Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Joan-happy birthday. So wonderful that your husband treated you to roses :smile:

    Tracked & preplanned supper.
    Walk dog 30 mins 2x today
    Focus on what I can change now & not overwhelm myself.
    Meditate with Calm app.
    More gardening.
    Early to bed. Actually did this yesterday & I'll try not to break the habit I'm trying to make.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Operation went well, and I'm not going to need any more - problem is fixed! :)
    ^^^ Yay!!!

    @joan6630 Happy Birthday! (belated)

    @Saragirl2 - happy to see you too

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Yesterday's JFT
    :) Take lunch. Close the door or leave the office area
    :'( No refined carbs day 3 of 4 Broke down about 7 pm last night and ate some delicious Pita chips. I was alone at work and it was better than eating the chocolate. Also high fiber and I did stay in green for the day.
    :) 5 veggie/fruit Fruit is harder then veg for me
    :| Track Water - keeping this on here because it's important in the heat of summer
    o:) Week3 Day 2 C25K This was almost a frowney face because I worked late and it was raining. But I got up early this morning and did the session so I can stay on track.
    :| ID old invoices to clear FY AP - Yup, working on
    :| Write up 2003 open check affair - Yup, working on - hey if it was easy they would not still be out there from 2003.
    :o Put one thing from my closet in the donate box - I did this. It is so frustrating to have these hoarder tendencies. I can empathize with many of the people on the TV shows, the one who go all to pieces when someone else is throwing their stuff away, or can't bear to get rid of an item that they got 20 years ago. I see a lot of that in me. Then I look around my house and say "Hey, compared to that disaster this is spotless!" Thank goodness I don't have cable anymore and can't binge watch that stuff.

    07-20-2017 Just For Today
    Bed by 11:00
    5 veggie fruit
    No refined carbs day 3 of 4
    Track Water 64+ oz
    Beater Video again
    Put two things from my closet in the donate box
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    edited July 2017
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Put one thing from my closet in the donate box - I did this. It is so frustrating to have these hoarder tendencies. I can empathize with many of the people on the TV shows, the one who go all to pieces when someone else is throwing their stuff away, or can't bear to get rid of an item that they got 20 years ago. I see a lot of that in me. Then I look around my house and say "Hey, compared to that disaster this is spotless!" Thank goodness I don't have cable anymore and can't binge watch that stuff.

    ^ I so relate to this! Except for getting rid of cable, but I don't watch those shows anyway, so win? :wink: I like your approach of 1 item, 2 items. I may have to try that. :smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    edited July 2017
    Recap 7/19 W - Evening challenge will be retirement party with alcohol & dinner at venue participating in Restaurant Week w/ prix fixe menu. :smiley: Had a great reunion with 14 former colleagues. We all used to work various operations / IT / support jobs for a financial institution as our "regular" job, and together on numerous special projects for systems conversions, mergers and enhancements. That included many late nights, even weekends, and we really bonded. It was so great to see them all again, and only one person couldn't be there. :smiley:
    1) Food prelogged except dinner / have previewed dinner options and narrowed down choices / stay the course = Most of us couldn't resist, and we ordered from the prix fixe menu, which was smaller versions of appetizer, entrée and dessert. I selected shrimp cocktail, filet mignon medallions, and lime mousse tort. It was so delicious! I did my best to log everything / net calories in red near 700. It was worth it! >:)
    2) 1 - 2 adult beverages / diet soda would be better = 1 glass of wine, and water & decaf coffee at dinner table o:)
    3) Since no dog walk before work, do > 25 flights of stairs = 29 floors :smiley:
    4) At home in evening, brew tea for iced tea jug, boil eggs, prep veggies / snacks = Didn't really want to, but done :smile:
    5) Bedtime 10:30 & TV off = 10:35 close enough :smile:

