing something??

    In my opinion:

    1) I very highly doubt that there are high percentages of females in your weight range that are successfully cutting at 2000 plus calories and the ones who are, very likely have a buttload of activity. Are there "a few" who can? Probably. But that's certainly not the majority.

    2) I don't think your current gross intake is low. 1870 puts you at just a touch under 12 kcal/lb. That's certainly within a range of what I'd consider to be very reasonable for fat loss and I wouldn't hesitate to pull calories downwards if you're not losing at a reasonable pace at that intake.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Personally I prefer the Eat Back method over TDEE. It motivates me to actually work out and it accounts for days/weeks when I just don't/can't.

    I agree that 1500 seems pretty low for someone your size. I am similarly sized and can eat 2000 plus exercise calories and lose a half pound a week. I'm wondering if your 4-5 hours of sleep is what's doing you in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My guess would be that those ladies eating 2K plus calories per day on a cut are probably doing more than just lifting 3x weekly.

    Having experimented quite a bit with different levels of activity for myself, I can tell you that if all I did was lift 3x weekly and maybe a little walking here and there, my TDEE is only around 2400-2500ish calories..basically a couple hundred more calories per day more than if I were to pretty much do nothing except my day to day activity. That would put my -20% cut at around 1900 - 2000 calories per day.

    Cycling substantially increases my overall TDEE...my maintenance has been right around 2800 or so calories per day which would put a 20% cut at around 2,240 which was right around what I was grossing with the MFP method when I was using it rather than TDEE.

    In my experience, the two methods are basically 6 of 1...I don't do TDEE because I get more food...like I said, pretty much came out the same. I switched to TDEE because my exercise became pretty routine and consistent and I found it easier to just include that activity in my day to day. I think the MFP method is great for people new to exercise who may or may not be achieving their fitness goals and working out consistently...but once it becomes routine I just find it easier to include that activity in your day to day.

    Personally, I think those ladies that are cutting at 2K plus (and there can't be many relatively speaking) are probably doing quite a bit of cardio as well.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    different BMR and they may exercise 6 times/week.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you already know what you are averaging when eating back your calories, and since your average is over a pretty good chunk of time, why not just use that average as your TDEE. Instead of relying on a calculation that is just a good guess.

    well I used the calculators to kind of reverb my ideas- but really all it told me was- my real time stuff is accurate- I was just I guess a little frustrated- most people say they can eat more on TDEE- but my TDEE with a deficit is giving me what i'm using now- even less actually.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    In my opinion:

    1) I very highly doubt that there are high percentages of females in your weight range that are successfully cutting at 2000 plus calories and the ones who are, very likely have a buttload of activity. Are there "a few" who can? Probably. But that's certainly not the majority.

    2) I don't think your current gross intake is low. 1870 puts you at just a touch under 12 kcal/lb. That's certainly within a range of what I'd consider to be very reasonable for fat loss and I wouldn't hesitate to pull calories downwards if you're not losing at a reasonable pace at that intake.

    Thanks for dropping in- I do appreciate your thoughts.
    I cant' speak on the first one- I suspect they might just straight up do more cardio than me. But meh- I do not have time- or inclination to do more cardio.

    It just FEELS low- and I suspect it's because I'm awake for longer- it just seems like I never eat enough- I'm functional- but hungry. I don't see a need to adjust down at the moment- I'm losing as it is- so no reason to drop- but if I stop losing- you can bet your sweet bippy I will. End goal trumps being full.
    if you are on a 1500 cal day diet and eat 1800 cals five days a week and 750 cals two days a week in the end you are consuming the same net cals and creating a defecit. On low cal days pack them full of raw fruits and veggies.

    Trust me if you do this, you wont be hungry.
    I 100% absolutely could not eat 750 calories for 2 days. No. Not could not. WOULD no.
    That just is NOT happening- I already semi do a cycle thing as I tend to run light through the day on Wed/Thursday and have a full dinner with my BF- or run Mon/Tuesday at an extra deficit and just eat normal on W/Thur- I don't like to be restrictive with him since we go out to dinner- so I make arrangements the rest of the week but I would not be happy doing a hard cut on two days I don't think.

    Could I do it? Sure- but I would NOT be happy.

    although I do like my veggies- LOL totally what I had for dinner last night- veggies.... then popcorn. Because I love popcorn.

    different BMR and they may exercise 6 times/week.
    very possible- I guess it just feels like I'm busier than my work reflects. I mean- I work 3 jobs- and I am in dance class for 10-15 hours a week plus the lifting. So I mean- Its not like I just lift and thats it.

