The best: Law enforcement The worst: Law enforcement The most unusual: Law enforcement It all just depends on the day or call lol.
I ACTED in ALABAMA with ADAM SANDLER Next person name what you did in what city/state/country with what celeb.
A little glitch in the software or else my diet has hidden surprises... LOL
A Christmas Story
Are you Floridian? If so where?
Cause who doesnt like toes...well i know one person but still toes up
like it says on the tin: what are you thinking just now? I'm thinking today is going to be a looooooong day ¬_¬
I Could Be Wrong But I Haven’t Seen A Forum Like This So Let’s All Reminisce And Be Cheesy! I’ll Start...
What name fits the person above?
Do you have a story about something that you did or something that happened around Christmas time? I'll tell you my story. When my husband and I bought our first house, we decided it would be great to get a Christmas tree that had a root ball, so we could plant it in the yard. So, we went and picked out a tree, and big…
I'll start: Eggs Benedict Arnold
How tall is the person above you?
drop an artist/band and a lyric in this form!
This is always a confounding thing this time of year. Who do give extra to for the holidays? And when do you give it? And how do you decide how much? I give to my nail tech, my hair person, my cleaning lady and my lawn service. I give each of them the amount of one service they provide. I don't tip our garbage pickup (it's…
Hi! Hope everyone is well. I am wondering if any guys on this sub would be willing to assist me? I am 29 years old and online dating the past few months after getting out of an LTR. I get a fair amount of responses to my online profiles but the guys I seem to attract are either 1) creeps or 2) can't carry a conversation. I…
Be honest and take critique light heartedly!
yep. made you look. so what would you say is the area of your body you are most proud of and what do you think needs to most work?
I'm still thinking on this one...
would u hook up with e person above keep it friendly
BRUTALLY honest--person above you hot or not and what turns you off???? !!!! Lets see who has guts this FRIDAY
Ok so I posted a filtered selfie on my wall and said that even though most of them are silly they are fun to take. Well one of the guys said he personally likes when a woman doesn’t use an filter and you can see the imperfections especially when they just wake up! So here we go, join me and post some natural untouched…
Give 2 celebrity names that would have to go head to head in a fight til the death and the next person answers and gives next 2 celeb names. I'll go first. Who would win? Steven Tyler from Aerosmith against Will Smith. PS this is my first time making one of these:D
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