    JFT 7/20 R - it's almost Friday!
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work / surprised mama turkey and 10 or 12 babies trying to cross road. Some babies had strong sense of self-preservation, or fear, and ran back into ditch and brushwood. Then some babies decided to fly (!) into cover. Forcing mama to eventually fly (!) into cover after babies. Good b/c I did not want an angry mama turkey after me and dog - they are mean! :smiley:
    2) All meals / snacks prelogged today / stick with plan and keep net calories green (tomorrow will be another dining challenge)
    3) Afternoon mindful breathing
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime 10:15 & TV off

    P.S. What's with the goofy time-stamps on this thread from last night? I did not post at 3:58 a.m.!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    So what for today?
    1) Finally do the grocery shopping.
    2) Drink 2 liters again
    3) Cook myself a healthy dinner (and lunch for tomorrow)
    4) Do. Not. Stand. On. Scale.

    I will be brutally honest, I am a complete fail today.
    1) Bough fruit and laundry detergent. That was so heavy to carry home that I postponed the rest of the groceries.
    2) Not done yet. Might still make it.
    3) I already planned to make myself quick pasta tomorrow morning for the lunch, but I am trying to motivate myself to make tofu with tomato sauce, peas and a cooked egg as a low carb dinner. Not there yet. Not sure if I can.
    4) I did it. :( I knew I shouldn't. And got frustrated, as body fat is not going down at all, not matter how hard I train and how clean I try to eat. I am at the point where everything more would feel "too forced".
    Bad day today.
    And because of that: No plan for tomorrow. Try to get to the gym as planned, maybe. But I don't dare to put that up as an actual bullet point.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    edited July 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I know its stress eating, as our daughter is getting worse, and we are so busy work-wise. I do good all day, only to eat and snack in the evenings.

    Exactly my pattern also. I eat really healthy all day and blow it between 7:30 and 8:30 every single night. I'm not giving up either, but I do have to admit that I do feel like it. Hang in there! We can and we WILL do this!

    Think of how we can look this Christmas!!

    ... ahem.
    I'm assuming I'll look 7m pregnant :sweat_smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Guess who got their phone baaaack!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I know its stress eating, as our daughter is getting worse, and we are so busy work-wise. I do good all day, only to eat and snack in the evenings.

    Exactly my pattern also. I eat really healthy all day and blow it between 7:30 and 8:30 every single night. I'm not giving up either, but I do have to admit that I do feel like it. Hang in there! We can and we WILL do this!

    Think of how we can look this Christmas!!

    ... ahem.
    I'm assuming I'll look 7m pregnant :sweat_smile:

    Oh yes -- but all so exciting!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Last nite
    Today is almost over again by the time I am posting, so for the rest of tonite, my goals will be simple
    1. had dinner with a friend - and ate very little as we were talking so much. But had 1/2 piece of chicken and some rice. I feel hungry now, but .... the kitchen is closed!! No more snacking tonite :):) TWO days in a row - brushing my teeth is helping!
    2. work on my quilt :)
    3. try not to worry about my daughter. I can only be there for her when she is ready to talk. Change my attitude instead, and take care of my own health :)
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow :)
    5. Brush and floss teeth now, to keep me from eating :):)

    My days are all mixed up - today is thursday. I kept thinking today would be friday - it should be the end of the week!

    JFT, Thursday
    1. get to the gym :) Already did this, and tomorrow, I am getting one free hour with a personal trainer. I already told him I can't afford a trainer, but he said it would be free, so why not
    2. today is my 66 birthday. Start it out eating healthy, and keep to my goals of no or only planned snacking in the evening
    3. eat smart when we go out to eat
    4. enjoy the day with hubby of 40 years. I have had 44 birthdays with him - and again tonite, while I was out with my friend, came home to a dozen red roses. Yes, I am very blessed!
    5. CLose kitchen off tonite. We are going out to eat - so no reason for snacking tonite!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @joan6630 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you have a very special day, for a very special lady!

