should i do a whole week of a high carb diet to fix leptin so i can boost my fat burn again?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    just to clarify... you dont believe that people need food to survive?
    Yes real talk.

    i dont even know what that means....
    You said i dont think food is neaded for survival right??? I said yes. But listen to me people i dont think food is beneficial because i dont think its beneficial. The only reason why i eat is because in order for me to stay alive. AGAIN!!! in order for me to stay alive.. I have to keep feeding this body to live (when it dosent deserve food) like you people said. But that dont mean i love food. I HATE IT WITH MY SOUL, HEART, MIND, EVERYTHING!!! AGAIN EVERYTHING! otherwise i wouldnt eat if there was a another way for me to survive.

    you do know you just contradicted yourself in the space of those 6 lines...?

    and honestly, you need to speak to a professional if you dont think your body deserves food.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Either you are a troll or you need to seek professional help.

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    In any case, OP, you really need to get some professional help and do a little reading up on how the human body works.
    Listen like i said bump science and how the human body works give me proof that we have to eat to live. Now if you dont mind please tell me how to fix my leptin im bout to go insane over here. I could really use your help.

    How do you know your leptin needs fixing? Did you have it tested through blood work?
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yeh, I think the help we're offering you is that you go and speak to a professional about your diet. This kind of thread is well beyond the realms of general public MFP talk and it's getting to sound quite a serious issue. If anything, a lot of people in this thread are here because they love food too much - like me! To be exchanging conversation with someone who has a passionate disliking for food and just sees it as something that is needed to survive despite the hatred, is strange for us all, and it's quite a serious psychological issue. The actual thread subject has become completely irrelevant.
  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    Yeh, I think the help we're offering you is that you go and speak to a professional about your diet. This kind of thread is well beyond the realms of general public MFP talk and it's getting to sound quite a serious issue. If anything, a lot of people in this thread are here because they love food too much - like me! To be exchanging conversation with someone who has a passionate disliking for food and just sees it as something that is needed to survive despite the hatred, is strange for us all, and it's quite a serious psychological issue. The actual thread subject has become completely irrelevant.
    Again stop trying to tell me about my situation. I hate food and i dont give a flip about what anybody say. The only reason why i came here so i can get help with my body making me crave things thus stalling my weight loss. Which is pissing me off because my weight loss slowed.

  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    In any case, OP, you really need to get some professional help and do a little reading up on how the human body works.
    Listen like i said bump science and how the human body works give me proof that we have to eat to live. Now if you dont mind please tell me how to fix my leptin im bout to go insane over here. I could really use your help.

    How do you know your leptin needs fixing? Did you have it tested through blood work?
    No but i read the symptoms of low leptin and i have all of them. Also again when i first started cutting this wasnt happening and i am a person with alot of willpower. But my body is taking my will strength away by making me crave which i hate. Didnt you read where i said i been cutting 10 months straight and working out alot???

  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    Yeh, I think the help we're offering you is that you go and speak to a professional about your diet. This kind of thread is well beyond the realms of general public MFP talk and it's getting to sound quite a serious issue. If anything, a lot of people in this thread are here because they love food too much - like me! To be exchanging conversation with someone who has a passionate disliking for food and just sees it as something that is needed to survive despite the hatred, is strange for us all, and it's quite a serious psychological issue. The actual thread subject has become completely irrelevant.
    Again stop trying to tell me about my situation. I hate food and i dont give a flip about what anybody say. The only reason why i came here so i can get help with my body making me crave things thus stalling my weight loss. Which is pissing me off because my weight loss slowed.

    I think we're long past anyone being able to give you any advice you're likely to take. My post doesn't tell you to do anything. It suggests you get professional help, like many other posts on here. They may be able to help with your cravings. But if we all had a miracle cure for that none of us would be fat!

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »

    Omg!!!! Love it!!!

    Sorry just had to say that.

    Op- seek help.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sorry, enough already. This is typical teenager attitude. I know, because I have two of them. You do not know everything. Some of us on here have been doing this for longer than you have been alive and in some cases double the number of years you have been alive. So get over yourself. Everyone is trying to help you but you refuse to listen.

    Get some professional help. Most of us are just a bunch of people that love food and got fat and are learning how to lose weight and keep it off while still loving food. You cannot live life with an unhealthy relationship with food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP hates food but wants to eat more...legit thread..

