Grrrrr...visit to my doctor

So I had always been within the same 10 lb weight range for years and then I suddenly gained 15 lbs seemingly overnight...even though it was probably over a few months. I had not changed my eating habits at all so I was curious about what was going on. My blood work from my physical revealed low hormones so I set up an appointment with an Endocrinologist just to make sure something funky wasn't going on with my hormones. Well, he just told me that I'm "healthy as a horse" and nothing is wrong with hormones/thyroid. He wrote down a list of foods for me to cut out of my diet which are as follows: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chocolate, honey, sugar, peas, corn, and alcohol. Is it wrong of me to actually be disappointed that something wasn't wrong that caused the weight gain??...because now it means I REALLY have to tighten up my diet instead of simply taking a pill to "fix" what was wrong...I guess the truth hurts......


  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    there is no need at all to cute those things from you diet. have you been tracking your calories for the months in which you gained the weight? gaining weight comes with eating at a surplus.
    eat the things you like at a sensible deficit, and you will lose weight.

    calculate your TDEE here, and eat 75-85% of that number.

    your doctors suggestion is a poor one.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Eat less than you burn

    You don't need to cut out specific foods unless you want to ..just weigh and track your food
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    mjon11 wrote: »
    So I had always been within the same 10 lb weight range for years and then I suddenly gained 15 lbs seemingly overnight...even though it was probably over a few months. I had not changed my eating habits at all so I was curious about what was going on. My blood work from my physical revealed low hormones so I set up an appointment with an Endocrinologist just to make sure something funky wasn't going on with my hormones. Well, he just told me that I'm "healthy as a horse" and nothing is wrong with hormones/thyroid. He wrote down a list of foods for me to cut out of my diet which are as follows: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chocolate, honey, sugar, peas, corn, and alcohol. Is it wrong of me to actually be disappointed that something wasn't wrong that caused the weight gain??...because now it means I REALLY have to tighten up my diet instead of simply taking a pill to "fix" what was wrong...I guess the truth hurts......

    Sounds to me like your Endocrinologist, a highly trained, respected and educated doctor is advising a "Paleo style" diet and the most exciting part of all is that he didn't simply give you a quick fix pill. He advised food as your medicine. Nutrition is becoming important and preventative measures are being endorsed. That is really an exciting advancement in modern medicine.

    I hope you choose to follow his advise. Good luck! :)

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Perhaps you should ask him why if there is nothing wrong he wants you to do this. Doctors have their biases and there is no reason to give up what you don't want to without a reason. Perhaps he should refer you to a registered dietitian to tailor a plan for you.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    mjon11 wrote: »
    So I had always been within the same 10 lb weight range for years and then I suddenly gained 15 lbs seemingly overnight...even though it was probably over a few months. I had not changed my eating habits at all so I was curious about what was going on. My blood work from my physical revealed low hormones so I set up an appointment with an Endocrinologist just to make sure something funky wasn't going on with my hormones. Well, he just told me that I'm "healthy as a horse" and nothing is wrong with hormones/thyroid. He wrote down a list of foods for me to cut out of my diet which are as follows: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chocolate, honey, sugar, peas, corn, and alcohol. Is it wrong of me to actually be disappointed that something wasn't wrong that caused the weight gain??...because now it means I REALLY have to tighten up my diet instead of simply taking a pill to "fix" what was wrong...I guess the truth hurts......

    Sounds to me like your Endocrinologist, a highly trained, respected and educated doctor is advising a "Paleo style" diet and the most exciting part of all is that he didn't simply give you a quick fix pill. He advised food as your medicine. Nutrition is becoming important and preventative measures are being endorsed. That is really an exciting advancement in modern medicine.

    I hope you choose to follow his advise. Good luck! :)

    So if he said to eat the Mediterranean Diet instead would you still say the same thing?
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    drmerc, I am serious in my comments. I believe food is your medicine.

    Wheelhouse, as long as it is a natural food based diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables I would say the same thing. I can't eat wheat as it makes me really ill, so that is why a Paleo style diet is my personal choice.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    mjon11 wrote: »
    So I had always been within the same 10 lb weight range for years and then I suddenly gained 15 lbs seemingly overnight...even though it was probably over a few months. I had not changed my eating habits at all so I was curious about what was going on. My blood work from my physical revealed low hormones so I set up an appointment with an Endocrinologist just to make sure something funky wasn't going on with my hormones. Well, he just told me that I'm "healthy as a horse" and nothing is wrong with hormones/thyroid. He wrote down a list of foods for me to cut out of my diet which are as follows: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chocolate, honey, sugar, peas, corn, and alcohol. Is it wrong of me to actually be disappointed that something wasn't wrong that caused the weight gain??...because now it means I REALLY have to tighten up my diet instead of simply taking a pill to "fix" what was wrong...I guess the truth hurts......