    @slittlemeister and @joan6630 Thanks for your encouragement and insight. I actually had to call in sick today because I couldn't get myself moving this morning. I am to the point of feeling like I am getting sick from the stress and long days. I have updated my resume and am beginning to look. It will make a huge impact on our lives because I have worked my way up through the ranks over 24 years at this company and will be lucky to make even half of what I bring home now for a salary, but my health is what matters right now. So, thank you for your encouragement.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @joan6630 happy birthday!! Not sure how I missed that when everyone's posted lol!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @joan6630 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you have a very special day, for a very special lady!

    @slittlemeister and @joan6630 Thanks for your encouragement and insight. I actually had to call in sick today because I couldn't get myself moving this morning. I am to the point of feeling like I am getting sick from the stress and long days. I have updated my resume and am beginning to look. It will make a huge impact on our lives because I have worked my way up through the ranks over 24 years at this company and will be lucky to make even half of what I bring home now for a salary, but my health is what matters right now. So, thank you for your encouragement.

    Hey as you can tell I've been MIA for a couple of weeks! Where you up to with your knee! Is it still causing problems

    Feel like I've missed loads!
    Back to logging/posting every day now!

    Had my first appointment, nothing really special just getting all my notes and medical history sorted.
    First Scan booked for the 31st! Will get my due date then!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. Track all food
    2. Under 100G carbs
    3. gym workout
    4. do 2-hour fruit harvest (blueberries today)
    5. 12+ C water
    6. finish pending items on to-do list

    My general goal right now is to get back to doing regular, intentional, intense exercise. It is way too easy to spend the summer picking fruit (sometimes a hard workout, sometimes not...last night I was hiking through a huge, steep orchard and hanging off of a 12-foot ladder with 40 pounds of fruit on my back...THAT is a workout, but picking blueberries not so much), gardening, swimming and dancing at outdoor concerts...sounds active, but these things are just not enough of a workout for my body.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Log every bite :)
    2. Drink 64 oz of water :)
    3. Do knee therapy exercises ;) Did one set, but worked late and then had some major family drama after that so...yeah. that was fun.
    4. Use calming techniques throughout the day. :/ Trying to remember to breathe. I see others talking about the Calm app for meditation. I have it on my phone but never use it. I need to try to remember
    5. Update resume :) done.
    6. Get a good night rest :s Nope. Really bad night. Really bad.

    I had to stay home from work sick today. I think the stress is catching up with me. I can hardly keep my eyes open today and I feel like I am crashing. So, this is not good because this will put me behind a whole additional day.

    I know it's late but I'm posting goals anyway!

    Just for Thursday
    1. Log every bite
    2. Drink more water than yesterday
    3. Knee exercises
    4. Listen to Calm meditation or Optimal Living Daily podcasts. Bubble bath tonight. (Mind, Body and Soul)
    5. Bed early with a good book
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    :) ☆Happy Birthday to you,
    :) ☆Happy Birthday to you,
    :) ☆Happy Birthday dear @joan6630,
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Sorry to hear you are so stressed - completely understandable given all the pressure you're under! Is there really no way of re-negotiating any of the deadlines you're under? It sounds like it's having an impact on your health, which isn't something you should have to put up with...

    If not: My best tips are (1) Spare a little time each day for things that make you happy/sane. It may feel like you don't have time for them, but it's likely you'll find that if you do them, you'll be more productive and efficient which will more than recover the time! (2) Challenge unhelpful thoughts whenever you can. I could write lots on this as it's what the entire field of CBT is based on, but essentially it's about identifying 'unhelpful thinking' - such as assuming worst case scenario - and asking yourself 'is this accurate'? (3) Visualise happy things - such as getting to the end of the projects!!! (Blank out the bit in the middle...)

    I hope that helps a little.... thinking of you and sending good wishes your way!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Goals for Friday

    - eat as I have been doing (pretty badly) but LOG. Let's see what I'm dealing with here :sweat_smile:
    - Drink more water if I can but less past 7pm.
    - Remember to take my meds!
    - Try find "pregnancy safe" workout vids *yawn*
    - Think of a decent goal to set my sights on!!!