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Why are most mfp users against holistic nutrition?



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I don't personally drink the poptarts-all-day kool-aid (nor do I believe anyone enjoying any long term success does) Food IS our fuel, it's literally the only way our bodies receive the vitamins and minerals and macros they need to fight disease and thrive. I can't think of a single credible person on this site that would disagree that cake < broccoli in terms of HEALTH, but common sense would have us all strike a balance that allows us the freedom to include foods we love to eat because they taste good, with foods we love to eat because they have health benefits. You don't have to be one way or the other. Persons on either side of this argument are equally obnoxious and I personally like to hang out in the calories have context middle ground.

    A diet of nothing but broccoli could possibly more detrimental to your health than a diet of nothing but cake.
    In terms of HEALTH, context of the entire diet is important, no single food item.

    I guess I gave too much credit by assuming the readers had the common sense to deduce that I wasn't referring to a sole diet of either or but thanks for pointing that out *eyeroll*

    Under no other circumstances does "cake < broccoli in terms of HEALTH" make any sense. Because I can assure you that not eating your broccoli but instead having dessert on occasion is not going to impact your health.

    on occasion lol. Drink that IIFYM kool aid and have 25% of your daily calories come from cake and cookies and lets compare micro profiles 3 months down the road.

    Aaaand there we go.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I don't personally drink the poptarts-all-day kool-aid (nor do I believe anyone enjoying any long term success does) Food IS our fuel, it's literally the only way our bodies receive the vitamins and minerals and macros they need to fight disease and thrive. I can't think of a single credible person on this site that would disagree that cake < broccoli in terms of HEALTH, but common sense would have us all strike a balance that allows us the freedom to include foods we love to eat because they taste good, with foods we love to eat because they have health benefits. You don't have to be one way or the other. Persons on either side of this argument are equally obnoxious and I personally like to hang out in the calories have context middle ground.

    A diet of nothing but broccoli could possibly more detrimental to your health than a diet of nothing but cake.
    In terms of HEALTH, context of the entire diet is important, no single food item.

    I guess I gave too much credit by assuming the readers had the common sense to deduce that I wasn't referring to a sole diet of either or but thanks for pointing that out *eyeroll*

    Under no other circumstances does "cake < broccoli in terms of HEALTH" make any sense. Because I can assure you that not eating your broccoli but instead having dessert on occasion is not going to impact your health.

    on occasion lol. Drink that IIFYM kool aid and have 25% of your daily calories come from cake and cookies and lets compare micro profiles 3 months down the road.

    How did you read "having dessert on occasion" and get to "have 25% of your daily calories come from cake and cookies"? Who is even doing that or recommending that?

    Some people are, but even that is not an issue depending on the other 75% of the diet.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    What is a WFPB diet?

    Usually stands for Whole Foods Plant Based.
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