FED UP - The documentary, know more about food!



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited October 2014
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    I found this programme very interesting to watch. I believe we are all looking for the one cause that causes weight gain and the one answer that can 'cure' it. thats the problem!!

    theres no one set answer! its a simple but complex issue! its all about educating yourself and knowing your own body! we are all different and our bodies work differently. some people say 'need to cut fat out' some people say 'oh cut sugar out' and others no its about the calories you put in and take out (with exercise) I believe those alone, will not work! but a mix of everything is a good way to go!!

    its all about balance and finding the right one for you. but also having common sense helps to! when looking at food products I always look at calories, fat content and sugar content. I do believe sugar is the worse, especially all the fake sugar in diet soft drinks etc....sugar is SUGAR! thats how your body sees it and wont care if you got it from a diet coke. still treats it the same as the full sugar kind.

    Just because a product is low calorie doesnt mean its always good for you! sadly most food/drink companies want to make money!! so arent going to care what they put in their products as long as they sell and make loads of money! hey im no expert! I love a krispy kreme and a tub of ben and jerrys any day but I know thats why I struggle with losing weight.

    Its all about knowing yourself :)

    One misconception in there....

    It's not believing calories in vs calories out (with exercise), it's calories out doing what you do normally during the day......whether running a marathon or sitting on the couch. Understanding how many calories you're using during that time and eating in a deficit.....

    You misread what I said then. :) My point was the answer to losing weight the right way is more than one answer. its about making smart choices with your food and knowing your own body.

    Example = if your only allowed 1300 cals a day (which is about my allowance, so annoying!) anyway, if you eat 1300 cals of junk (chocolate, cakes etc) or eat 1300 of clean healthy food (chicken, oats, carrots) im sure I dont need to say what would happen!

    In some ways I do agree you need to be active and exercise when losing weight and keep an eye on your calorie intake. BUT its not the only answer!!

    I love learning about this kind of thing, I think you have to be careful when reading food packets, they are very clever when coming to hide the hidden nasties!

    You would lose weight.

    You'd also spend a lot of time on the john eating via example 2.

    Who does #2 work for?

  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    I found this programme very interesting to watch. I believe we are all looking for the one cause that causes weight gain and the one answer that can 'cure' it. thats the problem!!

    theres no one set answer! its a simple but complex issue! its all about educating yourself and knowing your own body! we are all different and our bodies work differently. some people say 'need to cut fat out' some people say 'oh cut sugar out' and others no its about the calories you put in and take out (with exercise) I believe those alone, will not work! but a mix of everything is a good way to go!!

    its all about balance and finding the right one for you. but also having common sense helps to! when looking at food products I always look at calories, fat content and sugar content. I do believe sugar is the worse, especially all the fake sugar in diet soft drinks etc....sugar is SUGAR! thats how your body sees it and wont care if you got it from a diet coke. still treats it the same as the full sugar kind.

    Just because a product is low calorie doesnt mean its always good for you! sadly most food/drink companies want to make money!! so arent going to care what they put in their products as long as they sell and make loads of money! hey im no expert! I love a krispy kreme and a tub of ben and jerrys any day but I know thats why I struggle with losing weight.

    Its all about knowing yourself :)

    One misconception in there....

    It's not believing calories in vs calories out (with exercise), it's calories out doing what you do normally during the day......whether running a marathon or sitting on the couch. Understanding how many calories you're using during that time and eating in a deficit.....

    You misread what I said then. :) My point was the answer to losing weight the right way is more than one answer. its about making smart choices with your food and knowing your own body.

    Example = if your only allowed 1300 cals a day (which is about my allowance, so annoying!) anyway, if you eat 1300 cals of junk (chocolate, cakes etc) or eat 1300 of clean healthy food (chicken, oats, carrots) im sure I dont need to say what would happen!

    In some ways I do agree you need to be active and exercise when losing weight and keep an eye on your calorie intake. BUT its not the only answer!!

    I love learning about this kind of thing, I think you have to be careful when reading food packets, they are very clever when coming to hide the hidden nasties!