    Sounds to me like your Endocrinologist, a highly trained, respected and educated doctor is advising a "Paleo style" diet and the most exciting part of all is that he didn't simply give you a quick fix pill. He advised food as your medicine. Nutrition is becoming important and preventative measures are being endorsed. That is really an exciting advancement in modern medicine.

    I hope you choose to follow his advise. Good luck! :)

    if he said paleo was bunk and OP can eat all the foods she/he wants in moderation and lose weight, you would also agree?

    OP - you can eat all the foods listed you just need to eat less of them.

    I would suggest buying a food scale and weighing, logging, measuring everything and tracking it on MFP ….
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    drmerc, I am serious in my comments. I believe food is your medicine.

    Wheelhouse, as long as it is a natural food based diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables I would say the same thing. I can't eat wheat as it makes me really ill, so that is why a Paleo style diet is my personal choice.

    Just because it's your personal choice does not make it the best or right.

    @OP I'm surprised a doctor would tell you to cut certain things from your diet outright.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    drmerc, I am serious in my comments. I believe food is your medicine.

    Wheelhouse, as long as it is a natural food based diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables I would say the same thing. I can't eat wheat as it makes me really ill, so that is why a Paleo style diet is my personal choice.

    Ahh, I see your restrictions will dictate which way you go as a matter of course.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Potatoes? Potatoes are great and a perfectly healthy food in moderate amounts. Your doctor sounds to be of the anti carb brigade. As others have said, there is no need to cut out those foods. It is always good to try and get your nutrition from healthy sources, but I see nothing wrong with rice, corn, peas and potatoes.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Oh my friend ndj1979, I would have been disappointed if you didn't comment on my post. You do seem to be fascinated with what I have to say.

    No Endocrinologist would advise me to eat wheat as it makes me too ill and the Primal/Paleo I follow is simply full of healthy foods and is not strict like the ancient Paleolithic diet. I simply choose not to eat preservative, additives and I am trying as much as possible to get added sugar out of my diet. I am sure he would be delighted with my choices and if not I would certainly seek another specialist.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Your doctor should have his license pulled.
    That advice is the absolute height of nutritional incompetence. Just follow the MFP way and lose weight slowly, steadily and surely.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Know what else those foods have in common? Sugar, High glycemic...

    Check your insurance plan, you may not need a referral to a Registered Dietitian. Many insurance companies do pay for visits to Dietitians. You may also be able to request that your doctor send your blood work to the dietitian as well. Most Doctor's don't get much education on nutrition, Registered Dietitians spend 4 years or more getting that degree. If it were me, I'd get advice from somebody who spent 4 years studying food :)
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    just be glad you dont have to take medication, its not funny and its not nice, i have a thyroid condition and its got alot of symptoms as well, so be glad :)
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    edited October 2014
    did you get your test results? If not you should. Sometimes they tell you that you're "normal" when in fact you're not. Many doctors are using outdated ranges that have now been proven to be too broad.

    Not saying you DO have a thyroid condition, but it's better to be absolutely sure you don't.
  • iamanasangel
    I strongly disagree with ignoring what your doctor said... If you disagree with his advice then i would get another opinion. i would not, however, just be my own doctor. I dont know about everyone else here, but im not a doctor, i cant claim to know whats healthy for you. talk to another doctor but do not play doctor by yourself.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Welcome to the boards.
  • hhmb8k
    hhmb8k Posts: 49

    One good thing about not being smart enough to get into medical school. You can never be held responsible for giving out bad medical advice.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    edited October 2014
    What have you got to lose by cutting those foods and listening to your Physician? When you hire on a Physician I would assume you do so based on the fact you trust him/her. I would give it a shot you pay for the medical insurance just as you would a personal trainer to advice your on such or a nutritionist etc...What your Physician is advising isn't off the wall and doing a complete bloodwork was on point yep its not cool when we find out we don't have something to blame it on but be happy its fixable...Start small drop what you can on the list and eat the others in moderation work with your Physician so you can become a better you...Good luck! Based on what he advised it sounds to me your glucose might be a little high..not enough to alarm but just enough he may want you to just start buckling down. Do you know if he did an A1C?