November Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I just posted the December Challenge:

    Post your goals in the above link now, but wait till Monday December 1st to start logging.

    Congratulations on everyone that met their goals or about to. So excited that these challenges have been a huge influence on so many people. It has been one year now that I have managed these challenges and I am so thankful for everyone that participates in them. My first running challenge that I posted was in December 2013.

    Thanks everyone!

    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    Ran a little more than a mile today to get to my goal. Didn't want to run all that far because I'm flying tonight and I want to be able to actually stand up when my flight lands.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Great run everyone, see you again in December!

    11/2 - 12.19 miles
    11/6 - 12.25 miles
    11/15 - 13.1 miles
    11/18 - 2.1 miles
    11/20 - 3.02 miles
    11/22 - 4.04 miles
    11/25 - 4.04 miles
    11/27 - 3.99 miles
    11/29 - 8.03 miles


  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    edited November 2014
    DONE! Made it! Flu or no flu!

    11/1: 8.32 miles
    11/4: 4.01 miles
    11/6: 5.34 miles
    11/7: 3.03 miles
    11/8: 5.90 miles
    11/12: 3.12 miles
    11/13: 2.50 miles
    11/14: 3.17 miles
    11/15: 7.05 miles
    11/17: 3.18 miles
    11/18: 3.00 miles
    11/20: 5.00 miles
    11/22: 8.76 miles
    11/25: 2.25 miles
    11/26: 3.50 miles
    11/27: 4.00 miles
    11/28: 4.02 miles
    11/29: 4.02 miles

  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    04/11 - 10.11km
    07/11 - 10.11km
    09/11 - 13.13km!! :D Longest run ever!!!
    12/11 - 8.78km
    14/11 - 10.11km
    16/11 - 11.11km
    18/11 - 8.78km
    21/11 - 10.11km
    23/11 - 4.73km
    28/11 - 6.1km
    30/11 - 11.01km (10km race!)

    So the 10km race is actually 11.01km! But I did 10km in 1:01:36 so felling pretty good. :smiley: Last km was slow but we had to share the path so had a few obstacles on the last bridge and the wind was so strong!
    Need to rest my leg for a good week now I think!!


  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    11/3 - 3 miles
    11/4 - 3.4 miles
    11/7 - 3.75 miles
    11/11 - 3 miles (went on vacation, did lots of walking, but only ran once)
    11/17 - 3.2 miles. 32 and snowy - what a welcome home from 80 deg orlando!
    11/20 - 3 miles (I'm counting the elliptical because of the 7+ feet of snow)
    11/22 - 3 miles (still buried under 7 feet of snow, gym still closed)
    11/24 - 4.2 miles - Finally back outside! I felt like I could have run forever.
    11/27 - 5 miles - Turkey Trot! Ran the whole thing with no breaks in 54 mins :) There were 12,000 people there, probably could have done better if I didn't have to zig zag. Was a great time!
    11/29 - 3.5 miles

    Whoo hoo! Met my goal!!!

  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    @kindeo - great job! especially running when you were sick!

    @shortMrsN and jtarmom - great job on your races and reaching your goals!!!
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    We were blessed with 3 days without electricity thanks to 14" of heavy wet snow that dropped trees onto the roads & power lines. I am so grateful for the Canadian work crews who came to NH to clear trees & restore our power.

    _Date___ Miles
    Nov 1 ____16.3
    Nov 2 ____7.1
    Nov 3 ____6.2am + 8.1pm
    Nov 4 ____1 streak
    Nov 5 ____6.2am + 7.2pm
    Nov 6 ____1 streak
    Nov 7 ____5.1 *1,400miles in 2014*
    Nov 8 ____10.5
    Nov 9 ____3.1
    Nov 10 ___7.6am + 6.2pm
    Nov 11 ___1 streak
    Nov 12 ___6.4am + 4.9pm
    Nov 13 ___1 streak
    Nov 14 ___10.3
    Nov 15 ___8.1
    Nov 16 ___8.3
    Nov 17 ___6.6am + 7.2 pm
    Nov 18 ___1 streak
    Nov 19 ___4.6am + 9.7 pm (*) 1,500 miles in 2014 (*)
    Nov 20 ___1 streak
    Nov 21 ___13.5
    Nov 22 ___7.75pm + 3.3pm
    Nov 23 ___8.85
    Nov 24 ___3.6am + 10.2pm
    Nov 25 ___1streak (hiked Mt Monadnock)
    Nov 26 ___6.1am + 3pm Snowstorm & GOAL
    Nov 27 ___3.2 still snowing-trees & lines down everywhere
    Nov 28 ___6.9 snow stopped but powers still out
    Nov 29 ___3.2 sunny, but 18F & icy
    ____ Total ____ 226.4



  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Well, yet again, I did not make my goal. I was doing other non-running exercise (walking and resistance training), but I really want to try to get out and run more, because I love running, except for when I don't.