    You would lose weight.

    You'd also spend a lot of time on the john eating via example 2.

    Who does #2 work for?

    No you wouldnt! there were just a couple of healthy clean food examples but heres a list of foods which you eat that are 'clean' foods:

    brown rice
    wholemeal/grain bread
    rye bread
    brown pasta
    natural peanut butter
    greek yogurt

    (theres many more but brain getting tired!! lol)

    when im into it I eat all of that and im on the 'john' no one than once a day which is normal and healthy! again its all about MODERATION!!!!!!! :smiley:
    That list is clean? Is it clean to a vegan/vegetarian, a Paleo follower, a low carber, anti-grainer etc. Why do you get to decide what the universal clean food list is?

    the phase 'clean food' means a type of food source with one ingredient. so any food that hasnt been messed with or had things added to it before you buy. that comes in its natural form.

    lol I dont decide nothing this is stuff I have learned and Im sure many other people know about too. I love learning about food and nutrition. I always read about the key to losing weight is 20% exercise and 80% healthy food intake. I believe in that. Only sharing my opinion and beliefs.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    I found this programme very interesting to watch. I believe we are all looking for the one cause that causes weight gain and the one answer that can 'cure' it. thats the problem!!

    theres no one set answer! its a simple but complex issue! its all about educating yourself and knowing your own body! we are all different and our bodies work differently. some people say 'need to cut fat out' some people say 'oh cut sugar out' and others no its about the calories you put in and take out (with exercise) I believe those alone, will not work! but a mix of everything is a good way to go!!

    its all about balance and finding the right one for you. but also having common sense helps to! when looking at food products I always look at calories, fat content and sugar content. I do believe sugar is the worse, especially all the fake sugar in diet soft drinks etc....sugar is SUGAR! thats how your body sees it and wont care if you got it from a diet coke. still treats it the same as the full sugar kind.

    Just because a product is low calorie doesnt mean its always good for you! sadly most food/drink companies want to make money!! so arent going to care what they put in their products as long as they sell and make loads of money! hey im no expert! I love a krispy kreme and a tub of ben and jerrys any day but I know thats why I struggle with losing weight.

    Its all about knowing yourself :)

    One misconception in there....

    It's not believing calories in vs calories out (with exercise), it's calories out doing what you do normally during the day......whether running a marathon or sitting on the couch. Understanding how many calories you're using during that time and eating in a deficit.....

    You misread what I said then. :) My point was the answer to losing weight the right way is more than one answer. its about making smart choices with your food and knowing your own body.

    Example = if your only allowed 1300 cals a day (which is about my allowance, so annoying!) anyway, if you eat 1300 cals of junk (chocolate, cakes etc) or eat 1300 of clean healthy food (chicken, oats, carrots) im sure I dont need to say what would happen!

    In some ways I do agree you need to be active and exercise when losing weight and keep an eye on your calorie intake. BUT its not the only answer!!

    I love learning about this kind of thing, I think you have to be careful when reading food packets, they are very clever when coming to hide the hidden nasties!

    You would lose weight.

    You'd also spend a lot of time on the john eating via example 2.

    Who does #2 work for?

    No you wouldnt! there were just a couple of healthy clean food examples but heres a list of foods which you eat that are 'clean' foods:

    brown rice
    wholemeal/grain bread
    rye bread
    brown pasta
    natural peanut butter
    greek yogurt

    (theres many more but brain getting tired!! lol)

    when im into it I eat all of that and im on the 'john' no one than once a day which is normal and healthy! again its all about MODERATION!!!!!!! :smiley:
    That list is clean? Is it clean to a vegan/vegetarian, a Paleo follower, a low carber, anti-grainer etc. Why do you get to decide what the universal clean food list is?

    the phase 'clean food' means a type of food source with one ingredient. so any food that hasnt been messed with or had things added to it before you buy. that comes in its natural form.

    lol I dont decide nothing this is stuff I have learned and Im sure many other people know about too. I love learning about food and nutrition. I always read about the key to losing weight is 20% exercise and 80% healthy food intake. I believe in that. Only sharing my opinion and beliefs.

