Serious Question for MILFS (pics)



  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    The answer is never, gives children no freedom.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I personally think all children should be put on leashes. Especially to those "parents" that let their kids run wild with no regard for anything or anyone else.

    I've definitely witnessed instances where these items should have been employed. You've seen it too, admit it.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Lol! Reminds me of when my dad's company first transferred him to America. My mother called home to her family horrified that Americans put their children on leashes. She apparently had never seen one before coming to the US. I must say that I have never placed my daughter in a harness or on a leash but I can see why certain parents might need to base on the child's temperment and the situation.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    The answer is never, gives children no freedom.

    It gives them more freedom than putting them in a stroller or holding their hand so that they have to stay by your side... just saying.
  • Korkor90
    Korkor90 Posts: 13 Member
    You harness a child once they like to walk on their own and they dont have a sense of danger so they run and leave you. In places in theme parks and just walking in crowds this is good so you always know where they are and they cant get far from you.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Lol! Reminds me of when my dad's company first transferred him to America. My mother called home to her family horrified that Americans put their children on leashes. She apparently had never seen one before coming to the US. I must say that I have never placed my daughter in a harness or on a leash but I can see why certain parents might need to base on the child's temperment and the situation.

    Shhh, your common sense and rationality won't be appreciated in this thread.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    My older ran away from me in a department store when I was 8 months pregnant. It was all decorated for Christmas with many trees I could not squeeze in between. I genuinely could not catch the little mofo. We stopped at Babies R Us on the way home and bought a wrist leash. I only used it a couple of times, but I think the question is safety. If you believe you might possibly be in a situation where the kid could outrun you and you could not control the situation, then who are people to judge you for harnessing them (and why should you give a f- what they think)? I happen to think a wrist leash is a lot better technique than a beating, but apparently people are in here promoting that as the better solution. If you think putting your child in a harness is unnecessary or wrong, then your wife has no authority to make you do so.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Watch a 3 year old bolt away from his mommy in a parking lot as she is trying to get the baby out of the car seat and him get hit by a car and you may change your mind about the whole "they are not dogs thing" We harness dogs for THEIR protection, the same as children. There is no reason what so ever that a parent needs to have undue stress of ANYTHING when not necessary. My goodness isnt there enough in this wicked world to worry about?

    What age is appropriate to not do this anymore? When the child is mentally mature enough to understand boundaries and ramifications for their actions. 3 years old is NOT that age for many children.

    I am certainly not one to judge a parent for the decisions they are making for their own childs well being. It beats passing the kid off from person to person so parent can go party, any day of the week.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Our daughter has been taught to stay with us. Train your children, don't leash them like untrained puppies.

    (Maybe I would consider this for a very crowded area where I might not notice if she disappeared for a second...but not for lack of training on her part, just to make sure we didn't get shoved apart.)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I never used one nore will I ever!! IF your child is a "bolter" then they shouldn't be walking around. They should be in a stroller. and if they are defiant kids than some discipline needs to be done and they also need to HIGHLY taught of the dangers of "bolting" away from mommy OR daddy.
    IF your child is Autistic then placing them on a leash isnt going to do much but upset them more... Put them in a stroller with seat belts...
    I think children are human, not canine, and (with intelligent enough parents) are capable of being taught not to run off. If they are not old enough to be taught not to run off, they are probably not old enough to walk very long distances anyway and should either be carried or in a stroller....Children also have hands, not paws, that can be held when walking places.
    If the child is running off they are clearly not getting appropriate discipline and teachings from the parent. My daughter not allowed to leave the house without holding our hands They ignored She has ignored me on a few occasion to test me, and we went home. period. Eventually she got it.. and how dangerous it is out...

    A leash for a chid is not the answer because it is only temporarily solving the problem it is not teaching the child anything. The child needs to be free to walk in order to teach safety, and right from wrong.

    AND the reason we put them on our dogs is cause ITS THE LAW!!!! I have 2 large German Shepherds, both which I have trained very well, they are OFF leash trained and walk by my side 100% of the time, and aren't distracted by anything... BECAUSE THEY ARE TRAINED/taught AND DISCIPLINED! .I would love to walk them off leash BUT the law says i cant!

    better hold on tight to the reigns of that high horse of yours. It's a long way down.

    Silly Allons! She doesn't need reins, she and the horse are so well trained that they are completely unnecessary.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :glasses:
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    lydia_the_tattooed_lady Posts: 324 Member
    I'm one of 10 kids and we NEVER used anything remotely resembling a leash. It's called being a parent and teaching the child how to behave in public. They should always be taught that the street is dangerous, to always hold a grown up's hand, and to respect adults. We never had any issues with this.
  • 3_is_enough
    3_is_enough Posts: 25
    Never. But that's just my opinion.

    I agree...never, in my opinion. It's a child, not an animal. If you can't contain your own child, maybe you shouldn't be doing whatever you need a leash for. I have 3 children, and I have not needed this.

    To each his/her own, but I don't think they are necessary.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I have a very busy 20 month old girl, who would love to bolt away from me if she could. But, I don't let her.I also never wanted to use the leashes....So, I very repetitively talk to her about staying with mommy, and we have to hold hands when we go out (walking/mall wherever). It took some time for her to get it, but now when we go out, she actually pulls her hand out for me to hold it. I mean, she's a kid she obviously will try to escape every once in a while but overall... she's good!

    If she didn't listen and for whatever reason was a little terror I might of re considered it lol
    Who knows maybe in the future I'll have some more kids and things might get rowdy..., as a parent you have to do whats right for you and your children, cause at the end of the day no one is really going to give a damn about your kids and safety matters! Do whatcha gotta do!!
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    never, unless they are an escape artist. i like the whole hold my hand approach a lot better. that being said i have seen a few kids that really should be on leashes but that was bc they went out of their way to dodge their parents.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member

    or leashes

  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I went to take my two sons on a walk. My older (almost 3 years old) wanted to walk. I was holding his hand when my wife stopped me and slapped one of these on them. I also had the other one in a double stroller.


    When is it appropriate to harness your child and at what age(s)?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    the thing that bothers me about people and their views on harnasses is that they dont see them as keeping your child safe. they see them as leashes that you would use on your dog. but why do we use leashes for our dogs? to keep them from running away right? our pets are treated as family. we would never do anything to hurt them and the same goes for our children so i say whenever you think its appropriate and neccessary for you thats when you use it. i had one for my daughter but she just didnt like it lol ripped it off every chance she got. its all about the safety and protection of your kids
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    IMO cousin had one and they told him it was just like frisky's leash, so he would walk around on all 4s and bark like a dog. Ever since then I have thought they were terrible
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I don't think it's anyone's business really. I never used one for my son, but he was not one to run off from me. People use them to keep their children safe, they're not doing it to be mean or demeaning.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've never understood why you leash children.

    Dogs don't understand they shouldn't do things, and law requires it, therefore, leash them.

    Children aren't dogs, so don't treat them as such.

    Teach your children right, and be capable of outrunning them, which just about any adult can do.
  • I have two dogs, one needs a leash and the other just casually strolls next to me. I have two boys never leashed, keep my mom-eye on them and always used good judgement when walking. No distractions, cell calls, texting, keep both eyes on your children, teach them street safety and yes they are never too young to learn. If you can teach them "HOT" or "clean up time" you can teach them what the side walk is for.