Younger girl dating older guys?



  • pscarolina
    pscarolina Posts: 133 Member
    My daughter is 19 (almost 20) & I would be pretty upset if she was interested in a man 10 years older than she is. Of course, she's caught up in a lot of studying, sorority functions, etc. None of that would interest a grown man. She's also a relationship type (like her mommy haha) & doesn't do the hook up thing so if that's what they were after it would be wasted energy.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    My daughter is 23 dating a 30 year old. He's a great guy and he treats her great. All I could ever ask.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I feel that a grown man (25+) who is dating a teenager has some maturity or insecurity issues. What the heck does an adult have in common with a teenager, and for how long?

    I believe it's because they don't want to deal with a mature mind or they want to be your daddy. Just my .02

    Be careful.

  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I married my first husband when I was 18 and he was 24. It lasted all of 4 years.

    I met my current husband when I was 23 and he was 30. We've been together for going on 25 years. If I hadn't been married the first time, I wouldn't have known what my true wants and needs in a partner was. I was also a single mom of a toddler at 23, so I was more mature than a lot of young women my age. If I had met my current husband a few years earlier, we never would have even dated. He was too into partying and being a wild child and I needed stability in my life. So I was the more mature of the two of us when we met. He's come a long way. ;)
  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    w734q672 wrote: »
    ill date the 19year old
    ill have fun with the 14year old

    Be careful with what you say. The FBI might come knocking on your door.

    Yeah buddy, that's sick.
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    nah, to big a gap. I have nieces that age
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    This post just reminded me that I'm not some young thang anymore.
  • cherith778
    I'm 18 and I've dated a 27 year old guy. It worked out great, but eventually life just took us in different directions. Sometimes it works and sometimes it wont. I think it depends more on the people and how well they fit together as opposed to one's age.
  • Motoman02
    Motoman02 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't think age really matters. If you connect, that's all that counts
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    yes im joking i dont like 14year olds

  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    well i met my wife when she was 17 and i was 26, 6 years later and we are married with two kids, take that as you will lol
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    If my 17 year old daughter came home with someone significantly older than her...well that man and I would be having a pretty serious discussion.
  • TrainingToBePerfect
    TrainingToBePerfect Posts: 1,418 Member
    I dated a guy who was oldeer then me, he was just like 3 years older. But in saying that i was 13 he was 16. Big difference back then. But now i'm 23 and i'd have a limit at like 37ish. lol ..But i'm very much in a relationship. Just putting my opinion out there .
  • PapaPeace
    PapaPeace Posts: 1,432 Member
    In my late 20's, I dated a couple of younger women 18-23. The passion was there, the fun was there, and it was nice to have someone who was enthusiastic about life. In the end, though, every time that we parted ways the breakup was ugly (they got clingy and acted irrationally towards the end) and happened because of mismatched life priorities. On the other hand, I married an older woman, and our priorities are the same, and we talk out our differences. Furthermore, breakups with people closer to my age were more amicable. Some of those people even continue to be my friends. That wasn't possible with the younger ones.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    jazzy_45 wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    I am 22 and prefer older men

    More mature, they know what they want, more apt to have confidence, more passionate lovers, wiser and better in bed of now they also know how to please a woman and know how to be gentlemen <3


    Yes and no. I'm certainly no pro porn guy in bed (just your average guy), but I think the difference with older men is, we are just more comfortable with being as good as we are and what we do know we know well. And we actually have more interest in her enjoyment than our own.

    Of course, not all older guys are like that.

    As far as sleeping with a younger girl, if I was single and just looking to have fun that would be fine. However, I really think it would be hard to have a lot in sync with personal goals. Hell, I am looking to retire in 10 years and a 20 something would just be trying to find a career.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    once a guy hits 35, rule us half your age + 7.
  • PapaPeace
    PapaPeace Posts: 1,432 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    jazzy_45 wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    I am 22 and prefer older men

    More mature, they know what they want, more apt to have confidence, more passionate lovers, wiser and better in bed of now they also know how to please a woman and know how to be gentlemen <3


    Yes and no. I'm certainly no pro porn guy in bed (just your average guy), but I think the difference with older men is, we are just more comfortable with being as good as we are and what we do know we know well. And we actually have more interest in her enjoyment than our own.

    Of course, not all older guys are like that.

    As far as sleeping with a younger girl, if I was single and just looking to have fun that would be fine. However, I really think it would be hard to have a lot in sync with personal goals. Hell, I am looking to retire in 10 years and a 20 something would just be trying to find a career.

  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I don't follow rules nor do I subscribe to societal notions of age limits upon relationships aside from those that protect the underage.

    As has been said before, it depends upon the maturity level of both partners.

    That said, at a certain point, natural differences between the ages can start to become rather difficult to bridge depending upon that ages of the couple. Like @Chaelaz mentioned, the differences in goals and life criteria can be killer. It's not impossible to do and it's absurd to say that there is any "right" age for dating, but one must be honest about the challenges that face such a relationship.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I have a 10 year rule, i try not to date anyone more than 10 years younger. So my cut off is normally 26. My grandparents were 10 years apart in age and it lasted 50 some years.