    It's more like 20% exercise and 80% diet (making your deficit), losing does not require 80% "healthy food".
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    edited October 2014
    there were just a couple of healthy clean food examples but heres a list of foods which you eat that are 'clean' foods:

    brown rice
    wholemeal/grain bread
    rye bread
    brown pasta
    natural peanut butter
    greek yogurt
    the phase 'clean food' means a type of food source with one ingredient. so any food that hasnt been messed with or had things added to it before you buy. that comes in its natural form.

    lol I dont decide nothing this is stuff I have learned and Im sure many other people know about too. I love learning about food and nutrition. I always read about the key to losing weight is 20% exercise and 80% healthy food intake. I believe in that. Only sharing my opinion and beliefs.

    Where are you finding single ingredient bread, pasta, and Greek yogurt? Is there such a thing as a bread plant?
  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    BrettPGH_ wrote: »

    Everyone else pretty much covered the sugar alarmism and biased presentation of the documentary, I just wanted to point out something about this graphic.

    When's the last time you saw someone down an entire jar of spaghetti sauce?

    See my point? They show you a pretty graphic with surprising numbers, and they don't take a second to factor in something as basic as serving size. That one jar of pasta probably has around 8 servings in it.

    I hate these food documentaries. They're just slick propaganda designed to prey on people.

    err no, most of clearly state "per portion serving"

    most 'low fat' products are crammed full of sugar to make up for the taste. if you see something that looks unhealthy and yummy but low in calories and you think wow thats just too good to be true? well your right it is too good to be true! :)

    The comparison really isn't accurate. An entire bag of m&ms has around 30 grams of sugar. Depending on which type of Prego sauce (or any pasta sauce for that matter) is around 10 (I saw others that were lower than that). When people eat m&ms, they eat the whole bag, not a portion of it. When people eat from a jar of pasta sauce, they eat the serving, not the whole jar. And pasta sauce of one of those things where you don't eat over the whole serving unless you make a desperate effort to get every bit out of the bowl. Very misleading.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)

    What about flounder? Do you list flounder separately or is still considered to be just "fish" in general rather than a type of fish. I'm a pescatarian so I really need to know this as I eat a ton of fish.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)

    As shark is not plain white fish, should it have a different line, or can it go under fish too? ;)

    tuna? Oh god, I want a hot mercury injection from a tuna steak. I would totally dry it and do lines of it, cut with a little wasabi and soy sauce.
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)

    Wait so if fish is just plain white stuff, what the heck type of organism is this salmon that I'm eating?!
  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    BrettPGH_ wrote: »

    Everyone else pretty much covered the sugar alarmism and biased presentation of the documentary, I just wanted to point out something about this graphic.

    When's the last time you saw someone down an entire jar of spaghetti sauce?

    See my point? They show you a pretty graphic with surprising numbers, and they don't take a second to factor in something as basic as serving size. That one jar of pasta probably has around 8 servings in it.

    I hate these food documentaries. They're just slick propaganda designed to prey on people.

    err no, most of clearly state "per portion serving"

    most 'low fat' products are crammed full of sugar to make up for the taste. if you see something that looks unhealthy and yummy but low in calories and you think wow thats just too good to be true? well your right it is too good to be true! :)

    The comparison really isn't accurate. An entire bag of m&ms has around 30 grams of sugar. Depending on which type of Prego sauce (or any pasta sauce for that matter) is around 10 (I saw others that were lower than that). When people eat m&ms, they eat the whole bag, not a portion of it. When people eat from a jar of pasta sauce, they eat the serving, not the whole jar. And pasta sauce of one of those things where you don't eat over the whole serving unless you make a desperate effort to get every bit out of the bowl. Very misleading.

    maybe, but again depends on the type of person. Ive done it countless times when cooking a pasta bake for me and the other half, I use a whole jar of sauce (which says on label 4 serving portions) for just me and bf and of course we dont get exactly half a jar each, I might get more than him or other way round (but as im cooking I usually give myself a bit extra ;) lol) I think cereal is the worse for it! most say a serving is about 25grams (around that, dont know exact figure) but come on?? ive measured that out and think, 'is that it??' not saying everyone does it of course! but some do put a bit extra in. I know I have!! lol

  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    Somewhere, there is a dead horse that is getting beaten.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Wow - firstly refined sugar is not the same as fructose. .

