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Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for 2nd Feb

    - Drink 5 glasses of water :( only had 2 today. Any tips anyone?

    Woah, I would be in pain if I only drank 2-4 glasses of water a day. Isn't your skin dry and itchy in the cold weather?

    Water doesn't have to be plain water...how about hot tea or iced tea? I mostly drink herbal tea. I like to pre-prep in 4-cup bottles, that makes it easier to count...if I have three for the day, I am usually good.

    You could also try a splash of lemon, lime, etc.

    Lol no, I've never been much of a drinker! Normally just had 1-2 drinks/day

    Oo I love herbal tea!
    I'll just do that lol
    I do like plain water but it's just a pain in the butt to remember!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2017

    1. Track all food :)
    2. Under 100G carbs :)
    3. Cardio/weight workout :)
    4. 60 situps :)
    5. 10 pushups :(
    6. Two hours of Cuban (rueda de casino) salsa :neutral: ended up working on something else, but got at least as much exercise
    7. Do at least one personal care activity :)
    8. 12+ cups water :)

    1. Track all food
    2. Salsa or gym...not sure if I will be able to get to the city to dance due to ice storm
    3. 10 pushups
    4. Do at least one personal care activity
    5. 12+ cups water

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Goals for Fri 3rd Feb

    - Drink 4 glasses of water *be strict* Uhmm 2?
    - 1hr exercise :) just short of
    - Squat challenge Day 5! :smiley: Day 5 is a rest day woohoo!
    - Stay under calories! Yep yep yep!
    - Personal grooming tomorrow! Nails and eyebrows! :/ K, that didnt happen but did do some crocheting :)

    Goals for Sat 4th Feb
    No kids today woohoo!!
    So me and OH gonna have a day out possibly involving gym
    - Stay within calorie limit
    - Squat challenge day 6!
    - Drink water/herbal teas to increase intake!
    - 30-1hr exercise if I don't go gym
    - Put fitness watch on!
    - Definitely do my eyebrows!

    General Goals for Feb
    - Remain consistent with water intake
    - Try to workout between 18-21 days out of 28
    - Lose 4-6lb
    - Word for Feb: Unstoppable.

    @azulvioleta6 Ice storm?! Where do you live!!!
    Someone else mentioned snow earlier too?!

    Where are you all haha?

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    J4T - Friday
    1. Try to behave at our work potluck lunch today. Make good choices. :) Done!
    2. HYDRATE ;) I can do better.
    3. Go to massage appointment and try, try, try to relax and decrease stress and anxiety over work. :D This was amazing!
    5. Do not bring home work tonight. I will have to work this weekend to be ready for business trip and meetings next week, but I can take one night to relax and maybe watch a movie.
    6. Early to bed.
    7. Unplug before bed. Read and/or journal.
    8. Try meditating. I have no idea how, but try goggling it and then try to do it.
    9. R-E-L-A-X!

    Have a great Friday!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Snow and ice, very cold winters here. Supposed to get 10 inches of snow on Tuesday and I have to drive in it on a business trip! UGH.

    @azulvioleta6 I love cucumber and lemon infused in my water. So refreshing. I like the idea of making your tea ahead of time. I like tea also, and I think I'd drink it more if I made it ahead of time. I have to find one I like that doesn't have caffeine though...

    @joan6630 What types of things do you like to sew? I wish I had time to learn. I'm horrible at it but I do love quilts.

    @kwfitgal Welcome! I also love this group. Great group of people here! I find trying to just be accountable one day at a time really helps me.

    @slittlemeister If you are as busy at work as I am, it's hard to find time to check in! LOL! (I'm pretty sure you are at least as busy if not MORE just from our past conversations. *smile*) Have a great weekend! I think you are doing great.

    Have a great weekend everyone! :wink:
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    A medium day yesterday.... overall came in at my calorie allowance, but had been hoping for a deficit so could have been better!

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks at all (will eat up the bloody ryvita if I feel the need) :/ I was actually good in the day, but was ravenous in the evening (boyfriend made a small dinner and I had run earlier) so ended up snacking a little
    - No wine tonight - G&T only :/ Was infected by Friday feeling and wanted wine...
    - Stay within calories with 300 deficit (running to work this morning so earning some extra calories) :/ The wine meant I didn't manage the deficit however I was in line with the calorie limit which is something
    - 30 min lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Work quickly and efficiently - no faffing or perfectionism :)
    - Update to-do list for weekend - need to get back on top of life admin after a few weeks of over working! :/ Didn't manage this one but will do on Sunday morning

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks
    - No lattes, cappuccinos or hot chocolates - non milky coffee only
    - Choose healthy option for dinner
    - No wine
    - One water for every alcoholic drink
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    edited February 2017
    Just for today: Friday

    Enjoy my success for this week- :p
    Stay productive :)
    8-9 glasses of water-?
    Compliment coworkers- :)
    10000 steps- :)

    Super happy, lost another 2.4 this week. I can't believe it! Currently 4th place in the loser challenge. I am coming for ya ladies!! Completely forgot to log my water. Went straight to the employee lounge for snack Friday's. After work had the beer(2) that I waited for all week. Needless to say way over, but still under mantainence.