    November 2, 3.1 miles (5K Race), 32 min (my worst 5K race time, stupid asthma)
    November 5, 5.25 miles
    November 8, 11 miles
    November 12, 3 miles
    November 23, 13.1 miles Philadelphia Half marathon (2:27:04)
    November 29, 6.5 miles

    Total: 41.95 miles

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    Nov 27 ___3.2 still snowing-trees & lines down everywhere
    Nov 28 ___6.9 snow stopped but powers still out
    Nov 29 ___3.2 sunny, but 18F & icy
    ____ Total ____ 226.4
    Where do you run when it is like this out?
  • bkbenda
    bkbenda Posts: 265 Member
    11/2 – 6.01 miles (easy)
    11/9 – 10.01 miles (long)
    11/11 – 6.17 miles (8x800)
    11/12 – 3.01 miles (easy)
    11/13 – 7.48 miles (5x1)
    11/14 – 1.61 miles (plus stronglifts)
    11/15 – Rest Day
    11/16 – 3.26 miles (Hog Jog – 5K – 2nd in age group)
    11/17 – 5.04 miles (easy)
    11/18 – Rest Day
    11/19 – 5.27 miles (12x400 intervals)
    11/20 – Rest Day
    11/21 – Rest Day
    11/22 – 6.0 miles (easy)
    11/23 – 4.0 miles
    11/27 – 13.1 miles (2nd Half Marathon – 2:12:44 – PR and goal of sub 2:15 met! Beautiful weather. Happy Thanksgiving!)
    11/28 – 4.0 miles
    1129 – 5.10 miles
    11/30 – 10.0 miles (Goal Met)

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    fabnine wrote: »
    Nov 27 ___3.2 still snowing-trees & lines down everywhere
    Nov 28 ___6.9 snow stopped but powers still out
    Nov 29 ___3.2 sunny, but 18F & icy
    ____ Total ____ 226.4
    Where do you run when it is like this out?

    You go outside :)
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    11/01 = 6 miles
    11/03 = 6.5 miles, evening outdoors run
    11/04 = 0 miles, strength training
    11/05 = 6.5 miles, outdoors
    11/06 = 0 miles, strength training
    11/07 = 7 miles, outdoors
    11/09 = 7 miles, outdoors
    11/11 = strength training
    11/13 = 5 miles, indoors
    11/14 = 5 miles, indoors
    11/16 = strength training
    11/18 = strength training
    11/19 = 6 miles
    11/20 = strength training
    11/22 = 7 miles
    11/23 = 7 miles
    11/24 = 6 miles
    11/25 = strength training
    11/27 = 7 miles
    11/28 = 7 miles indoors + 3 easy miles with my dog
    11/29 = 7 miles
    11/30 = 7 miles

    Done! :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    fabnine wrote: »
    Nov 27 ___3.2 still snowing-trees & lines down everywhere
    Nov 28 ___6.9 snow stopped but powers still out
    Nov 29 ___3.2 sunny, but 18F & icy
    ____ Total ____ 226.4
    Where do you run when it is like this out?

    You go outside :)

    Sure - just trying to picture her running through 2 feet of snow :noway:
  • stmadoesboy
    stmadoesboy Posts: 52 Member
    Managed to put in my longest run yet today and have a "fun" session lined up for later.

    4/11 4.35
    5/11 4.25 (8.6)
    6/11 6.23 (14.83)
    8/11 3.15 (17.98)
    9/11 6.66 (am) and 3.60 (pm) (28.24)
    11/11 4.04 (32.28)
    16/11 7.09 (am) and 4.09 (pm) (43.46)
    20/11 7.02 (50.48)
    22/11 3.27 (53.75)
    23/11 7.09 (am) and 4.25 (pm) (65.09)
    25/11 4.09 (69.18)
    29/11 3.22 (72.40)
    30/11 7.50 (am) and x.xx (pm) (79.90)

  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    MamaP47 wrote: »
    I don't think I'm going to reach my goal...but I'm getting very close!


    I made my goal!! Whoa!!
    11/25 - 75 miles total for Nov
    11/26 - 6 miles
    11/27 - 4 miles
    11/28 - rest
    11/29 - 11 miles
    11/30 - 13.1 miles (prep for HM)

    Total 109.1 yeah!!!
  • larrewl
    larrewl Posts: 122 Member
    edited November 2014

    Date - Run Miles
    11/1 - 5.8
    11/2 - 6.02
    11/3 - Taekwondo
    11/4 - Tennis
    11/5 - 6.2
    11/6 - Tennis
    11/8 - 9
    11/9 - 3.7
    11/13 - 6.7
    11/15 - 12.01
    11/16 - 5
    11/19 - 4.62
    11/20 - 6.01
    11/22 - 12.7
    11/23 - 5.2
    11/24 - 4.72
    11/26 - Fitness Center
    11/29 - 12.12

    Nov Total - 99.8 miles of 100 mile goal (originally 80)
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    2 miles done this morning to complete my 70 miles for this month.
    Bring on the next challenge.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    First sub-zero degree run for this winter!
    (Okay, my thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius, but the first few minutes were cold neverlethess ;) )

    1.11. - 8.6km
    3.11. - 4.5 km
    5.11. - 5.7 km
    7.11. - 4.4 km
    9.11. - 10.3 km
    11.11. - 3.9 km
    13.11. - 4.8 km
    14.11. - 5.8 km
    16.11. - 10.6 km
    18.11. - 4.8 km
    21.11. - 6.8 km
    23.11. - 11.2 km
    24.11. - 3.9 km
    28.11. - 6,9 km
    30.11. - 9,0 km (tacked on an extra round to make sure I get past the magical 100 :D )
    101.2 km done


  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
    @fabnine thanks working as a RN is hard but rewarding and 12 hour shifts are killer. But something I've found is that you have to take the time to do things for your health. In fact it's all about making the time for it. :smile: and if I help motivate people to exercise then it's an added bonus.