    No it is not. Sugar that has been refined from cane or beets is sucrose which takes longer to break down in your system because it is a disaccharide (2 different types of sugar make up the molecule, in the case of cane or beet sugar it is fructose and glucose). Fructose hits your system quicker because it is a monosaccharide. (This is why it is best to give someone having a hypoglycemic episode fructose in the form of fruit juice or glucose tablets, because it hit the system quicker and spikes the blood sugar faster than sucrose, corn syrup, or honey)
    Fructose best treatment for hypoglycemia? You sure?

    Yeah, that doesn't sound right to me either, at least for all cases. It depends on what is causing the hypoglycemia. I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia when I was 12 and had to go to the school nurse all the time from junior high through high school because of sugar crashes. I was supposed to eat complex carbs or something with carbs and protein together. Another kid had juvenile diabetes and was often in there at the same time as I was. He got to have Coke for his low sugar.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)

    Wait so if fish is just plain white stuff, what the heck type of organism is this salmon that I'm eating?!

    One fish, two fish.
    Red fish.
    Blue Fish.

    Red, obvs.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Wow - firstly refined sugar is not the same as fructose. .

    No it is not. Sugar that has been refined from cane or beets is sucrose which takes longer to break down in your system because it is a disaccharide (2 different types of sugar make up the molecule, in the case of cane or beet sugar it is fructose and glucose). Fructose hits your system quicker because it is a monosaccharide. (This is why it is best to give someone having a hypoglycemic episode fructose in the form of fruit juice or glucose tablets, because it hit the system quicker and spikes the blood sugar faster than sucrose, corn syrup, or honey)
    Fructose best treatment for hypoglycemia? You sure?

    Yup, I'm sure. When one of my diabetic friends have a hypo episode fruit juice (which contains fructose) or glucose tabs are what their doctors recommend to quickly raise their blood sugar. Sucrose can take a couple of minutes longer but is good if the others aren't available.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited October 2014
    kaseyr1505 wrote: »
    Somewhere, there is a dead horse that is getting beaten.

    Dang....emoticon doesn't work here..
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Want to talk about odd labeling? I've seen gluten free sugar, gluten free soap, and even gluten free shirts.

    People will fall for anything.

    In terms of gluten free soaps/shampoos... there are chemicals that are derived from gluten. For those with Celiac and some with an intolerance, these chemicals/ingredients can cause a skin reactions. In the case of my wife, she has persistent dry and itchy scalp. This was the case even after trying 15 different shampoo. It was not until she tried a shampoo that did not have this ingredient was she able to get rid of the dry and itchy scalp. I would suggest thinking of it like medicines that are derived from a ingredient you are allergic to. For me, anything that even remotely tied to penicillin will make me ill.

    Not everything is cut and dry.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited October 2014
    RGv2 wrote: »
    kaseyr1505 wrote: »
    Somewhere, there is a dead horse that is getting beaten.

    Dang....emoticon doesn't work here..

    How about this one? Works for threads like this in my opinion.

  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Mackerel.... mercury loads are totes clean ya'll.

    You have Fish.
    You have Mackerel.

    Mackerel is not fish?

    lol mackerel is a type of fish yes! when i said fish I just meant the plain white stuff. mackerel is different to plain white fish (cod, haddock etc!) just examples. :)

    Wait so if fish is just plain white stuff, what the heck type of organism is this salmon that I'm eating?!

    salmon is fish of course!! :) but its more like mackerel, sardines etc. myself (my opinion not fact!) would class it different to cod and haddock as the calories and fat content are different