    Just for today: Saturday

    Keep calm
    Make health conscious meals
    Be productive

    My adult children and their families live with me. It can be stressful lol. I am on baby watch for the next three days. Three 3 and under. Love them <3. Let the chaos insue!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    J4T - Friday
    1. Try to behave at our work potluck lunch today. Make good choices. :) Done!
    2. HYDRATE ;) I can do better.
    3. Go to massage appointment and try, try, try to relax and decrease stress and anxiety over work. :D This was amazing!
    5. Do not bring home work tonight. I will have to work this weekend to be ready for business trip and meetings next week, but I can take one night to relax and maybe watch a movie. :smile: Didn't work last night, but I am so stressed out about everything that has to be done before I leave for my business trip that I didn't relax either. I really need to learn ways to handle stress better.
    6. Early to bed. :) I fell asleep early and it felt wonderful.
    7. Unplug before bed. Read and/or journal. :) Went to bed early and read out of a real book, not an e-book, and it was so nice...
    8. Try meditating. I have no idea how, but try goggling it and then try to do it. :( Still need to figure out how to do this. There is no quiet place in our house and I don't know how to turn off my brain that just spins and spins constantly...
    9. R-E-L-A-X! :# This probably won't happen until I get back from this stupid 2 week long business trip that I do not want to go on! UGH!

    J4T - Saturday
    1. Try hard not to be an emotional stress eater today.
    2. Cut up veggies so they are easy to grab instead of chips or sweets.
    3. Make a grocery list of foods to pack for my trip. Need 2 weeks' worth of healthy snacks and bottled water.
    4. Start a list of clothes and items I will need to pack for trip.
    5. Stop and take a deep breath whenever I feel overwhelmed today. One thing at a time, baby steps. It'll get done.
    6. Hydrate. Maybe try an herbal tea as was suggested in an earlier post.
    7. Activity today. Either at the gym or a DVD at home.
    8. Hang a picture somewhere to remind myself why I need to stick to this!
    9. Flirt with my husband and let him know how loved he is.
    10. Read more out of my book tonight.
  • anne1k
    anne1k Posts: 6 Member
    Very productive day, getting through lots of chores with the help of my 10 year old daughter. Food wise, been ok so far, find weekends hard as hubby goes to the bakers & buys pastries & cakes. Had just one sausage roll & logged it; still on track but need to drink some more water.
    Just For The Rest of Today!
    • Get to the end of the day on track
    • Keep busy if tempted to overeat
    • drink more water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Super happy, lost another 2.4 this week.

    Great job!!!! I struggle with getting the scale to move at all! I am just aiming for 5 lbs a month if I am lucky! Keep up the good work! And , have fun with those little grandkids! Ours live 500 miles away, so enjoy every minute!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yesterday, JFT
    1. drink 2 glasses of water w/each meal :)
    2. drink water in the evening - have a glass next to me :)
    3. no popcorn, or if we do, air-blow popcorn :) Air-popcorn is actually OK - and - we don't eat as much!
    4. min 30 minutes exercise :) 60 minutes on treadmill!
    5. clean my sewing room!! Its a mess! :/:/ Try and do this today. By the evening, I am just so tired, all I want to do is sit and sew - not clean up my mess!
    6. finish the baby quilt for my niece :) Finished! Now, just have to purchase a small gift for the big brother, and I can get it sent next week.

