Small But Super Helpful Habits



  • carcars3872
    carcars3872 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't buy elasticated trousers even if they are a smaller size- they will fool you!

    Clean your teeth straight after dinner, then you won't want any more food (doesn't go well with the mintiness of toothpaste!).

    Chew your food properly. Makes it last longer, tastes better, and makes you feel full sooner and longer.

    As well as weighing all foods that aren't pre-weighed, buy smaller dinner plates - works wonders for portion control :smiley: [/quote]

    I allow myself enough calories for a prime time snack

  • carcars3872
    carcars3872 Posts: 2 Member
    This makes sense!!
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Eat vegetables with every meal. Even breakfast. I put spinach in my scrambled eggs, tomatoes on my egg sandwich.
  • joeyana7
    joeyana7 Posts: 179 Member
    I try to drink alot of water and green tea. I cut down butter in my dishes and I always have fruits around that way instead of reaching unhealthy snacks, I would just snack on fruits :)
  • ttfnweight
    ttfnweight Posts: 202 Member
    One of the big things for me was getting a good digital food scale. I weigh every thing because it's very easy to underestimate what you eat. By weighing food it makes me accountable for every choice I make. If I'm having a sandwich with turkey, lettuce, and tomato, I might weigh out just a half ounce of cheese or skip it entirely.

    Also knowing how many calories are in a teaspoon or tablespoon of mayo, butter, catsup, or mustard makes me very aware of the small stuff I add to sandwiches. Like the mustard (almost no calories) might be a better choice than the mayo (fairly high in calories). Or I often cut back to a teaspoon or less mayo or butter on a slice of bread, simply because I don't want to have to log it.

    Mentally I'm trying to get used to the idea that I don't have to feel 'full' all the time. I really don't like the feel of a growling empty stomach either, but there is a happy medium where I'm neither full or empty and I'm trying to get used to that. Everytime I go to the refrigerator or poke around for something to eat, I ask myself if I'm really hungry or I'm just bored and need to find something to do that will occupy both my hands and my mind. And I'm learning to skip second helpings too.

    It's great to consider some of the small things because they do add up in the long-run and by making some small changes you can set in motion some big dividends.

    I think of all I've read THIS is some solid advice. Sounds like something I can relate to and do. Thanks. One of the best advice because we are not "dieting" here. We are changing our way of thinking And eating, and in the long term our lives.
  • Stickthejugon80
    Robot Mode...

    1. Don't want to work out - switch to robot mode and just do it
    2. Want to eat more - switch to robot mode and do something else
    3. Don't want water instead of another glass of wine - switch to robot mode and drink the water
    4. Don't want to switch to robot mode - switch to robot mode and realise it's what gets me through when it's tough.

    lol, I sound like a nutter :neutral:
  • krystalclemmens
    Water for me.. I was amazed how many pointless calories I was wasting away
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Planning. "failing to plan = planning to fail"

    Weighing and measuring. Tedious but necessary.

    Portions. Buy a big package of XYZ and put 1 serving into a small zipoc bag. Works good for meat portions ( then freeze them) , snacks, really anything
  • pierceygirl
    pierceygirl Posts: 7 Member
    I needed to keep it simple. So, now, i don't eat flour or sugar. If I get hungry between meals I eat two poached eggs.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    mgcarrillo wrote: »
    RaceB wrote: »
    Flavored seltzer water. Lime or lemon (obviously no sugar or fake sugar added). Zero calories... you quickly get used to it, and it's a lot better than plain old water. A 12 pack is about $4 bucks.

    I mention it specifically because you said you were a bit of a sodahead. I've seen this as a successful switch for a few different people (including me) and a soda-centric family of it does work!

    This might be the solution to my sweet drink addiction; thanks for the idea!

    This was huge for me. There are so many good fruity seltzers now -- grapefruit is my favorite but there are lots of different ones. Still water just doesn't do it for me.
  • Artemiris
    Artemiris Posts: 189 Member
    Robot Mode...

    1. Don't want to work out - switch to robot mode and just do it
    2. Want to eat more - switch to robot mode and do something else
    3. Don't want water instead of another glass of wine - switch to robot mode and drink the water
    4. Don't want to switch to robot mode - switch to robot mode and realise it's what gets me through when it's tough.

    lol, I sound like a nutter :neutral:

    This is funny.

    "Robot", the new denomination for "self-control".
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    Haven't changed to much to my regular diet. Except i try my best to avoid eating too much processed foods that are high in sugar.
    Also snacking on raw veges(carrots, beans) and nuts when feeling remotely hungry. Lastly drinking plenty water.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    edited November 2015
    I eat what I want as long as it fits in my calorie goal for the day. Weekends, I eat at maintenance or sometimes not lol. Carbs, dairy, you name it. I even drink on the weekends! Shhhhhh....
  • rustyquinn
    rustyquinn Posts: 41 Member
    jrline wrote: »
    drink plenty of water take the stairs instead of elevators have fun


  • pdwyer569
    pdwyer569 Posts: 7 Member
    Personally for me it's all about making a healthy lifestyle a part of you normal life. So for me, that meant identifying my unhealthy habits and slowly replacing one-by-one with healthy habits.

    It is important to not overwhelm yourself by trying to make to many changes at once.

    Try building these healthy habit changes into daily rituals that become like second nature. Here you can find an example of how implementing a ritual can help start you day on the right foot.

    I wish you all the luck and please feel free to add me as a friend for helpful motivation! :D
  • Khovde07
    Khovde07 Posts: 508 Member
    Everyone always kept telling me to drink plenty of water. But I had to force myself because I prefer pop. So I have a 1-liter bottle of water at my desk at work. When I get into work in the morning I fill it and put a pack of Crystal Lite to make it yummier. My goal is to drink 1 liter before lunch and another liter before the end of the day. Having the Crystal Lite in the bottle helps me finish as well because I don't want to "waste" it. Then if I work out, I bring my workout water bottle and try to finish that as well.

    I always see a big difference on the scale when I'm drinking enough water and when I'm not.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Lots of bad tips in this thread
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Lots of bad tips in this thread

    And yet it's still a recommended sticky :/ might as well read the cover of every health magazine at the store, then watch Dr oz and The Doctors. 101 quick tips guaranteed to drop 30 pounds by Christmas!'
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    Good tips, bad tips, odd tips......we're all different so different things work. For me, it is finding an eating style I can live with forever. That means I eat out, stop at fast food places and eat convenience foods. I hate to cook! I've learned to read labels, measure (weigh) things and eat reasonable portions. I've learned to increase my activity doing something I enjoy and can maintain. CICO.
  • cristinaguglielmini7
    You're actually better off having whole foods. Low fat = higher sugar content, which is added to give flavour. I recently watched an Australian film/documentary titled "That Sugar Film" that blew the marketing of low/no fat diet products out of the stratosphere. Using the information this treasure disclosed has made a big difference to my weight loss. One result is that I don't feel as hungry as before. THANK GOD!
    mgcarrillo wrote: »
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    Went from whole fat milk to fat free

    Funny, I went from skim to whole fat milk :pensive:

    Having supplies of nuts and coconut chips - they are a very easy form of a snack and very satisfying.
    Getting some tools for work, I have some salt-free seasoning, a microwave steamer tray, and knife, and now a food scale. This way i can just bring some fresh produce and keep in work fridge and prepare on the spot. Everything tastes better fresh :)

    I have a weird thing with milk, where if I drink low fat or skim, my brain thinks of it as a "drink" (i.e., not a big deal) and I consume more without even thinking about it, whereas whole milk registers to me as a "food" and I'm careful about only drinking a reasonable amount. But that may be just my personal oddness.