    But- they could easily be doing cardio on the off lifting days!!!
    I'm jealous- but not motivated enough to do anything about it LOL
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you already know what you are averaging when eating back your calories, and since your average is over a pretty good chunk of time, why not just use that average as your TDEE. Instead of relying on a calculation that is just a good guess.

    well I used the calculators to kind of reverb my ideas- but really all it told me was- my real time stuff is accurate- I was just I guess a little frustrated- most people say they can eat more on TDEE- but my TDEE with a deficit is giving me what i'm using now- even less actually.

    I suspect it is just a "mental" thing rather than really being able to eat more. Or rather..... On a day I exercise less then I would eat less and on a day I exercise more I would eat more, but over the week the average is the same. So yes, I would be eating more day to day, but not more for the entire week. You know what I mean?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Indeed. Indeed.

    It's all good and well.

    Slow and steady- I might try TDEE for September and see if it jives better- I've been doing NEAT+eatback for so long though I'm not sure how I'll feel about not getting to come home and stuff my face after a workout LOL.

  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member

    we go for all you can eat meat at a Brazillian steak house- and I pretty much go ham.

    Brazilian Steakhouses are awesome, take the wifey there about once a month++ Fogo De Chao for the win.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    we go for all you can eat meat at a Brazillian steak house- and I pretty much go ham.

    Brazilian Steakhouses are awesome, take the wifey there about once a month++ Fogo De Chao for the win.
    Love that stuff. I mostly go ham on meats- but I do indulge in the little appetizers.
    too expensive tolls + parking- and philly traffic- there is one in Eschelon we go to- it's less expensive- and less hassle.

    I've actually never been to Fogo- we have always gone to Chima's honestly (although they are RIGHT there- no reason to not go)

    and yes- we went last night. omnonomnomnom I wasn't sure- so I didn't eat hardly anything all day- still had plenty of room to fit it all in.

    I don't think I ate as much as normal- but I am pretty sure I ate 2 peoples portions of Picana and bacon wrapped turkey. Seriously.
    On point.

    And they changed the recipe for the cheese puffs- normally I'm really meh about them- I had to fight not to eat all them last night- they were SO good.

    I'm not big on buffets or all you can eat- but brazillian steak houses- and fresh made sushi- YES. PLEASE.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member

    we go for all you can eat meat at a Brazillian steak house- and I pretty much go ham.

    Brazilian Steakhouses are awesome, take the wifey there about once a month++ Fogo De Chao for the win.
    Love that stuff. I mostly go ham on meats- but I do indulge in the little appetizers.
    too expensive tolls + parking- and philly traffic- there is one in Eschelon we go to- it's less expensive- and less hassle.

    I've actually never been to Fogo- we have always gone to Chima's honestly (although they are RIGHT there- no reason to not go)

    and yes- we went last night. omnonomnomnom I wasn't sure- so I didn't eat hardly anything all day- still had plenty of room to fit it all in.

    I don't think I ate as much as normal- but I am pretty sure I ate 2 peoples portions of Picana and bacon wrapped turkey. Seriously.
    On point.

    And they changed the recipe for the cheese puffs- normally I'm really meh about them- I had to fight not to eat all them last night- they were SO good.

    I'm not big on buffets or all you can eat- but brazillian steak houses- and fresh made sushi- YES. PLEASE.

    Chima's is awesome too, love them both+++ Make sure you join Chima's online club, $20 discount on your next meal.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh! good to know.

    I like going there as a special treat- its' the same but the environment feels nicer- so we get dressed up and go into the city and that's fun.

    I'll have to look into the on line thing- I love discounts!!!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Your numbers do seem a little low to me too. I'm 5'5" and 130 and maintain at 2200/day. Now, I tend to eat 1700 M-Th, and 3000 Fri/Sat with Sunday usually a wash, but it averages to 2200/day. I'm fairly lean at about 19% body fat (measured by bodpod)

    I also have a desk job, though I've managed to get a stand-up work station. I'm still not moving much all day. I do work out a couple times/day, with weights one session and usually an aerial class the second session, but it only totals about 1.5 hours. A couple days a week I'll mountain bike, and a couple others I'll walk. Sometimes I bike leisurely to the bar, but that's really it. I am fidgety and find lots of reasons to leave my desk, but that still doesn't add up to much.

    So yeah, it definitely seems like you could eat more and still lose.