    I've been off a day all week - kept thinking yesterday was thursday. So surprise - today is saturday! Hubby and I have to work this weekend, as we are so far behind. But ... it is cold outside anyhow, so better to have to work now than when the weather is nice. Plus, hate to turn down any sales that come in

    SO JFT, Saturday
    1. log all food
    2. get to the gym or walk outside
    3. get errands run
    4. buy valentines day cards to send to grandsons
    5. clean my sewing room -- try again to get this done!
    6. drink water. 2 glasses w/each meal
    7. sip water in the evening instead of snacking
    8. only snack will be air-blown popcorn

    @OConnell5483 - if you like to sew at all, you would love making quilts. Mostly I sew quilts, but I also sew chemo hats and "comfort" pillows for the local Cancer center. I try to sew at least 20 chemo hats a month for them.
    But my quilts right now, are mostly just scrap quilts - trying to use up some of my scraps that I hate to throw away. They are sew easy to make - just sewing strips together! Last year, I donated 19 to charity, and hope to sew at least 1 a month for charity .Its the best therapy for me, and mindless sewing, especially after a long work day :)
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    JFT. Feb 3

    Walk in the SNOW - just a little
    Make my steps ✔️
    Keep to my calorie goals✔️
    Burn off the donut I ate✔️

    JFT Feb 4 Saturday

    Lots of snow here and are area can go years without a snowflake so it looks like a home day. Would love a late night walk in the snow but I've no one to go with so....

    Get in 12,000 steps.
    Clean out fridge
    Prepare for cauliflower pizza, will make Monday
    Get out in that snow, be it high wet and drizzly.

    Keep fighting people and enjoy your weekend!!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Super happy, lost another 2.4 this week.

    Great job!!!! I struggle with getting the scale to move at all! I am just aiming for 5 lbs a month if I am lucky! Keep up the good work! And , have fun with those little grandkids! Ours live 500 miles away, so enjoy every minute!

    Thank you! I am just trying to stay diligent and aware and making small changes. For the first time I am sticking with it and it's working! I feel very fortunate my grand babies are here. I would miss the pitter-patter. Just sometimes struggle to find balance. Quiet and me time mostly lol
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Saturday

    Keep calm- :o runny noses potty training and cabin fever. This place is like a zoo lol
    Make health conscious meals- :) littles tried okra. Verdict? 1/3
    Be productive- :)

    Just for today: Sunday

    Let's try calm again
    Be productive
    Cook for babies. More veggies today

    Enjoy your day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Goals for Sat 4th Feb
    No kids today woohoo!!
    So me and OH gonna have a day out possibly involving gym
    - Stay within calorie limit - did not happen at all!
    - Squat challenge day 6! (Did these Sun morning)
    - Drink water/herbal teas to increase intake! - yeah that didn't happen either!
    - 30-1hr exercise if I don't go gym we went for a walk round a reservoir
    - Put fitness watch on! Nope!
    - Definitely do my eyebrows! Nope!

    Well Atleast I did one of them!

    Goals for Sunday 5th Feb
    Poorly OH so looking after him
    Other than that
    - stay within calories
    - Do 1hr exercise
    - Get the house back to normal!!

    General Goals for Feb
    - Remain consistent with water intake
    - Try to workout between 18-21 days out of 28
    - Lose 4-6lb
    - Word for Feb: Unstoppable.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Great job!!!! I struggle with getting the scale to move at all! I am just aiming for 5 lbs a month if I am lucky! Keep up the good work! And , have fun with those little grandkids! Ours live 500 miles away, so enjoy every minute!

    Thank you! I am just trying to stay diligent and aware and making small changes. For the first time I am sticking with it and it's working! I feel very fortunate my grand babies are here. I would miss the pitter-patter. Just sometimes struggle to find balance. Quiet and me time mostly lol

    I have a 17, almost 18 year old, granddaughter living with us. Teenage years are so hard, and it is difficult. She also lived with us when she was a baby, along with her mom (my daughter), and although it is hectic, I cried and was horribly heartbroken when they got their own place. It's a thin line, and I understand how hard, yet wonderful, this time for you is... Deep breaths, grandma! :wink:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited February 2017
    1. log all food :)
    2. get to the gym or walk outside :) 45 minutes on treadmill
    3. get errands run :)
    4. buy valentines day cards to send to grandsons :)
    5. clean my sewing room -- try again to get this done! :):)
    6. drink water. 2 glasses w/each meal :/
    7. sip water in the evening instead of snacking :/
    8. only snack will be air-blown popcor :/

    I was way off schedule yesterday, because of errands. So did not eat lunch till late. Then got into the trail mix - big mistake. I kept grabbing a handful, I think I ate an entire cup of that stuff.
    But, I did log it.
    I weigh myself every sunday morning, and weight stayed the same, so kinda discouraging. But .... not going to let that stop me. At least I did not go up, and who knows, tomorrow I may be down.