    OP - I suggest that you seek psychological help to examine your relationship with food.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm going to try to take your request seriously....

    Try this site for some leptin changes:

    Also, the more you stress about food vs cravings vs exercise, the less likely you'll be able to change your leptin levels. Honestly, the more you work out (workouts add stress to the body) and the more you defy your craving for sustenance (also adds stress to the body), the more likely your leptin levels will resist change. If you truly don't "like" food, then focus your sustenance intake on those foods packed with protein and healthy fats (nuts, lean meats....) Also, keep this in mind: the changes you were able to accomplish at 228 pounds are significantly different than what you can expect at 158 pounds.

    On another serious point, talk to a professional to seek advice specifically related to your body -- talk to a personal trainer about getting the most out of your workouts to achieve a less than 20% bf if that is your goal. Talk to a nutritionist about how to provide healthy nutrition to keep your body functioning well (this may mean a change in your macros). Talk to you physician to be certain there isn't another hormone issue that is preventing you from achieving your goals. At the same time, if these PROFESSIONALS give advice, then be ready to actually try it rather than disregard it because you think you know better.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    olong wrote: »
    I'm going to try to take your request seriously....

    Try this site for some leptin changes:

    Also, the more you stress about food vs cravings vs exercise, the less likely you'll be able to decrease your leptin levels. Honestly, the more you work out (workouts add stress to the body) and the more you defy your craving for sustenance (also adds stress to the body), the more likely your leptin levels with stay high. If you truly don't "like" food, then focus your sustenance intake on those foods packed with protein and healthy fats (nuts, lean meats....) Also, keep this in mind: the changes you were able to accomplish at 228 pounds are significantly different than what you can expect at 158 pounds.

    On another serious point, talk to a professional to seek advice specifically related to your body -- talk to a personal trainer about getting the most out of your workouts to achieve a less than 20% bf if that is your goal. Talk to a nutritionist about how to provide healthy nutrition to keep your body functioning well (this may mean a change in your macros). Talk to you physician to be certain there isn't another hormone issue that is preventing you from achieving your goals. At the same time, if these PROFESSIONALS give advice, then be ready to actually try it rather than disregard it because you think you know better.

    OP is looking to increase leptin, not reduce it.
  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP hates food but wants to eat more...legit thread..

    OP - I suggest that you seek psychological help to examine your relationship with food.
    You people man.... didnt i just say my body is craving not me i can give a care less if i eat or not but let me ask you a question since everybodys a know it all. I going to use the answers you gave me. You said i hate food but craving. I didnt say i was (AGAIN I) i said my body and psychological mind is making me crave. But im not hungry my body is because i lost weight and my bf is not below 20% and my weight loss slowed thus making me crave. All im asking how do i boost my weight loss back up to lose the rest of this fat and to stop craving because once i hit my lean body mass im not eating no food like i was ever again im going to eat little.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Besides your body and psychology, what else is there?
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Until you stop thinking that food is evil, I'm not sure how you are going to solve your problem. I remember your posts from last week as well. Your body fat is going to drop in time once you continue to do the right things to gain strength, burn fat, and eat at the point that your body doesn't need to store fat. Starting different threads isn't going to help you solve the same problem.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP hates food but wants to eat more...legit thread..

    OP - I suggest that you seek psychological help to examine your relationship with food.
    You people man.... didnt i just say my body is craving not me i can give a care less if i eat or not but let me ask you a question since everybodys a know it all. I going to use the answers you gave me. You said i hate food but craving. I didnt say i was (AGAIN I) i said my body and psychological mind is making me crave. But im not hungry my body is because i lost weight and my bf is not below 20% and my weight loss slowed thus making me crave. All im asking how do i boost my weight loss back up to lose the rest of this fat and to stop craving because once i hit my lean body mass im not eating no food like i was ever again im going to eat little.

    if your body and psychological mind, are not all parts of 'you', what are you?!

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Here is what you need to do.
    Go lift heavy for a while.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    How tall are you? 158 is pretty small for a guy. How much more did you want to lose?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    How tall are you? 158 is pretty small for a guy. How much more did you want to lose?

    Oh, that was a whole thread last week. Doesn't look like he is taking any advice from that thread either.
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