    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. have only 1 bowl of chili for dinner
    4. drink water

    keep it simple today.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    J4T - Saturday
    1. Try hard not to be an emotional stress eater today. ;) Well, I ate way too much sugar today, but it was in the form of fruit, so I'm calling it a win.
    2. Cut up veggies so they are easy to grab instead of chips or sweets. :)
    3. Make a grocery list of foods to pack for my trip. Need 2 weeks' worth of healthy snacks and bottled water. :(
    4. Start a list of clothes and items I will need to pack for trip. :(
    5. Stop and take a deep breath whenever I feel overwhelmed today. One thing at a time, baby steps. It'll get done. :/ Feeling very stressed out. Traveling for 2 weeks alone. Snow storm hitting us the day I have to leave. Up to 10 inches of snow and I'll be driving right into it. Bringing on a lot of anxious feelings.
    6. Hydrate. Maybe try an herbal tea as was suggested in an earlier post. :) I drank a lot of water. Didn't try a tea but maybe today.
    7. Activity today. Either at the gym or a DVD at home. :/ Stress exhausts me and makes me very unproductive. Trying again today.
    8. Hang a picture somewhere to remind myself why I need to stick to this! :) Well, I do have a new background on my phone that shows a woman jogging on a beach in yoga pants, very fit. The saying says "how do you want to feel this summer? Fit or jealous" Love it. I'm going to put little reminders around the house too.
    9. Flirt with my husband and let him know how loved he is. :) We watched 3 movies last night and really enjoyed just quiet relaxing time together.
    10. Read more out of my book tonight. :smile: Did this and also started a new novel, so I have an inspirational self-help book and a fictional novel going right now.

    I must seem like I am whining a lot lately, and I thank you for giving me a place to work through these things in my head. Life sometimes hits hard all at once and lately I feel like I'm buried up to my neck and can't dig my way out. It'll get better after this trip is over. Traveling alone for work always makes me anxious, especially in the winter with the icy roads. I feel it helps me to type about it on here and get some of the anxiety out.

    J4T - Sunday
    1. Try not to eat my feelings today. no junk food!
    2. Hydrate with water. Not coffee all day. Try an herbal tea today.
    3. Be proactive instead of reactive. Make a list of tasks and see how many you can get checked off today.
    4. Remember to breathe.
    5. Make list of healthy foods to bring with me on 2 week business trip. Must be easy to keep in cooler.
    6. Start a list of things to pack so I don't forget anything.
    7. Activity - go to gym to exercise, tan and sit in massage chair
    8. Meditate. Find a quiet place and try it.
    9. Get to bed early.
    10. Be kind and compassionate, patient and loving. Have a smile for everyone I interact with today. Especially family! <3
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @OConnell5483 - if you like to sew at all, you would love making quilts. Mostly I sew quilts, but I also sew chemo hats and "comfort" pillows for the local Cancer center. I try to sew at least 20 chemo hats a month for them.
    But my quilts right now, are mostly just scrap quilts - trying to use up some of my scraps that I hate to throw away. They are sew easy to make - just sewing strips together! Last year, I donated 19 to charity, and hope to sew at least 1 a month for charity .Its the best therapy for me, and mindless sewing, especially after a long work day :)

    I think that is a great idea, to sew the pillows and hats for the local Cancer center. I have sewn a couple of baby quilts for grandkids but I am not very good at sewing, so I need to learn to "quilt" them and not just tie them off with yard. I was told to try "stitch in a ditch" but have not tried it yet. We moved into a smaller home 2 years ago and I no longer have a sewing room. My goal when I get home from this business trip is to set one up somewhere so I can sit and work on some quilting. I do enjoy trying to sew but do not enjoy having to drag everything out to do it and then put it away for dinner. I'm not very creative so I'm always afraid if I just sew scraps together, the materials will clash and won't look nice when done. I have to quit being so picky and just do it because I love the ones I see that other people do! Thanks for the idea. Enjoy!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Goals for Sunday 5th Feb
    Poorly OH so looking after him
    Other than that
    - stay within calories - yep! Majorly under! Treats tonight in bed :p
    - Do 1hr exercise Yep
    - Get the house back to normal!! - mehhh I'll do the laundry before bed but that's about it!
    - Squat challenge Day 6 (completed) missed a day by accident

    Goals for Mon 6th Feb
    - Stay within calorieees
    - 1 he exercise!
    - Work on water intake! (Not even putting a number on it now lol)
    - Squat Challenge Day 7
    - Finish what I didn't do in the house!

    General Goals for Feb
    - Remain consistent with water intake
    - Try to workout between 18-21 days out of 28
    - Lose 4-6lb
    - Word for Feb: Unstoppable.
